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Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

Black-Oil Reservoir Simulation

© 2000

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from the
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Computer Modelling Group, Ltd

with offices in

Canada, Brasil, Venezuela, Barbados, China, United Kingdom, & United States
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Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

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The primary purpose of this document is to serve as a memory aid for the author.
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Thus, the author is also the target audience. (In other words, the quality of the
composition is 100% sufficient for me to understand what I wrote.)
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The secondary purpose is to share this tutorial with the public. I appreciate the
possibility that the general public may have some difficulty understanding the my
personal abbreviations and my intuitive logic.
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of this Software are as follows:
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Any and all opinions found in this Software are of the author. The author reserves the right to modify any and all opinions as, if, and
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This class is for people who want to be better reservoir simulators. You are
about to learn (or review):
Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

1. Basic petroleum-engineering concepts.

2. Basic reservoir-simulation concepts.
3. Detailed instructions for using IMEX (CMG’s black-oil simulator)
© 2000

to model realistic data.

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This class is for Managers, Engineers, Technicians, and Students

representing oil and gas Exploration, Operations, Consulting, or Educational
institutions. Engineering, Geophysics, or Geology experience is helpful.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

The minimum prerequisites are:

1. You know that profit predictions come from flow-rate predictions.
2. You know that simulation predicts oil rates, natural-gas rates,
See license agreement for limited user rights.

water rates, reservoir pressures, and well pressures.

3. You know how to use a personal-computer mouse.
4. You know how use the page-down key to see the next slide.
This manual includes material copyrighted by the Computer Modelling Group, Ltd.
By accepting this manual, the user certifies that (s)he has legal access to a current
IMEX license from the CMG.
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Congratulations, this is your first day on your new job. You are personally
responsible for the next phase of an ongoing black-oil reservoir-simulation study.
Fortunately, you are bright, aggressive, hard working, and you have good access to
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the technical-support gurus for your software and for your project.
So much for the good news.
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The previous study had a major problem with small timesteps and long run times.
This was caused by pinchouts along the length of the reservoir. The largest cells
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had pore volumes over 1,000,000 ft3. The smallest cells had pore volumes under
20,000 ft3.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

You have raw data in the form of contour maps, PVT tables, relative permeability
tables, capillary pressure tables, in-place volumes, etc. You also have well-
completion data and production history.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

The previous work included a history match, so you do not need pressure-history
data for this phase of the study.
Today’s assignment is to create an IMEX data file, correct the small-timestep
problem, and complete a baseline run that realistically represents the reservoir,
matches history, and runs quickly.
IMEX is the Computer Modelling Group, Ltd’s IMEX (black-oil) simulator.
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Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

Pore Volume
Total 306,717 M STB
Hydrocarbon 230,038 M STB
© 2000

Fluids in Place
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Stock Tank Oil 144,876 M STB

Total Gas 142,963 MM SCF
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

Free Gas 0 MM SCF

Water 76,645 M STB
Reservoir Oil 230,038 M RB
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Reservoir Gas 0 M RB
Reservoir Water 76,679 M RB

Average Pressure
Total Pore Volume 2513.4 psia
HC. Pore Volume 2513.4 psia
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Reservoir simulation is similar to a material balance. In fact, simulation includes a
material balance for each grid (or cell) during every timestep.
Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

Simulation has some advantages over a material balance. Not surprisingly,

simulation requires more input than a material balance.
Material balance predicts:
© 2000

Global pressure versus total production and injection.

Global pressure versus time (given adequate history.)
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Simulation also predicts:

Localized 3-phase flow (i.e., by grid block.)
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Localized production and injection.

Localized pressure changes (given minimal history.)
Localized saturation changes (given minimal history.)
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Not surprisingly, simulation requires more input than a material balance.

Material balance input data includes:
Volumetric and PVT data.
Global production, injection, and pressure history.
Simulation input also includes:
Permeability, relative-permeability, & capillary-pressure data.
Localized production, injection, and pressure history.
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Dimensions: area, gross thickness, & net thickness.
Pore space: porosity.
Saturations: oil, water and gas.
Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

Formation volume factors: oil, water and gas.

Total pore volume, rb = 7758.3 (A, ac2) (TNET, ft) (φ, decimal)
Oil pore volume, rb = (PV, rb) (SO, decimal)
© 2000

Standard oil volume, stb = Oil PV, rb / (formation-volume factor, rb /stb)

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Bubble point: oil
Formation volume factors: oil, water and gas.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

Viscosities: oil, water and gas.

Solution gas-oil ratio: gas dissolved in oil
Permeability: absolute permeability.
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Relative permeability: oil-water, liquid-gas (or water-gas)
Capillary pressure: oil-water, oil-gas (or water-gas)
Contact depths: water-oil, gas-oil
Fluids: oil, water, & gas rates plus cumulative volumes.
Pressure: field and wells.
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(table of contents)

Fortunately, the author finds this tutorial continues to be useful.

A. GridBuilder
B. ModelBuilder

UPDATE the other versions Then Re-build this version

D. Results (3D, Graph, and Report)
A. General data (fluid model, units, and start date)
B. Volumetric properties
i. Maps and values of thickness and area
ii. Grid
C. Rock properties
i. Porosity
ii. Permeability
D. Visualization (2D and 3D grids)
E. Null blocks (pore-volume and porosity cutoffs)
F. Multi-lateral well (perforation locations)
A. Oil and gas tables
i. Solution ratio (RS)
ii. Formation-volume factors
iii. Viscosity
B. Water values
C. Pressure-dependence (oil viscosity, compressibility)
A newer IMEX version is now available.


