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Word Meaning Synonyms

Abandon: relinquish leave quit give up

Abash: shame embarrass
Abate: lessen diminish subside
Abduct: kidnap steal carry off
Abet: aid assist support
Abhor : hate dislike detest despise
Abject mean cheap third rate
Abolish cancel nullify extinguish
Abridgment summary abstract outline gist
Abscond: hide escape slip-away disappear
Abstain refrain desist with hold
Absurd stupid foolish ridiculous odd
Accept believe admit agree
Accompany join attend escort
Accurate precise exact correct
Achieve: accomplish gain attain
Acknowledge: recognise profess admit
Active: alert quick sharp
Addicted habitual acclimatized naturalized
Accustomed, to get used
Admit: confess accept
Admire applaud praise approve
Adult grown-up mature
Advantage good point benefit profit
Afraid feared frightened scared
Agree confess acknowledge
Ally friend companion accomplice
Almost nearly just about
Also as well as too
Amateur pleasure-work
Ample sufficient abundant enough

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