Homophones For M.Com &

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Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.

PU) 03344185053

Abject [mean] He is disliked for his abject behavior.
Object [aim] My object is to become a doctor.
Able [skilled] Ali is an able student.
Capable [competent ] He is a capable teacher.
Abstain [avoid person eating, drinking] The students must abstain from smoking.
Refrain [avoid doing] The students should refrain from sitting idle.
Accede [To agree with] He acceded to my request.
Exceed [Cross the limit] The essay should not exceed the given limits.
Concede [To acknowledge] He conceded his defeat.
Accept (To agree] He accepted my request.
Except [apart from] Every one was there except Ali.
Acces [To approach] I have access to my teacher.
Excess [more than enough] Excess of every thing is bad.
Ad [advertismet] I placed an ad in the paper.
Add [insurt] Please add some more salt.
Aid [support] He gave me financial aid.
Aide [asistant] Aide came to rescue the victims.
Addition [something added] He was solving the sums of addition.
Edition [Publication] Please, bring the latest edition of this book.
Auditon [interview] He got through his auditon.
Admit [To accept as true] He admits what I say. I admit him capable.
Coness [To accept a fault or crime] The murderer confessed his crime.
Admission [permission to join] He got admission in F.C. College Lahore.
Admittance [permission to enter] Admittance to the college is not allowed
Adapt [To mould] He adapted himself to the new environment.
Adopt [To take up and use ] She adopted a child.
Adept[expert/skilled] She is adept in singing.
Adverse [unfavourable] Drinking has adverse effect on health.
Averse (against) They are averse to your plans.
Advise [To suggest] [2003 My teacher advised me to work hard
Advice [counsel Follow a good piece of advice.
Effect [influence/result/enforce] My advice brings no effect on him.
Affect [To have an influence on] My advice affected him.
Affectation [False display] No body likes affectation. .
Affection [love/kindness) God has great affection for man.
Inflict [impose/get trouble] He was inflicted by this sad news.
Afflict [To cause trouble] We should not afflict the poor.
All ready[prepared] We are all ready to start the function.
Already [before hand] He has already finished his work.
Allusion [indirect reference] His speech was full of allusions.
Illusion [what seems true but is false] Life is an illusion.
A lot [much/many] I have a lot of money.
Allot [allocat] This house is allotted to me.
Allowed [permitted] He was alloed to go there.
Aloud [loudly] He talks aloud.
Alter [change] He altered his bad habits/plan.
Altar [slaughterhouse] Sheep is slaughtered at the altar.
Alternate [by turns] I visit office on alternate days.
Alternative [replacement] B.Com. course has no alternative.
Amend [change] Some people wish to amend the law.
Emend [to correct] Kindly emend your passage to publish.

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 1
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU) 03344185053

Mend [repair/put right] Cobbler mended my shoes.

