Course Management System: "When We Begin To Live, More Seriously Inside We Begin To Live More, Simply Outside."

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Course Management System

“When we begin to live, more seriously inside; we begin to live more, simply

GLSICT System Development Project 1

Course Management System

o No project is ever the outcome of single individual’s talent or

effort. This work is no exception. This project would not have been
possible without the wholehearted encouragement, support and co-
operation of ours’ family, guide, teachers, friends and well wishers.
Although it is not possible for us to name and thank them all
individually, we must make special mention of some of the
personalities and acknowledge our sincere thanks to them.

o It is with great pleasure and a profound sense of reverence

that we express ours’ gratitude and thanks to our esteemed guide
Mr. Alpesh Patel Director, Gujarat InfoTech Ltd, for his erudite
guidance, timely suggestions and persistent encouragement during
the project development. This work would not have been possible
without his constant support and untiring inspiration. Apart from
guiding us, his unwearyingly moral support and advice has
definitely inspired us a lot. We are fortunate to have the
opportunity to work under his guidance.

o We owe our special and hearty thanks to Ms. Sonal Shah,

H.R. Manager, Gujarat InfoTech Ltd for providing us with complete
and apt information about the various needs of proposed system.
We are grateful to them for taking some time off from their busy
schedules and helping us understand various activities that go on
in a company and hence contributed greatly to the success of this

o Our special thanks to Ms. Sonal Jain without whose kind co-
operation and guidance this work would not have been
accomplished. She was eminent in providing constant motivation
and support for our project.

o We are indebted infinitely to love, care patience,

encouragement and trust being showered on us by ours’ parents
without whom we would not have been at this stage.

o We are highly thankful to GOD for always being with us and

giving us everything without the hope of getting something from

GLSICT System Development Project 2

Course Management System

“Winners don’t do different things, they just do things differently. ”

GLSICT System Development Project 3

Course Management System

Gujarat InfoTech Limited

o is empanelled as TSP (Total IT Solutions / Service Provider) to

Government of Gujarat as per GR No. TSP-2000-11-ITD dated

o is empanelled by Chief Electoral Officer Gujarat for Electors Photo

Identity Cards (EPICs).

o is MCP (Microsoft Certified Partner)

o is "Rojgar Sahay Kendra" approved by Department of Employment

& Training, Govt of Gujarat.

o is Qualified as registered vendor for supply to NTPC (National

Thermal Power Corporation Limited).

o is Reseller of HP (Hewlett Packard) computers and peripherals.

o is Reseller of CISCO.

o is Reseller of Intel.

o is Authorized business partner of D-Link (India) Limited for

networking products.

o is Authorized business partner of Molex (India) Limited for

networking products.

o is Authorized channel partner of Accton Technology Corporation.

 The GIL Information Technology (IT) department manages the

technology and computer infrastructure that drives FMD's business
systems. IT department is equipped with technically competent
professionals that support the division in these critical areas:

1) Desktop Management
2) Business Applications
3) End-User Technical Support
4) Network Management
5) Strategic Technology Planning

GLSICT System Development Project 4

Course Management System

 Major IT Services / Data-processing projects developed successfully:

1) Data Management Center for 1.6 crore data records for

Computerization of electoral roll (matadar yadi) 1998 of 13
districts in Gujarat for Chief Electoral Officer Gujarat.

2) Computerization of electoral rolls 1998 of 45 lac voters of

143 NagarPalikas for Gujarat State Election Commission.

3) Computerization of 12.17 lac Ration Cards for Nadiad and

Rajkot Districts.

4) Database creation and maintenance for "Disaster and

Rehabilitation Management System" for 57 talukas in 5
districts affected by earth-quake.

5) On-line preparation of more than 25 lac Electors Photo

Identity Cards (EPICs) at 3022 locations in 110 talukas in 11
districts of Gujarat in 2002-03-04.

6) Setting-up 267 'computerized help-lines for voters' at 23

districts in Gujarat during LokSabha elections Apr 2004.

7) Development and implementation of e-Governance at

Jodhpur Nagarpalika, which is the first e-Governance
implementation in Gujarati.

