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CHFI Lab Manual

Investigating Wireless
Module 17
Module 17 – Investigating Wireless Attacks


Forensics Challenge: VoIP

Source: The forensic challenge was originally published as a part of The Honeynet
Project at The challenge was provided by Ben Reardon
from the Australian and SjurEivindUsken from Norwegian Chapter of the The
Honeynet Project. The content is reproduced with permission of the

I C O N K E Y The Challenge
 Valuable Section 1:

 Test your
Navigate to D:\Evidence Files\Forensics Challenges\HONEYNET
knowledge Challenges\Challenge 4 of the Forensic Challenge 2010 - VoIP and analyze the
 Web exercise
The logfile logs_v3.txt was generated from an unadvertised, passive honeypot
 Workbook review located on the internet such that any traffic destined to it must be nefarious. The
honeypot was scanned by parties’ unkonwn, with a range tools and this activity is
represented in the logs_v3.txt file.
Notes on logs_v3.txt:

 The IP address of the honeypot has been changed to

honey.pot.IP.removed. In terms of geo-location, pick your favorite city.

 The MD5 hash in the authorization digest is replaced with


 Some octets of external IP addresses have been replaced with an X

 Several trailing digits of phone numbers have been replaced with an X
 Assume the timestamps in the log files are UTC
Analyze the Logs_v3.txt and answer the following questions:
1. What protocol is being used? Is it TCP or UDP?
2. Could this log be the result a simple nmap scan being run against the
honeynet? Explain.
3. List the tool:
a) Name the scanning tools that may have been used to by the attacker.

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Module 17 – Investigating Wireless Attacks

b) What was the tool suite author's intended use of this tool suite? Who
was it designed to be used by?
c) One of these tools was only used against a small subset of extensions.
Which were these extensions and why were only they targeted with this
4. List the extensions:
a) How many extensions were scanned? Are they all numbered extensions,
or named as well? List them.
b) Categorize these extensions into the following groups, and explain to
method you used:
o Those that exist on the honeypot, and require authentication.
o Those that exist on the honeypot, and do not require
o Those that do not exist on the honeypot.
5. Was a real SIP client used at any point? If it was, what time was it used, and
6. List the following, include geo-location information.
a) Source IP addresses involved.
b) The real world phone numbers that were attempted to be dialed.
7. Draw a simple static or animated timeline of events, describing when and
where certain phases occurred from, and what the purpose of each phase
8. Assuming this were a real incident, write 2 paragraphs of an Executive
summary of this incident. Assume the reader does not have IT Security or
VOIP experience.
a) First Paragraph: Write, in the minimum detail necessary a description
the nature and timings, and possible motives of the attack phases.
b) Second Paragraph: What actions would you recommend should occur
following this particular incident, include any priority/urgency. Also
describe any good practices that should be employed to mitigate future
Section 2:
Navigate to D:\Evidence Files\Forensics Challenges\HONEYNET
Challenges\Challenge 4 of the Forensic Challenge 2010 - VoIP. Analyze the
Forensic_challenge_4.pcap and answer the following questions:

1. Which protocols are involved in the PCAP (VOIP protocols and

otherwise)? Give a brief explanation as to their purpose.
2. List the following.

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Module 17 – Investigating Wireless Attacks

a) Which codec does the RTP stream use?

b) How long is the sampling time (in milliseconds)?
3. How did the attacker gain access to the server? List ways this could have
been prevented.
4. What information was gained by the attacker?
5. The PCAP includes a (not so) hidden bonus! [hint1: You cannot read it in
the pcap, hint2: It is a city with an active honeynet chapter]
a) Describe it, and explain how you found it.
b) If VOIP packets between the two calling parties traverse an untrusted
network (e.g. the wireless/internet) and a similar PCAP was captured by
a malicious party, would you think this a security problem? why?
c) Wireshark has an option Use RTP timestamp. What is the function of
this option?
6. What technologies or protocols can be used to protect confidentiality of
RTP traffic as it traverses untrusted networks?
Section 3:
1. What is RTP injection and describe how it functions. What conditions are
required to allow this?
2. Explain how a SIP password digest could be intercepted or stolen. Is this a
security issue? Why or why not?
3. Is DDoS a threat to VOIP systems? Are there any general functional
requirements of telephony systems that would be impaired by a DDoS?

