Chem e Car 224zqjh

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Rice University Chem-E-Car

Captains:  Kelly  Kidder,  Benjamin  Wang  

Team  Members:  Jacob  Behling,  Frank  Chen,  Jiming  Chen,  Edward  Gao,  Lawerence  Harari,  
Manuel  Arenas  Ruenes,  Philipp  Sick,  Peter  Szemraj,  Nick  Treuil,  Teddy  Zhang,  Jesus  Duran  
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005

Propulsion   Stopping  Mechanism  

Mg  (s)  +  2HCl  (aq)  →  MgCl2  (aq)  +  H2  (g)   Na2S2O3  (s)  +  2HCl  (aq)  →  S  (s)  +  SO2  (g)  +  H2O  (l)  
Power  generated  with  a  hydrogen  fuel  cell:   Chemical  clock  reac.on:  
1.  H2  gas  generated  in  the  exothermic  reac.on  between  Mg  and  HCl   1.  Thiosulfate  is  dissolved  in  water  producing  a  clear  solu.on  
2.  Gas  is  deacified  and  fed  into  the  fuel  cell,  where  an  oxida.on-­‐ 2.  1M  Hydrochloric  acid  is  added  to  the  reac.on  vessel  
reduc.on  reac.on  generates  electricity  (8.5  V,  1.5  Amp)  for  the  car   3.  The  solu.on  gradually  turns  opaque  white  (color  change  in  the  
reac.on  is  a  func.on  of  .me)  
Schema+c  of  power  produc+on:   4.  Light  shining  through  the  reac.on  vessel  decreases,  stopping  power  
to  the  motor  when  the  threshold  photoresistor  reading  is  reached  

Propulsion   Stopping  Mechanism  

Safety  and  Economics   Calibra.on  

Gas  holding  vessel:  this  vessel  prevents  pressures  above  1.0  psig   Schema+c  of  stopping  circuitry:  
Sparging  hydrochloric  acid  from  hydrogen  gas:  Hydrogen  gas  was  first  bubbled   Propulsion   Stopping    
through  water  in  a  process  called  sparging.    
Double  containment  of  hydrochloric  acid:   50   60  
•  Vessel  containing  propulsion  reac.on  was  double  contained  using  a  400  mL   45   0  g  

glass  beaker.   40  
250  g   55  
500  g  
•  Vessel  containing  the  stopping  mechanism  was  double  contained  using  a  bag   35  
Time  (sec)  

Time  (sec)  

made  from  polyethylene  plas.c  resin.   30  

Syringe  use:  Syringes  are  securely  abached  to  the  car  during  each  run;  puby  is   25   45  
used  to  seal  holes  in  PVC  tubing  made  by  syringes.  
Component   Cost/car   15  
Stopping  condi+on  pseudocode:  
Chemical   Safety Hazards   Hydrogen fuel cell   $476   35   READ initialPhotoresistorValue //initial light intensity
Hydrochloric  acid     Corrosive,  irritant,,  non-­‐flammable   RC  Car   $30   measured from photodiode
0   30  
Sodium  thiosulfate   Irritant,  non-­‐flammable   Arduino  Starter  Kit   $135   0   20   40   60   80   1.6   1.7   1.8   1.9   2   2.1   2.2   2.3   SET limit equal to 64 less than the initialPhotoresistorValue
Magnesium ribbon   Irritant,,  flammable   Glassware   $20   DIstance  (A)   Volume  HCl  (mL)   //stopping condition
Chemicals per run   $5  
while True //run the loop infinitely many times
Chemical   Amount   Cost/run   Flashlight   $10  
READ currentPhotoresistorValue //initial light intensity
Hydrochloric  acid  (2M)   2-4 mL   $0.10   Clear PVC tubing   $2  
Weight  (g)   Linear  Fit   R2   measured from photodiode
Sodium  thiosulfate   0.16-0.31 g   $0.07   Nalgene Bottles   $5   if (currentPhotoresistorValue > limit)
Water   7-11 mL   $0.00   Fan   $6   0   y  =  0.5143(x)  +  3.594   0.985   SET motor on //start power to the motot
Hydrochloric  acid  (1M)   30 mL   $1.20   9V  Babery  (2X)   $3  
250   y  =  0.458(x)  +  2.91   0.988   SET motor off //stop power to the motor
Magnesium ribbon   0.6 g   $3.00   Plexiglass  sheet   $10  
Total cost/run:   $4.37   Total cost/car:   $693   500   y  =  0.419(x)  +  3.44   0.972   end

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