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UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION NET BUREAU Code No. 17 Subject : MANAGEMENT (including Business Admn. Mgt./Marketing/Marketing Mgt./Industrial Relations and Personnel Mgt., etc.) SYLLABUS AND SAMPLE QUESTIONS Note : ‘There will be two question papers, Paper—II and Paper—Ill (Part-A & B). Paper—II will cover 50 Objective Type Questions (Multiple choice, Matching type, ‘True/False, Assertion-Reasoning type) carrying 100 marks. Paper—III will have two Parts—A and B; Paper-Iil (A) will have 10 short essay type questions (300 words) carrying 16 marks each. In it there will be one question with internal choice from each unit (.e. 10 question from 10 units; Total marks will be 160). Paper-Ill (B) will be compulsory and there will be one question from each of the Electives. The candidate will attempt only one question (one elective only in 800 words) carrying 40 marks. Total marks of Paper-IIl will be 200. PAPER-II & PAPER-III (A) [CORE GROUP] Unit—I 7 Managerial Economics-Demand Analysis Production Function Cost-output relations Market structures Pricing theories Advertising Macro-economics National Income concepts Infrastructure—Management and Policy Business Environment Capital Budgeting 1 P.T.O. Unit— The concept and significance of organisational behaviour—Skills and roles in an organisation—Classical, Neo-classical and modern theories of organisational structure—Organisational design—Understanding and Managing individual behaviour personality—Perception—Values—Attitudes—Learning—Motivation. Understanding and managing group behaviour, Processes—Inter-personal and group dynamics—Communication—Leadership—Managing change—Managing conflicts. Organisational development Unit—L Concepts and perspectives in HRM; HRM in changing environment Human resource planning—Objectives, Process and Techniques Job analysis—Job description Selecting human resources Induction, Training and Development Exit policy and implications Performance appraisal and evaluation Potential assessment Job evaluation ‘Wage determination Industrial Relations and Trade Unions Dispute resolution and Grievance management Labour Welfare and Social security measures Unit—IV Financial management—Nature and Scope Valuation concepts and valuation of securities Capital budgeting decisions—Risk analysis Capital structure and Cost of capital. Dividend policy—Determinants Long-term and short-term financing instruments Mergers and Acquisitions Unit—V 17 Marketing environment and Environment scanning; Marketing Information Systems and Marketing research; Understanding consumer and industrial markets; | Demand Measurement and Forecasting; Market Segmentation—Targeting and Positioning; Product decisions, Product mix, Product Life Cycle; New product development; Branding and Packaging; Pricing methods and strategies. Promotion decisions—Promotion mix; Advertising; Personal selling; Channel management; Vertical marketing systems; Evaluation and control of marketing effort; Marketing of services; Customer relation management; Uses of internet as a marketing medium—other related issues like branding, market development, Advertising and retailing on the net. New issues in Marketing. Unit—Vv1 Role and scope of production management; Facility location; Layout planning and analysts; Production planning and control—production process analysis; Demand forecasting for operations; Determinants of product mix; Production scheduling; Work measurement; Time and motion study; Statistical Quality Control. Role and scope of Operations Research; Linear Programming; Sensitivity analysis; Duality; Transportation model; Inventory control; Queueing theory; Decision theory; Markov analysis; PERT/CPM. Unit—VIT Probability theory; Probability distributions—Binomial, Poisson, Normal and Exponential; Correlation and Regression analysis; Sampling theory; Sampling distributions; Tests of Hypothesis: Large and small samples; t, z, F, Chi-square tests. Use of Computers in Managerial applications; Technology issues and Data processing in organizations; Information systems; MIS and Decision making; System analysis and design; Trends in Information Technology; Internet and Internet-based applications. Unit—VvI WwW Concept of corporate strategy; Components of strategy formulation; Ansoff’s growth vector; BCG Model; Porter's generic strategies; Competitor analysis; Strategic dimensions and group mapping; Industry analysis; Strategies in industry evolution, fragmentation, maturity, and decline; Competitive strategy and