Challenge Result
Note: The tools and methodologies used here, and results obtained are
provided for your reference. The actual results may vary according to your
selection of tools and methodologies.
Section 1:
1. Tools used: awk, vim, sort, uniq, grep, SIPlogparser.rb (custom tool)
Look at all the Via parameter of all the logged SIP messages.
grep "Via:" logs_v3.txt |awk '{match($0,"Via:
SIP\/2.0\/(TCP|UDP)");print substr($0,1,RLENGTH);}' |sort |uniq
franck@ODIN:~/Analysis/Sources/Honeynet/Challenge 4$ grep "Via:"
logs_v3.txt |awk '{match($0,"Via: SIP\/2.0\/(TCP|UDP)");print
substr($0,1,RLENGTH);}' |sort |uniq awk: AVERTISSEMENT: séquence
d'échappement « \/ » traitée simplement comme « / » Via: SIP/2.0/UDP

2. All the messages stored in this log file have used UDP as transport
protocol. This log cannot be the result of a simple Nmap scan
because Nmap does not speak SIP out-of-the-box.

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Module 17 – Investigating Wireless Attacks

Actually with nmap is possible to do a lot more than simply probe the
UDP port by writing a lua script for NSA (Nmap Scripting Engine). So,
with a little lua coding it will be possible to perform a scan which leaves
a trace like this - even mimic/faking a sip vicious scan (UserAgent,
behaviour, etc.) - but it would no longer be a simple nmap scan.
3. Tool list:
a) Tools used: vim
The scanning tools are from SIPvicious suite.
More in detail: The (one probe only), and tools.

b) The intended use is SIP VoIP systems auditing.

It is designed to be used by SIP administrators and security

c) Tools used: sed, sort, uniq

The tool was used against the following extensions:
Extension Cracking Attempts

100 -

101 30

102 29

103 22

104 43

This is because the REGISTER attempts for 101, 102, 103, and 111
received a 401 reply, so these extensions were reported by
to be existent and marked with reqauth. Due to a lack of
Authorization header both in the and Zoiper attack
phases we can assume that extension 100 received a 200 during the
enumeration phase and was then reported by to be existent
and marked with noauth.
Despite that, all these five extensions were later feeded into for the cracking phase, even if cracking 100 was
pointless. There are only two log entries for 100 in the
phase, because the tool quitted after the 200 reply.
We can argue that the cracking dictionary (or number range) was the
same for all the probed extensions, so we can guess that 101, 102
and 103 where cracked while 111 would have been cracked only if
dictionary or range size was more than 43 items.
Other than that, there are no evidences that 102, 103 and 111 were
successfully cracked, while evidence exists that at least 101 was

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Module 17 – Investigating Wireless Attacks

4. Extension list:
a) Tools used: sed, sort, wc
Total: 2652
Numbered: 2608
Named: 44 (aaron abigail admin andrew asterisk christopher client
cpanel data fax freddy heaven help info jane jobs Joshua manager
market marketing mike news norman operator oracle orders owner
postfix postmaster richard sales samantha sarah sebastian service
shop spam steve steven support temp test trixbox user)
b) Tools used: vim, sed
Exists and require authentication: 101, 102, 103, and 111
Evidences: Authorization header is present in some of the log
entries, so server replied with 401 to the previous attempt.
Exists and do not require authentication: 100
Evidences: No “Authorization” header sent neither by the, nor by Zoiper. So server always replied with 200 to the
requests for extension 100.
Not existent: Every other
Evidences: No more logs after the end of scan at 2010-
05-02 01:49:46.992699, so we can assume that requests for these
extensions always returned 404.

5. Tools used: grep, sort

It is likely that Zoiper (rev.6751) was used from 2010-05-05
10:00:08.170954 to try to place three calls REGISTERing as extension
101 and 100. Obviously, User-Agent header string is under attacker's
control and it is easily spoofable. Looking at the client and at the
timings, it is likely that the three calls were attempted to test the
overseas call capabilities of the involved extensions.