Amiable [likeable ] He has an amiable personality.
Amicable [friendly] He is an amicable by nature.
Enmity [hostility] They have very old enmity.
Amity [friendship] Islam gives the lesson of amity.
Answer [response to question] His answer was to the point.
Reply [response to letter etc.] He replied to my letter.
Ancient (of times long ago] I saw an ancient building.
Old [aged] He is an old man.
Angel (a spirit working for God] He saw an angel.
Angle [space in degree] Draw an angle of 90°.
Opposite [against/in front of] He lives opposite to my house.
Apposite [suitable] D.A.E is an apposite course.
Artiste [a singer or actor] Ali Zafar is a famous artiste.
Artist [a performer] Jafar Hussain is a great artist.
Artisan (manual] A carpenter is an artisan.
Ascend (To go up ] The sun ascended in the sky.
Descend [To go down] He descended the stairs carefully.
Assent [agreement] He went for a picnic with my assent.
Dissent [disagreement] He has shown dissent on the new resolution.
Accent [pronunciation] His accent is excelleant.
Ascent [climb] Ascent of this cliff is dangerous.
Audible [that can be heard] His voice is audible.
Edible [eatable] Prices of edibles are increasing regularly.
Ought [should] You ought to respect your parents.
Aught [anything] Is there any aught for me to eat?
Avocation [hobby] Doctoring is his vocation.
Vacation [holidays] We spent-our summer vacation in Murree.
Vocation [Profession] Gardening is my avocation.
Bail [court security] He was released on bail.
Bale [Bundle] He bought a bale of cotton.
Ballet [a dance] She is a ballet singer.
Ballot [vote] He stamped on ballot paper.
Barren [waste land]. This is a barren piece of land.
Baron [British nobleman] He is a baron in England.
Battle [limited armed encounter] The Muslims won the battle of Badar.
War [large scale armed encounter ] Pakistan won the War of 1965.
Beach [seaside] Karachi has a beautiful beach.
Beech [name of a tree] He sat under beach tree.
Bare [uncovered] Don't walk bare footed in the sun.
Bear [a wild animal][To endure] We saw a bear in the zoo. Or He bears me a lot.
Beer [a kind of wine] Don’t drink beer.
Beat [To punish/hit to] Don’t beat students.
Beet [a vegetable] We often eat beet.
Beneficent [kind] Allah is the greatest beneficent.
Benefactor [a well-wisher] He is my benefactor.
Beneficial [useful] Taking exercise is beneficial to health.
Beneficiary[one who takes benefit] I am also a beneficiary in this businesss.
Berth [sleeping seat] I reserved a berth in train.
Birth [coming into the world] What is your date of birth?
Beside [close to] He sat beside me.
Besides [in addition to] Besides me, everybody was there.

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 2
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU) 03344185053

Born [third form of "bear"] Quaid-e-Azam was born on 1876.

Borne [carried on] Troubles are borne by the poor.
Bough [large branch of a tree] He bought a bough of flowers.
Bow [To bend forward ] Bow only before Allah.
Break [cause to shutter] We use brake to stop our bicycle.
Brake [stopping apparatus] Do not break anybody's things.
Breath [in and out haling of air] Breath is life.
Breathe [To take air in and out ] We breathe to live.
Breeze [gentle wind] A cool breeze blows in the morning.
Wind [strong current of air] Wind is blowing.
Bridle [band for controlling a horse] He bridled the horse near the stream.
Bridal [of the bride] Her bridal dress is beautiful.
Boar [wild pig] Boar is a dangerous animal.
Bore: tolerated I am getting bored.
Casual [occasional] He is on casual leave.
Causal [accidental]
Calender [a mechanical iron] He bought a calender.
Calendar [date chart] He bought a new year's calendar.
Cannon (a heavy gun] He fired a cannon.
Canon [principles] Act upon the canons of Islam.
Canvass [campaign] He is canvassing during elections.
Canvas [A thick rough cloth] She bought a pair of canvas shoes.
Caste [social class] There is no caste system in Islam
Cast [To throw] He casts a stone in the river.
Cost[amount for production of a thing What is the cost of this cycle?
Cemetery [graveyard] There was fire in cemetery.
Symmetry [harmoney] There is no symmetry in these diagrams.
Censor Censor board has banned this movie.
Censer [vessel that contains incense] He broke the censer.
Censure: to criticize He censured the corrupt politicizing.
Sensor [a detector] A sensor detects drugs.
Ceremonial A festival is a ceremonial occasion.
Ceremonious: formal He is very ceremonious in his dealings.
Cease[To stop/end] The war will cease soon.
Seize [to surround/catch/hold] The army seized the fort
Cattle [cows arid bulls] Cattle are grazing in the field.
Kettle [a pot for boiling water] He boiled some water in the kettle.
Cell [a small room in prison] He was locked up in the cell.
Sell [to give on payment] He sells toys for children.
Check [To stop] Check the children.
Cheque [payment slip for bank] He gave me a blank cheque.
Childlike [innocent] He is loved for his childlike ways.
Childish [silly] He does not like my childish behaviour.
Choir: a group of singer
Coir: fiber
Quire: Bring one quire of papers.
Chord [a string of musical instrument]
Cord [rope/string]
Sight [scene] How wonderful sight it is!
Cite[To refer/quote] He cited some verses of the Holy Quran.
Site [place reserved] This is the site for a new girl's college.
Climate (general weather conditions] The climate of Multan is dry.
Weather (season] I like cold weather.

