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Last updated 22/12/2017

4.4 million people affected (OCHA)
3.4 million people in need of
humanitarian aid (estimated) (OCHA)
24 778 people injured and
10 303 killed (OHCHR)

€525.5 million EU emergency and

early recovery assistance
€88.1 million European Commission
humanitarian aid
€137.9 million EU Member States
humanitarian aid

© Oleksandr Berezhnyi

In eastern Ukraine the security situation remains extremely volatile with daily hostilities and casualties particularly along
the line of contact. The number of civilian victims is on the rise, while damage to housing and critical civilian infrastructure,
particularly water supply and electricity systems is increasing. Conflict-affected residents, internally displaced persons
(IDPs), and returnees face difficult access to health care and other essential services. In addition these people endure
socio-economic exclusion, loss of income and livelihood and suffer from psychological distress.

What are the needs?

The conflict, which began in 2014, between armed groups and government forces continues. It has affected over
4.4 million people, out of which 3.4 million are believed to be in need of humanitarian assistance.

The humanitarian situation is grim as freedom of movement and humanitarian access are restricted. Since July 2015, de-
facto "authorities" have imposed obligations for humanitarian organisations to register in the non-government controlled
areas (NGCA) in eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian government decree on the restriction of movement of people and goods in
January 2015, combined with its temporary suspension of cargo transfers to and from NGCA (except humanitarian) in
March 2017, continue to have a negative impact on the populations’ needs and wellbeing.

In addition, the suspension of state social assistance, including pensions to displaced people continue to affect hundreds
of thousands of people, and have placed many of them at risk of falling further into poverty.
How are we helping?
Since 2014, the European Union and its Member States have contributed to over €525.5 million in humanitarian and early
recovery aid. The EU addresses the basic needs of the population in the areas directly affected by the conflict, the
internally displaced persons and refugees who have fled the conflict areas, and the returnees. EU-funded projects include
food assistance, shelter, water, protection, health (including psychosocial activities), education in emergencies, essential
household items, and livelihoods.

Being one of the largest humanitarian donors to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, the European Commission has provided
over €88.1 million of emergency assistance, half of which benefits vulnerable people in the non-government controlled
areas (NGCA). This relief aid targets the most vulnerable populations, including female-headed households, the elderly,
children, and persons with disabilities.

Projects implemented in 2016-17 from the European Commission's own funding have directly helped over 500 000
affected Ukrainians. EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations have been operating in Ukraine since February
2014 and play a key role in facilitating humanitarian coordination and information sharing with various humanitarian
stakeholders, including donors, authorities and partners. In addition to financial aid, material assistance has been mobilised
through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The EU is also assisting Ukrainian refugees in Belarus and Russia through
national Red Cross societies in the respective countries.

The humanitarian assistance is being delivered through the European Commission's humanitarian partners, including Action
Contre la Faim (ACF), Médecins du Monde (MDM), ACTED and People In Need (PIN) via a consortium. In addition the
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the UNHCR, OCHA, UNICEF, Save the Children, Première Urgence
International (PUI), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and Danish Refugee Council (DRC) are delivering humanitarian

Only one EU-funded partner is able to fully operate in Luhansk and Donetsk, while two can operate in Luhansk. This
extremely limited number of aid agencies in NGCA cannot respond to all humanitarian needs.

European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations - B-1049 Brussels, Belgium - E-mail:
Website: - Facebook: @ec.humanitarian.aid - Twitter: @eu_echo - Instagram: @eu_echo

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