8) Implementation of search engine (for electoral roll) on

e-Governance web-site of Ahmedabad Municipal

GLSICT System Development Project 5

Course Management System

“Every beginner is a winner! You won’t win if you don’t begin!”

GLSICT System Development Project 6

Course Management System

Project Title: Course Management System

(Module Of Training Institute Management System)

Aim of Project: To record and schedule courses and maintain student

and faculty profiles.

Project Category: Database Application

Tools Used:

 Hardware:
o Intel Pentium III 500 MHz based system with
minimum 128 MB RAM, 10.2 GB HDD
 Software:
o Operating System: Windows XP
o Front End: Asp .Net, C#
o Back End: SQL Server 2000
o Reports: Crystal Reports 8

Developed for: Gujarat InfoTech Ltd.

A-2, 2nd Floor, Jay Tower,
Ankur Complex,

Developed By:

Roll No. Name Institute Contribution

63 Brahmbhatt GLSICT Batch ,Admission , Inquiry
Sanket S.
67 Thaker Maulin M GLSICT Mail, Follow up, Feed Back

Guided By:

Internal External
Name: Name:
Ms. Sonal Jain Ms. Sonal Shah
Lecturer Designation:
Center Manager

GLSICT System Development Project 7

Course Management System

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity,

an optimistic sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

GLSICT System Development Project 8

Course Management System

 “Course Management System ” is divided into following modules:

1) Course Information
2) Inquiry information.
3) Student Feedback.

 “Course information” module stores the details about different courses

conducted by the institute.

o Whenever new course is introduced the batches for that course are
also introduce. Batch module contains batch information like batch
identification number, starting and ending date, faculty assign for
that batch, type of course whether it is certified or no certified.

o The system also contain exam module as sub module of course

module. This module keeps track of exams to be conducted for
particular course. This module also maintains the batch wise
examination schedule. This module can be access by the faculty
who can announce the exam to be taken for his batch.

o System will allow changing the details about course if it is required.

If the institute announces a new course the detail about that
course will be handling by the administrator only.

o Once a new course is introduced the administrator can decide the

structure of the course. Like, course name, course duration,
decision about the certification of the course, designing of fees
structure etc.

 “Inquiry information” module is divided into different sub-modules.

Each sub-module provides various details of student. The different sub-
modules of this module provide details such as general information,
address and contact information, personal information, interested course.

o General information module provides details such as student’s

unique inquiry identification number, name, address and other
personal details which can be used for the purpose to contact the

o System also accepts the follow up dates from student at the time
of inquiry. This follow up module automatically checks for follow up
dates on a particular day.

GLSICT System Development Project 9

Course Management System

o Follow up module use to follow up the student whose inquiry date

is current date. On the follow up day system automatically send the
email to particular student to remind whether the student is
interested to taking admission or not and also informed by the

o Admission information sub-module provides details such as name,

permanent address and local address details. This sub-module also
provides contact details such as phone number, mobile number, E-
mail address etc. This all information we can directly access from
the inquiry details.

o This module is used whenever the company enroll new student.

This module is only accessible to faculty of company.

o Student has to provide his I-Card at the time of registration on the

basis of course registered. Multiple registrations by student for
different course will generate multiple i-cards for student.

 “Student feedback” is used to take feed back from the student about

o This module has given the different types of criteria based on the
type of course whether it is certified or not. Whether the course is
having more emphasized on practical or theory part.

o On the basis of the feedback we can evaluate the performance of

particular faculty. The obtained performance is used to decide
whether the faculty will be given more responsibly like to give more
batches to conduct or to give training to the faculty.

GLSICT System Development Project 10

Course Management System

“When God puts work into your life, He expects you to put life in your work”

GLSICT System Development Project 11

Course Management System

 Introduction :

o This section provides an overview of the entire system or product.

This document describes all subsystems including hardware,
software, human activities, document and process.

o Goals and Objectives

 The main goal of this system is to maintain the detail of the

student and faculty with respect to particular course. The
student profile must maintain from Inquiry till the finish of
the certification of the course he selected.

