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Applied Surface Science 249 (2005) 322–331

Pulse width and energy influence on laser micromachining

of metals in a range of 100 fs to 5 ps
R. Le Harzica,c,*, D. Breitlinga, M. Weikerta, S. Sommera, C. Föhlb,
S. Valettec, C. Donnetc, E. Audouardc, F. Dausingera
Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge (IFSW), Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 43, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Forschungsgesellschaft für Strahlwerkzeuge mbH (FGSW), Nobelstrasse 15, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et Instrumentation (TSI), UMR CNRS 5516, Bat F, 10 rue Barrouin, 42000 Saint Etienne, France
Received 7 July 2004; received in revised form 23 September 2004; accepted 7 December 2004
Available online 21 January 2005


Micromachining of steel, Cu and Al is studied. Ablation depths per pulse are deduced for laser pulse durations between
100 fs and 5 ps for fluences in the range of 150 mJ cm2 to 20 J cm2. The evolution of ablation rates allows to evidence a
low and a high fluence regime. Ablation thresholds and penetration depths are deduced as functions of pulse duration. While
in the low fluence regime the penetration depth is close to the theoretical optical penetration depth, at higher fluences the
effective heat penetration depth is 10–20 times bigger with also higher ablation thresholds. Even in the femtosecond range
thermal ablation processes occur and reduce quality, accuracy and efficiency of micromachining. Additionally, the latter are
influenced by strong beam distortions due to nonlinear interaction between the radiation and the atmospheric gas. In the case
of steel and Cu, the pulse duration seems not to affect microprocessing, but it is demonstrated to play a role for Al for pulses
between 1 and 5 ps.
# 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 79.20.Ds; 42.62.Cf; 81.65.Cf

Keywords: Laser; Femtosecond; Picosecond; Ablation; Pulse duration; Energy; Heat penetration; Thermal effects

1. Introduction

With the increasing availability of ultra short laser

* Corresponding author. Present address: JenLab GmbH, Schil- pulses and their application in the field of material
lerstr. 1, 07745 Jena, Germany, c/o Fraunhofer Institute of Biome- structuring or ablation, there is growing evidence that
dical Technology (IBMT), Ensheimer Str. 48, St Ingbert, Germany.
Tel.: +49 6894 9903 815; fax: +49 6894 9903 817.
high precision processing with pulse widths in the
E-mail address: (R. Le Harzic) femtosecond to picosecond time ranges demonstrates
URL: in many cases a significant improvement in quality for

0169-4332/$ – see front matter # 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Le Harzic et al. / Applied Surface Science 249 (2005) 322–331 323