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 3
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU) 03344185053

Cloak (loose outer garment] The teacher is wearing a cloak.

Clock (a big watch] This room needs a wall clock.
Cloth [material made by weaving] My uncle deals in .cloth.
Clothe [To wear cloths] He clothed himself for the party.
Clothes [dress] I bought new clothes.
Coarse [rough] Coarse cloth is cheap.
Course [syllabus/way] . B.Com course is very simple.
Collision: clash
Collusion: fraudulent agreement
Cold [not hot] It is very cold today.
Cool [of low temperature] He is a cool minded man.
Complaisant: willing to please others
Complacent: self satisfied
Comprehensible: that can be understood
Comprehensive: extensive
Comma [A punctuation mark] Please, put a comma in the last sentence.
Coma[unnatural sleep] The patient is in a state of coma.
Compliment [admiring comments] Pay my compliments to him.
Complement [something that completes] Man is complement to woman.
Confidant [trusted friend]
Confident [showing self-belief]
Considerable [enough/reasonable]
Considerate [careful about others]
Continual [repeated]
Continuous [without interval ]
Conform: to obey/ in accordance with
Conscience: sense of right or wrong
Conscious: aware of
Conscientious: hard working, honest
Contagious: disease caught by contact
Contigous: conjoining
Contemptible: worth contempt
Contemptuous: showing contempt

Corporal: physical/bodily Teacher gives corporal punishment.

Corporeal [tangible] Human beings are corporeal

Corps [a technical branch of army] He is a corps commander in the army.

Corpse [dead body] I saw a corpse on the road.
Core: central part I am thankful to you from the core of my heart.
Council [a committee] He is a member of Union Council.
Counsel [adv ice] Take counsel of your elders seriously.
Credible [believable] Your story is not credible.
Creditable [praise worthy] His handwriting is creditable.
Cue [hint] Smoke is a cue to danger.
Queue [line of people/row] A queue makes discipline.
Dairy [where milk is converted into ghee etc ] I don’t like dairy products.
Diary [a personal journal] He wites a diary.
Diseased [suffering from a disease ] A doctor cures the diseased people.
Deceased [dead] The deceased was suffering from cancer.
Defer [To put off] He defered his visit to Lahore.

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 4
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU) 03344185053

Differ [To disagree] I differ with you on this matter.

Dependant [one who relys on other for
finanacial support] My younger is my dependant.
Dependent[one who relys on other for what is He is disable. He is dependent for evey need.
Dear [beloved ] You are very dear to me.
Deer [kind of animal] We saw a deer.
Difference [distinction] There is a difference between these two.
Deference [high esteem/postponement] He has deference for his teacher.
Devise [to invent] He devised to flee from jail.
Device [invention/tool] Computer is an electronic device.
Deify[make a god] It is not good to deify rulers.
Defy[dis obey/resist] No body can defy religion.
Dew [morning drops] Dewdrops shine in the morning.
Due [owing to/payable] His success is due to his hard work.
Refuse [To turn down] No body can deny the Oneness of Allah.
Deny [To refuse truthfulness] He refused to help me.
Die [To pass away ] The patient died of cold.
Dye [to give colour] She dyed her hair.
Dose [amount of medicine taken at a time] Take a dose of this medicine twice a day.
Doze [To feel sleepy] Do not doze in the class.
Drown [To go down of animates in water] The little boy drowned in the river.
Sink [To go down of unanimates in water] Wood does not sink in water.
Dual [double] He played a dual game.
Duel [scuffle between two] He fought a duel.
Drop [fall] He droped books on the ground.
Droop (to bow downwards] He drooped due to sickness.
Economics [a subject related to livelihood] He has done Ph.D in economics
Economic (concerned with economics] he is suffering from economic problems.
Economy [Financial position] Our economy is facing crisis.
Economical [cheap] This car is very economical.
Elder [aged in relation] He is my elder brother.
Older [aged in years] Ali is older than Ahmad.
Eminent [famous] My uncle is an eminent scholar.
Imminent [ to happen soon] Flood is imminent in this area.
Empire [states controlled by one rule] Muslim empire was very vast.
Umpire [judge] He is a famous cricket umpire.
Empty[having nothing in it] An empty vessel makes much noise.
Vacant [a position without a person ] This post is vacant now.
Enviable [praise worthy] His noble character is enviable.
Envious [have envy for ] Never be envious of others.
Essay [a piece of writing with paragraphs] Write an essay on inflation.
Assay [try to do something] They will assay new plans.
Essential[indispensable] Education is essential for our progress.
Necessary [needed for sometime] He bought necessary copies.
Necessity (need of life) House is the necessity of life.
Fare [treveling charges] Fares are increasing due to high oil prices.
Fair[Honest] He is not fair in his dealings.
Famous [well known for good] Lahore is a famous city of Pakistan.
Notorious [known for something bad] He is notorious for his bad deeds.
Farm [field] We visited a village farm.
Form [shape/body] There are several forms of money.
Farther [to a greater distance] We went farther into the forest.
Further [more] He is looking for further rest.