 The main objective of this system is to determine faculty’s

performance with respect to the course through student

o System statement of scope

 Major Inputs: The main inputs for this system are as listed

o Course Information
o Student Information
o Student Feedback

 Major Processes: The main processing tasks of this

system are as listed below:

o Follow up.
o Course Management

 Major Outputs: The main outputs for this system are as

listed below:

o Faculty performance Report

GLSICT System Development Project 12

Course Management System

“To be born as a human being is God’s greatest gift and

what you become as a human being is your gift to God”

GLSICT System Development Project 13

Course Management System

[1] Table: Login

Field Name Data Type Size PK/FK Constraints

User_id Varchar 20 PK -
Password Varchar 20 - Not Null
Type Char 1 - -

[2] Table: Course_Master

Field Name Data Type Size PK/FK Constraints

Course_code Varchar 5 PK -
Course_name Varchar 35 - Not null
Duration_type Varchar 6 - -
Duration smallint 2 - -
Course_type Varchar 25 - -
Full_fees Numeric 9 - >0
Installment_fees Numeric 9 - >Full Fees
No_of_inst Numeric 9 - -
Material_cost Numeric 9 - -
First_inst Numeric 9 - >Material_cost
Other_inst Numeric 9 - -
No_of_exam smallint 2 - -

GLSICT System Development Project 14

Course Management System

[3] Table: Faculty _Master

Field Name Data Type Size PK/FK Constraints

Faculty_code Varchar 5 PK -
Surname Varchar 15 - -
Name Varchar 15 - Not Null
Father_name Varchar 15 - -
Address1 Varchar 25 - -
Address2 Varchar 25 - -
Area Varchar 10 - -
City Varchar 15 - -
Pincode Numeic 9 - -
Telephone_res Numeic 15 - -
Mobile Numeic 10 - -
e-mail Varchar 3 - -
Qualification Varchar 20 - -
Birth_date Datetime 8 - <sysdate
Date_of _join Datetime 8 - -
Maritial_status Bit 1 - -
Anni_date Datetime 8 - -
Salary Numeric 9 - >0

[4] Table: Batch_Master

Field Name Data Type Size PK/FK Constraints

Batch_code Varchar 5 PK -
Faculty_code Varchar 5 FK -
Cource_Code Varchar 5 FK -
Timing Varchar 15 - -
Start_date Datetime 8 - -
End_date Datetime 8 - >start_date

GLSICT System Development Project 15

Course Management System

[5] Table: Exam_Master

Field Name Data Type Size PK/FK Constraints

Exam_id Varchar 5 PK -
Exam_Type Bit 1 - -
Course_code Varchar 5 FK -
Batch_code Varchar 5 FK -
Faculty_code Varchar 5 FK -
Exam_date Datetime 8 - -
Total_marks Int 4 - >0

[6] Table: Fees

Field Name Data Type Size PK/FK Constraints

Receipt_no Numeric 9 PK -
Receipt_date Datetime 8 - -
Rollno Varchar 10 FK -
Total_fees Numeric 9 - -
Payment_type Bit 1 - -
Cheque_date Datetime 8 - -
Cheque_no Numeric 10 - -
Bank_name Varchar 25 - -
Branch_name Varchar 30 - -
Received_amount Numeric 9 - >0
Rec_fees_words Varchar 75 - -
Pending_amount Numeric 9 - -
Total_rec_amt Numeric 9 - -
Received_by Varchar 10 - -

GLSICT System Development Project 16

Course Management System

[7] Table: Inquiry

Field Name Data Type Size PK/FK Constraints

InquiryNo Numeric 9 PK -
Inquirydate Datetime 8 - -
Surname Varchar 25 - -
Name Varchar 25 - Not Null
Fathername Varchar 25 - -
Gender Bit 1 - -
Address1 Varchar 35 - -
Address2 Varchar 35 - -
Area Varchar 25 - -
City Varchar 25 - -
Pincode Numeric 12 - -
Telephone_res Numeric 15 - -
Telephone_off Numeric 15 - -
Mobile Numeric 12 - -
e-mail Varchar 100 - -
Occupation Varchar 30 - -
Experience_comp Bit 1 - -
Course Varchar 20 - -
Join_for Varchar 15 - -
Timing1 Varchar 20 - -
Timing2 Varchar 20 - -
Center_info Varchar 20 - -
Other Varchar 20 - -
Handledby Varchar 10 - -
Response Varchar 10 - -
Followup_date1 Datetime 8 - -

