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Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.

1 The sceneries of Swat are lovely. The scenery of Swat is lovely.
2 The furnitures in this room are good. The furniture in this room is good.
3 She gave me two advices. She gave me two pieces of advice.
4 She shouted vulgar abuses at me. She shouted vulgar abuse at me.
5 She wrote three poetries She wrote three poems.
6 The hen ate many rices. The hen ate many grains of rice.
7 He made many mischiefs. He made many pieces/acts of mischief.
8 He ran into many troubles. He ran into much trouble.
9 He gave me two informations. He gave me two pieces of information.
10 She told me two news. She told me two pieces of news.
11 She took tea with her family members. She took tea with the members of her family.
12 Cattle is eating grass. Cattle are eating grass.
13 Cattles are eating grass. Cattle are eating grass.
14 Ten miles are a long distance. Ten miles is a long distance.
15 He gave me a fifty rupees note. She gave me a fifty rupee note.
16 Her hairs are curly. Her hair is curly.
17 Politics are a game. Politics is a game.
18 Two sheeps are eating grass. Two sheep are eating grass.
19 I like fresh fruits. I like fresh fruit
20 He grows a variety of fruit. He grows a variety of fruits.
21 I bought two dozens eggs. I bought two dozen eggs.
22 She bought some stationeries. She bought some stationery.
23 He caught two fishes. He caught two fish.
24 I have two works to do. I have two pieces of work to do.
25 I have a business in the office. I have a piece of business in the office.
26 We spent the summer vacations in Swat We spent the summer vacation in Swat
27 The United States are a rich country. The United States is a rich country.
28 The United Nations are not working for us. The United Nations are not working for us.
29 We have read many poetries. We have read many poems
30 He issues order to release him. He issues orders to release him.
31 He takes pain over his work. He takes pains over his work.
32 I have an urgent work/business at home. I have an urgent piece of work/business at home.
33 The table’s leg is broken. The leg of table is broken.
34 She has Naeem’s book. She has book of Naeem.
35 I was busy in my study. I was busy in my studies.
36 I am twenty years old. I am twenty year old.
37 Vermin is seen everywhere in rainy season. Vermin are seen everywhere in rainy season.
38 He killed two deers. He killed two deer.
39 I saw many deers. I saw many deer.
40 He bought four scores of oranges. He bought four score of oranges.
41 For God’ sake, help me. For God’s sake help me.
42 For justice’s sake, I did so. For justice’ sake, I did so.
43 Measles are spreading rapidly. Measles is spreading rapidly.
44 Please put your sign here Please put your signature here

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053


1 I and he are friends. He and I are friends.

2 He and you are friends You and he are friends.
3 This pens is my. This pen is mine.
4 I, you and he will help the poor. You he and I will help the poor.
5 I, you and he deceive others. I, he and you deceive others.
6 Any one can do if one tries. Any one can do if he tries.
7 One of the dogs bite. One of the dogs bites.
8 One of the teacher died in blast. One of the teachers died in blast.
9 Neither of the three girls are my sister. None of the three girls is my sister.
10 None of the two boys are there. Neither of the two boys is there.
11 Either of the three girls are my sister. Anyone of the three girls is my sister.
12 Anyone of the two boys are there. Either of the two boys is there.
13 He along with his teachers are going. He along with his teachers is going.
14 He as well as you is in the wrong. He as well as you are in the wrong.
15 Neither he nor I is working. Neither he nor I am working.
16 Either you or she have done some thing wrong. Either you or she has done some thing wrong.
17 He is one of those boys who is mischievous. He is one of those boys who are mischievous.
18 I want a teacher for my son who is over forty. For my son, I want a teacher who is over forty.
19 It is I who are to blame. It is I who am to blame.
20 It is she not you who are to blame. It is she not you who is to blame.
21 He is taller than me. He is taller than I.
22 He is happy as her. He is happy as she.
23 This is yours book. This is your book. Or This book is yours.
24 Your work is better than mine work. Your work is better than my work. OR Your work is
25 One should do his duty. better than mine.
One should do one's duty.
26 A man should do one's duty. A man should do his duty.
27 He keeps himself away from smoking. He keeps away from smoking.
28 She was bathing herself in the pool. She was bathing in the pool.
29 Wise people avail of every opportunity. Wise people avail themselves of every opportunity.
30 He enjoyed in the class. He enjoyed himself in the class.
31 Aslam and I are thieves. I and Aslam are thieves.
32 I and Aslam are social workers. Aslam and I are social workers.
33 Ali is the boy which I like the best Ali is the boy whom I like the best
34 I saw a bird who was pretty. I saw a bird which was pretty.
35 He is such a boy who is liked by me. He is such a boy as is liked by me.
36 He is the same boy who won the prize. He is the same boy that won the prize.
37 He is the boy who I like. He is the boy whom I like.
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053
38 Whom is singing a song? Who is singing a song?
39 Who do you like the most? Whom do you like the most?
40 It is him. It is he.
42 Let she come in. Let her come in.
43 The matter is between she and I. The matter is between her and me.
44 None of the girls has done their work. None of the girls has done her work.
45 Neither of the two boys is doing their duty. Neither of the two boys is doing his duty.
46 Either of die two boys is learning their lesson. Either of the two boys is learning his lesson.
47 Anyone of these boys is reading their book Anyone of these boys is reading his book.
48 Every boy is doing their duty. Every boy is doing his duty.
49 Each of us has paid their dues. Each of us has paid his dues.
50 The four girls are fighting with each other. The two girls are fighting with one another.
51 The jury was divided in its verdict The jury were divided in their verdict
52 The jury were united in their opinion. The jury was united in its opinion.
53 I saw a girl in the school who is lovely. In die school, I saw a girl who is lovely.
54 Both of they have gone. Both of them have gone.
55 He braver than we all. He braver than us all. Or all of us.
566 The two boys are helping one another. The two boys are helping each other.
57 One of the girl is wise. One of the girls is wise.
58 Your's truly. Yours truly
59 This pen is like me. This pen is like my pen.
60 Those who work hard they will pass. Those who work hard will pass.
61 He who is proud he is not liked. He who is proud is not liked.
62 You and I do your work You and I do our work.
63 They and we do their duty. They and we do our duty.
64 You and they obey their parents. You and they obey your parents.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053

Exercise No. 1
1. Between you and I, he is not to be trusted.
2. The books lying on the table are not their.
3. His appointment is in the morning her is in the afternoon.
4. Who shall I thank for this fine gift.
5. Whom do you think is to blame?
6. He was displeased with me going away.
7. He is the man which met me yesterday.
8. One ought to respect his superiors.
9. Everyone should do one's work.
10. Neither of the two boys attend to their class regularly.

