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Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

Practical FEA Applied to the



Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-1
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

Create geometry
Mesh geometry (BAR2)
Define material properties
Define element properties (BEAM)
Apply boundary conditions
Apply loads
Submit model for MD NASTRAN Analysis
Retrieve, Analyze & Compare Results

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-2
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

Problem Description
Initial sizing calculations for the Elevon Spar generate preliminary dimensions that
require checking. Perform a simple finite element analysis to check if the max
deflection under Limit Load is smaller than 2% of local height, as required.

Unit System
 Mass - Kg
 Length – mm
 Force – N
 Modulus of Elasticity/Pressure – Mpa
 Density - kg/mm3

Idealized Shape

W = 75 mm
H = 300 mm
t = 8 mm
t1 = 8 mm

Elevon Initial Layout & Dimensions

 3 Hinges
 L = 3000mm
 Hinge 1 Pos. = 500 mm
 Hinge 2 Pos. = 1500 mm
 Hinge 3 Pos. = 2500 mm

Free Body Diagram

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-3
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

Hinge Constraints
Hinge 1 Hinge 2 Hinge 3
Translation Restrain X, Y, Z Y, Z Y, Z
Rotation Constraint X (due to actuator torque) - -

Applied Distributed Limit Load = 800 N/mm

Material Data:
Material = Aluminium
Elastic Modulus = 71000 MPa
Poisson’s Ration = 0.3
Shear Modulus = 27000 MPa
Yield Strength = 400 MPa
Density = 2.71e-6 kg/mm3

CATIA measured mass = 28.2 Kg

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-4
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

Suggested Exercise Steps

Create one 3000 mm line to represent the spar

Break the line in the hinge positions

Mesh the surface (BAR2)

Define Material properties (ALUMINIUM)

Apply element properties to the model (SPAR)

Apply boundary conditions to the model (FIXED & SIMPLY SUPPORTED)

Apply loads to the model (DISTRIBUTED LOAD)

Prepare the model for a linear static analysis (SOL101)

Submit model to MD NASTRAN

Post process results

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-5
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

1. Create a New Model

> Start MSC PATRAN 2010.1.2 for MD NASTRAN.
> Select “File”/”New…”
Change the directory to your preferred personal directory.
Insert file Name: ELEVON SPAR
Click “OK”
In “New Model Preference”
Tolerance: Default
Analysis Code: MD NASTRAN
Analysis Type: Structural
Click “OK”

> The file is automatically saved.
> Whenever possible turn off Auto Execute, it prevents duplication of actions.
> The Default value of “Tolerance” is 0.005. The “Approximate Maximum Model
Dimension” affects the global tolerance, if “Based on Model” is selected.
> To change “Tolerance” and “Analysis Code” during modeling, go to Preferences.
> Point at the icons to find out the function of each icon.
> Units do not affect the analysis results, as long as all units are kept consistent
throughout the modeling.

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-6
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

2. Create Geometry
Create a line that represents the Elevon spar.
> Select the GEOMETRY Tab
Action: Create
Object: Curve
Method: XYZ

(or alternatively click the drop down menu in the “Curves” icon in the Geometry tab
and choose “LineByXYZ” )
Unselect “Auto Execute”
Input <3000, 0, 0> in “Vector Coordinate List”.
“Origin Coordinates List” [0 0 0]
Click “Apply”

Create points to represent the Hinge positions.

> Select
Action: Create
Object: Point
Method: XYZ

(or alternatively click the drop down menu in the “Points” icon in the Geometry tab
and choose “XYZ” )
Unselect “Auto Execute”
Input [500, 0, 0] in “Points Coordinate List”.
Click “Apply”
Input [1500, 0, 0] in “Points Coordinate List”.
Click “Apply”
Input [2500, 0, 0] in “Points Coordinate List”.
Click “Apply”

Increase the viewing size of the Points:

Click in the “Home” tab and click the “Point Size” icon to increase the viewing
size of the points created.

Show the geometry labels:

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-7
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

Click “Cycle Show Labels” icon to show the geometry labels.

Break Line 1 at the points created.

> Select
Action: Edit
Object: Curve
Method: Break

Option: Point
Unselect “Auto Execute”
Select “Delete Original Curves”
“Curve List”: Curve 1
“Break Point List”: Point 3:5 (insert the value or create a window around the points
you want to select)
Click “Apply”
Click “Yes” when prompt “Do you wish to delete the original curves?”.

Click the “Reset Graphics” icon clear the display of the selections.

Your geometry should look like this:

> There are many ways to create a curve. Trying different ways to do the same thing will
help you find the best way.
> PATRAN can only undo the last operation.