GLSICT System Development Project 17

Course Management System

[8] Table: Follow-up

Field Name Data Type Size PK/FK Constraints

InquiryNo Numeric 9 FK -
Response Varchar 150 - -
Followup_status Bit 1 - -
Followup_date1 Datetime 8 - -
Followup_date2 Datetime 8 - -
Followup_date3 Datetime 8 - -

[9] Table: Admission

Field Name Data Type Size Pk/FK Constraints

RollNo Varchar 11 PK -
DateOfJoin Datetime 8 - -
Surname Varchar 25 - -
Name Varchar 25 - Not null
Father_name Varchar 25 - -
Gender Int 4 - -
Address1 Varchar 35 - -
Address2 Varchar 35 - -
Area Varchar 25 - -
City Varchar 25 - -
Pincode Numeric 12 - -
Telephone_res Numeric 15 - -
Telephone_off Numeric 15 - -
Mobile Numeric 12 - -
E_mail Varchar 30 - -
Birth_date Datetime 8 - <sysdate
Reference Varchar 15 - -
Course_code Varchar 5 FK -
Fees_type Bit 1 - -
Total_Fees Numeric 9 - -
Discount Numeric 9 - -
Batch_code Varchar 5 FK -
Handledby Varchar 15 - -
Addmissionby Varchar 15 - -

GLSICT System Development Project 18

Course Management System

[10] Table: others

Field Name Data Type Size PK/FK Constraints

Name Varchar 20 - -
Type Varchar 20 - -

[11] Table: Result

Field Name Data Type Size PK/FK Constraints

Batch_code Varchar 20 FK -
Rollno Varchar 20 FK -
Theory_marks Numeric 8 - -
Practical_marks Numeric 8 - -

[12] Table: Feedback

Field Name Data Type Size PK/FK Constraints

Faculty_code Varchar 5 FK -
Course_code Varchar 5 FK -
Feedbackdate Datetime 8 - -
Technicalskill smallint 2 - -
Practical_knowledge Smallint 2 - -
Subject_knowledge Smallint 2 - -
Citing_of_Example Smallint 2 - -
Teaching_Power Smallint 2 - -
Communication_power Smallint 2 - -
Content_Coverage Smallint 2 - -
Guidence Smallint 2 - -
Confidence Smallint 2 - -
Regularity Smallint 2 - -
Behaviour Smallint 2 - -
Evaluation Numeric 9 - -

GLSICT System Development Project 19

Course Management System

“If you don’t aim at something ,you will never hit anything.”

GLSICT System Development Project 20

Course Management System

[A] Inputs

 The user gives inputs to the system after selecting respective form from
the left menu panel. After selecting the form the user can enter the data
he wants into text boxes, data grids provided. The user has to comply
with the validation rules during the phase of entering data. It is necessary
to save the data after inputting the data; otherwise the new data entered
will not be saved and hence lost.

 Data inputs have been minimized to such an extent that if a data is

entered once in any form, and if that same data is required in any other
form then, the user just has to fetch the data from that particular form,
hence saving a lot of time and redundancy of data.

 In this way an input to a single form acts as an input to a number of other

forms also. The user is guided at every step of input regarding data
validations through appropriate message boxes.

 For example, student’s information will be stored first time on a given day.
When admission is to be done then the detail of the student can be
fetched for inquiry table.

[B] Outputs

 The user in the respective forms can view the entered data. The data can
be viewed comfortably with the help of the in built navigation panel
readily available on left-side panel.

 There are certain forms where the outputs are more important than the
inputs. In such cases the value of the output fields are attained on the
basis of certain inputs given in the form. These outputs are generated at
the time of saving the data. The user can never enter any value in these
output fields as they are based on certain calculation. Hence these output
fields are disabled for the user.

 For example, in the “Faculty Information” module we have three output

fields. They are faculty detail and faculty performance. These outputs are
generated on the basis of feedback entered by the user. These outputs
will be generated at the time of saving the data.

