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Assertive sentence
Exercise No. 1
1) The inspector will visit our school tomorrow."
2) I do not like urban life.
3) I shall give you a wrist watch."
4) We do not know him.
5) You cannot please everybody in this world."
6) You have broken the window pane.
Exercise No. 2
1) We do not like this house because it is too dirty.
2) I did not ask you to come here.”
3) He shuts the door.
4) I laughed at the people and now people laugh at me.
5) I am going to tell you a very strange story tonight
6) I shall leave this book here on your table today.
Exercise No. 3
1. I was not flying kites.
2. My uncle has written a book.
3. You have not told us the truth in this case.
4. I shall invite you to tea on my birth day.
5. I shall return these books to you tomorrow.
6. My wife will be maker tea for you.
7. Our team will be playing a friendly match today.
8. You can tell me the story.
Exercise No. 4
1. My son built a new house but I refused to live in it.
2. I shall attend my classes regularly in future.
3. I dismiss you from your job.
4. I slapped the servant on his face.
Interrogative sentences

Exercise No. 5
1. When did you buy this house?
2. How can we start a business once again?
3. Will you decorate your house on your marriage?
4. Have you attempted all the questions?
5. Why did you refuse to take these ladies to the railway station?

Exercise No. 6
1. Did you not take this medicine yesterday ?
2. Who is creating disturbance in the meeting?
3. Will you take the examination this year?
4. Did you see the snake in the compound of this house?
5. How should we lead our daily life?”
6. Which newspapers do you read?”
Exercise No. 7
1) Can you lend me your book for a few days?
2) Can you drive car a little more slowly, please ?"
Exercise No. 8
1) Who teaches you English?"
2) Why do you ask so many questions?"
3) How have you got a good gardener?
4) Who looks after your roses?"
5) Where can I find a good magazine?"
Imperative sentences
Exercise No.9
1. Lend me your book.
2. Do not tell a lie.
3. Sign this receipt.
4. Do not disturb me now."
Exercise No. 10
1. bring a cup of tea for me.
2. Leave the room.
3. Help this needy person."
4. Do not pluck flowers from this garden.
5. Respect your teachers.
Exercise No. 11
1. Open your books and learn this poem by heart
2. Do not make a noise."
Exercise No. 12
1. Consult a lady doctor.
2. Try your luck again.
3. Pardon me this time.
4. Do not betray your friends.
5. Do not make promises.
Exclamatory Sentences
1) Father will bring many toys for me.
2) I have lost my precious necklace.
3) I have always been hated and deceived.
4) You did your work nicely.
5) I have done what cannot be undone.
6) We all have been declared successful by the principal
1) My only son has been kidnapped by somebody.
2) I have spoiled my children.
3) I could not look after my old mother properly.
1) My father is taking me to Swat tomorrow.
Exercise No. 19
Exercise No. 21
1) May God grant peace to the departed soul!
2) May every Muslim become a true follower of lslam!
3) May heaven protect my helpless son!" " .
Exercise No. 22
(The Use Of Should, Must, Can, Could, May, Might, etc.)

1) You should pay his debt today.

2) Good students should observe the discipline of the college.
3) You must do your duty honestly and diligently."
4) You ought to respect your old parents.
5) We should not injure our elders* feelings.
6) I could not pocket an insult in this matter.
7) You could catch the thief easily.

1) I am always asking you to work hard.
2) May God bless you with prosperity !
Exercise No. 25
3) Open fire
Exercise No. 26
4) You ought to respect your elders."
5) The teacher said to the boy, "I have marked you absent."
Exercise No. 27
6) She wrote me a letter and said, "I am unable to attend your birthday party as
my mother is ill."
7) We said to him, "What does it matter if we miss the train?"
8) He said to me, "Are you in a mood to work ?"
9) All the people said, "May her soul rest in peace !"
10) He said to me, "Thank, you for all your help, I couldn't have finished my work
unless you were there."
11) The mother said, ,"Let me see what you have got in your hand."
12) She said to him, "Well, Sir, My brother will not come to take me from school
today because he is suffering from fever."
13) The officer said to the peon, "Come in time, otherwise you will be turned out."
14) The patient said to the doctor, "How great a blessing of God health is!"
15) "What do you want here at this time of the night ? " she
16) The stranger said to the policeman, "Do you know where the president lives?"
Exercise No. 28
17) "Sit down, you naughty boy," said the teacher angrily.
18) The old woman said, "My days are numbered."
19) The teacher said, "Let us be serious and do the work."
20) "Ah ! I did not avail myself of this opportunity." Said the old man.
21) The Principal said to the students, "You should observe the discipline of the
22) "How mean you are !" said he to his friend.
23) He said to me, "Don't disturb me* Mind your own business."
24) He said to me, "Please, wait here till I return”
25) The man said to the little boy, "Why are you here? Don't you know your way
26) The little girl said, "How pretty I look in this dress.
Exercise No. 29
27) "Let us go out in the rain and enjoy ourselves," They said,*
28) He, says, "I am tired of this place."
29) The teacher said to the boy, "Why are you so late ' today, when will you learn
to be in time?"
30) She said to me, "I worked hard so that I might get first position."
31) His father said, "How have you fared in the examination?"
32) The magistrate said to the police, "Open fire."
33) "Come in and have a cup of tea," said the lady to the visitor.
34) I said, "What a big fool he is !
35) The girl said, "No, I cannot tell you how this happened."
36) She said, "Alas ! How spendthrift I have been."
Exercise No. 30
37) The father said to his son, "Don't make lame excuses."
38) The teacher said to us, "You ought to respect your elders.”
39) Let him go to the hospital and get some medicine," said he.
40) She said to her son, "Take care of yourself and write to me off and on."
41) The general said, "Bravo ! A good attempt."
42) The teacher said to the boys, "Did I not tell you that I will not take your class
43) She said, "What a wonderful gift!"
44) She said to me, "What do you intend to do after passing your examination?"
45) The doctor said, "My patient is getting better and he will soon be able to walk."
46) The teacher said to the boy, "I have marked you absent."