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 5
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU) 03344185053

Feat [a difficult trick] He showed a feat in the fair.

Feet [organs to walk] The child injures his feet.
Flour [wheat powder] The price of flour has risen again.
Floor [concrete ground] The child is crawling on the floor.
Latter [Second of the two] Ali and Saad are there, the latter is my brother.
Former [previous] He is a former principal of Hailey College.
Forward [ahead] The army is moving forward.
Foreword [preface of the book] Who has written the foreward of this book?
Fore [front part] A horse has two fore legs.
Four [counting digit] There are four provinces of Pakistan.
Foul [wicked] He adopted foul means in game.
Fowl[domestic bird] They went on fowl hunting.
Funereal [sorrowful] She wears a funereal dress.
Fun eral [burial] I attended his funeral ceremony.
Gamble [game of chance] Gambling is not allowed in Islam.
Gambol [run and jump] Children were gamboling in the courtyard.
Genteel [elegant/graceful] Her genteel manners captivated me.
Gentle [noble/honourable] He is gentleman.
Gait [way of walking ] She walks with a graceful gait.
Gate [main door] The gate was locked arid we returned.
Great [big/huge] Great leaders are bornpnce in a century.
Grate [fire place] In winter, we love to sit near the grate.
Goal [Destination] We must achieve our goals.
Goal [Jail] The criminal was sent to the goal.
Graceful [Dignified] She has a graceful gait.
Gracious [Kind] Allah is very gracious.
Hale [healthy] I am hale and healthy.
Hail [frozen raindrops] It is hailing now.
Heir [legal inheriter] He is the only heir of his father's property.
Hair [growth on head] She has curly hair.
Healthy [physically sound] The patients are getting healthy ;
Healthful [good for health Apple is a healthful fruit.
Heard [listened] I heard a cry behind me.
Herd [a group of animals] The herd of sheep was grazing in the field.
Heel [the back part of human foot] She likes to wear shoes of high heel.
Heal[recover] The wound in my back is healing.
Hew[cut by striking] He hewed down a tree.
Hue [color] Flowers of different hues soothe.
Historic [very important in history] The president delivered a historic speech.
Historical [relating to past history] Taxila is a historical city.
Hoard [store] Hoarding of edibles is crime.
Horde [a disorderly crowd] A horde of people gathered there.
Whole [full/complete] I witnessed the whole incident.
Hole [opening /gap] There was a big hole in the wall.
Honorary [given as an honour] His father was an honorary secretary.
Honourable [worthy of respect] The honourable chief guest was welcomed.
Human [relating human beings] Human nature cannot be changed.
Humane [kind] He is loved for his human nature.
Ice [frozen water] It is very hard to move on ice.
Snow [frozen falling water ] We went to Murree to enjoy snow fall.
Idle [dong no work] Why are you sitting idle?
Idol [something which is worshipped ] The Hindus worship idols.
Illegible [very difficult to read] Your handwriting is illegible.
Eligible [suitable] You are not eligible for this job.