Exercise No. 2

10. Among you and me, he is a fool.

11. The four girls were playing with each other.
12. Either of the five players is a thief.
13. None of the two girls is ready to go there.
14. Of the three routes this is the shorter.
15. Of these two books, this is the best.
16. Neither of the three boys is my friend.
17. Either of the three accused is guilty.
18. She encouraged neither of the three cousins.
19. There is a short interval between each act.
20. Correct the following Sentences:
21. Distribute these mangoes between the three brothers.
22. Naseem and Perveen loved one another.
23. Either of the five players are in the ground.
24. None of the two girls have committed this sin.
25. Any one of two boys have done this.
26. Neither of the three boys like Mathematics.
27. Each of the boys gives their own version of incident.
28. Each of these girls have read their books.
29. Neither of the charges were just.
30. One can learn his lesson if he appiies his mind to it.
31. Each must contributo what they can.
32. None of those two students hás won the scholarship.
33. She encouraged neither of the three lovers.
34. One must not boast of his success.
35. He was taller than either of the three brothers.
36. A man should keep one's own promise.
37. Every one that see you love you.
38. Neither of the two sisters got the prize they expected.
39. Each of our students pay the fee in advance.
40. These two boys hate one another.
41. I and my uncle are gomg to college.
42. For goodness sake, leave me alone.
43. The house's roof hás been shaken by earthquake.
44. My son in law father's carne to see me.
45. Your's sincerely.
46. l am yours humble servant.
47. My brother's only help were his friend..
48. Where have you placed my shoes of tennis.
49. Have you heard about your son's robbery
50. The hoiidays of summer begin from Monday.
51. The transport of Lahore is very expensive.
52. What have you poured into the cup of coffee.
53. This is my brother's SaleenYs watch.
54. My horse and yours are both lam
55. I always shave myself before breakfast.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053
56. Correct the following sentences.
57. l am vviser than him.
58. One must fulfil his proniist-.
59. Neither of two sisters got the prize they expected.
60. One of the boy is absent.
61. You and Hamid have dono their work,
62. l want a teacher for my son who is over sixty.
63. Who did you see in tho hotel.
64. l did not know who you moan.
65. They did their duty should be rewarded.
66. He was the man whom they thought was dead.
67. She is older than me.
68. Every boy and every girl should love their country.
69. None remain to tell me the story of her sufferings.
70. l and he are brothers.
71. The girl who was promoted, she was my fiance. P.U. 2008
72. Your pen is in my suit case. Shail l bring.
73. It is l who is to blame.
74. l and Saleem are going to Lahore.
75. There is no love iost between you and he.
76. l do not like he beating about the bush.
77. Correct the following sentences:
78. Every one present here have the right to express their opinion.
79. The boy is here, shall l call?
80. Since the judges selected only one winner, neither Asiam nor me won the prize.
J. Whom is responsible for this act.
81. õ. This my coat is old.
82. Is he married? Yes l think.
83. Mary likes classical music and often listens to íhern at nome.
84. The man who was arrested, he was my brother.
85. Have you a pencil? l have not got.
86. We all did not go.
87. I and my friend decided to go shopping last Sunday.
88. It is not easy to translate ideas into English and then write it down.
89. My younger sister, wants to be an accountant, who is very good at máthematics.
90. He is one of those writers who amuses the readers.
91. Who are your talking about, him or me.
92. This is mine house.
93. This is hers pen.
94. He deserves more than her.
95. If l were him, l would not obey.
96. A student who l taught is now an officer.
97. The two brothers hated one another.
98. People should love each other.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053
1 Please give me any milk. Please give me some milk.
2 He did not give me some milk. He did not give me any milk.
3 She made tea with little milk. She made tea with a little milk.
4 She made tea with a little milk I brought. She made tea with the little milk I brought.
5 He earns few rupees daily. He earns a few rupees daily.
6 He spent a few rupees he had. He spent the few rupees he had.
7 She is taller than me. She is taller than I.
8 She is the tallest than her sister. She is taller than her sister.
9 He is the taller of the three. He is the tallest of the three.
10 She is more taller than I. She is taller than I.
11 This book is more ideal than that This book is ideal.
12 This car is more preferable than that This car is preferable to that
13 He is the most unique doctor in the city. He is a unique doctor in die city.
14 This cloth is more superior than that This cloth is superior to that
15 He is senior than me. He is senior to me.
16 She is the most tallest girl in the class. She is the tallest girl in the class.
17 He gained a first prize. He gained die first prize.
18 He loves every of his two sisters. He loves each of his two sisters.
19 I am elder than he. I am older than he.
20 She is my older sister. She is my elder sister.
21 She is the tallest of the two. She is die taller of die two.
22 The number of boys in our school are less. The number of boys in our school is small.
23 Yours sincere friend. Yours sincerely. OR your sincere friend.
24 He is a coward man He is a coward. OR He is a cowardly man.
25 She is much beautiful. She is very beautiful.
26 He spent whole the money. He spent the whole money.
27 He spent the all money. He spent all die money. ,
28 She has no any money to buy a pen. She has no money to buy a pen.
29 She is very tired to run. She is too tired to run.
30 Of the two, he is the best. Of the two, he is the better.
31 It much fine today It very fine today
32 It is too cold today. It is very cold today.
33 He is a best student. He is a good student.
34 He is more fatter than I. He is fatter than I.
35 He is my older brother. He is my elder brother.
36 This story is much interesting. This story is very interesting.
37 She is elder than I. She is elder to me.
38 Where are your family members? Where are the members of your family?
37 His result is much encouraging. His result is much encouraging.
38 I was much happy. I was much happy.
39 I am much pleased to see you. I am much pleased to see you.
40 I am very obliged to you. I am very obliged to you.
41 He is a miser man. He is a miserly man.
42 All is the eldest man in the town. All is the oldest man in the town.
43 She is my oldest daughter. She is my eldest daughter.
44 What is the last news of the match? What is the latest news of the match?
45 She is a miser woman. She is a miserly woman. OR She is a miser.
46 This book is too much thick. This book is much too thick.
47 He is coward boy. He is cowardly boy. Or He is coward.
48 The braves are always respected. The brave are always respected.
49 This is a worth seeing place. The is a place worth seeing
50 Health is more preferable than wealth. Health is more preferable to wealth.
51 She is the most unique teacher in school. She is a unique teacher in school.
52 Please keep quietly. Please keep quiet.
53 This orange tastes sweetly. This orange tastes sweet.

