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School Name: institute for foundational learning inc Date:

Name: Glenn Mark C Cruz (Optional)

Grade: 10th 11th 12th

Age: 15 16 17 18 19

Gender: Male Female

Thinking about your school, how much you agree or disagree with the following? For each statement,

please write your name (i.e zoey ) on the appropriate box.

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree Agree
1. Students in my school treat Glenn
one another with respect.
2. I feel physically safe inside the Glenn
3. My school disciplines students Glenn
4. My principal models respectful Glenn
5. My school respects different Glenn
religions and cultures.
6. Students in my school care about Glenn
learning and getting a good
7. Faculty and staff value what Glenn
students have to say.
8. Students are encouraged to say Glenn
what they think.
9. Teachers treat one another with Glenn
10. Teachers help each other and work Glenn
11. Student discipline practices and Glenn
policies are fair.
12. Students and teachers treat each Glenn
other with respect.
13. Students in my school help one
another even if they are not friends.
14. I feel emotionally safe in my classes Glenn
15. I feel that I belong (accepted and Glenn
liked) at school
1. Please put the acronyms in the box on how much you disagree or agree with each of the


Strongly Disagree - (SD) Disagree – (D) Strongly Agree – (SA) Agree – (A)

My school is safe. A

My school has a curriculum that challenges students. A

My school's discipline policy is fair. A

Teachers in my school value what students have to say. A

Teachers in my school respect all religions. A

Administrators in my school value what students have to say. A

Administrators in my school respect all religions. SA

Students in my school get away with not doing their work. D

Students in my school get to be creative and use their abilities in school. A

Students in my school are often disruptive, taking away from my learning time. SA

Students in my school are being prepared well for after high school. SA

Students in my school are being encouraged to develop their own voice. SA

2. How many teachers at your school…

(Please write the word “Lodi” on the appropriate box)

have high expectations for students?

are very committed to teaching? Lodi

are familiar with the surrounding community or neighborhood?

try to do what's best for all student? Lodi

make learning fun? Lodi

make you comfortable to ask them any question? Lodi

3. Thinking about your relationships with your teachers, please write the acronyms in the box to

which you agree/disagree with the following:

Strongly Disagree - (SD) Disagree – (D) Strongly Agree – (SA) Agree – (A)

Most of my teachers like me. SA

Most of my teachers respect me. A

Most of my teachers trust me. A

Most of my teachers know my name. D

Most of my teachers don't understand me. SD

Most of my teachers are not helpful. SD

Most of my teachers pick on me. D

Most of my teachers encourage me to do my best. A

4.Please put the numbers on the box on how well you think the following statements

describe you:

1-Not at all Like Me 2-Not much Like Me 3-Somewhat Like Me 4-A Lot Like Me

I really want to learn. 4

I participate regularly in class. 4

I often need extra help with schoolwork. 4

I tried my best but it doesn't help me do well. 2

I am usually bored with what we study in class. 1

The topics I am studying in school are interesting and challenging. 4

I can do better work than I'm doing now. 4

5. For each statement, please mark Yes or No. Have you ever skipped a class or school



You did not feel ready to take a test.

You did not complete an assignment.

You were being bullied or harassed by other students.

You were not getting along with a teacher.

You did not feel safe at school.

You did not feel safe traveling to or from school.

Your classes were boring.

You had family responsibilities and/or troubles.

You needed to go to work for money.

You did not feel like you "belong".

6. Mark the things that your teachers speak with you one-on-one about:

(Please write the word “Lodi” on the appropriate box)

Good academic performance. LODI

Not completing homework assignments.

Plans for college or work after high school.

Interests and talents. LODI


Active classroom participation. LODI

Poor academic performance.

How to complete homework. LODI

Family Problem.

Discord Friendship.

7. Have you ever thought about dropping out of school? *Please underline the word*

Yes No

8. Have you ever talked to a teacher about dropping out of school or things you can

do to stay in school? *Please underline the word*

Yes No

9. Which of the following are the three most important qualities for teachers?

(Please write the word “Lodi” on the appropriate box)

Explaining material well to students.

Working with all students' styles of learning. LODI

Using fun and creative techniques. LODI

Building trust and respect with students. LODI

Having control of the classroom.

Subject matter expertise.

Believing in all students' abilities to learn. LODI

Working well with students from different backgrounds LODI

Giving students a lot of individual help with their work. LODI

Thank you for your cooperation! 

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