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Maria Nina G.


BEED 3-2

“Mouse Trap Effect”

In this social world that full of camaraderies, people at the end of the day, still put
their own sake first before the other. People may socialize and interact with each other
but most of them are not really concern about you when it comes in bad times. Other
might help if it has something in return.

Despite of having camaraderies, we are still unable to build up a “helping hand”.

In line with the story, the mouse is in need for help. “There is a mouse trap in the
house, there is a mouse trap in the house”, mouse proclaimed. He came to his fellow
animals which are the chicken, pig and cow to asked for help but unfortunately, no one of
them helped him, rather they refuses and teased him. Until in the blink of an eye, they are
all about to face the end of their lives except the mouse. Instead the mouse is the one
being threatened, unexpectedly the fellow animals catched the threat.

And, I observed that this story is happening in the real life situation. We are facing
and encountering a problem in different kind of situation. Sometimes we can solve and
fix it by ourselves and sometimes we need assistance and guidance by the other.

So, as a human person having a humane characteristic, if a person is in time of need

then we should try to help them as we can because if we don’t help one another we might
all make our life at risk. And helping one another can lead each member into victory. Plus,
it gives you happiness when you know the fact that you have helped someone especially
if it turned out great.

Moreover, I realized that we should give love, concern and care to the people around
us expecially to the peole we know because if we do, then there’s no doubt of helping one
another. If we help one another as far as we can do, everything will be fine. No one of us
will be affected.

However, in this world full of camaraderies, we should not forget what the story
have said in the end, “So the next time you hear a problem and think it doesn’t concern
you, remember, when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk. We are all involved in
this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort
to encourage one another. Each of us is a vital thread in another person’s tapestry”.

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