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Run down-buildings or areas are in very bad condition: a run buildingcemetery

Cramped—poco espaciosa a cramped house

Filthy--- extremely or unpleasantly dirty:
Smelly—malholiente (adj)
A strain—Una torcedura
A pull—Un tirón
Queasy,Dizzy, light-headed—Mareado
Sunburn— El Bronceado, quemaduras de sol (sust)
Tan – Broncearse
Nagging (continuo, persistente) I have a nagging pain
Sharp (agudo, fuerte) I have a sharp pain
Sore throat (Dolor de garganta)

Diferentes maneras de cocinar: Boiled(cocido), Fried, Grilled, Steamed(al vapor),

Roasted, Baked,
Carry out—To do or complete something (llevando a cabo, haciendo) our
soldiers carried out a successful attack last night

Capable of
Concerned about/for
Tired of
Social hierarchy—jerarquía social
Baggy—Holgado baggy trousers
Tight – Estrecho (pantalones por jempo)
Button up ( abrocharse; la camisa) He unbuttoned his jacket.
Braces—Tirantes (pero para sujetar el pantalón )
Hardworking, Stubborn terco, Team player, Closed, Ambitous, Persuasive,
Commited, efficient
Describe a work situation and how you overcame it
Descirbe a time you had a heavy workload and how you handled it (descirbe
una vez que tuvo una gran carga de trabajo y cómo la manejó)
Describe your ideal supervisor
Describe your work style
What motivates you?
Where do you see yourseld in one year? Where do `you see yourself three to
five years from now?
How do you define success?
What are your long-term goals?
How Will you know when you are successful?

Leer acerca de las preguntas filosóficas (to throw someone a curve ball)

Look forward to Esperar
Look back on Recordar
Look up Buscar
Look into Examinar
Let up: To stop or diminish (The rain has let up a little)
Let on: To allow the truth to be known
Let down—To disappoint (Someone) I was let down that the restaurant was
close .
Let in (To admit, to enter) Let someone in my house Permitir entrar a alguien
en mi casa.
Let (someone) in on- To share a secret with.
Let off
 To free someone from responsability
 To allow to get away without punishment. The pólice let me off
 To explode or fire(disparar) somebody let of his gun
Take out: relacionado con comida rápida: y te preguntar para tomar aquí o
para llevar? Eat in or take out?
Otro significado: Take the turkey out the oven

Take in
 Take the cat in your house (adoptar)
 to make a piece of clothing narrower (achicar la ropa)

Take over
 to get control of or responsibility for something: They've recently been
taken over by a larger company. (Tomar el control)
 can you take over the driving? (tomar el relevo)

Take up
 To start doing a particular job or activity
 To use an an amount of time or space ( this desk takes up too much
space) ocupar espacio
Take after
 to be similar to an older member of your family. Peter's very tall - he
takes after his father. (parecerse a alguien pero en personalidad no
físicamente por que entonces es look like.
Take off
 Despegar de avión
 Despegar de compañía
Take on
 to accept a responsibility: I don't want to take on too much work.
Take sth down
 to write something:
Did you take down the telephone number?

 to remove something that is on a wall or something that is temporary:

I've taken the pictures down. We took the tent down.
Turn down
 reduce volumen
 reject (She turned down our invitation)
Turn up
 increase volumen (Please turn up the radio
 Appear (He turned up at the party without invitation)

Bring up
 (mencionar algo en una conversación) He recently got divorced, so when
you see him, don’t bring up his wife
 To raise, to rear (criar) Her parents died when she was Young so her
grandparents brought her up
Carry on
To continue . We carried on talking late into the night.
To behave in an inappropiate way (excited, nervous) her Young daugter is
always corrying on. She need more discipline.

Come across
to seem to be a particular type of person: He came across as shy.
If an idea or emotion comes across, it is expressed clearly and people
understand it: His bitterness comes across in his poetry.
Come out
 To become known or recognizable (he was calm when he first arrived,
but his anger came out when he saw he saw his enemy at the party)

 To become available to the public to buy or see The new versión of

that software is coming out in two weeks)
 To result, as in something that is made ( I baked a lasagna last night
and it come out Delicious)
 To publicy declare about oneself something that was hidden (he cameo
ut to his family as gay.
 To become visible in the sky It’s hard for the stars to come out in the
 To join other people in a public place/event come out with us!
Come up with
To crate or suggest as an idea or plan :we tried to come up with some new
ideas to increase our business
End up
 To experience or arrive to an unexpected result: there were no more
tickets for the move so we ended up going bowling

To reach a final position/process we ended up accepting the offer from

that company to buy our business

Fall apart
Break to break into pieces: My poor old boots are falling apart.
to start having problems that you cannot deal with: Their relationship fell
apart after they moved to Detroit.

Get along
To interact harmoniously and/or amiably. Those children never get along. They
are always figthing and yelling at each other.
To continue doing and progressing at something

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