GLSICT System Development Project 21

Course Management System

 Other effective way of showing outputs are “Reports”. Reports are a

summary of the data entered into the database. They are specifically
designed for the top management of company who are least concerned
with all the expanse of data stored in the database. They are only
concerned about the attendance and salary information of the employee
whose knowledge they get from having a look of the detailed reports.
These reports can also be printed into physical forms for future

[C] Assumptions

 It is assumed that a user is well versed with normal computer operations.

This means that he has a legitimate experience in working in the windows
environment and is accustomed to the computer jargons.

 It is also assumed that the user is totally aware of various activities of a

company. He is also assumed to know the basic operations of any
database applications such as navigation, generating reports etc. He must
be aware of the fact that what sub-module consists of what applications.

 For example, the student information always details with all student
related information and hence a student movement may never have a
place in it.

 It is also assumed that this system will be executed and used only on
Windows XP and upwards platform.

GLSICT System Development Project 22

Course Management System

[D] Software Tools Used

o Tools that we are using in our project system are Asp .Net
as front-end tool and SQL Server 2000 as back-end tool.
Platform for our project system is Microsoft Windows XP
and other upgrades of Windows. The code behind is done
using C#.

[E] Coding in brief

o Our system is related with database category and hence

majority of our coding relates to database manipulations
through database connections and datasets.

o For connecting with the database we have used SQLclient.

o For generating reports we have used Crystal Reports.

o The coding for each form has been done in a step-wise

manner whereby the code is written in exactly the same
manner as it may be triggered when the system is being

o Proper naming of controls and variables ensure that if

anyone has to debug the code, it becomes easy for him to
assume what a particular control or what a particular
variable stands for.

o Following the principle of division of work we divided the

project into different modules and assigned each module
to different members of the group for faster completion of
the project.

GLSICT System Development Project 23

Course Management System

[F] Overall Design


o Before user can access the software user is asked for username and

o Hence no unauthorized person can gain access to the system.

o Depending upon your position in company, you are granted access to

only those parts of the system that you are authorized to.


o For users comfort the system is divided into Seven different modules.

o These are: Follow up, Student Information, Faculty Information,

Course Information, Fees , Batch Information and Exam Information.

o The Faculty and student information module consists of all the details
useful to the company for recording, processing and generating
important documents such as Personal, Address and Contact,
Experience sub-modules etc.

o The Follow up module is used to record daily inquiry of the students.

Based on the output information generated by this module.


o The Reports are used to show the performance of the faculty that is
recorded by the student’s feedback.

o The Reports are used to generate the receipts for the students who
paid the fees accordingly.

o The company can easily take print outs of these reports and get the
output from the computer printed in a proper and understandable

o Reports help company’s top management to analyze various factors

such as student’s performance for specified period and specific exams.

GLSICT System Development Project 24

Course Management System


o The “Course Management” module consists of short cut panel on the

left hand side of the screen.

o This panel gives quick and immediate access to any other application
in that particular module.

o This allows user to switch between different project modules.


o Each user is provided with a login where the access of login is given
based on the type of the login. For example, the login type of admin is
“a” where all access rights are given. While faculty login type is “f”
where faculty access is restricted to only few modules.

o System also provides advance menu option to create s new user and
for changing the password for existing user. Only the administrator
can create a new user.


o The Receipt-Generation Form is useful for issuing a receipt to an


o This form can be accessed only by administrator of the company and

is responsible for issuing the receipt to the student fees.

GLSICT System Development Project 25

Course Management System

“Let your speech be better than silence. Otherwise be silent.”

GLSICT System Development Project 26

Course Management System

Course Management System

Inquiry Faculty Exam Reports FeedBack

Course wise
Follow-up Monthly

Course wise
Fees collection



GLSICT System Development Project 27

Course Management System

“Success is not only what you do yourself,

But it is mainly what other people do for you.”