6. Tools used: whois, web browser

IP addresses:

a. 210.184.X.Y … Hong Kong

b. 89.42.194.X … Costanta, Romania
Real world phone numbers (called from Australia):

a. 00112322228XXXX … City: Freetown (city), Country: Sierra

Leone, Carrier: Sierratel

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Module 17 – Investigating Wireless Attacks

b. 00112524021XXXX … Region: Central Somalia, Country:

Somalia, Carrier: Hormuud
c. 900114382089XXXX … guess the intended real number was
0011(43)820-89XXXX, belonging to Austria numbering plan for
services with regulated maximum tariffs; maybe a typo or an
attempt to prepend a long-distance-call-enabling digit to the real

7. Decomposed this incident in 4 phases:

8. Real incident assumption:

a) On 02/05/2010 and 05/05/2010 the company's VoIP system was
targeted by two network attacks from the outside. Despite the
sources of the two attacks were very different (namely Hong Kong
and Romania) is very likely that the both where performed by the
same entity. The 02/05/2010 attack started at 01:43:05 and was a
12 minutes three-phase attack.
The first was the discovery phase, to find the PBX on the Internet.
The second was the enumeration phase, to find valid accounts. The
third was the cracking phase, to guess the passwords of the account
found in the previous phase.
The 05/05/2010 attack occurs at 10:00 AM and was likely a test
drive to verify the overseas call capabilities of the accounts gathered
in the first attack. The both attack where successful: thanks to weak
or blank passwords, they gain access to at least four (100, 101, 102,
and 103) and up to five (the previous four plus 111) company VoIP
accounts and they were able to place at least two valid overseas call

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Module 17 – Investigating Wireless Attacks

impersonating 100 and 101 accounts. The attack was likely in

preparation of future abuses of our VoIP PBX to make
overseas/expensive calls for free, eventually reselling to unaware
third parties the telephone traffic for which we would have been
billed. The abuse attempt was discovered in it is early stage, so the
overall cost of the attack is limited to the bill for the two 5/05/2010
overseas calls plus forensics analysis and emergency flaw fixing
b) Assume a small size company with a few dozen VoIP extensions
and little budget, so no expensive solutions like IPSs.
Some emergency measures have already been taken in order to stop
the abuse of the PBX. We recommended the following corrective
actions and fixes:

Action Extensions Urgency Suggested

Assign a strong password to abused 100, 101, 102, Very high Done
account/extension 103, 111

Deploy and possibly enforce a policy for High 3d

strong passwords

After that, change the password of All High 3d

every VoIP account

Inhibit calls for overseas destination All Medium 2w

and premium rate numbers known to be
useless and define internal procedures
to unlock the blocked destination by
user request.

We also recommend following good practices to evaluate and adopt:

a. Do not expose VoIP system to the outside world, if not required
b. Off-site/external users should access VoIP system only over
encrypted VPN channels
c. Calls for geographic/overseas destination and premium rate
numbers should be enabled on a per-user/per-group basis
d. Restrict client capabilities by source ip/net (internal, internal-
privileged, external, etc.)
e. Enable features that would discourage scanning, like replying with
an authorization request for every request for an unknown
f. Enable simple daily statistics of VoIP traffic/destination for early
detection of misuse patterns (overall call count, long-
destination/overseas call count, failed login attempts, etc.);
monitoring with existing NMS is strongly suggested.

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Module 17 – Investigating Wireless Attacks

Section 2:
1. Tools used: Wireshark
a. SIP over UDP: Register extension 555, set-up and terminate a call
from 555 to 1000
b. RTCP: RTP quality monitoring and a little RTP session management
c. RTP: Audio streams
d. HTTP: Trixbox web administration interface browsing
e. ICMP: A couple of port unreachable (pcap seq 4445, 4447) from elicited by RTP frames with RTP seq 38112 and 38113
(pcap seq 4440, 441) reaching after port 63184/udp
was almost closed.