Exercise No. 31
47) She wrote me a letter and said, "I am unable to attend your birthday party as
my mother is ill."
48) We said to him, "What does it matter if we miss the train?"
49) He said to me, "Are you in a mood to work?"
50) All the people said, "May her soul rest in peace!"
51) He said to me, "Thank you for all your help, I couldn't have finished my work
unless you were there."
52) The mother said, ,"Let me see what you have got in your hand."
53) She said to him, "Well, Sir, My brother will not come to take me from school
today because he is suffering from fever."
54) The officer said to the peon, "Come' in time, otherwise you will be turned out."
55) The patient said to the doctor, "How great a blessing Of God health is!"
56) "What do you want here at this time of the night?" she said to the stranger. .
Exercise No. 32
57) "Wipe your shoes," she said, "When you come into the home."
58) I said to my brother, "Let me go alone and find if everything is all right."
59) The teacher said to the student, "Foolish ! Why have you disturbed the class in
this way? I have told you before when I am speaking, you should be silent."
60) Saima said, "Good-bye, friends, we shall meet after the vacation."
61) "Foolish", said the officer to his clerk, "Why were you absent yesterday?"
62) He said, "Remember, a bad workman always quarrels iwith his tools."
63) She said to her daughter, "How long do you intend to stay with your aunt?"
64) I said to my son, "You must keep the bad boys at arm's length."
65) He said, "Alas! I have been cheated, will you help me to catch the rogue."
66) "Forward my men, said the General, "and face the foe bravely."
Exercise No, 33
67) Afzal said, "How beautiful is the day!"
68) She said, "My brother will beat you for your misbehaviour."
69) The king said to the queen. "If I die, take care of my people."
70) She said to him, "Do you go out for a walk?"
71) She said to him, "When do you go out for a walk?"
72) She said, "Alas! All my hopes are now at an end."
73) The poor man cried in agony, "May you be ruined!"
74) He said, "What a beautiful town! I will live here for the rest of my life."
75) The soldier said, "Hurrah ! We have been victorious."
76) "Let us go to cinema today," said Ali to his friends."
Exercise No. 34
77) My mother said, "Take a look at yourself in the mirror."
78) He said to her, " Why do you like loose clothes?"
79) He said, "Let me have a cake."
80) Asif said, "How lazy I have been !"
81) She says, "I shall attend the meeting tomorrow if I get the invitation."
82) The barbar said to me, "Would you like to have your hair cut?"
83) I said to Ali, "Let us stay at home."
84) She said to him, "Please get out and do not come again."
85) I said to him, "Would that you had stood first in the class!"
86) The Principal said, "Hurrah ! The result of our college has been excellent."
Exercise No. 35
87) She said to him, "Sir, I am your student and shall always obey your
88) He said to me, "Will you stand by me through thick and thin?"
89) Aslam said to us, "Let us pluck some apples from here,"
90) The teacher said to me, "My friend, it pains me to see that you cannot
understand the simple thing that I am trying to teach you."
91) "What a stupid fellow you are !" said my uncle to me."
92) Mother said, "May my only son be healthy and strong !"
93) Father, said to me, "Where did you go yesterday'?"
94) She said to her sister, "If you wish to see me come at nine."
95) She says, "I have been ill and no body helped me."
96) She said to me, "How lucky you are to win this prize !'
Exercise No. 36
97) He said to Riffat, "Will you dine at my house this evening ?"
98) I said to him, "Dog, you have been very mean."
99) His mother said to him, "All, be sensible and do as you are told."
100) The teacher said to me, "Why have you made this mistake?"
101) "Hurrah ! We have won the match," shouted me captain.
102) The teacher said to the students, "I hate the students cheating in the
103) The beggar said angrily, "May you go to the hell!"
104) He said, "If you are rich, help the poor."
105) He said, "Let us play at cards .now."
106) The merchant said, "Alas! I have been reduced to poverty."
Exercise No. 37
107) As she failed she said, "Alas I am ruined."
108) The old man said to him. "Fool, you are not to go there."
109) The teacher said to us, "Mind your own business and don't whisper to others
or I shall frame unfair means cases against you."
110) She said to the teacher, Good morning Madam, May I attend your class for a
few days?"
111) He said, "Let them discuss that matter." They said, "May it not rain today!"
112) I said to her, "What do you want now? Can I do any thing for you?"
113) I said to him, "How can I reach the station now?"
114) I said to him, "You stupid person, you have crashed all flowers under your
115) Our teacher said, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing,"
116) He said to her, "Why are you pale today?"
Exercise No. 38
117) He said to me, "I shall give you the book tomorrow which you have been
asking me for these many days."
118) "Revise your lesson 'quietly and don't make a noise," said the tired teacher.
119) I said to her, "When will you return the book I gave you last week?"
120) The fox said to the crow, "How beautiful you look in your shining black
121) He said to me, " I shall have sent you to the prison, you rogue."
122) Farman said to me, "When will you return my book?"
123) The commander said, "Fire."
124) "Bring me a sheet of paper," said the teacher to the boys.
125) Ikram said to me, "I am going to show you a wonderful thing I came by
126) He said to the little boy, "Why are you moving about here? Don't you know
your way home ?"
127) I shall lend you my book for a few days if you want it badly.
128) Father, I have lost the money you gave me for books."
129) Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?
130) Brazil has defeated Italy in the final of the world cup."
131) Do not take eggs and sweets.
132) We should observe the traffic rules."
133) He deserves punishment.

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