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 6
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU) 03344185053

Illicit [unlawful] Illicit love is shown in movies.

Elicit [cause to come out] The police elicited truth from the thief.
Imaginary [not real] He told me an imaginary story.
Imaginative [having new ideas] The poets must be imaginative.
Immigrant [coming to another country] Immigrants from China have settled in Pakistan.
Emigrants leaving one's own country ] Pakistani emigrants have settled in Europe.
Industrial [relating industry] Faisalabad is an industrial city.
Industrious [hardworking] My brother is a very industrious boy.
Jealous [unhappy with other's happiness] We should not be jealous with others.
Envious [happy of others achievements] The great people are always envious.
Judicious[sensible/thoughtful] Your decision in this matter is quite judicious.
Judicial [relating to judiciary] We should respect our judicial system.
Later [after] You should come later.
Latter [second of the two] Ali and Zia are friends, the latter is my brother.
Lessen [To make less] She has lessened her weight.
Lesson [chapter] Prepare your lesson right now.
Lair[place where wild animals sleep/ hide] The lion slept in a lair.
Liar [One who tells a lie] I don't believe him, he is a liar.
Lawyer [law practitioner]s Aitzaz Ahsan is a famous lawyer.
Less [Not so much] I use less amount of sugar in tea. .
Fewer [Not so many] A fewer number of students attended the class.
Loathe [To hate] I loathe liars.
Loath [Unwilling] He was loath to admit his mistake.
Loose [not tight] This shirt is loose to me.
Lose [To give up] We lost the match.
Mail [the postal system] I shall send these books by mail.
Male [ guy] It is a male dominant society.
Main [basic] Note down the main points of this poem.
Mane [thick hair around an animal’s neck]. The lion has a long mane.
Miner [worker in a mine] His father is a miner.
Minor [smaller] Don't worry; it's just a minor operation.
Marry [take in marriage] He married a widow
Merry [happiness] It's Eid day, let's make merry.
Medal [award ] He got a gold medal in the B.A. examination.
Meddle [interfere] Do not meddle in my affairs.
Meat[flesh] Some people do not like meat.
Meet [convene] I shall meet you at the airport.
Mettle [courage] Every competition tests our mettle.
Metal [minral substance] . Gold is a precious metal.
Moral [lesson] Every story bears a moral lesson.
Morale [ethical level ] We should keep high morale.
I dislike naughty boys.
Naughty [troublesome ]
This is a knotty problem.
Knotty [complicated ]
Ore [earth from which metal is obtained] Different kinds of ores are available in Pakistan.
Oar [blade for rowing] He was rowing the boat with an oar.
Oral [spoken] He got an oral message.
Written [In black and white] He made a written agreement.
Ordinance [order given by authority] The Hadood ordinance has been changed.
Ordnance[weapons] There is an ordanace factory in Wah Cantt.
Pale [Yellow] He has become pale due to illness.
Pail [bucket] She took a pail of water.
Pain [aching] I feel severe pain in my leg.
Pane [glass] The boy broke the window pane.

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 7
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU) 03344185053