1. I am too tried not to attend the meeting.

Exercise No. 9:
1. His father's character is very different from his brother.
2. The voice of a woman is softer than a man.
3. The climate of Murree is nicer than Lahore.
4. Of the two books this is the best.
5. Of the three routes, this is the shorter.
6. This news paper has the widest circulation of any paper. .
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053
7. Lahore is larger than any city in the Punjab.
8. This book will prove much useful than any other.
9. No girl in the class is so intelligent as she.
10. Health is more preferable than riches.
Exercise No. 10 :
This is a worth- reading book.
Neither he comes nor writes.
Please, only write on one side of the paper.
For whose benefit the post office is set up?.
For what offence he was imprisoned?
He asked me that I had done my work or not.
The teacher asked that who had broken the chair?
She asked me how many brothers did I have.
The man is your doctor who told me the story.
I want that you should go there.
Salma is clever of the two sisters.
He is more stronger than his brother.
The climate of Multan is better than Lahore.
The population of Karachi is greater than any town in Pakistan.
The scenery of Kashmir is more lovelier than Switzerland.
The streets of Lahore are more narrower than Islamabad.
A noble man prefers death than dishonour.
He is sénior than me.
She is more intelligent of the two.
This is the best of the two.
l met him prior than his departure for Lahore.
Asma is more beautiful than any girl in the class.
He is more taller than his brother.
The poetry of Keats is sweeter than Milton.
He is more intelligent than any boy in the school. This is the most perfect method.
This is the most perfect method.
He dreamed of the most ideal society.
He is the most tallest boy of the class.
He is a most intelligent boy of our section.
Of all the girls, she is decidely the better.
You nave written the most perfect story.
He enjoys the most world wide reputation.
A darkest cloud hás a silver lining.
She is more intelligent of the two.
Khalid is more intelligent than the whole class.
He hás written a more complete book on the rights of women.
This is the best of the two.
The Taj Mahal Agra hás, the most world wide reputation.
This is the most shortest way to go.
Solomon was the wisest of all other men.
Of the two girls, she is decidely the best.
l wrote the most unique book on English grammar..
There is a best teacher in that class.
His oldest daughter died of heart attack.
There is not some boy in the class.
Tell me the last news of war.
He is sitting besides rne in the class.
We saw much less films than last year.
Have you seen her latest photograph. (recent say)
The latest part of the book is very difficult.
There is little to do in such a hopeless case as this.
Few people attend the meeting.
l am elder than my younger brother.
He is the oldest member of the family.
Last part ot the book is very difficult.
He hás gone bankrupt. He hás got a little money with him.
l shall stay at Murree for few days.
He is sitting besides his mother.
We met at the house of a mutual friend to make peace.
Many a soldier arrived at the party latter than l
Sarfraz arrived at the party latter than l.
l visited the whole America.
This is a worth seeing sight
He is more taller than l.
He is stronger from his brother.
There are no less than one dozen apples.
Few are successful in life.
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053
Many a students are industrious.
He is a best person.
This is a best book on Engiish grammar.
The voice of a woman is softer than man.
You are more cleverer than he. 10. The oranges of my garden are sweeter than your garden. 11 . He is
taller than any boy in the class.
l am júnior than him in service.
Llttle knowledge is a dangerous thing.
The flowers smell sweetly.
This is the later news.
Prevention is betterfrom cure.
You look smartly in uniform.
He is the best of the two.
These kinds. of mistakes does occur.
Solved (This kind of mistakes does occur)
Open your book at forty page.
She is the best and beautiful girl in the class.
We visited many worth seeing places. P. U. 2009
These ali pears are ripe. P.U. 2010
The two first chapters of the books are very interesting.
l shall punish every one of you both.
He was present on the both days.
Please let me stay little longer.
He hás less worries than I.
l do not like those sort of things.
Salma is the most beautiful of ali other girls.
Almighty God hás saved us ali.
The whole Pakistan is in deep grief.
It is our duty to help the unfortunates.
He was a very welcomed visitor.
He has a clearest style of writing.
He lifted the bundie with his both hands. (with both of his hands- correct).
He cut the apple into two halves.
He is a coward person. He is a miser man.
This was unkindest cut of all
this chair is bad than that.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053

