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Career Clinic

Frequently Asked Question’s Review

By : M.N Aziz, ST a.k.a “BABE”
Mr.BOB English Club, Brawijaya Street 137th , Pare Kediri
SMS,WA,Phone : +62856-5568-1416
Pin BB: 74657F8D

1. Please introduce your self

“ Persoal information”
My Name Is….
You Can Call me…
I am ..years old
I am Single/Married

I graduated from ....(lulus dari mana)….(Tahun kapan lulus)

Majoring In…..(Jurusannya apa)

“If you are still fresh graduate, part of your skill and ability is about your final
exam/mini thesis (skripsi), so you can describe it..”
My final GPA is …of 4.00

“Working Experience”

If you are still fresh graduate, you can say your experience when you did your field
work, by saying : I got valuable experience when I became trainee at……..(sebutkan
perusahaan ketika anda menjadi trainee) and I did…..(sebutkan apa yang anda lakukan saat
menjadi trainee, secara detail). Example : : I got valuable experience when I become
trainee at PT Toyota Astra tbk, I did so specific task in quality control department
such as scheduling, preparing assessment, and making any daily reports. I believe
this experience will be useful when I have to adapt with real work situation.
If you are experienced person say it periodically started from your last job. I have ….
(berapa tahun pengalaman anda,sebutkan diawal)
From….until……, I worked with…..(sampaikan perusahaan yang terakhir), I did …..
(diperusahaan yang sebelumnya apa aja yang dilakukan). I ever….(sampaikan keberhasilan).
“Organizational Experience”

This explanation will be useful when you are still fresh graduate. This will show how far
you can work by teamwork and individually. Example :” I am a well organized person
because I have organization experience when I was still in my study. I was as a ….
(sebutkan posisi saat di organisasi) at…(sebutkan nama organisasinya) with my team
did …(sebutkan even nya)…and we got great achievement. I believe this thing show
me whether I have capability to build teamwork and ready to become a leader in
your company.

2. What do you know about this company ?

Four that I know about your company are :

(For example is PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia)

Firstly, Say about historical background : “ I see that chevron started their exploration
at 1924 when Standard oil company of California (Socal) sent geological expedition in
Sumatra Island”

Second, Say about recent business developed by the company, example : “ I see that
chevron still maintains and develops business like oil and gas exploration, marketing
campaign of lubricant thorough Indonesian distribution channel to fisheries, consumers
and industrial markets “

Third, Say about Achievement, Example : “ I see that chevron is the biggest oil
exploration company. Chevron gives 40% contribution of national oil exploration result.”

Fourth, Say about Value, Example : “ I am always interested to your value that say “ the
Power of Human energy”, because I believe that your company concerns on humanity to
reach company goals”
(You can captured company information by company’s web and publication)

3. Do you know the position that you apply now?

Yes, I do. Now, I apply for…..(sebutkan posisi yang anda lamar) Position

4. What do you know about the position ?

Give brief explanation about the rule of the position. Example : “As an Electrical Engineer
I will do specific work such as troubleshooting circuit, re-designing, fitting out and giving
solution around electronic aspects in this company”

5. What motivate you in your career

Three things that motivate me, are:

First, I like to be challenged on the job and like the opportunity to utilize my skill and

Second, frankly, there is financial need that I have to fulfill it, so by doing my career
especially in your company I believe I can reach this thing.

Third, I see the position that I apply now to be a starting path of my next career as …
(sebutkan posisi yang anda inginkan 5-10 tahun mendatang)

6. Why do you choose this company ?

Three reasons why I decide to join with your company, area :

First, Say about company’s reputation in developing their business. Example :” Your
company gains great success to become the biggest contributor of national oil production.
I believe by joining in your company I will be a part of your company and also become an
important addition and continue your company’s success tradition”.

Second, Say about company’s reputation in maintaining their Human Resource.

Example : “ Your company is used to maintaining 6.500 sophisticated employees and more
than 35.000 partners of the employer. I believe that I as your important addition will get
career opportunity, facility and sustainable safety working base on my Achievement”.

Third, Say about company’s value. Example :” One thing That makes your company differs
is your value that says “ the Power of Human energy”, because I believe that your company
concerns on humanity to reach company goals”

7. Why Should I hire You ?

You should consider me because I have ,

First, “You can see my Qualification is match even more than your expectation. Your
company needs…..(sampaikan kualifikasi sesuai yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan). I have..
(sebutkan kualifikasimu)”.

Second, Working Experience jika anda fresh graduate “: I got valuable experience
when I became a Trainee at PT Toyota Astra tbk, I did so specific tasks in quality
control department such as scheduling, preparing assessment, and make any daily
report. I believe this experience will be usefull when I have to adapt with real work
situation”. Jika anda berpengalaman “I have ….(berapa tahun pengalaman anda,sebutkan
From….until……, I work with…..(sampaikan perusahaan yang terakhir), I did …..(diperusahaan
yang sebelumnya apa aja yang dilakukan). I ever….(sampaikan keberhasilan).

