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NAME: ________________________________________________
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read each item carefully. Answer each item as required. Write all necessary solutions neatly
on a separate sheet of paper. Refer to the item for the point distribution

1. The expected voltage drop across the resistor is 7V; however, measurement yields a value of 6.42V. Calculate
the following:
a. absolute error (2 pts.)
b. percentage of error (2 pts.)
c. relative accuracy (2 pts.)
d. percentage of accuracy (2 pts.)

2. The following are the measurements yielded from an ammeter when used to measure the collector current of
a BJT voltage divider network. Calculate the precision of the 5th measurement. (4 pts.)

Measurement Ic (mA)
1 11.4
2 12.0
3 12.9
4 11.7
5 12.6

3. The following are the resistance values of a 2W resistor when measured by an ohmmeter. The color-coded
value of the resistor is 470Ω. Compute:
a. arithmetic mean (3 pts.)
b. deviation of each value (4 pts.)
c. standard deviation (5 pts.)

505 462 424 530

4. Calculate the value of the shunt resistor required to convert a 1mA D’Arsonval meter movement with an
internal resistance of 20Ω, into a 0-50mA ammeter. (6 pts.)

5. Compute the value of the shunt resistors for the Ayrton shunt below: (10 pts.)

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