1 She never speaks a lie. She never tells a lie.

2 She opened the knot She untied the knot
3 She has written a letter last night She wrote a letter last night
4 The boat drowned into the lake. The boat sank into the lake.
5 Two men sank in the sea. Two men drowned in the sea.
6 A duck was swimming in the pool. A duck was floating in the pool.
7 A boy was floating in the canal A boy was swimming in the canal.
8 A picture was hanged on die wall. A picture was hung on the wall.
9 The murderer was hung yesterday. The murderer was hanged yesterday.
10 The hen has lain an egg. The hen has laid an egg.
11 She was laying in the bed. She was lying in die bed.
12 You will pass if you will work hard. You will pass if you work hard.
13 If he worked hard, he will pass. If he worked hard, he would pass.
14 If he had worked hard, he will have passed. If he had worked hard, he would have passed
15 She said that she is ill. She said that she was ill
16 I fear to pass die exam. I hope to pass die exam.
17 I hope to lose die game. I fear to lose die game.
18 He told that he was ill. He told that he was sick
19 The boy has given the examination. The boy has taken the examination.
20 The lion invaded the hunter. The lion attacked the hunter.
21 She has taken admission to the college. She has got admission to the college.
22 He refused that he had told a lie. He denied that he had told a lie.
23 He denied to help me. He refused to help me.
24 He refuses the existence of God. He denies the existence of God.
25 She with her daughters are taking tea. She with her daughters is taking tea.
26 I as well as you were wrong. I as well as you was wrong.
27 Either he or I are wrong. Either he or I am wrong.
28 A number of boys has failed. A number of boys have failed.
29 Majority in Pakistan are poor. Majority in Pakistan is poor.
30 Majority of the people in Pakistan is poor. Majority of the people in Pakistan are poor.
31 Two and two makes four. Two and two make four.
32 Do not let him to go. Do not let him go.
33 She had better to take the exam. She had better take the exam.
34 She works hard lest she should not fail. She works hard lest she should fail.
35 It is raining since morning. It has been raining since morning.
36 He has been absent for long. He has been absent for a long time, OR He has been
37 Why he ate bread? absent
Why since
did long.
he eat bread?
38 He makes friend. He makes friends.
37 Each the student have done his work. Each the student has done his work.
38 Every one of them are lazy. Every one of them is lazy.
39 Black and white TV are Cheap. Black and white TV is cheap.
40 Cutting the grass, a snake bit him. Cutting the grass, he was bitten by a snake.
41 Opening the door, a handle was broken. Opening the door, he broke the handle.
42 Opening the book, the lesson was learnt Opening the book, she learnt the lesson.
43 He had not met me two days ago. He did not meet me two days ago.
44 She is one of those who is liked by me. She is one of those who are liked by me.
45 She prevented me to go there. She prevented me from going there.
46 He knows to swim. He knows how to swim.
47 Ali looks happily. Ali looks happy.
48 He is feeling hunger. He is feeling hungry.
49 Union is consisted in faith. Union consists in faith.
50 She wants that I should help her. She wants me to help her.
51 Every Muslim should wear a beard. Every Muslim should have a beard.
52 Climbing down the tree, an egg was broken While he was climbing down the tree, he broke an egg.
53 Being a rainy day, I could not come. It being a rainy day I could not come.
He is too happy. He is very happy
He is very weak to walk. He is too weak to walk.
She is much happy. She is very happy.
He is much tall. He is very tall.
She is very taller than her sister. She is much taller than her sister.
He is much delighted. He is very delighted.
Israel is very hated by the Muslims. Israel is much hated by the Muslims.
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053
This book is much interesting. This book is very interesting.
She is very kind enough to me. She is very kind to me.
He is enough kind to help me. He is kind enough to help me.
He helps me frequently. He frequently helps me.
He treats the poor friendly. He treats the poor in a friendly manner
She walks lovely. She walks in a lovely manner.
Neither he comes nor goes. He neither comes nor goes. OR Neither does he come
He ran lest he might miss the train. nor does
He ran hehe
lest go.should miss the train.
He is beautifully singing. He is singing beautifully.
She bought many sugar. She bought much sugar.
She has much books. She has many books.
Writing books is too much difficult. Writing books is much too difficult.
He reads good. He reads well.
He is too happy. He is very happy


183 She is making noise. She is making a noise.
184 He is in wrong. He is in the wrong.
185 Horse is a faithful animal. The horse is a faithful animal.
186 She is telling lie. She is telling a lie.
187 I saw snake in the garden. ! saw a snake in the garden.
188 I bought an eggs. I bought eggs.
189 She drank a tea. She drank tea.
190 The health is a wealth. Health is a wealth.
191 Beauty of Swat is matchless. The beauty of Swat is matchless.
192 The iron is found in Pakistan. Iron is found in Pakistan.
193 Gold of this watch is pure. The gold of this watch is pure.
194 I love the Pakistan. I love Pakistan.
195 Pakistan of today is different from Pakistan The Pakistan of today is different from the
of 1947. Pakistan of 1947.
196 Earth is a small planet. The Earth is a small planet.
19? A snake I saw in the garden was black. The snake I saw in the garden was black
198 Karachi is biggest city of Pakistan. Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan.
199 We should love innocent We should love the innocent
20 English are a cunning nation. The English are a cunning nation.
0 Nile is the longest river of the world.
201 The Nile is the longest river of the world.
202 The sun sets in west The sun sets in the west
203 Holy Quraan is the last book of Allah. The Holy Quraan is the last book of Allah.
20 More we earn, more we want The more we earn, the more we want
205 She is wiser of the two girls. She is the wiser of the two girls.
20 The Aslam is a selfish boy. Aslam is a selfish boy.
207 The all books in this bag are written by me. All the books in this bag are written by me.
708 She is suffering from the diabetes. She is suffering from diabetes.
20 She ate the breakfast late today. She ate breakfast late today.
210 The both sisters are beautiful. Both the sisters are beautiful.
211 She got an employment in the bank. She got employment in the bank.
212 She is of opinion that he is a cheat She is of the opinion that he is a cheat
213 The wisdom is a unique gift Wisdom is a unique gift
Wisdom of Ali is unique. The wisdom of Ali is unique.
This is the gold. This is gold.
Gold of Brazil is very famous. The gold of Brazil is very famous.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053