corporate strategy; Transnationalization of world economy; Managing cultural diversity; Global Entry strategies; Globalisation of financial system and services; Managing international business; Competitive advantage of nations; RTP and WTO. Unit—Ix Concepts—Types, Characteristics; Motivation; Competencies and _ its development; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Small business—Concepts Government policy for promotion of small and tiny enterprises; Process of business opportunity identification; Detailed business plan preparation: Managing small enterprises; Planning for growth; Sickness in Small Enterprises; Rehabilitation of sick enterprises; Intrapreneurship (organisational entrepreneurship). Unit—xX Ethics and Management system; Ethical issues and analysis in management; Value based organisations; Personal framework for ethical choices; Ethical pressure on individual in organisations; Gender issues; Ecological consciousness; Environmental ethics; Social responsibilities of business; Corporate governance and ethics. PAPER-III (B) [| ELECTIVE / OPTIONAL ] Elective—I 7 Human Resource Management (HRM)—Significance; Objectives; Functions; A diagnostic model; External and Internal environment; Forces and Influences; Organizing HRM function. Recruitment and Selection—Sources of recruits; Recruiting methods; Selection procedure; Selection tests; Placement and Follow-up. Performance Appraisal System—Importance and Objectives; Techniques of appraisal system; New trends in appraisal system. Development of Personnel—Objectives; Determining Needs; Methods of Training & Development programmes; Evaluation. Career Planning and Development—Concept of career; Career planning and development methods. Compensation and Benefits—Job evaluation techniques; Wage and salary administration; Fringe Benefits; Human resource records and audit. Employee Discipline—importance; causes and forms; Disciplinary action; Domestic enquiry. Grievance Management—Importance; Process and Practices; Employee Welfare and Social Security Measures. Industrial Relations—Importance; Industrial conflicts; Causes; Dispute settlement machinery. : Trade Unions—Importance of Unionism; Union leadership; National Trade Union Movement. Collective Bargaining—Concept; Process; Pre-requisites; New trends in collective bargaining. Industrial Democracy and Employee Participation—Need for industrial democracy; Pre-requisites for industrial democracy; + Employee Participation—Objectives; Forms of Employee Participation. Future of Human Resource Management. Elective—IL 7 Marketing—Concept; Nature and Scope; Marketing myopia; Marketing mix; Different environments and their influences on marketing; Understanding the customer and competition. Role and Relevance of Segmentation and Positioning; Static and Dynamic understanding of BCG Matrix and Product Life Cycle; Brands—Meaning and Role; Brand building strategies; Share increasing strategies. Pricing objectives; Pricing concepts; Pricing methods Product—Basic and Augmented stages in New Product Developments Test marketing concepts Promotion mix—Role and Relevance of advertising Sales promotion—media planning and management Advertising—Planning, execution and evaluation Different tools used in sales promotion and their specific advantages and limitations Public Relations—Concept and Relevance Distribution channel hierarchy; Role of each member in the channel; Analysis of business potential and evaluation of performance of the channel members 5 P.T.O. Wholesaling and Retailing—Different types and the strengths of each one; Emerging issues in different kinds of retailing in India Marketing research—Sources of information; Data collection; Basic tools used in data analysis; Structuring a research report Marketing to organisations—Segmentation models; Buyer behaviour models; Organisational, buying process Consumer Behaviour theories and models and their specific relevance to marketing managers Sales Function—Role of technology in automation of sales function Customer relationship management including the concept of ‘Relationship marketing Use bf internet as a medium of marketing; Managerial issues in reaching consumers/organisation through internet. Structuring and managing marketing organisations. Export Marketing—Indian and global context. Elective—I0 Nature and scope of Financial Management Valuation Concepts—Risk and Return; Valuation of securities; Pricing theories—Capital asset pricing model and Arbitrage pricing theory Understanding financial statements and analysis thereof Capital budgeting decisions; Risk