Pair [two things joined as one] I bought a pair of socks

Pare [trim/peel] He pares his nails regularly.
Couple [husband and wife] The couple is leading a happy life
Pear [kind of fruit] I like to eat pear.
Pat [encourage by gesture] He patted me on my back.
Pet [domestic bird/animal] They keep a dog as a pet.
Peel [to remove skin/unwrap] He is peeling potatoes.
Peal [toll/sound/ringing] I can hear the peal of bell.
Piece [portion] What a piece of art it is!
Peace [tranquility] May his soul rest in peace!
Persecute [to oppress] Indian Army persecutes Kahmiris.
Prosecute [to intiate legal proceedings] He prosecuted the legal proceedings.
Personal [private] It is my personal matter.
Personnel [wokers/staff/employees] He treats his personnel gently.
Physic [medicine] Quinine is a good physic for malaria.
Physics [subject] He is M.Sc in physics.
Physique [bodily constitution] He has a sound physique.
Pattern [sample/way/style] He follows the Islamic pattern of life.
Patron [supporter/benefactor] Uncle Arshad is my patron.
Patrol [To go round] Police patrols at night.
Petrol [engine oil] This car consumes less petrol.
Plan [scheme]. What are your plans for the future?
Plane [aero plane/tool to smooth wood ] The plane has landed.
Plain [level area ] Western Punjab has a huge plain area.
Popular [like by everyone] Mr. Ali is very popular teacher.
Populous [having large population] Faisalabad is a populous city.
Pore [small opening ] There are countless pores in the human body.
Pour [cause to flow] Please, pour some tea in my cup.
Pray [To implore/beg] Please, pray for my success.
Prey [to hunt animal/victim] We could not find any prey.
Prescribe [to recommend/suggest] The doctor prescribed him to walk.
Proscribe [To ban something by law] This government has proscribed flying kites.
Principal [head of an institution] The principal has come.
Principle [code of conduct] My father is a man of principle.
Profit [gain or advantage] He got a lot of profit in wheat crop.
Prophet [the apostle] Muhammad (S.A W) is the last Prophet of Allah.
Prophecy [forecast/prediction] (Noun) A fortune teller gave prophecy about his death.
Prophesy [to foresee] (verb) I cannot prophesy future.
Quite [sufficient enough] I am feeling quite well.
Quiet [silent] Don't make a noise and keep quiet
Reign [period of rule] Akbar introduced a new religion in his region.
Rain[down pour] It is raining now.
Rein [bridle] He pulled the reins of his horse.
Respectful [showing respect] He is always respectful to his elders.
Respectable [deserving respect] Teaching is a respectable profession.
Reminder [that reminds] Please send him the last reminder.
Remainder [that remains] No remainder is left when we divide four by two.
Rite [religions ceremony] Haj is a religious rite.
Right[just/coned ] It is a right decision.
Ring [to sound] The bell is ringing.
Wring [twist/squeeze] She is wringing the wet clothes. .
Role [part played] He played the role of a teacher in this drama.
Roll[attendance] The students should attend to their roll call.
Root [underground part of a tree, cause] What is the root cause of this problem?

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 8
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU) 03344185053

Rout [To defeat completely] They routed their enemy.

Route [way planned ] Taxi driver has changed his route.
Sanitory [conductive to heath] Life in big city is not sanitary.
Sanitary [hygienic/clean] The sanitary conditions of this city are good.
Sculpture [art of cutting figures out of stone ] This is a wonderful piece of sculpture..
Sculptor [ one who makes sculpture] He is a great sculptor..
Salary [regular pay] He gets a salary of Rs. 10,000 a month.
Wages [payment for labour] Wages should be reasonable and paid in time.
Sail [travel on water] The ship sailed in water.
Sale [act of selling] This house is for sale.
Seam [line of stitches] Seems of my shirt are black
Seem [To appear] He seems quite happy today.
Seen [third form of "see"] He was seen with his fiancee last night.
Scene [picture ] It is a wonderful scene.
Sensitive [easily affected by emotions] Children are very sensitive.
Sensible [showing good sense] He is a sensible man.
Soar [to fly] The young seagull was soaring in the sky.
Sore [painful] He had sore throat.
Social [concerning society] He avoids attending social gatherings.
Sociable [friendly] His sociable behaviour makes him respectable.
Soul [spirit] Prayers are the food of the human soul.
Sole[Only] He is the sole heir of my property.
Soot [black powder] The candle caused soot on the wall.
Suit [dress] I bought a new suit for wedding ceremony.
Suite [set of rooms] We hired a suite in Murree.
Superficial [apparent/shallow/ of surface] He has superficial knowledge of this book.
Superfous [unnecessary] Superficious detail should be avoided in exams.
Stair [ladder] He went upstairs to meet his boss.
Stare [To gaze] Why are you staring at me?
Steal [to run away with] A boy stole my pen.
Steel [strong alloy of iron and carbon] The cupboard is made of, steel.
Straight [in the same direction] Go straight; you will reach the post office.
Strait [narrow water channel joining two seas] A strait connects two seas.
Stationary [still] The sun is stationary.
Stationery [material for writing] My brother runs a stationery shop.
Storey [flour in a building] He lives in the third storey building.
Story [tale] He is a short story writer.
Sweat [perspiration] Sweat saves blood.
Sweet [sugary/cut Children like sweets
Tamper [to interfere with/ unlauful change] Don’t tamper in my affairs.
Temper [disposition/displeasure] His temper is well known to me.
Tale [a story] Mother tells me tales.
Tail [end /back] No one can straighten the dog's tail.
Temporal [Of the physical life] He is spending a temporal life.
Temporary [momentary] Our life is temporary.
Team [group of players] Our team has won the match.
Teem [full of] This river is teemed with fish.
Ternor [theme/ way] The tenor of his speech is unity.
Tenure [term] He introduced many reforms in his tenure.
Unity [oneness] We are in need of national unity.
Union [amalgamation/combination] Union is strenght.
Unison [harmony] We should act in unison
Urban[civilian/of city] He lives in the urban locality
Urbane [civilized] He is urbane in his manners.