Exercise No.1
1. Indus is the longest river in Pakistan.
2. The gold is a costly metal.
3. You must serve the humanity.
4. He has got an employment in the bank.
5. He was elected the President of the country.
6. He is a M.A in English.
7. I have got headache.
8. He is a man whom I saw in Lahore.
9. I received a reply in affirmative.
10. Little charity is better than no charity at all.
Exercise No.2
11. The beauty is truth.
12. The death is a great leveller.
13. Death of the Prime Minister led to the fall of his party.
14. Few friends that I have are very sincere to me.
15. Humility is finest virtue.
16. Sooner you go, better it is.
17. I cannot buy this book with little money in my pocket.
18. Your younger brother is M.A in History.
19. Elephant never forgets
20. Harder you work, easier it will be to pass the examination.
Exercise No.2
21. Ravi is a wide river.
22. jhelum flows through a beautiful valley.
23. He is a M.A in English.
24. Rose is sweetest of all flowers.
25. Pakistan times is an old newspaper.
26. Poor must be loved.
27. More we get, more want,
28. You are in wrong
29. The French defeated English.
30. Doctor is feeling the patient's pulse.
Exercise No.2
31. He has to support dying wife and five children.
32. Gold of Swat is very precious.
33. The wisdom is the gift of God.
34. The swimming is a good exercise.
35. He is M.A while his friend is B.A.
36. The gold is a costly metal.
37. He died of the cholera.
38. The honesty pays its reward in the long run.
39. The falsehood is odious.
40. He is not at the fault.
Exercise No.2
41. The man is selfish by nature.
42. You must serve the humanity.
43. With age, the wisdom comes.
44. The dancing is very popular in Europe.
45. I met him on the Christmas day.
46. Go to the hell.
47. The poor fellow is now in a trouble.
48. He is seriously seeking for an employment.
49. He is a bankrupt and has therefore a little money with him.
50. The time passed off quickly.
Exercise No.2
51. The beauty is but skin deep.
52. He was suffering from the cholera.
53. A black and white dog were lying in the street.
54. She is short in the stature.
55. The debate was now coming to a close.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053
56. What a fun.
57. They never fail who die in great cause.
58. Poor must be pitied.
59. What beautiful scene is this.
60. Rose is the sweetest of all the .flowers.
Exercise No.2
61. Holy Quran is the sacred book of the Muslim.
62. I am happy because I have few friends.
63. You are in wrong.
64. Higher you go, cooler it is.
65. Your are Solomon in wisdom.
66. He will come to see me after fortnight.
67. There is a little truth in your statement.
68. I have been ill for last two days.
69. Rich are happy.
70. Courage of Hazrat Ali is praiseworthy.
Exercise No.2
71. Singing of cuckoo is liked by everyone.
72. The president is in country.
73. He is the ablest and the richest man of the street.
74. Many flower is blooming in the garden.
75. He saw one eyed man.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053

214 She is as tall as him. She is as tall as he.

215 She no sooner entered the class, the She no sooner entered the class than the teacher
teacher began to teach the lesson. began to teach the lesson.
216 She is not as tall as her sister. She is not so tall as her sister.
217 She is so tall as her sister. She is as tall as her sister.
218 He is as tall as all of we. He is as tall as all of us.
219 She is as wise as both of we. She is as wise as both of us.
220 She is both wise as well as beautiful. She is both wise and beautiful. OR She is wise as
well as beautiful.
221 Although he is old but he can run fast Although he is old yet he can run fast
222 We had hardly reached the class than We had hardly reached the class when the teacher
the teacher began to teach the lesson. began to teach the lesson.
223 She had scarcely reached the station She had scarcely reached the station when the
than the train steamed off. train steamed off.
224 Not only he is fat but also lazy. He is not only fat but also lazy.
225 Not only he writes but also teaches. He not only writes but also teaches.
226 I don’t like such boys who are naughty. I don’t like those boys as are naughty.
227 This is the same book which I gave you. This the same book that/as I gave you.
228 When he comes then I shall go with him When he comes, I shall go with him
229 As he was there so I met him. As he was there I met him.
230 She talks like her mother does She talks like her mother. Or talks as her mother
231 She talks is if she is scholar. does
She talks is if she were scholar.
232 Walk carefully lest you may not fall. Walk carefully lest you should fall.
233 He cannot succeed unless he doesn’t He cannot succeed unless he reads.
234 read.
Either she or I is in the wrong. Either she or I is in the wrong.
235 He is no other but Naeem. He is no other than Naeem.

Not only -----------------------but also
Both------------------------and (don’t use as well as)
Nothing else----------------------but
No other---------------------than (don’t use but)
The same-----------------as
(Not) so------------------as
No sooner-----------------------did+1st form----------------------than
Hardly/scarcely had+ 3rd form----------------------when
Until/unless----------------------------- (don’t use NOT)
Not to speak of---------------------even
As if /as though----------------were
I wish/would that ----------------were
Could not but------------------1st form
Could not help--------------laughing