2. Tools used: Tshark

a) Tshark gives useful information on RTP streams within a PCAP
franck@ODIN:~/Analysis/Sources/Honeynet/Challenge 4$ tshark -r
Forensic_challenge_4.pcap -qz rtp,streams
========================= RTP Streams ========================

Src IP addr Port Dest IP addr Port SSRC Payload

Pkts Lost Max Delta(ms) Max Jitter(ms) Mean Jitter(ms) Problems? 63184 18150 0xA254E017 ITU-T G.711 PCMU

1811 -30 (-1.7%) 1940.06 122.24 11.28 X 18150 63184 0x42AFE59B ITU-T G.711 PCMU
1302 0 (0.0%) 56.05 3.43 0.32 X

These stats indicate that the G.711 µ-law (or u-law) codec was used for
the VoIP call.
b) G.711 family of codecs uses a sampling frequency of 8 kHz (8000
Hz). Meaning, the voice or audio stream is sampled 8000 times in
one (1) second. So, the sampling time or length of one sample is
1/8000 s = 0.000125 s = 0.125 ms

3. Tools used: Tshark

a. At the beginning of the attack, the attacker ( sent a
SIP OPTIONS request for extension 100 at (packet
b. The tool used by the attacker seems to be from the
SIPvicious suite. responded to the request with a
200 OK response and a lot of information on the targeted
extension. (packet #2)

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Module 17 – Investigating Wireless Attacks

Attacker gets the information about User-Agent message header

field of the response
c. Attacker tried to connect to the box with HTTP. (starting at packet
d. Attacker tried to access the Admin pages via the /maint URL
(packet #6). But, the access to these pages is protected by a
login/password pair.
e. Attacker guessed that he was facing a poorly secured PBX and tried
the default administrative credentials to access /maint. (packet #60)
Basic authentication was used and the decoding of the base64
encoded string: bWFpbnQ6cGFzc3dvcmQ= reveals that the default
login/password for a tribox system was tried by the attacker.
This kind of attack could have been prevented by:
 At least, changing the user’s maint default password!
 Filtering HTTP access to the box

4. Tools used: tshark, httpdumper

Over other PBX related information, the attacker gained details about
555 and 556 extensions (view eq 91) by opening
sip_custom.conf configuration file from within the web interface,
including accounts username (555) and password (1234)

5. Tools used: Wireshark

a) The RTP audio stream contains the phrase “[...] the secret password
is mexico [...]”.
The secret password is MEXICO.
The RTP audio stream is corrupted and distorted by out of sequence
frames, errors in frame timestamp and delayed packed which are likely
to fall out of the jitter buffer. This is especially true in the very
interesting part of the stream.
The steps to improve audio quality were:
 Reorder the frames by RTP timestamp instead of capture time
 Increase the jitter buffer (a use full option with no drawbacks for
non-interactive conversations like this)

b) Tools used: Wireshark

Looking only at packets strictly related to VOIP:

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Module 17 – Investigating Wireless Attacks

SIP: Extension 555 has a very weak password (1234), so it would be

very easy and fast for an attacker to brute-force the authentication
header even without any knowledge of the HTTP part of the
stream; speaking of SIP password cracking, it is quite common to
try a digit-only-brute-force first, so the cracking time of this kind of
secrets is very small;

RTP: unencrypted voice stream may carry sensitive informations; for

example... a very secret password (mexico, you know..) exchanged
by voice.
Looking at the whole capture:

The trixbox web interface was browsed with basic authentication

over cleartext HTTP; the authentication header is
bWFpbnQ6cGFzc3dvcmQ= which decode in the already easy
guessable default credentials (Username = maint, Password
=password). Even if in this very case it would have been very easy
to access the web interface using this default password even without
any knowledge of the pcap content.
Looking at the capture event itself:

The attacker is in a very privileged place: if he can capture that pcap,

maybe he can even easily alter the audio stream (injection) with no
need to guess anything (IP and ports, conversation time, sequence
numbers, RTP Timestamp values, etc.).
c) To place the RTP frames in the right timing order using the
timestamp in the RTP payload instead of the frame pcap capture
time. In other words, to align samples in the right timeline.

6. Multiples solutions exist to protect and secure RTP exchanges. They

mostly rely on message authentication, encryption. Here are some
examples of such technologies:
 SRTP (RFC 3711) can be used to protect RTP traffic. It is an RTP
profile which provides confidentiality (through encryption), message
authentication and replay protection to the RTP and RTCP traffic.
 ZRTP provides a key agreement protocol to exchange key information
(using Diffie-Hellman exchange) between calling parties in RTP
packets (in-band). Then ZRTP uses SRTP to secure the data stream.
 Using a protocol like RTSP which provides a way to multiplex data
and control in a single stream (RTSP + RTP data) supported by a
unique TCP connection. This connection can then be secured using
TLS hence offering the expected confidentiality.
 RTP can also be protected with the security offered by the network