I have been working As Human resources officer at PT Astra Tbk for over 8 years, I
am fluent with Microsoft office programming, and with this application I can do
administrative tasks such as work agreement and daily report. As Human resources
Officer I am able to conduct company’s organization development including recruiting,
training, and Key Performance Indicator reviewing. As Human resource I also
understand labor law and how company handles these problems”.

Third, please consider my Skill. Example, Fresh Graduate: As Electrical engineer I have
specific skill such as fluent in microcontroller programming, understand basic
computational algorithm, and able to fix and do trouble shooting in electronic circuit”
(sampaikan skill secara specific dan detail)

You should consider my additional. Such as I can operate….(semisal sebutkan bahasa

program computer), …(Guna nya nanti jika bekerja manfaatnya apa) Contoh : I can operate
Microsoft Office Program in latest version, So I can use it to make Agreement
Letter, Financial report and Database management.
Career Clinic
Frequently Asked Question Review

8. What makes you differ from the other candidate ?

If you are experienced person, Say that : Your achievement when you did your last job.
Example :” When I became the Human Resources Officer, I could decrease rate of
employee’s late from 07.10 become 06.55”

If you are fresh graduate, Say that : “ Now, Give me a chance to prove my skill, I
believe you can compare me with the other candidates, and you will get an objective

9. What about your plan for the next five years/Where do you see yourself five
years from now ?

I am expert in (……bidang yang anda lamar…) and I believe I can reach ….(sebutkan posisi
yang anda jabat). “dalam 5 tahun seseorang yang baru mengawali karir, bisa menjadi
seorang manager”. Example :” I am expert in microcontroller programming and
application and I believe I can reach Research and Development Manager.
10. What about your plan for the next ten years/Where do you see yourself ten
years from now ?

I am Mature in (……bisnis yang digeluti perusahaan…) and I believe I can reach ….( sudah
tidak lagi mengerjakan hal hal teknis, tapi lebih ke management). “dalam 10 tahun seseorang
yang baru mengawali karir, bisa menjadi seorang General Manager”. Example :” I am
mature and experience in instrumentation sector and I believe I can be a part of
Company Managerial Position.

11. If you find the position different with educational background

You have understood added value of your educational background, You can say:” I am
an electrical engineer and right now I apply for Marketing position. Firstly, I saw
that this position didn’t specialize in any subjects, so I have possibility to apply. As
an Electrical Engineer when I do Marketing Jobs, I will contribute by designing digital
mapping program that contains numerous customer data, chart, and competitor
activities. I believe this can make serious effect when This Company wants to monitor
daily marketing activities” (note : we are unique, say unique think)

12. What is your biggest failure?

Let them hear your failure is Success and say that you have gained valuable experience
from that failure.
Example : “I got valuable experience from this failure when I and my team failed to
become winner in National robotic Contest”. We were finished as Third winner. The
Important thing is I learn from this failure for the next future I and my team need
to enrich our skill to figure out more realistic robotic that can do as human nature,
not focused only on sophisticated applied technology”.

13. What is your greatest Achievement?

Keep it real, sell the benefit, keep it recent professional and Positive. Example for
Entry level person : “I have several notable accomplishments in both my education and my
work experience. Probably the most notable accomplishment was delivery of the mobile
apps project during my internship this past summer. I joined the tech development team at
a time when they were in the process of losing a team member due to relocation. That
team member was the lead for the iOS version of the mobile app under development. Since
I had already developed two iOS apps and no one else on the team had worked with iOS, I
was asked to take the lead for the iOS development and deployment, effectively half of
the project. This was outside the original scope of my internship, but definitely critical
mission. I was able to deliver the app on time before completion of my internship and have
deployed it to the iTunes store. It has already received over 100 positive reviews from

Example for Experienced person : “I have several notable accomplishments in my career.

Probably the most notable accomplishment was the delivery of the most recent version
update to one of our core products for customer payments. This was a 12-month project
and I was one of 8 team members. What made it notable for me was that my role
expanded from being one of the tech team members to take the lead on building the
mobile components of the product. In order to deliver this aspect of the product, I pulled
in three new project resources with specific skills in each of the mobile technology
platforms we targeted and cross-trained all project resources to support each platform.
In the end, we delivered the product on time and have received both internal and external
numerous accolades. The mobile component was specifically identified to be world class
and distinguished the product at its release. Our CEO spent time showing the mobile
components to the press and industry and it has since met with excellent reviews”.