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053
1. There is no man but Ali.
2. He asked that whether he was ill.
3. Walk fast lest you might miss the train.
4. Not only he is simple but simple.
5. No sooner I reach, it started raining.
6. There is no such book which you demand.
7. Nothing else than hard work made him popular.
8. There is no other book on the table but "pride and prejudice"
9. Though he is rich but miser.
10. He cannot pass unless he does not work hard.
11. He is both intelligent as well as diligent.
12. Hardly did I leave the station, than the train moved away.
13. Until he does not work hard, he cannot pass.
14. This is the same boy who stole my pen.
15. Nothing else than wealth made him proud
16. Neither he comes nor writes.
17. Although he is ill, but he can come to college.
18. He is both intelligent as well as hardworking, only
19. he is hardworking but intelligent.
20. Work hard lest you might not fail.
21. Unless he does not work hard, he cannot pass.
22. Though he has enough money, but he will not purchase a house.
23. Unless he does not write well, nobody will understand him. –
24. He is no other book on the table but Bang-i-Dara.
25. Nothing else than honour made him proud.
26. Not only we were served with milk, but fruit,
27. John as well as his sister were present.
28. Not only she is beautiful, but clever.
29. Although every one speaks evil of you, but I will stand by you.
30. you have bad companions, you will never do well.
31. He is no other boy in the class but Saleem.
32. This is the same pen which you gave me yesterday.
33. He is such a man who is liked by everyone. P.U. 2008
34. He is not as happy as Saleem.
35. He is so happy as Saleem.
36. No sooner had he gone to college, It began to rain.
37. He asked me that where I lived.
38. He enquired from me that whether I appeared in the examination.
39. Hardly did he reach the station, the train steamed off.
40. There is no such book which you demand.
41. Scarcely had he gone than a policeman knocked at the door.
42. There is no such country which you mention.
43. He had hardly reached the station than the train started.
44. No sooner did we left the shop, It began to rain.
45. I like such books which are interesting.
46. No sooner I had fallen than they ran away.
47. Because he is hard working, therefore he will pass.
48. As he is strong, so he will climb the wall.
49. He could not help but laugh.
50. He cried as if he is mad.
51. He sings like his brother.
52. I gave him one hundred twenty rupees. Supposing if he fails, what will you do.
53. If you do not come, then I shall not help you.
54. Due to fever, he could not attend to his work.
55. The choice is between wealth or beauty.
56. Until he is good, he should not fear any one.
57. Neither he comes, nor he writes.
58. The reason why he wept is known to me.
59. What to speak of French, he does not know even English.
60. The choice is between glorious death or shameful life.
61. I am not sure if he will succeed.
62. The examination will begin from Monday.
63. It is the business of a teacher neither to favour one boy or the other.
64. Supposing if you are caught, what will you do.
65. His successs is not equally remarkeable as the success of his friend.
66. I shall help you providing that you carry out my instructions.
67. She did nothing else than cry.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053
68. He asked that whether I knew his father.
69. I seldom or ever take the medicine. P.U. 2010
70. He is a good student but I have much pleasure in recommending him.
71. Wait here while I come; I won't be long.
72. Until you have bad companions, you will not do well.
73. So far, I am concerned, he is dead.
74. As far, the school is concerned, you are free to act as you please.
75. I do not know the reason why he dislikes me.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053
235 The bird was sitting on the tree. The bird was sitting in the tree.
236 The stars are shining on the sky, The stars are shining in the sky.
237 I hate from cruelty. I hate cruelty.
238 The lion attacked on the hunter. The lion attacked the hunter.
239 We reached at the station in time. We reached the station in time.
240 You can pass in die examination. You can pass the examination.
241 She is kind on me. She is kind to me.
242 The knife is to cut The knife is to cut with.
243 The page is to write. The page is to write on.
244 The house is to live. The house is to live in.
245 The patient has been operated. The patient has been operated upon.
246 He is angry at me. He is angry with me.
24? She is angry with my performance. She is angry at my performance.
248 The letter is written with pencil. The letter is written in pencil.
249 I am writing the letter in pencil. I am writing the letter with pencil.
250 He likes to write with blue ink. He likes to write in blue ink.
251 She could not sit in the exam. She could not sit for the exam.
252 He sat under the shade of a tree. He sat under the in of a tree.
253 She is blind of her right eye. She is blind in her right eye.
254 He is blind in his shortcomings. He is blind to his shortcomings.
255 This cheque is of the United Bank. This cheque is on the United Bank. .
256 This cheque is of Rs. 20000/- This cheque is for Rs. 20000/-
257 I will say it on his face. I will say it to his face.
258 What is he for you? What is he to you?
259 He died from TB. He died of TB.
260 She is ill from fever. She is ill with fever.
261 She congratulated me for my success. She congratulated me on my success.
262 She resembles to her mother. She resembles her mother.
263 The examination will begin from Sunday. The examination will begin on Sunday.
He reached at the station. He reached the station.

264 He met me on night. He met me at night.

265 He closes his shop at the afternoon. He closes his shop in die afternoon.
266 We will meet after two days. We will meet in two days.
267 Open die books on page 8. Open the books at page 8.
268 She is good in cooking. She is good at cooking.
269 He did not agree with my proposal. He did not agree to my proposal.
270 She impressed me from her wisdom. She impressed me with her wisdom.
271 He is lacking of courage. He is lacking in courage.
272 Smoking is injurious for health. Smoking is injurious to health.
273 She was accused with theft. She was accused of theft
274 She is very popular in friends. She is very popular with friends.
275 He cannot part from his books. He cannot part with his books.
276 He has never been in the cinema. He has never been at the cinema.

Exercise N6 1:
Wrong Use of Preposition,
1. The holidays will begin from June 29.
2. Attach this certificate with your application.
3. He has a great command over English.
4. Arrange the subject into two heads.
5. Your advice cannot affect on him.
6. He has disposed off his property.
7. He replied me in the negative.
8. The doctor will operate the patient tomorrow.
9. He reminded me my promise.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053
10. I congratulate you for your success.

Exercise No 2: (Prepositions)
11. He told me that I lacked courage.
12. Taking stale food is injurious for health.
13. Send this letter on my address.
14. She has been busy in her work for two hours.
15. It is very wise to part company from a foolish friend.
16. Our college is built by red bricks.
17. She did not ask any question from him
18. The judge disposed the case summarily.
19. As I was listening his story, I fell asleep.
20. He was not ready to approve our scheme.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053

277 There are three females in the room. There are three ladies/women in the room.
278 The attested copy of the certificate is attached The attested copy of the certificate is attached.
279 The students should keep good health. The students should enjoy good health.
280 There is no place in this compartment. There is no room in this compartment
281 He was writing in his copy. He was writing in his note book.
282 Good evening, I am going to sleep. Good night, I am going to sleep.
283 Good night, I am glad to see you. Good evening, I am glad to see you.
284 She could not help but weep. She could not help weeping.
285 I went there with a view to help him. I went there with a view to helping him.
286 She met me in the way. She met me on the way.
287 What to speak of milk, even water could not Not to speak of milk, even water could not be
be had there. had there.
288 It is half past seven in my watch. It is half past seven by my watch.

1. He is a failed student.
2. It is very wrong to support that man.
3. The general invaded the enemy.
4. I met his family members.
5. All the staff memebers attended the meeting.
6. Good night, I am pleased to meet you.
7. Do you know to write an essay?
8. I did not get the answer of my letter
9. Put the heap of dry grass on fire.
10. I will keep your promise in my mind.
11. The speech he gave was very impressive.
12. I have an urgent business at Lahore
13. My son is sick these days.
14. There is no place in this compartment.
15. He cannot pull on with his wife.
16. I will give the next exarnintion.
17. These females have come to take youe advice.
18. He invited me but I denied to go to his house.
19. He has taken addmission in our college.
20. What to speak of milk, we did not get even water.
21. He should be taught to say the truth.
22. He feels out of sort.
23. I hope you are keeping good health.
24. He is a famous dacoit.
Please see my certificates.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053


Examination: B.AIB.Sc

Subject:Eaglish(for B.Sc. Coedidates) Paper:Co,npulsory

Time:3 his Marks:l0O

Section -A

Select any two questions.