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Module 17 – Investigating Wireless Attacks

Section 3:
1. RTP injection is a kind of attack where the attacker is able to inject or
mix RTP packets in an ongoing call between two parties. One
objective of this attack can be to diffuse SPIT (SPams over Internet
Telephony) by injecting a pre-recorded audio message in an
established VoIP call. This attack targets only the media protocol (RTP)
and hence is totally independent of the signaling protocol used to setup
the call.
RTP injection is only possible when some specific conditions are met:
a. The targeted RTP stream must be unencrypted
b. The use of UDP protocol as transport protocol for RTP
c. The attacker must be able to capture at least one valid RTP packet
from the stream. This packet will be used as a template to construct
the spoofed RTP packets that will be later injected in the stream.
d. From this packet, the attacker has to get critical information on the
stream to successfully inject RTP packets.
 The payload type
 The RTP Sequence number
 The RTP timestamps
 Synchronization Source Identifier (SSRC)
If all this conditions are met, the attacker should be able to correctly
craft RTP packets and to inject them in the on-going call.

2. At least two ways can be used to intercept and steal SIP password
By sniffing SIP traffic:
a. Attacker can take control of a poorly secure switch (password brute-
force, exploit, social engineering...) and the configure traffic
b. Attacker can have previously attacked a poorly secure Wireless LAN
and then can sniff traffic over the air
c. Intrusive: attacker can insert a hub or a PC with two NIC cards on
the traffic path
By Redirecting SIP traffic flowing between a client and a server to
the attacker using Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack.

On today's switched networks, an attacker cannot easily eavesdrop on

the traffic not destined to him. So, he has to use traffic diversion by
launching a MitM attack against a SIP client and a SIP proxy for

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Module 17 – Investigating Wireless Attacks

a. DNS entry modification to divert traffic to the attacker host

b. ARP spoofing (gratuitous ARP) directed to a client and associating
the IP address of the SIP server to the attacker's MAC address
c. Flooding switches with lot of unknown MAC address to exhaust
CAM table and force the switch to broadcast all the packets over all
the ports...
If attack is successful, the attacker will be able to eavesdrop on SIP
traffic (and surely other kind of network traffic flowing between the two
parties) and steal password digest.

3. DDoS stands for Distributed Denial-of-Service.

It is an attempt to make a particular service, offered by a server,
unavailable to its legitimate users by denying it or bringing the server
that offers the service down (Crash, reboot-loop...).
Distributed Denial-of- Service involves the use of a medium to large
amount of previously compromised computers (e.g. Zombies and
BotNets) to launch a synchronized attack against a unique target. The
primary objective is to exhaust server resources, thus making it unable
to process legitimate user's requests.
VoIP systems like any other servers need resources to make their jobs
(Calls handling for example); these resources are CPU, memory,
network bandwidth, etc. This is making them vulnerable to DDoS
Some examples of such attacks are:
a. Flooding a SIP proxy with SIP REGISTER or SIP INVITE messages,
making him unable to process legitimate calls or user's requests.
b. Exhausting resources by sending large amount of SIP REGISTER
messages to extensions that need authentication. (Database lookup)

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document the results related to the lab exercise.



Internet Connection Required

 Yes  No
Platform Supported
 Classroom  iLabs

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Module 17 – Investigating Wireless Attacks


Additional Reading Material

1. Navigate to C:\CHFI - Tools\CHFI v8 Module 17 Investigating Wireless
Attacks\White Papers folder and read LaurensonT.pdf.

I C O N K E Y File Name: LaurensonT.pdf

 Valuable Title of the white paper: Forensic Data Storage for Wireless Networks:
information A Compliant Architecture
 Test your Source:
 Web exercise sonT.pdf;jsessionid=8D012DCE4E857D6D61F9037D28CA972D?sequen
 Workbook review
The white paper talks about security threats and vulnerabilities associated
with a wireless network. It also emphasizes upon the need of digital
forensics procedure to obtain digital evidence.
Read various sections of the white paper and familiarize yourself with the
standards, security, threats, and attacks on Wi-Fi networks.



Internet Connection Required

 Yes  No
Platform Supported
 Classroom  iLabs

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