analysis in capital budgeting and Long-term sources of finance Capital structure—Theories and Factors; Cost of capital Dividend Policies—Theories and Determinants Working Capital Management—Determinants and Financing: Cash management; Inventory management; Receivables management Elements of Derivatives Corporate risk management Mergers and Acquitions International Financial Management Elective—IV WwW India's Foreign Trade and Policy; Export promotion policies; Trade agreements with other countries; Policy and performance of Export zones and Export-oriented units; Export incentives. International marketing logistics; International logistical structures; Export Documentation framework; Organization of shipping services; Chartering practices; Marine cargo insurance. International financial environment; Foreign exchange markets; Determination of exchange rates; Exchange risk measurement; International investment: International capital markets; International Credit Rating Agencies and Implications of their ratings. WTO and Multilateral trade agreements pertaining to trade in goods; trade in services and TRIPS; Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs); International Trade Blocks—NAFTA, ASEAN, SAARC, EU, WTO and Dispute Settlement Mechanism. Technology monitoring; Emerging opportunities for global business. 17 es P.T.O. i. WwW SAMPLE QUESTIONS PAPER-IIL What is the basis of monopolistic competition? (A) Product differentiation (B) Agreement among producers (C) Cost of production (D) None of the above ‘The sum and substance of Maslow’s theory of motivation is (A) Satisfied need is a motivator (B) Unsatisfied need is not a motivator (C) Satisfied need is no more a motivator (D) None of the above “By hedging through derivatives the profit will be (A) increased (B) stabilised (C) decreased (D) None of the above PAPER-III (A) What are the barriers to communication? Or How do you measure the effectiveness of advertising? PAPER-III (B) What is the pricing strategy in a monopolistic competition? “Or What are different theories of leadership? Or feeroht reeren F et ea-va eF, aT] Ta A-TA I (APT-A eT B) | H9A-TSI—I1 H 50 aE set (aefeoedt cer, gate agy, aaa, Serta gy) eit, Braet sis 100 el we-Ta—I & @ @ve-A sit B eft; ager (A) # ag Preret sere & 10 wea (300 steal aT) BA fort wets wer 16 stat ar er) gai eee garg Boa oer afte Pears gi (10 meH, 10 gary 8; Fa sis 160 M4) | eT (B) aftart ern, Pret Ofase Veal Fa we-ws wet eft) oferedf at aac ua ost (ue Bess a 800 wel &) wen eu, Praar ais 40 el ae-4a—I & Fe sia 200 A WET Ae TT (A) [| Bie feTATT | REI sree crefarren i fergeoor Tae Fert TATA TaRT aA AAT ava frera fasret ‘Fed sree usta ana aaron arent aernt—aerr ug ae ANA ATTA pita aan en Prore Grae wr aK Tar Ae ae car res F saat YP —arerTeH TET fied, Ta-antant Ta onyhie Rreri—aroree Borgata Sat Bt A Tar rer rere afta rete (rer) ar —aftraferdt (qéeqga) ser —aPirrer, WE AAR BAM Ta Saar Tae, oa ara aati ae aye afar —asro— Age—aftads werer—faare ser, erento ferare 7 9 P.T.O. we ara aarert Seder at araereoet em dash, Rafer ara Harta HATTA Tere ama dane Par —seea, wear cer carte ara fastrro1—sre Fraeor arta Sea BT TTT adie, after oa Faeare ware oe ware ae (efate cTfeh) sire sats Pafeeret Prom Ararat ware eat re apart wag Prater atehfre were wa sate Frenet ar Pavers wa fare sere A HCA US ATMS FLAT TTT ya—iv fata seer Tt Bt pair sraereont oe ferret ar yaar Spina aaifer Profa—sifean faseroer Soh deen ee Soh Bt cet aria Heats va Seanfers od aerate Gott ora we ae datas ud orf av 17 Pro aera ud araTaeT afar; ror gern dat ce Fermoy sites; sovthe cen sitehfras ara a a FIT ar ATER aie TARGA; a ar aUsHee—Vantfen er Asha, See Rela, sane Rae, sere steam; adr corel an fear; aféa cer Yahi; apr Pater wefrat cen “feat | 10 aes Profa—aees fer, fear; aaftera Rasa; drat vere; ceafere (agian) Pacers afi, fecort saret er arate wed Priam, Garett at oor, ores eer veer | feral mer & wa A Sete & ou—gecte & wakes ora faa Fa Stee, fas fara, faenrt cer gau faza | faoure & as a a ge wau—VI Sere sere a afar wd aa; eral er oe dds ay; aera (A arse) aA a fate, Sore ais wa Ream —sares ofan fasten; after & fee ait aT ein; caren Rae & Rates ce; sere qa; ard ae, ara Ud aie sree; Biter er Paar | after sie at after od aa; tata ares, daersien agen; carta, sae wee; eee Priam, agg Rar; Pofa franc; wala favs; wé/ato Ho Ho | eV wert Pera; were farer—fene, oar, ar oe ania, were od oer fasten; sitet Prana, afr Pare, weer Thar; aS ws we wcash; tz, F, are at aeeror | aed or recat arguatil ¥ suet; sere ge cer deat + ser tafe; gaat da; wearer qert da wa Prefer, da faeear