Qi .a) Mark Twain has made a tnsc analysis of human nature in his essay “The Damned Human Race” Do you agree? 15

b) Write two merits of science as described by Rusacl in the place of science in a liberal education. 10

Q2.a) What is the acutal secret of Mitty’s life? IS

b) How do creative thinkers grasp great ideas y discussed in V.’here do these bngJst ideas come from? lÔ

Q3.a) Discuss in your words the viite?s spirtitual approach to life as you understands front His essay “End of the Road’lZ

b) Describe the condition of the public ward of the French

Hospital. 10

Q4a) Write a note on the function and importance of sea. IS

b) WritcanotcontheyouthandoldageofMrs.Baker.I0

Section -B

Q5. Read the passage and answer the questions In your own

worda. IS

In the jrca of crime detection, control and law enforcement, we are still relying on outmoded and worn out techiuques and technology while the criminals have

graduated to state-of-the an electronics and sophisticated weaponry to combat the growing menace of modern crime, a countrywide computer network is indispensable It

can dig out criminals buried deep under the inoth-caten filling dcbris, analyses the incoming

data and detect identical patterns of crime leading to a common origin. Computer can prepare lists of criminals on the basis of age group, methods of operation, nature of

crime, number of convictions, and so on. A proving gang of criminals striking every time in a different city with a consistent pattern cannot only be detected; its next

possible target can be predicted and dealt accordingly. Computerization will improve the efficiency of the police force by allocating lesser number of people more

strategically instead of everyone roaming about on a wild goose-chase. Computerizattun can also rescue the central Board of Revenue from the nightmarish chaos it has

accepted as its

Bureaucracy is a major hurdle in modernizing the system partly because of its in-built lethargy and partly because computerization would certainly lesson its exploitative

control that it currently enjoys. Hitherto, computer in most of the government departments is used as a sophisticated typewriter or an impressive omament to grace the

executive table.

A number of international organizations are willing to extend technical and financial assistance for the computerization of the public and private sector and we must not

let such opportunities lapse through our legendary lethargy and administrative red tape.


l.Why cannot we detect crime and enforce law easily?2

2 How can computerizatios be helpM in checking crime and in improving the efficiency of the police? 2

3.Why is the bureaucracy not interested in compwerizatio&2

4.Suggest a suitable title and write a précis of the above

passage. 9

Q. Write a report to the Secretary of Education on insufficient security measure, taken by the Education al institutes of your ci.,? 10

Q7. Write an essay on one of the followIng topics. 15 I Religious Extremism

iHow to combat Terrorism

3.Intentet Addiction

QO. Translate into English. — 10

C,,fA4 ‘ p_1,,q L
-- ,


Write, dialogue between two frIends on violence I. video a... (fur foreign students only.)
Ex.mlnattoa: B.AIB.Sc


StibjectEaglish Language Pap.r:A

TI.e:330 bra Marka:100

Note: AUenst ad parts of. question to gdkes 3. end

— Owr-atteieg’tJ deserve no credit

QI. Explai, with reference I. the context a.y Three .1 the

f.llowinga. (1+746)

a. lwilldrain

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053

Long draughts of quite

As a purgation.

b. Fall gently. snov flakes

Cover me with white

Could icy kissr and

Let me rest me tonight

c. I lost two cities, lovely ones. Ann ister,

Some realmt I owned, two rivers, a continent,

I miss them but it wasn’t disaster.

d. But I was well

Upon my way to sleep before, it fell,

AndI could tell.

e. Instead of talking like that you ought to go and have a walk in the garden, or else order Toby or Gaint to be harnessed, and then drive out to see some of the neighbors.

Q2. Attempt any Two of the following questions. (200.225 wind,

each) (10+10)

I.How does Hemingway crease suspense in the sto,y The Killers’

2.Velsat kind of a character Rappaccini it?

3. What role does Bishop p1ay ‘in Some Thing to Talk About?

Q3. Attempt any Two .t the following questions. (200-225 words each) 10+10

I. Do you find any element of humour and satire in the poem The Rebel?

2. Does the poem Patriot into Traitor reflect the mood of frustration and disillusionment?

3. Discuss the role of fate in the poem The Huntsman.

Q4. Attempt any Two of the following questions. (200-225

words each) 10+10

l.Describe the scene of eclipse I the essay The Eclipse. the essay Nagasaki still relevant to day?

3.Wlsai is Liaquat Ali Khan’s plea in Pakistan and the Modrrn worid?

Q5. Attempt any Two of the following questions. (200-2 wrods each) (10+10)

I. What message do you get from the novel The Old Man and the Sea?

2. Do %ou think that the sea is also a character in the novel [he Old Man and the Sot?

3. Write a note the Old Man.


Examination: B.A/B.Sc


Subject:Englith Language Paper:B

Time:3 his Marks:lOO

Important Note: Over attempted idioms/ correcrio of sentences

will not be narked. Ony the First FIVE will be marked.

Don’t write your names. Pk or Identity In any a,inver.

QI. Write an essay with outline of 300-350 words on one of

the following topica: 20+5

l.Swect are the uses of adversity.

2.Overseas Pakistanis: Our informal ambassadors.

3. Power corrupts and absolute power comipts absolutely.

4.Role of women in Nation building

5.Folk tales of the Punjab

Q2. Read the following passage and answer the questions at Its. end. The answer must be in your own words.10+lS

Ii has become a national habit to curse the state for anything that happens in our lives. If there is a breakdown of elect, city

or traffic jam on the road, it is our favorite pastime to start finding fault with the state. We do not realize how danger is this. By casting doubts on the existence or efficacy

of state in solving daily life problems, we are playing in the hands of terrorists. Because their main objective is to make people realise that the state has become a failure.

Our media also sometimes cannot maintain the fine balance between criticism and despondency. Pakistan is not a failed slate. The people of Pakistan are aware that

they have a political, cultural and social issues that we have to sort out. But nobody should think that the people of Pakistan are not capacitated to do the job. With the

help of our strong faith in Allah, our capacities and by building our institutions, we would steer Pakistan out of these hard times. The best example of this resolve can be

seen in the operation Zarb-e-Azab when the valiant armed forces of Pakistan. backed by the civilian aupposi, reduced the number of terrorist attacks iii Pakistan. And

Pakistan is on the way to xogress and prosperity.


What is our favouriie pastime in an unusual situation? 2. What is the inherent danger in cursing the state?