14. Please mention your five weaknesses-What is your biggest weakness?

If you asked to mention 5 weaknesses, do not mention it completely. Just mention most
concerning weakness.
If you want to say your weakness, let them (interviewer) feel that is your strength,
For example:”My friend in my college said that I always note everything. I did this, and
now I still do this think because I believe by noting all possible important thing that we
have done for the next future it will be become useful data “.

15. Please mention your five strengths - What is your biggest strength?

If you asked to mention 5 strengths, give them (interviewer) more than five, Example:
Persuasive person,
Good Planner,
Problem Solver,
Effective decision maker,
Good Technical skill,
Stress Tolerant
*) Biggest/Key Strength sampaikan yang cocok dengan posisi yang dilamar.

Career Clinic
Frequently Asked Question Review

16. How much salary do you want?

Fresh graduate:

First, “I hope I get salary according to company norm and standard”.

Jika ditanya sebutkan angkanya “Please say the range that you expected ?” You can
answer: “Actually, I have said I follow company standard, but if you want me say the range,
I actually I hope get salary in the range of IDR 5.000.000
Jika di respon dengan jawaban “ I am sorry, you are fresh graduate, I offer you IDR
3.000.000, agree ?”
Jika menjawab Iya, “From the very first time I have said that I’ll follow company norm
and standard, So I agree with your offer”.

Jika menjawab TIDAK, “ If you offer me by IDR 3.000.000, I see that I have calculate
again expenses possible appear when I have to join with your company and I still hope to
get salary in the range of IDR 5.000.000

Experienced :

“Well, my salary expectations are in the Range of IDR 10.0000.000 (do not mentions range
xxxx-xxxx, the range is “Take Home Pay”).

How much is your current salary, you can answer: “I’m earning Rp 7.500.000 right now, and
I hope now for increase”.

17. If you accepted In this company, What do you want from us?
“I hope all of my qualification, skill and experience will be useful and I accepted in this
company. I hope I get complete explanation about my job description, standard operational
procedure and I can access Company’s value based on my position”.

18. What kind of facility do you want?

“I hope I get meal allowance, Healthy assurance and safety, Incentive based on my
performance, over time and additional facilities that is needed in my daily job in this

19. What can you contribute to this company?

Jawabannya sama dengan ketika ditanya why should I hire you

20. What kinds of preparation before you handle this job?

“I have just finished my education/I have just did my job as Engineer with 8 years
experience. I ready to handle this job according to existing Job description and Standard
operational procedure”

21. How do you evaluate success and failure?

"Success means the achievement of a challenging and measurable goal that I have set
for myself or that has been delegated to me. I will feel it success when the goals at
above expectation. If achievement less than 100% it is a failure”.

22. When do you decide to retire?

“I still concern and constantly will always discuss the possibility to make innovation and
improvement with my team and all stakeholders in your company, still far talking about
when I should have to retire”.

23. If you earn much money from this company, what will you do?

“I still concern and constantly will always discuss the possibility to make innovation and
improvement with my team and all stakeholders in your company, still far talking about
when I should have to retire, the money that I have got is base on my contribution, more
serious contribution I think I will get it gradually”.

24. If you find your company almost bankrupt, what should you do?

“I will continue my daily jobs, work harder, smarter to prevent and minimize bankrupt
possibilities. But, if my company finally legally stated as bankrupt company, I will
accomplish my rest duty and consider my future career to the other company”>

25. What is your preference, work by individually or by teamwork?

“I realize that in the real work I have variety task base on individual or team. So, I ready
to work by individually and teamwork”.

26. Are you team player?

“Yes of course I am a team player, because I able build effective communication with
others. I can understand the view point of my team member and others, I also realize
about difference”.

27. How can you handle the stress?

“I often get stress when I found so many problems, variety of difficulties, time limit come
together. Firstly, I will make priority to most important problem; give each problem with
specific accomplishment schedule. I also share it to my team, and I always consult it with
my supervisor if I found new innovation that is may be suitable to solve that various

28. How did you prepare this interview session?

“I am fresh graduate and I confident to step next stage, it is pursue career, I have
already prepared this interview by accomplish my study”

29. What is your hobby?

Consider the position; tend to outdoor or indoor activity. For example, Marketing :”My
hobbies are travelling, meet with new person and I like football”. For example R&D
staff:”My hobbies are reading, I like computer including its application and I like playing
cheese too”.

30. What Kind of book do you usually read?

“I usually and interest to read Accounting book”. (Base on your skill).

31. Are you willing to be relocated?

“I am very interested in advancing my career, and if relocating is a part of that, I would

certainly consider it.”

32. Why did you decide to leave your company?

“I learned so many thinh there. I got competitive benefit. But I need new challenge
because the next 3 years my goals it general manager. I feel ready to move on to my next
challenge, and would like to join your team”.

33. Do you have any question?

“Yes I have. What about your company plan for the next five years?”.
“Yes I have. What is most concerning problem in your company?”

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