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Dr. Tran Thai-Duong

Room #513

October 8, 2012

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 1 / 18

Suppose f is defined in an open interval that
contains a, then f is continuous at a if and only if
lim f (x) = f (a).

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 2 / 18

Suppose f is defined in an open interval that
contains a, then f is continuous at a if and only if
lim f (x) = f (a).

In general, f (a) must be defined and, for any

 > 0, there exists δ > 0 such that
|f (x) − f (a)| < .
whenever |x − a| < δ and f (x) is defined.
Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 2 / 18

f (x) = x and g (x) = k (constant) are continuous

Proof. For any  > 0, choose δ = .
Then, whenever |x − a| < δ
|f (x) − f (a)| = |x − a| < 
|g (x) − g (a)| = |k − k| = 0 < 

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 3 / 18

Another Proof

At any point a,
lim f (x) = lim x = a = f (a)
x→a x→a

lim g (x) = lim k = k = g (a)

x→a x→a

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 4 / 18

A function that is not continuous

1 x >0
f (x) =
0 x ≤0
is not continuous at 0

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 5 / 18

A function that is not continuous

1 x >0
f (x) =
0 x ≤0
is not continuous at 0
Proof. Given  = 1 and any δ > 0,
|f (x) − f (0)| = |1 − 0| <
6 .
for x = n1 and n is chosen so that nδ > 1 which
implies n1 − 0 < δ
Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 5 / 18
A function that is not continuous


x x=6 0
f (x) =
0 x =0
is not continuous at 0.

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 6 / 18

A function that is not continuous


x x=6 0
f (x) =
0 x =0
is not continuous at 0.
Proof Given  = 1 and any δ > 0,
|f (x) − f (0)| = |n − 0| <
6 .
for x = n1 and n is chosen so that nδ > 1 which
implies n1 − 0 < δ
Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 6 / 18

1. Show that

x−3 x=6 3
f (x) =
0 x =3
is defined everywhere and is not continuous at 3.
x sin( x1 ) x 6= 0

f (x) =
0 x =0
is continuous at 0.
Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 7 / 18
Suppose f , g are continuous at a. Then
f + g , f − g , fg
are continuous at a.

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 8 / 18

Suppose f , g are continuous at a. Then
f + g , f − g , fg
are continuous at a. So are the functions kf , if k
is a constant,

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 8 / 18

Suppose f , g are continuous at a. Then
f + g , f − g , fg
are continuous at a. So are the functions kf , if k
is a constant, and f /g if g (a) 6= 0.

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 8 / 18

Suppose f , g are continuous at a. Then
f + g , f − g , fg
are continuous at a. So are the functions kf , if k
is a constant, and f /g if g (a) 6= 0.
In particular, every polynomial P(x) is defined and
continuous at every point. If Q(x) is another
polynomial and Q(a) 6= 0, then Q(x) is also
continuous at a.
Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 8 / 18

If f is a continuous bijection from an interval I

onto an interval J, then f −1 is continuous on J.

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 9 / 18


If f is a continuous bijection from an interval I

onto an interval J, then f −1 is continuous on J.
Example The functions x n are continuous
bijections from [0, ∞) onto itself. Therefore
√ √
x, n x are defined and continuous at every

non-negative points. If n is odd, n x is continuous
at every point.

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 9 / 18


The exponential functions ax and their inverses

loga x are continuous at every point of their

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 10 / 18


The exponential functions ax and their inverses

loga x are continuous at every point of their
The trigonometric functions sin x, cos x, tan x and
their inverses sin−1 x, cos−1 x, tan−1 x are
continuous at every point of their domains.

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 10 / 18


Let F (x) = f (g (x)) be a composite function. If g

is continuous at a and f is continuous at g (a),
then F (x) is continuous at a.

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 11 / 18


Let F (x) = f (g (x)) be a composite function. If g

is continuous at a and f is continuous at g (a),
then F (x) is continuous at a.
√ √
Example x 2 + 1 and 3 x 5 + 4x 2 − 7x + 3 are
composite functions of continuous functions and
therefore defined and continuous everywhere.

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 11 / 18


x −6−2 (x − 6) − 4
lim = lim √
x→10 x − 10 x→10 (x − 10)( x − 6 + 2)

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 12 / 18


x −6−2 (x − 6) − 4
lim = lim √
x→10 x − 10 x→10 (x − 10)( x − 6 + 2)
= lim √
x→10 x −6+2

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 12 / 18


x −6−2 (x − 6) − 4
lim = lim √
x→10 x − 10 x→10 (x − 10)( x − 6 + 2)
= lim √
x→10 x −6+2
1 1
= √ =
10 − 6 + 2 4

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 12 / 18

Continuity on an interval
Suppose f is continuous on an interval containing
a, b and f (a) 6= f (b). Then for every value L
between f (a) and f (b), there exists c between a
and b such that f (c) = L.

If f (a)f (b) < 0,

equation f (x) = 0
has a solution
c ∈ (a, b).

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 13 / 18


Suppose b > 5 and f (x) = 5x − bx

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 14 / 18


Suppose b > 5 and f (x) = 5x − bx

Then f (0) = 1 > 0 and f (1) = 5 − b < 0.

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 14 / 18


Suppose b > 5 and f (x) = 5x − bx

Then f (0) = 1 > 0 and f (1) = 5 − b < 0.
Hence, there exists a solution c ∈ (0, 1) of the
5x − bx = 0

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 14 / 18

Let f (x) = 5x − 7x, then
f (0.1957) = 0.000314, f (0.1958) = −0.00017

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 15 / 18

Let f (x) = 5x − 7x, then
f (0.1957) = 0.000314, f (0.1958) = −0.00017

Hence there exists a solution x ≈ 0.1957 of the

5x − 7x = 0
with error < 0.0001
Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 15 / 18
0. Find a function that is defined everywhere and
is not continuous at 0 and 3
1. Evaluate the limit
√ √
1+x − 1−x
x→0 x
2. Show that the equation
x2 − x − 1 =
x +1
has a solution in (1, 2)
Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 16 / 18

3. Prove that the equation 2x = bx has a solution

if b > 2. Find an approximate solution of the
equation 2x = 5x with an error < 16 .
√ √
4. Show that c + c − 1 = 2 for some number
c between 1 and 2.
5. Find an interval of length 4 in (0,1) containing
a root of e x + ln x = 0

Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 17 / 18

6. Find the numbers at which the function

 x +2 x <0
f (x) = e x 0≤x ≤1
2−x x >1

is discontinuous.
7. For what values of c is the function f
continuous on (−∞, ∞)

cx + 1 x ≤ 3
f (x) =
cx 2 − 1 x > 3
Dr. Tran Thai-Duong (IU HCMC) Continuity October 8, 2012 18 / 18

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