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-8
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

3. Create Mesh
Mesh the geometry created.
> Select MESHING tab
Action: Create
Object: Mesh
Type: Curve

(or alternatively click the “Curve” icon in the Meshing Tab)

Topology: Bar2
Curve List: Curve 2:5 (type the text in the box or select the curves keeping the
“Shift” key pressed during the selection of the curves.)
Global Edge Length: 30
Click “Apply”

Click “Cycle Show Labels” icon in the “Home” tab to hide all labels.

Because we meshed 4 curves there will be duplicated nodes in the hinge positions that
need to be equivalence.
Equivalence the model to remove duplicate nodes at common geometry boundaries.
> Select MESHING tab
Action: Equivalence
Object: All
Type: Tolerance Cube

Display Type: Free Edges

Click “Apply”
You should see in the command line that 3 nodes were deleted.

Hide all FE .
Select “Display”/”Plot/Erase…” from the top menu bar:
In “Posted Entities” click “Erase” in the “FEM” line
Click “OK”

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-9
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

4. Create Material Properties

Create a set of material properties for the Spar
> Select Properties tab
Action: Create
Object: Isotropic
Method: Manual input

(or alternatively click the Isotropic” icon in the Menu)

Enter a name for the material (ALUMINIUM)
Click in “Input Properties” to define materials properties
Elastic Modulus: 71000
Poisson Ratio: 0.3
Shear Modulus: 27000
Density: 2.71e-6
Click “Ok”
Click “Apply”
The material “ALUMINIUM” should appear in “Existing Materials”

> More materials could be added for other areas of the FE model if required.
> Give each material an appropriate name.
> Create material for different parts of the model, even if they might have the same
properties. You will find it helpful in case you want to change the material properties
of certain parts later.

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-10
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

5. Define Element Properties

Create a set of element properties for the Spar
> Select Properties tab
Action: Create
Object: 1D
Method: Beam

(or alternatively you can click the “Beam” icon in the Properties Tab)
Enter a “Property Set Name” (BEAM)
Click in “Input Properties” to define properties

“Material Name”: m: ALUMINIUM (you can click on the material icon to see
the from the list of materials)

Click in “Create Section” icon

Select the “C” cross section and input dimensional values:

W = 75 mm
H = 300 mm
t = 8 mm
t1 = 8 mm

“New Section Name”: C_SECTION

Click “Calculate/Display” to see a cross section as it will be applied to the model.
Click “Ok”
Insert the following values:
Bar Orientation: <0, -1, 0> (This will align the section vertical axis [2] with
the Y axis)

Click “Select Application Region” to select the stringer curves

Select: Entities
Selected members: Curve 2:5 (type the text in the box or select the curves keeping
the “Shift” key pressed during the selection of the curves.)
Click “Add”
Click “Ok”

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-11
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

Click “Apply”
Show all FE .
Select “Display”/”Plot/Erase…” from the top menu bar:
In “Posted Entities” click “Plot” in the “FEM” line
Click “OK”
To see a 3D view of the Spar:
Select “Display”/”Load/BC/Elem. Props…” from the top menu bar:
In “Beam Display” select “3D:FullSpan”

Your model should look like this:

Inserting <0, 1, 0> in the “Bar Orientation” would have the “C” Section flanges facing the
opposite direction.

Hide all FE entities.

Select “Display”/”Plot/Erase…” from the top menu bar:
In “Posted Entities” click “Erase” in the “FEM” line
Click “OK”

> Apply Properties on geometries; it will be easier to change mesh if required.

> You can show/hide geometry and FE entities using the icons and respectively.

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-12
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

6. Define Boundary Conditions

a. First, fix the Hinge 1 position.
> Select “Loads/BCs” tab
Action: Create
Object: Displacement
Type: Nodal

(or alternatively you can click the “Displacement Constraint” icon in the Menu)

Enter a “New Set Name” (HINGE 1 CONSTRAINT)

Click in “Input Data” to define constraint data
Translations <T1, T2, T3> : <0, 0, 0>
Rotations <R1, R2, R3>: < 0, , >
Click “Ok”
Click “Select Application Region” and select the both short edges of the surface.
Select “Geometry”
“Select Geometry Entities”: Point 3
Click “Add”
Click “Ok”
Click “Apply”

b. Second, fix the Hinge 2 position.

> Select “Loads/BCs” tab

Action: Create
Object: Displacement
Type: Nodal

Enter a “New Set Name” (HINGE 2 CONSTRAINT)

Click in “Input Data” to define constraint data
Translations <T1, T2, T3> : < , 0, 0>
Rotations <R1, R2, R3>: <,,>
Click “OK”

Click “Select Application Region” and select the both short edges of the surface.