various materials such as metals in comparison to Metal samples of copper (purity: 99.9%), alumi-
nanosecond or longer-laser pulses [1–7]. If ultra num (purity: 99.95%) and steel (Fe/Cr18/Ni10) with
short laser pulses can eventually play a role in thickness of 500 mm were placed on a motorized
industrial materials microstructuring, it is obviously translation stage with 48 of displacement, x, y, z and u
desirable to understand the limitations in processing to allow a perfect control in the space and a high
possibilities and important parameters determining precision (accuracy of the translation stage is given to
these limitations for various classes of materials in be 0.5 mm).
order to decide on the optimum laser system for a An accurate imaging system by means of a far-field
particular application. The quality of the structuring CCD camera allows to visualize precisely the zone of
or processing is, however, extremely material and ablation on the sample. Grooves were machined by
wavelength dependent and the shorter laser pulse is 1–20 scans in front of the fixed beam. In all results
not always the better for the precision and controll- presented here, the scan speed of the motorized stages
ability of the material ablation. It is commonly said was fixed at 2 mm s1 to obtain reproducible and
for the case of metals that no drastical changes in correct average overlapping pulses.
terms of quality and thermal effects are observed up The laser beam was focalized down with a 100 mm
to 10 ps pulse duration [8,9]. For an industrial focal objective and achieved a spot diameter greater
transfer, the main question of using ultra short (fs) or than 18 mm. Several series on each sample were
short pulses (few ps) is open because of a higher machined from 0.2 to 30 J cm2 at different pulses
simplicity of amplified picosecond laser chains and widths from 100 fs to 5 ps (upper limit of the
their better cost-effectivness and reliability. In this CPA system), which were obtained by varying the
paper we report on the laser pulse width and energy gratings distance of the compressor and controlled by
dependence of ablation in a range of 100 fs to 5 ps accurate autocorrelation measurements. Fluences
for three different metals, copper, aluminum and were deduced from a Gaussian spatial shape and
steel known for their different thermo-mechanical were averaged for each measurement.
properties, and we bring some quantitative data to To analyse depths and roughness of the grooves, an
help answering this crucial question. accurate mechanical profilometer and laser scanning
microscopy (LSM) were used. Optical microscopy
and (a more precise) scanning electron microscopy
2. Experimental setup (SEM) allow great visual comparison in term of
quality, structure and removed matter.
The short-pulse laser system used in our experi-
ment consists on a femtosecond Ti–sapphire laser.
Pulses are extracted from an oscillator (‘‘Mai Tai’’, 3. Results
Spectra Physics, 8.75 nJ/pulse, 80 MHz, 800 nm and
100 fs). An additional stage (‘‘Hurricane’’, Spectra In Fig. 1 the laser fluence dependence of the
Physics) including an optical pulse stretcher, a ablation rate in nm per pulse is shown for different
regenerative amplifier pumped by a diode Nd:YLF pulse durations of 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500 and
laser and a pulse compressor, was used to obtain 4500 fs in (a) steel, (b) copper and (c) aluminum.
pulses centered near 800 nm in wavelength. A single Ablation rates have been deduced by average
pulse energy of 1 mJ is typically obtained at 1 kHz calculations including pulse overlap, scan speed, spot
repetition rate and with a duration of 120 fs, which diameter, repetition rate and depth. As a first remark,
was measured using a Clark MXR autocorrelator. The the graphs present a huge database for ablation
laser pulses were p polarized. knowledge in metals and can be used to deduce the
To allow a low energy regime (typically 0.05– parameters necessary for applications in microma-
0.5 mJ/pulse), the laser pulses were obtained from the chining, microengraving or etching. As it has already
regenerative amplifier and a system with two been mentioned in the literature [2,10], we observe
polarizing plates was introduced in the laser beam two regimes of ablation for the different metals: for
path to decrease and control the energy required. low fluences up to 1–1.5 J cm2 and (for) high
324 R. Le Harzic et al. / Applied Surface Science 249 (2005) 322–331

fluences up to 20 J cm2. The ablation depth per pulse lines, for the case of steel (Fig. 2(a)) there is no break
can be described by the well-known logarithmic law, of the slopes and they seem to be quite parallel from
e.g. Eq. (1) [11]: 100 fs to 4.5 ps, even though the absolutes values
decrease slowly and regularly with increasing pulse
L ¼ l lnðF=Fth Þ (1)
duration. That is also quite true for the case of Cu
where l = a1 is the optical penetration depth and Fth (Fig. 2(b)). The behaviour of Al (Fig. 2(c)), however,
the ablation threshold fluence. It has to be noticed that seems to be different. The evolution of the slopes
this threshold is extrapolated from the ablation data, is much more chaotic and they strongly decrease
and is usually different from a direct measurement of above 1 ps.
the threshold with dedicated experiments. For all metals, by fitting the data shown in Figs. 1
If we take a close look at the low fluence regime in and 2 using Eq. (1), we can deduce directly fluence
Fig. 2, the ablation rate decreases with the pulse thresholds and energy penetration depths. The slopes
duration, additionally these results show that increas- of the straight lines provide the values of the
ing the pulse duration also increases the threshold penetration depths and the interception points repre-
fluence. If we pay attention to the slope of the straight sent fluence thresholds. These results are shown in

Fig. 1. Ablation rate (nm/pulse) vs. the incident laser fluence for different pulse durations of 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500 and 4500 fs for (a) steel,
(b) copper and (c) aluminum.
R. Le Harzic et al. / Applied Surface Science 249 (2005) 322–331 325

