Itesm, Campus Morelia Regional Scenarios

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Regional Scenarios

The first International Peace Conference.

Group 4

International conference about the development of the population, the

Regional Scenarios

progress and the perspective of Latin America.

1915 -
Miss. Bárbara Portilla
Itesm, Campus Morelia

Decade of the racism combat and the racial discrimination.

1983 -
Decade for the transport and the communications in Asia and the Pacific.

1985 -
Time Line

International decade for the cultural development.

1988 -
Programs with migration incidence.

Combat for the Natural Disasters reduction. The care of the environment.

1990 -
Transport and communications in Africa decade. Combat against the drug


1991 -
Group 4

Meeting for international support of the World Indian populations.

1994 -
Regional Scenarios

Miss. Bárbara Portilla

Itesm, Campus Morelia

Increase in the Human Rights.

1995 -
Poverty eradication.

1997 -
Approve by 192 member states against the terrorism, which says that the
UN give the face to the terrorism in all their forms and manifestations and

that the terrorism must be condemned and it should not be tolerated.

Meeting over the necessities of Africa in development material, effects of the

international food crisis and the climate change. Convention with the right of

persons with disabilities.

The General Secretary starts the preparative for the Special Team institution
to stabilize a Secretary Special Team about the execution of the Combat

against the Terrorism in the Politic cases Department. (DAP)

June- International meeting on maternal and reproductive health. August-

Reseach, known as the world's largest particle physics laboratory.The UN agency tasked with helping to protect intellectual property has struck

a cooperation agreement with the European Organization for Nuclear

Itesm, Campus Morelia
Regional Scenarios
Group 4
Miss. Bárbara Portilla

United Nations

“We the peoples… A stronger UN for a better world.”

This emblem tries to express to the people that all the humans must work together to re-
establish harmony and unity between us and natural environment. That when we thing
about the United Nations, we have to think about a global governance system created
by the people to respect and support humans, animals, minerals, vegetable and cosmic
system, so we could have a better world.

Itesm, Campus Morelia
Regional Scenarios
Group 4
Miss. Bárbara Portilla
Aims and Principles of the UN

INTERNATIONAL LAW: This term is used to refer the laws that govern the conduct of
the independent Nations with the other ones.

WORLD PEACE: With the participation of his 192 members the decide everything
concerning to wars, and agreements of peace.

GLOBAL SECURITY: It is the measure taken by international organizations (like ONU)

and nations to ensure the safety of the world

ECONOMIC & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: It looks for the economic and social
advanced of all the nations.

HUMAN RIGHTS: “Rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled” This means
that just by the fact that someone is a human being have some rights.

Departments and Offices

Itesm, Campus Morelia
Regional Scenarios
Group 4
Miss. Bárbara Portilla

Abbreviations of each department, office or

OSG3 Office of the Secretary-General
OIOS Office of Internal Oversight Services
OLA Office of Legal Affairs
DPA Department of Political Affairs
UNODA Office for Disarmament Affairs
DPKO Department of Peacekeeping Operations
DFS4 Department of Field Support
OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs
DGACM Department for General Assembly and Conference Management
DPI Department of Public Information
DM Department of Management
UN-OHRLLS Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed
Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing
OHCHR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
DSS Department of Safety and Security

Secretaries in other countries

UNOG UN Office at Geneva
UNOV UN Office at Vienna
UNON UN Office at Nairobi

Programs and Funds

UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
ITC International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/WTO)
UNDCP1 United Nations Drug Control Program
UNEP United Nations Environment Program
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
UNDP United Nations Development Program
UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women

Itesm, Campus Morelia
Regional Scenarios
Group 4
Miss. Bárbara Portilla

UNV United Nations Volunteers

UNCDF United Nations Capital Development Fund
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNHCR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
WFP World Food Program

UNRWA2 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in
the Near East
UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements Program

Research and Training Institutes

UNICRI United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and Research
UNRISD United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
UNIDIR2 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
UN-INSTRAW United Nations International Research and Training Institute for
the Advancement of Women

Other UN Entities
UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services
UNU United Nations University
UNSSC United Nations System Staff College
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS

Other UN trust founds

UNFIP United Nations Fund for International Partnerships
UNDEF United Nations Democracy Fund

Itesm, Campus Morelia
Regional Scenarios
Group 4
Miss. Bárbara Portilla

Restraints and Opportunities


1. The UN can not interfere directly in the government of the countries, this means
that they can give them advices, but they are not allowed to take the final


1. The UN creates a program were the most important point is “Autism and
Human Rights: Understanding and Safeguarding the Rights of people with
Autism” They will investigate more about this sickness and fight against it.
2. ONU is making a new program of education that will be implemented on
countries with a bad education system, such as India and Swaziland and they will
build more school.
3. The ONU continue with the search concerning the Global Warming one of
the biggest problems of this century, they are trying to make an impact on the
people with campaigns to start to make a change.
4. UN continues with the preparation of food, and water for the next natural
disaster that can occur, this is with the voluntary help from the people all around
the world.
5. Since 2009 UN start the program “No woman should die giving life”, this is
because on 2008 80,696 died, and they are trying to reduce this amount to an a
40% on this year.

Itesm, Campus Morelia
Regional Scenarios
Group 4
Miss. Bárbara Portilla

Conclusion about the reforms in the UN

In this world that is constantly changing, the UN needs a reform more than ever. The
people of the world needs to see changes in this organization because in some parts of
our planet there is so much problems and war that the citizens doesn’t feel supported by
anything, and that’s a very big problem for the UN because this organization is made to
protect, help and support all the people around the world. Therefore the UN must make
a reform in areas like “environment, public health and human security. Some titles of the
reforms that the UN want to do are: “Moving forward on developmental challenges”,
“Strengthening UN efforts to maintain peace and security” one of the most important in
our opinion, “Bringing human rights to all people of the world”, “Strengthening
humanitarian action” the UN must be more effective with the victims of natural disasters
and “Reforming management and operations practices”. Hopefully the UN will put on
practice this Reforms soon.

We made our project in a very effective way, first we get the 3 of us together
on the library of the school and then we deal the activities on this way:
Maura: /Organizational system of the UN / Draft a conclusion about the
necessities to reform the UN.

Itesm, Campus Morelia
Regional Scenarios
Group 4
Miss. Bárbara Portilla
Paulette: /Main milestones of the UN History from 1899 and 2010. / Meaning
of the UN flag and its emblem/ Format of the Report

Diego: /UN Charter and the aims and principles of the UN/Name and explain
opportunities (5) and restraints (5) of today’s United Nation system/ Team

The communication among the team was really good, because we made the
hole project together in the same place, so when someone need it help, the
other members of the tem help him.
It was a good team work.

S/A; The UN Works for people and the world, Recuperado el 27 de agosto del
Josh Estey; The UN Works for people and the world; Education; Recuperado
el 27 de agosto del 2010
Lindsey Thoeng and Phillip Alnswick-Tobias; The UN Works for people and
the world; Peace; Recuperado el 27 de agosto del
Lindsey Thoeng; The UN Works for people and the world; Climate challenge;
Recuperado el 27 de agosto del 2010

S/A; FMM Educación; Fechas importantes de la ONU; Recuperado el 27 de agosto de


S/A; UN, United Nations General Assembly, recuperado el 27 de agosto del 2010

UN, About UN, organization chart, recuperado el 26 de agosto de 2010

S/A; UN; Reform; recuperado el 28 de agosto del 2010;


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