GLSICT System Development Project 28

Course Management System

DFD Level 0


0 Certificate Student

Management Reports
Faculty, Batch,
Course Detail

Admin Admin

GLSICT System Development Project 29

Course Management System

DFD Level 1
Admin 1.0 Student
Faculty , Course MASTER Faculty
Batch Detail

Faculty Course Batch

Detail Detail Faculty
Detail Follow up
Counselor Feedback
Faculty Course Batch
Student FOLLOW
Detail UP

2.0 Detail

INQUIRY Inquiry Inquiry

Detail Detail

Detail Inquiry
Batch Detail
Detail Admission
Detail Admission

Student Detail

Reports Detail FEES

6.0 Detail
User EXAM Result

Result Detail

GLSICT System Development Project 30

Course Management System

“God chooses what we go through ; We choose how we go through it.”

GLSICT System Development Project 31
Course Management System

Course 1

admission Contain

1 M
Student M 1 Batch
1 1

Gives Have

1 M
M Exam
Feedback Conduct

GLSICT System Development Project 32

Course Management System

GLSICT System Development Project 33

Course Management System

Use Case Diagram

GLSICT System Development Project 34

Course Management System

Activity Diagram

User Arrive

Registered No registered


Login Register Follow up


Admin Faculty Student

Create User Admission View Result

Create Course Schedule Exam Feedback

Add Batch

Search Update Profile

GLSICT System Development Project 35

Course Management System

Sequence Diagram

:Login :Validate :Inquiry :Follow :Admission :Exam :Result

User up
User id
Unauthorized User

Stop Follow up

Successfully Registered

GLSICT System Development Project 36

Course Management System

“To be born as a human being is God’s greatest gift and

what you become as a human being is your gift to God”

GLSICT System Development Project 37

Course Management System

Login Form

GLSICT System Development Project 38

Course Management System

Advance Option Form (Create User)

GLSICT System Development Project 39

Course Management System

Advance Option Form (Change Password)

GLSICT System Development Project 40

Course Management System

Course Master

GLSICT System Development Project 41

Course Management System

GLSICT System Development Project 42

Course Management System

Faculty Master

GLSICT System Development Project 43

Course Management System

Batch Master

GLSICT System Development Project 44

Course Management System


GLSICT System Development Project 45

Course Management System

Inquiry Form

GLSICT System Development Project 46

Course Management System

Inquiry Form (Cont..)

GLSICT System Development Project 47

Course Management System

Inquiry Search

GLSICT System Development Project 48

Course Management System

Admission Form

GLSICT System Development Project 49

Course Management System

Admission Form (Cont..)

GLSICT System Development Project 50

Course Management System

Admission Form (Cont..)

GLSICT System Development Project 51

Course Management System

Admission Search

GLSICT System Development Project 52

Course Management System

Fees Form

GLSICT System Development Project 53

Course Management System

Faculty Search

GLSICT System Development Project 54

Course Management System

Faculty Detail

GLSICT System Development Project 55

Course Management System

Course Information

GLSICT System Development Project 56

Course Management System

Course Detail

GLSICT System Development Project 57

Course Management System

Feedback Form

GLSICT System Development Project 58

Course Management System

Inquiry Follow-up

GLSICT System Development Project 59

Course Management System

Inquiry Follow-up By Mail

GLSICT System Development Project 60

Course Management System

Inquiry Follow-up by Mail (Cont…)

GLSICT System Development Project 61

Course Management System

“When God puts work into your life, He expects you to put life in your work”
GLSICT System Development Project 62
Course Management System

Faculty Performance

GLSICT System Development Project 63

Course Management System

Result Report

GLSICT System Development Project 64

Course Management System

Monthly Collection Report

GLSICT System Development Project 65

Course Management System

“Winners don’t do different things, they just do things differently. ”

GLSICT System Development Project 66

Course Management System

 We are planning to add following module in our current System

1) Student Attendance Management

2) Faculty Attendance Management

GLSICT System Development Project 67

Course Management System

“If you don’t aim at something, you will never hit anything.”

GLSICT System Development Project 68

Course Management System

The following books, manuals and websites were referred during the
preparation of this project and are suggested for further reading.


o Using ASP .Net Special Edition

 SQL Server BOOKS

o SQL Server 2000



GLSICT System Development Project 69

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