Microteaching #2: Communicative Activities Lesson Plan: Giving Directions

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Julia Damion INTR 613

Microteaching #2: Communicative Activities

Lesson Plan: Giving Directions

Context: Adult ESL class, low intermediate

Materials for microteaching:

 Command / Preposition vocabulary flash cards
 Whiteboard & markers
 Info gap: 2 versions of one map (A and B)
 Enlarged map grid (for this lesson, constructed out of paper, though it could also be
projected onto a whiteboard for greater ease)
 Homework sheet (map of Wheaton)

Objectives: SWBAT…
o Demonstrate understanding of imperatives and preposition of place
o Give directions on a map using imperatives and prepositions of place

PRIOR to microteaching (30-35 minutes):

Students will be introduced to phrases they can use to give directions. They will also have
reviewed prepositions of place, which they had learned previously. Today they will use them
together to give directions on a map. The vocabulary should be mostly review.

Guided Practice: Students will have matched flashcards on the board, rehearsed the
sentences, and then practiced giving directions as a group, based off of a projection of a


Communicative Practice (student to student) – (12-15 minutes)

 Teacher will explain that we are going to practice giving directions to a partner
 Teacher will distribute map, and explain that there are 2 maps: A and B. Teacher will
check to make sure that every other student has the same map.
 Teacher will explain the instructions for the activity (on the board, right-hand side)
o During instructions, the teacher will remind students:
 A) To give directions, we use both imperatives/commands, and
prepositions. Prepositions are especially helpful if we need to know
more details or are not exactly sure where the building is.
 B) It’s ok to ask questions: you can ask “Is it on the corner?” “Is it next
to the fire station?” etc.
 After students complete this activity, they will turn and face the right-hand
whiteboard. There will be an enlarged version of the map they just worked with.
Two of the locations, which they should have found, will be missing from the map.
 Teacher will ask for a student to come up (with their map) and will ask them where
location 1 is. As they give directions, the teacher will draw a line based on what the
student says. Teacher will ask students if it is correct.

 For location 2, there will be two student volunteers: one to ask for directions and the
other to draw the line. Ask students at the end if it is correct.
 Students can check the whiteboard map against their own maps, to make sure their
locations match what is on the board.

Evaluation/Closure (7-10 minutes)

 Teacher will address lingering grammatical difficulties (which will most likely not be
an issue here), and then will ask students how they feel about giving directions.
 Teacher will let them know that they will get to practice more tonight with the
homework (a map of Wheaton). They will call one classmate and ask for directions to
a place on the map. The next day we will talk about how that went.

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