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:Choose the correct answer

.My father (take – takes – took) lots of photos yesterday (1)

.We went to Luxor (in – at – on) holiday last year (2)
.This (is – are – am) my new friend Ali (3)
?Where – What – Why) are you from) (4)
.I sent a (postcards – photos – postcard) to my aunt (5)
.(The High Dam is in (Cairo – Giza – Aswan (6)
.(The opposite of "near" is (big – long – far (7)
.(Crocodiles live in (schools – museums – rivers (8)
.My friend Sara is (of – from – on) Giza (9)
.You (must – mustn't – should) come to school late (10)
.(Late" is the opposite of (amazing – new – early" (11)
.(You must be (late – noisy – tidy (12)
You must (wearing – wear – wore) a helmet when you (13)
?ride a bike
?What (does – do – are) this sign mean (14)
.(You must exit here when there is a (file – fire – far (15)
You mustn't (use – used – uses) your mobile phone in (16)
.the hospital
?Where (does – do – did) you go last week (17)
I like (read – reads – reading) books about the history (18)
.of Egypt
.I don't like (playing – play – plays) basketball (19)
.Let's (go – went – going) to the park (20)
.Let's (buying – buy – bought) ice cream (21)
?I am (tall – tried – tired), can I have a rest (22)
How (long – tall – high) is the great pyramid? It's (23)
.Paris is famous (of – with – for) the Eiffel Tower (24)
.(Siwa was a small fishing (resort – town – village (25)
.Cairo is (hotter – hot – hottest) than Alexandria (26)
?It (was – is – are) 33 degrees in Cairo today (27)
.My father was born (at – in – on) Luxor (28)
Naguib Mahfouz was a famous (singer – footballer – (29)
.A (vet – teacher – doctor) likes helping animals (30)
.(We have ten (arms – nose – fingers (31)
?What (did – do – happened) to Ali (32)
.My father fell (of – off – from) his horse (33)
.(Ancient is the opposite of (long – hot – modern" (34)
.I (cat – coat – cut) my finger (35)
:Finish the following dialogue with these words
[of – What – numbers – Where]
?Ali: - - - (1) - - - do you want to be
.Tamer: I want to be a teacher - - - (2) - - - maths
?Ali: Why
.- - - (Tamer: Because I like working with - - - (3

:Finish the following dialogue with these words

[know – When – Where – famous]
?Teacher: Do you - - - (1) - - - Ahmed Orabi, Sara
.Sara: Yes, I do
?Teacher: - - - (2) - - - was he born
.Sara: He was born in Sharkia
?Teacher: Was he a - - - (3) - - - Egyptian
.Sara: Yes, he was

:Finish the following dialogue

[do – did – went – of]
?Mona: Where - - - (1) - - - you go yesterday, Sally
.Sally: I - - - (2) - - - to the zoo with my family
?Mona: What did you see there
.Sally: I saw lots - - - (3) - - - animals, the zoo is amazing

:Finish the following dialogue with these words

[take – fell – happened – took]
?Ali: What - - - (1) - - - to your brother
.Sami: He - - - (2) - - - off his bike and broke his arm
?Ali: Did you - - - (3) - - - him to the hospital
.Sami: Yes, I did

:Finish the following dialogue with these words

[make – making – job – carpenter]
?- - - (Teacher: What is your father's - - - (1
.- - - (Sally: My father is a - - - (2
?Teacher: What does he like doing
.Sally: He likes - - - (3) - - - furniture
:Choose the correct answer from a, b or c
.A] Teacher: You mustn't come to school late
……………………………………………………… :Mona
.a) Great idea. b) Good bye. c) I am sorry

?..…………………………………………………… :B] Father

.Ali: I went to the zoo
a) Where do you go? b) Where did you go? c) Where will
?you go

:Choose the correct answer from a, b or c

?A] Mother: What do you like eating
.………………………………………… :Sara
a) I like playing tennis. b) I like eating ice cream? c) I like

?..………………………………………… :B] Sally

.Mona: I want to be an engineer
a) How old are you? b) Where are you from? c) What do
?you want to be

:Choose the correct answer from a, b or c

?A] Mona: Is Alexandria colder than Aswan
.………………………………………………… :Mother
.a) Yes, it does. b) Yes, it is. c) Yes, it is n't

?…………………………………………………… :B] Dina

.Dalia: I cut my chine
?a) Where are you? b) How are you? c) What happened

:Choose the correct answer from a, b or c

.A] Ali: This is my friend, Sami
.…………………………… :Tamer
a) Fine. B) Hello, Sami. c) Thank

?...…………………………………………………… :B] Mona

.Sara: You mustn't stop here
?a) Can you see this sign? b) Where is the sign
?c) What does this sign mean

:Rearrange the following to make meaningful sentences

.went – on – to – We – holiday – on - Aswan (1)
.anywhere – smoke – You – mustn't (2)
?there – What – do – you – did (3)
.lives – near – Luxor – My – family (4)
.at – work hard – You – school – must (5)
.are – We – learning – the – about – Egyptians – ancient (6)
.was – famous – a – Hossam Hassan – footballer (7)
.was – 35 - yesterday – It – in – degrees – Cairo (8)
.pure – Siwa – famous for –water – the - is (9)
.is – than – Luxor – hotter – Cairo (10)
.ate – The – a big – crocodile – fish (11)
.in – was – My – born – father – 1974 (12)
.was – He – a – Egyptian –famous (13)
?do – What – you – be – to – want (14)
.a – to – be – I – pilot – want (15)
fell off – My – the – father – (16)
.cut – her – Mona – chine (17)
.have – We – fingers – ten (18)
?this – does – What – mean – sign (19)
the – mobile – You – classroom – mustn't – use – in – (20)

:Rearrange the following to make meaningful sentences

.animals – A – likes – vet – helping (1)
.listen – teacher – You – to – must - your (2)
.went – I – and – the – saw – zoo – lion – the (3)
?your – What – sister – does – to – want – be (4)
.is – 37- Luxor – in – It – degrees – today (5)
.desert – Siwa – city – the – in – is – beautiful – a (6)
.diving – I – in – like – Red Sea – the (7)
.and – We – olives – ate – dates (8)
.like – I – goals – scoring (9)
?did – What – to – you – your – aunt – send (10)
.Paris – The – is – Eiffel Tower – in (11)
.built – The – Egyptians – the – ancient – pyramids (12)
.on – You – to – come – school – must – time (13)
.some – Put – the – ice – on - cut (14)
.wants – He – be – pilot – to – a (15)
?the – pyramid – How – is – great – high (16)
.bigger – is – Cairo – than – Tanta (17)
.from – Is – Ali – Cairo (18)
.litter – class – throw – You – the – mustn't – in (19)
?him – the – to – Did – take – you – hospital (20)

:Look at the pictures and write a sentence describing each

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