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053

3,ws., is the narrative of the terrorists?

4 How would Pakistan come out of these hard times?

5.Suggesi some other ways to make Pakistan strong.

6.Make a précis

Q3. Write a letter to editor of the newspaper about the need for a massive campaign for tree plantation in the country.


OR Write an application to the Health minister of sIte Punjab for the provision of medical facilities in Government Hospitab of your district.

Q4. Correct any five of the followings. (No extra attempt will be marked)

l.Heisacoward. 2. Hcpersistedtodoit

3.There are lying ten furniture’s in your room.

4.After all, he had to confide on somebody.

$.Thc girl who was promoted, she was my fiancée.

6.His all hopes were dashed to the ground.

7.He was failed in BA.

8.The pizza and the sandwich looks good.

9.The decreasing number of birth have been attributed to family planning. 10. He is not capable to do it.

QS. Use any five of the following phrases in sentences. (No extra

attempt will be marked)

a) Bearup It) Goabout

c) On the horns of dilemmad) Bluestocking

e) Throw to the dogs I) A brown study

g) A hard nut to crack h) Blue blood

i) At daggers drawn j) Cast a slur

Q6. Writ, a dialogue between two friends on the harms of

child labour. IS

OR Translate the following paragraph into English.




Examination: K.AIB.Se
Subjeci:English Language Paper:A
Tlme:3:30 bra Marks:l00
Note: Atten,W all ports of a question to gelker. Be rdeswat and
precise. Over-attenq#s deserw o credit.
QI. Iplain with reference to the context any Three of the followings. - (7+7+6)
a When I behold, upon the niIsrs starred face.
Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance
And think that Irnay never live to trace.
b. In Xannadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree,
Where AIph the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.
c. Stoodonagreatplaininthefailirsgsnow
Ten thousand soldiers marched to and fro
Looking for you and me, my dear.
Looking for you and me, my dear,
d. ButOThatlwereyoungagaio
And hold her in my arms?
e. And!aminastateofmindwhichiftdon’tpaytheintcrest due to-morow, will force mc to make a graceful exit from this life feet first
Q2. Attempt alt Two aim. thm.*Wig qaeati.iss. (20-225 wr.ds
each (10+11)
l.Wh si the d*ai of the ecqtral character in the ssory
2.D. yma think that A pearson in the desert is a fantasy?
3. What role does Smussox perform in The Bear’
Q3. Aftept any Twa .1 the following questions. (200-225
wards .acb) 10+10
I. What is the cinstral idea of die-poem politics?
2. Why is the pott glad to see the snake at his water rough?
3. What I. the dianstic sign lcancc of images used in the poessi Say This City Has Ten Million Souls?
Q4. Attempt any Two .1 the following questl..a. (200-225
w.i’de each) 10+1l
I. What do we expect while living is the world of wipar-things?
2. What are the remons for the development of beauty rnoy?
3. Why do people goeap?
QS. Attempt say Two .1 the toIl.wing questions. (200-225
inch) (10+10)
1. Why d. the boy’s paasts contider the old man salao?
2. Who we the, the great DiMagglo and the Indians of the Cleverjsnd?
3. Write. note the boy in the novel.
txsmination: B.A/B.Sc
Group - II
Subject:Engtish Language Psper:B

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.A. English PU, M.Com.PU)03344185053
Time:3 hrs Marks:tOO
Important Note: Over aUenued Idioms’ correction of sentences
will not be tiarbeL On, the First FIVE will be ma,keiL
Do,,’i w,ije your neater, Pktt or Identity in any answer.
Ql. Write in essay with ontline of 300-350 words on on. of
the following topIcs: 20+5
l.Dotnestic Violence Against Women
2.How can we build the soft image of Pakistan
3.Provision of Justice can strengthen democracy
4.Pakistan: An emerging economy
5.Democracy The o&y way forward in the contemporary
Q2. Read the following passage and answer the questions at the end, The answer .iust be in your own words.lO+15 As we survey the whole course of mans development from the
earliest times to the present and from the moss primitive and simple so the most complcx way of living, we arc strongly unpressed by the fact that whatever men have lived together there
has been some group interest in education. As the group becomes more complex than this interest grows, institution s definitely charged with she task of teaching arc created. Thus the
school comes into existence and an educational system evolves.
But so far as we know from the meagre records which have
been left, early man had only a very simple education system. Most of the childs learning was picked up as he associated with this parents and other members of the family, (nbc, clan, or
larger group. lie learned to fish and to prepare his food, to fight his enemies and so take care of his simple and elcmcntary needs, In short, he learnt to survive on tb Id in which he
found himself.
As the life of group became more complex, certain number of the groups took it upon themselves to become thoroughly familiar with the traditions and die customs and devoted most
of their time to teaching of the young. At first, this teaching was done wherever the teacher and a group of learners cared together. But laser specified places for teaching and learning
were set up. These were the first schools.
l.Iiow can we say that even the earliest man had interest in education?
2.How and when was the first education institution
3. What kind of educational system did the early men have?
4.Trace the development of educational system?
5.Suggest a suitable title for the passage?
6. Make a précis of the passage.
Q). Write a letter to the D.P.O of your district regarding the rising tide of scetrian violence in your district 15
OR Write an application to the D.P.O of your district on the rise of drug trafficking in your areas.
Q4. Correct nay five of the followings.(No extra attempt will be
l.He gave me many abuses. 2. He bought five dozens eggs. 3.The English is spoken throughout the world,
4.1k fixed a gallow to. the criminal
5. One must do hisduty.
6.If be were older, he have more sense,
7.One should take care of his health
*.Shc sing poem to her audience
9.The envy is an evil passion 10.1 cannot help to peisehim Q5 Use any (lv. of the following phrases In senteecea. (No
eatra attempt will be marked),
a) Alivewire b) Giftofthegab
c) Small hours d) The eternal triangle
e)Point blank f) To bury the hatchet
g) Budding genius Is) in cold blood
i) A kettle of fish j) Cry iqi
Q Writ, a dialog., between two friends on the Issue of
global warming. is
OR Translate the following paragraph Into Laglish.

l,t !G b.ftIf b”1JIiil,fi 4j Lf4 i


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