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-13
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

Select “Geometry”
“Select Geometry Entities”: Point 4
Click “Add”
Click “Ok”
Click “Apply”

c. Finally, fix the Hinge 3 position.

> Select “Loads/BCs” tab
Action: Create
Object: Displacement
Type: Nodal

Enter a “New Set Name” (HINGE 3 CONSTRAINT)

Click in “Input Data” to define constraint data
Translations <T1, T2, T3> : < , 0, 0>
Rotations <R1, R2, R3>: <,,>
Click “Ok”
Click “Select Application Region.
Select “Geometry”
“Select Geometry Entities”: Point 5
Click “Add”
Click “Ok”
Click “Apply”

> Apply Boundary Conditions to geometries; it will be easier to change mesh if required.
The boundary conditions will be transferred to the mesh.
> Giving each set a meaningful name makes you model more readable.
> Choose appropriate views to facilitate selecting nodes/elements

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-14
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

7. Create Distributed Load in the Spar

Select “Loads/BCs” tab
Action: Create
Object: Distributed Load
Type: Element Uniform

(or alternatively you can click the “Distributed Load” icon in the Menu)

Enter a “New Set Name” (DISTRIBUTED LOAD)

Select “1D” as “Target Element Type”
Click in “Input Data” to define pressure data
“Distr Load<f1 f2 f3>: < , 800, >
Click “Ok”
Click “Select Application Region”.
Select “Geometry”
“Select Curves”: Curve 2:5 (type the text in the box or select the curves keeping
the “Shift” key pressed during the selection of the curves.)
Click “Add”
Click “Ok”
Click “Apply” (the loads and constraints should now be displayed at the nodal locations as
shown below.

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-15
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

To see the distributed load on the entire finite element:

Select “Display”/”Plot/Erase…” from the top menu bar:

In “Posted Entities” click “Plot” in the “FEM” line
Click “OK”
Select “Display”/”Load/BC/Elem. Props…” from the top menu bar:
Select box “Show on FEM only”
Click “Apply”
Click “Cancel”

Select “Loads/BCs” tab

Action: Plot Markers
Assigned Load/BC Sets: Select All
Select Groups: default_group
Click “Apply”

> Apply Loads to geometries; it will be easier to change mesh if required. The
loads will be transferred to the mesh.
> Loads can be applied either using displacement control or load control, they
are equivalent from a physical point of view. Displacement control method is
often preferred.

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-16
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

8. Submit file for MD NASTRAN analysis

Select “Analysis” tab
Action: Analyze
Object: Entire Model
Method: Full Run

Enter a “Job Name” (SPAR_LOADING)

Scroll down and click “Solution Type…”
Select “LINEAR STATIC” analysis (SOL101)
Click “Solution Parameters…”
“Node i.d. for Weight Generator” 0
Click “Ok”
Click “Ok”
Click “Subcases…” where you will see all the loads cases created earlier, in this case there
will be only 1 case called “Default.
Click “Output Requests” and choose “Element Forces” as “Result Type” to add to the
already existing types (DISPLACEMENT, STRESS & SPCFORCES)
Click “OK”
Click “Cancel”
Click “Apply” to start the MD NASTRAN run.

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-17
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

9. Access Results in MSC PATRAN

Select “Analysis” tab
Action: Access Results
Object: Attach XBD
Method: Result Entities

Scroll down and click “Select Results File…”

Select “SPAR_LOADING.XBD” file and click “OK”
Click “Apply”

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-18
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

10. Plot Results

Select “Results” tab
Action: Create
Object: Quick Plot

Select Result Case

Select Fringe Result “Displacements, Translational”
Select Deformation Result “Displacements, Translational”
Click “Apply”

Max Displacement = ______________________________

Reset the graphics using the “Reset Graphics” icon.

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-19
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University
Tutorial 1 – Elevon Spar

To verify if your FE analysis is on the right track, there are some checks that can be done on
the *.f06 file generated by NASTRAN during the analysis.
Open the file “SPAR_LOADING.f06” and make a search for the word “FATAL”. If you find the
word FATAL there is something wrong with your model. Otherwise, continue with the
following checks:
Make a word search for “MASS”. You should be taken to the text below where you can see
the mass of your model. Verify if matches with the value given in the model description.


Make a word search for “LOAD” and “F O R C E S” (with the spaces). You should be taken to
the text below where you can see the Total force applied to your model. Verify if matches
with the sum of the Reaction forces on the constraints.

SUM = 2.400E+6 OK!

Dr. Rui Pires Dept. Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design Group T1-20
Copyright © 2012 Cranfield University

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