Fig. 3. It displays fluence threshold and penetration radiation, and increased heat conduction losses. The
depth dependences as functions of the pulse duration machining of steel, being one of the most widely used
for steel (Fig. 3(a)), Cu (Fig. 3(b)) and Al (Fig. 3(c)) materials for practical applications, provides good
for the low (in insert) and high fluence regimes. We results. However, steel being an alloy it is difficult to
can deduce for fluences less than 1.6 J cm2 that steel give a detailed physical explanation. Moreover, we
has a very low fluence threshold ranging from have to keep in mind in the analysis of the results that
20 mJ cm2 at 100 fs to 50 mJ cm2 at 4.5 ps in the simple model used for a first exploitation of the
comparison to Al and Cu, which have fluence ablation depth measurements cannot take into account
thresholds from 110 to 190 mJ cm2, respectively, the complexity of mechanisms that occurs near the
at 100 fs to 250 and 600 mJ cm2 at 4.5 ps, threshold, where more detailed studies are needed. In
respectively. These results are in quite good agreement the same way, for the high fluence range it is known
with literature [4,10–13]. Accordingly, increasing that complex mechanisms (such as plasma effects and
pulse duration reduces the effective energy penetration shock waves) have to be taken into account, and
depth. As mentioned by Nolte et al. [2], both effects saturation in the ablation rate evolution is usually
can be explained by plasma shielding of the laser observed [14].

Fig. 2. Details of the ablation rate (nm/pulse) vs. the incident laser fluence in the low fluence regime for pulse durations of 100, 250, 500, 1000,
2500 and 4500 fs for (a) steel, (b) copper and (c) aluminum. The solid lines represent the best fits according to Eq. (1).
326 R. Le Harzic et al. / Applied Surface Science 249 (2005) 322–331

Fig. 3. Comparison of fluence threshold and penetration depth for the high and low (insert) fluence regimes for pulse durations of 100, 250, 500,
1000, 2500 and 4500 fs for (a) steel, (b) copper and (c) aluminum (the left-hand scale of each graph represents the fluence threshold and the right-
hand scale the penetration depth).

4. Discussion At low fluences in the case of steel, one can observe

a relatively constant penetration depth with the
For Cu and Al at 100 fs, experimental results of increasing pulse duration. For Al, there is a
penetration depth for low fluences are found to be two pronounced break down taking place at about 1 ps.
or three times higher than the theoretical optical We conclude, hence, that for steel and Cu, no
penetration depth as reported in Table 1. With modification of the ablation mechanism should occur
increasing pulse duration, the penetration depths are for pulse duration below 5 ps. In the case of Cu it can
relatively constant for Cu but strongly decreases for be explained by a weak electron–phonon coupling
Al. For high fluences, quite similar phenomena are constant g (Table 1), which governs an electron–
observed but the values for the penetration depths are phonon relaxation time tep in the range of 10 ps [15].
much higher. Ablation thresholds are found to be 1 and Thermodynamic equilibrium between the electron gas
1.7 J cm2, respectively, for Al and Cu which exceed and the lattice, i.e. heat transfer, cannot be reached
those of the low fluence regime by a factor of 10. before 10 ps. Pulse duration has then a significant
Penetration depths are higher than the theoretical effect for values longer than 10 ps. For Al, with a
optical penetration depth by a factor of 10–20. stronger electron–phonon coupling, tep is reached at
R. Le Harzic et al. / Applied Surface Science 249 (2005) 322–331 327

Table 1
Data from literature for Au, Cu, Al, Ni and Fe
Au Cu Al Ni Fe
6 3 1
Thermal capacity, Ci (10 J m K ) 2.5 3.46 2.43 4.1 3.5
Electron specific heat coefficient, Ce0 (J m3 K2) 71 97 135 1065 498
Electron–phonon coupling constant, g (1016 W m3 K1) 2.1 10 56.9 36
Melting temperature, Tm (K) 1337 1358 933 1728 1811
Vaporization temperature, Tv (K) 3081 2835 2740 3003 3134
Thermal conductivity, K [W m1 K1] 318 401 238 91 80
Thermal diffusivity, k [cm2 s1] 1.26 1.16 0.98 0.18 0.23
Absorption coefficient, a (105, cm1) 6.9 6.3 5.9 6.6 5.2
Optical penetration depth, l (nm) 11.8 13.5 7.5 14.5 18.3
Latent heat of melting, Lm (J g1) 64.9 205 388 292 272
Latent heat of evaporation, Lv (J g1) 1738 4796 10800 6378 6095