od feones; gaan senha Ff ght; serie wd eee arenita apart | yag—VI ante aqecrn at saan; ect & sea; wate ar Para aaex; ato alo sfo AEH; Wet St safer Beret, sfearh Pasco; aerate ait aye AMP, sat fast, sett fare i aeraad, andar, aftaeaa sit era; afar ut arikte aye- Tern; five srefereren or oreaaa; aiepiees faRrae ar were; yHoscie west ETEATE, facia dat sit Garett an yrvsctene; orachite aarere ar rare; Te a sere frerere aT, ato go To ud fava ara Her | yee saeront—sar, Road, afeon, anat wd gaat are; va cata od alt; wy ATI HAO AAG TAT BE Toa 3 fereara & fore Tata ie; vanes stra TI 7 i P.T.O. A afta, Pega exerenftes atorar Seare asc, Te Sea a sey; Pear & fey sara, ag araardi A grocer araarel a Grae, sree seafte orerar ererTeres Say | wk Seman oa ware da sever # Ate Ae Cd Patan, pa seen ares; Meee aera & fers aaftara sere, reat # aa oe Sie ware; fee arent es aReReaas Ser; areata rear, aaa & arabs ceca; write ares ws Aer | ag-Ta—III (B) [ Bf ani | i 7 ard dane FEAT (HRM) —Aee, Sosa; ark, a Fea ATE, are od APs aTeTET; strat wd sera; ara deers were ard wt WOT | oA at fa ee Ave: rs ew \ Prowes qpaiant dane wei sbea, apatars eta a carta; qyaier da A acita safe aptenftal ar Preva—stya; anfenital af eraveener ar Prater; sftreror ceafedt od feere ere; rarer | cl aA hae od ial el liad a it! aa gf get eae patees Tara; ores ek Se werey, Bos ae, Arve erent Flere wd sient | aafertt agar —res; are we ey, aye ardaTe, ee ata | Rrerad cere —aee; after od eraert; aeferft scare os arises gee Sava | others wara—aee, steht free; are, Fare Freer Ga | om dao Gell aor ee; oot Sa ar Age TAS ot aa carter | aris atantt—sraeren, afin, Gaara; amafees dearctt 3 ata Ha segfera | ahreaftres sorda wd arferdt semen —steites orca Ht crag, shelties wert a dat, atenftal at centin—aeea; artert wera & BT ara Hare WaT aT AST | 12 dja Ww forsee, aaa va aa, oor Reeeiiten; Reo Pert; fae aaa wt SET favor oe sreTa; areas we aera at ST | aodiornlfs ashanti & afte afte sree, fio to ato Higa cen seme sere a ites algae am, asa ard Ua yr, sos Praior were ayeCTATE, ae Fee eT aecrge apa Rafer & ate, ape Preateor a oraereon’ per Prefer a Aft Berea sere ferora Fae ce daft aor what oor at staat dads Rerr—feenor ot after we order feat dace or crete Ud seer frer—ardem, arate wd arate feat daria ¥ atm fatter ooeneor cer oa fake ere oe Ate SRT — STITT Ue TPT Pree ote arr; eet A eee ee a ye; Saet & aaa at arenes arf Ta Preaest ot Yate | ate fewer wa peer fama—oele & fafa arem cer srfeal; wea F Gea saree & fatter medi & waka aaa eI Fawr tegen & aia; wie dary, wie Pte F raw arenfte saeco, siter sfaaer at ace! Bred & fery frao—ensiarc era; Her Aa ATEKa; AISA wa AAT | Seite sae % Rrarat ws arse cen egos qeperat & fore Saat fafkre seat | Fait wer —ferat caert Bt erenfercrar H sehr at sya | TE PY TE Ces VT Tae BY TAIT | foo & wear & wat eects ar oud, Feet & ae | sors area dH aT a water serrata Fe | Paar reat a RET Wes WaT | frafa from —andia wd spiscta weet FI 13 P.O. tear fda see ar aa Ue a paar aero sites i wera; aferyferdt ar apaiens, ae Prefer rar —dett erates apa Prater area od areca yea Rafer freer Pree Pract og cam fasten wr TT felt acafée Paotay, Gott aoafeer H citer fast ce Gott ah deletes ater ° teh drat—frara wd ane; Soh at ara aria aftaiRrera wd Rates ar amrdsiter Seit reer fratcas aver ot Fare eae, Sar wees, eae meray; safe at are attear & aa praia Sifear mere dae od after orci feria rarer aeae—V 7 saree an Peat rare ee AS Prater daca rely, ore ci are saree Rita; Prater at ud Prafige sere a fife od Romer; Prats stares | ~ santa Bor aifiees; oania aihfean dent; Rafe weet ar ores; seer aaa a eres, TS Taha Afeal, aaa are ar era arantia Pardta arerareor, fateh Pre ara; PaPera ati ar Freer; fafa citer at ares; aanifa AR, oeriss et aa, seria Be Yer GAR Gi ort Yer freee fava amare dros we all, Tarait en Peer HF arene were ager saree Tae, ETE araracoita argha (MEAs); acide =aae Je—NAFTA, ASEAN, SAARC, EU, WTO TH fears gaat weet Ta shedret agerar, spisetia cara & fire ord Ey START 7 TH & 09 ae-4a—IT weitere sfeehiren ar arene Fat &? (A) sere fatdact (8) senreet ¥ asia (C) Serer are (D) sate ¥ 8 aE et Fett & oft Rear a arist & (A) WIE sravaeEM Us afi s (B) TAGE sragaae UH aftiree ae (CC) Wye orasaeat aa ait attire wee (D) sate Fa ang ae sudattar & ara thir wel ae aT A same ®) RRwée (C) west & (D) oathn 4 a ag ae a97-74—II (A) ware & art H pra-t aters F? eT fare at rrastierat ar ora fare were ATT BEA? 15 P.T.O. a-7a—III_ (B) 1. cmaererttgse afer 8 srrercer per Preafeor ait ae ere 8? aaa age & aed faites rarer €? wert kK 7 16

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