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 9
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU) 03344185053

Verse [a line from poetry/Quran] He cited a verse from the holy Quran
Worse [bad- worse-worst] His condition is getting worse.
Vain [proud] Don't be so vain.
Vein [blood vessels] Blood runs through our veins.
Van [vehical] I go to school by van.
Vale [valley] He is sitting in the vale.
Veil [Covering fir the face] He dislikes veil.
Wail [cry/scream/weep] He is wailing at the death of his father.
Verbal [spoken/oral/vocal] He made a verbal aggrement.
Verbose [full of words/wordy] His story is verbose.
Veracity [truthfulness] His veracity is above board.
Voracity [greed/hunger] His voracity knows no bounds.
Virtual [in fact, practical] They faced a virtual
Virtuous [nobel] He led a virtuous life.
Vice [subordinate/sin] Gambling is a vice.
Voice [sound] You have melodious voice.
Wait[stay] He is waiting for me.
Weight[load] What is your weight?
Ware [goods] Warehouse is used to store goods.
Wear [to put on] He wears a cap.
Waist [loin] He is wearing a waist coat.
Waste [To spoil] Do not waste your time.
Wander [ to move about aimlessly] Where are you wandering about?
Wonder [to be surprised] I wonder at your foolishness.
Waive [leave one’s right] He waived his right in favour of me.
Wave [undulate/billow/ripple] There was a huge wave in the river.
Way [course] We should follow the right way.
Weigh [to measure] Please, weigh this bale.
Weak [feeble] Owing to his illness, be has become weak.
Week [collection of seven days] There are seven days in a week.
Wet [damp/drenched] Wet clothes cling to the body.
Whet [to sharpen] He whets the knife.
Weather [climate] It is very fine weather today.
Whether [if] He asked me whether I was in the function.
Willing [ready/eager] She is willing to mary him.
Wilfull [obstinate] She is very willful.
Wine [liquor] Wine is prohibited in Islarn.
Vine [grape branch] The gardener trimmed the vine.
Whole [complete/full] I could not sleep the whole of night.
Hole [opening/ crack/gap] The rat hid into hole.
Wonder [To feel surprised] His great success wondered me a lot.
Wander [To move aimlessly] He wandered aimlessly.
Wreck [to destroy]
Wreak [to take revenge]
Wreath [garland] Wreaths are put on graves.
Wreathe [adorn with flowers] She wreathed a garland
Wrath [anger] We should fear the wrath of Allah
Wroth [angry] She is wroth at his misbehaviour.
Yearn [to desire] I yearn for my home.
Yarn [thread] He works in yarn factory
Yoke [wooden frame on one's neck] He yoked the oxen to plough)
Yolk [yellow part of an egg] I like the yolk of an egg.

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 10

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