approximately 1 ps [15]. Energy transfer and a modifications than in the low fluence regime for Al.
potential thermal expansion can only occur for pulse One might think that completely melt-free processing
durations longer than 1 ps. This is in strong agreement should be impossible for metal machining, however, it
with observed decrease of the energy penetration is clear that the reduction of fluence minimizes the
depth. The fact that the penetration depth decreases melt layer thickness. Heat affected zones have been
with pulse duration for an irradiation at the same found to be very small for short laser pulses in
energy density indicates that energy is absorbed comparison to nanosecond laser pulses in the low
differently and probably not diffused in the bulk. The fluence regime [16,17] but at high fluences thermal
deposited energy stays in the vicinity of the surface effects even occur in the femtosecond range and thus
and contributes to thermal effects or structural can strongly affect the microprocessing efficiency
modifications. For higher pulse energies, however, [8,18].
the influence of electronic heat conduction certainly Finally we can compare the values of the critical
becomes important and the second ablation regime pulse width, determined from equations reported in
appears with deeper penetration depths. Table 2 [19,20,21]. It is defined as the time separating
One can use similar arguments to comment the ultra short from short or long laser pulse durations. For
scanning electron microscopy results shown in Fig. 4 pulses longer than the critical pulse width the
(low fluence regime) and Fig. 5 (high fluence regime). penetration depth is described by the well-known
One can observe a superior ablation quality, little equation [22,23], which depends on thermal diffusiv-
matter removal but an observable difference for Al at ity k and pulse duration tH, expressing a linear thermal
100 fs (Fig. 4(e)) and 4.5 ps (Fig. 4(f)) in terms of law:
quality on the borders of the grooves, which confirms pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
lth ¼ 2 ktH (2)
our previous observations on ablation rates. In the high
fluence regime no evident difference can be observed Even if the estimated values differ strongly, obviously
in all cases, but one can observe stronger structural the critical pulse width is much longer for Cu, which is

Table 2
Critical pulse width (ps) for Cu and Al deduced from literature, (a) [19], (b) [20] and (c) [21]
Metal (a) tcl ¼ ð8=pÞ1=4 ðCi3 =Ce0 Tm Þ1=2 =g (ps) (b) tc2 = Ci/g (ps) (c) tc3 = (1/a)2/2k (ps)

Cu 224 34.6 0.69

Al 23.7 4.27 1.47
328 R. Le Harzic et al. / Applied Surface Science 249 (2005) 322–331

Fig. 4. SEM photographs of grooves machined by 10 scans at a scan speed of 2 mm s1 and with an energy density of 0.8 J cm2 for two
different pulse durations of 120 fs (left) and 4.5 ps (right) for (a, b) steel, (c, d) copper and (e, f) aluminum.

of the order of tens of picoseconds to 200 ps, and thus expansion in the case of Al after 1–4.5 ps with calcu-
relatively far from the maximal pulse width of 4.5 ps lated values of 1–23 ps. These results for Al are in
used in our ablation experiments. Coincidence is agreement with experimental results of Zhu [24] who
found with our conclusion of a possible thermal estimated a critical pulse width of 3.7 ps. Once again,
R. Le Harzic et al. / Applied Surface Science 249 (2005) 322–331 329

Fig. 5. SEM photographs of grooves machined by 20 scans at a scan speed of 2 mm s1 and with an energy density of 18 J cm2 for two different
pulse durations of 120 fs (left) and 4.5 ps (right) for (a, b) steel, (c, d) copper and (e, f) aluminum.

we can conclude that, in the investigated energy 5. Conclusion

density range, the ablation mechanisms are governed
by electron–phonon coupling, which should allow to Investigations of the pulse width and energy
manage the pulse duration effects in metals. density dependence on laser micromachining of
330 R. Le Harzic et al. / Applied Surface Science 249 (2005) 322–331

metals in a range of 100 fs to 5 ps are presented. interest with a more detailed study of the role of the
Two fluence regimes have been observed as already energy density [26]
described in literature. Ablation thresholds and
penetration depths are deduced as functions of the
pulse duration. Increasing pulse duration increases
the threshold fluence and reduces the effective Acknowledgements
energy penetration depth. While in the low fluence
regime the penetration depth is close to the The authors would like to thank the French Région
theoretical optical penetration depth and ablation Rhônes-Alpes and the Bundesministerium für Bildung
thresholds are weak, at higher fluences the effec- und Forschung bmb + f (German Ministry for Educa-
tive heat penetration depth is 10–20 times bigger tion and Research, project PRIMUS (FZK 13 N 7710/
with also higher ablation thresholds. Even in the 6)) for financial support.
femtosecond range, thermal ablation processes occur
and reduce quality, accuracy and efficiency of
micromachining. One can conclude that at high References
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