A. Oil-water
i. Relative permeability (KRW and KROW)
ii. Capillary pressures (PCOW)
B. Liquid-gas
i. Relative permeability (KRG and KROG)
ii. Capillary pressures (PCOG)

A. Contact depths (water-oil and gas-oil)
B. Reference pressure at gas-oil contact
C. Bubble-point pressure
----- REALITY CHECK -----


A. Select wells and dates
B. Initial well (operational) status
C. Production history and units
D. Well-type definitions and patterns
E. Multi-lateral (horizontal) well perforations
F. Constraints
A. Run validation
B. Warnings and errors
A. Read the input file
B. Understand the input file
C. Correct in-place volumes (peculiar to this example)
9. HISTORY MATCHING (versus time)
A. Global (total-withdrawal) rates (by well)
B. Global (average field) pressure
C. Local (oil, gas, and water) rates (by well)
D. Local (average well) pressures
A. Stimulation (acid & fracture to increase well index)
B. Infill drilling
C. Pressure Maintenance (water or gas injection)

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(table of contents)
A. GridBuilder
B. ModelBuilder
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D. Results (3D, Graph, and Report)
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(table of contents)
A. Oil and gas tables
i. Solution ratio (RS)
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ii. Formation-volume factors

iii. Viscosity
B. Water values
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C. Pressure-dependence (oil viscosity, compressibility)

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(table of contents)
A. Oil-water
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i. Relative permeability (KRW and KROW)

ii. Capillary pressures (PCOW)
B. Liquid-gas
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i. Relative permeability (KRG and KROG)

ii. Capillary pressures (PCOG)
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(table of contents)
A. Contact depths (water-oil and gas-oil)
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B. Reference pressure at gas-oil contact

C. Bubble-point pressure
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(table of contents)
A. Select wells and dates
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B. Initial well (operational) status

C. Production history and units
D. Well-type definitions and patterns
E. Multi-lateral (horizontal) well perforations
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F. Constraints
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(table of contents)
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A. Run validation
B. Warnings and errors
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(table of contents)
Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

A. Read the input file
B. Understand the input file
C. Correct in-place volumes (peculiar to this example)
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(table of contents)
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9. HISTORY MATCHING (versus time)

A. Global (total-withdrawal) rates (by well)
B. Global (average field) pressure
C. Local (oil, gas, and water) rates (by well)
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D. Local (average well) pressures

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(table of contents)
Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

A. Stimulation (acid & fracture to increase well index)
B. Infill drilling
C. Pressure Maintenance (water or gas injection)
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A. GridBuilder
B. ModelBuilder
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D. Results (3D, Graph, and Report).
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

Introduce idea of four primary sections.

Point out that some primary sections are covered
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by more than one of the major sections (1 to 10).

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A. GridBuilder - Reservoir Description
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1. Reservoir description
B. ModelBuilder
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D. Results (3D, Graph, and Report).
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

Introduce GridBuilder section.

Identify which section numbers
contribute to GridBuilder.
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A. GridBuilder
B. ModelBuilder
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2. Fluid (PVT) model

3. Rock and fluid (KR and PC)model
4. Numerical methods
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

5. Initial conditions
6. Wells and recurrent data
7. Validation
8. Proof reading
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D . Results (3D, Graph, and Report).

Introduce ModelBuilder section.

Identify which section numbers
contribute to ModelBuilder.
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A. GridBuilder
B. ModelBuilder
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9. History matching
10. Predictions
Results (3D, Graph, and Report).
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

Introduce IMEX section.

Identify which section numbers
contribute to IMEX.
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A. GridBuilder
B. ModelBuilder
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D. Results (3D, Graph, and Report).

11. 3D
12. Graph
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13. Report

Introduce Results section.

See license agreement for limited user rights.

Identify which section numbers

contribute to Results.

major section #1: GridBuilder
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0.A. Getting Started © 2000
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A. GridBuilder
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1. Reservoir description
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D. Results
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Start the Launcher

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2. Double Left-click the

CMG Launcher icon,
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3. Left click the Start button.

A. Left click Programs.
B. Left click CMG.
C. Left click Launcher.
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1. Left double-click the GridBuilder icon.

(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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1. There are four primary sections
A. Reservoir description
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B. The other inputs

C. Simulation
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D. Results
2. GridBuilder is now running.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

1. Input general data
A. Simulator selection
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B. Working units
C. Porosity model
D. Start date
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1.A. General data © 2000
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(table of contents)
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A. General data (fluid model, units, and start date)

B. Volumetric properties (maps and values)
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C. Rock properties (KX, KY, KZ)

D. Calculate grid (cell) values
E. Visualization (2D and 3D grids)
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

F. Null blocks (pore-volume and porosity cutoffs)

G. Multi-lateral well (perforation locations)
H. Save and exit
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1. Left Click the IMEX simulator.

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2. Left Click Field Working Units.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

3. Set the date to August 1, 1991.

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2. Left click the OK button.

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1. General data was input.
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1. Input volumetric properties.
A. Area
B. Grid definition
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C. Structural top
D. Gross thickness
E. Net-to-gross-thickness ratio
F. Porosity
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(table of contents)
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A. General data (fluid model, units, and start date)
B. Volumetric properties (maps, values and grid)
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i. Area (from gross thickness map)

ii. Grid
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iii. Structural top

iv. Gross thickness
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

v. Net-to-gross ratio
vi. Porosity
C. Rock properties (KX, KY, KZ)
D. Calculate grid (cell) values
See license agreement for limited user rights.

E. Visualization (2D and 3D grids)

F. Null blocks (pore-volume and porosity cutoffs)
G. Multi-lateral well (perforation locations)
H. Save and exit
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1. Left click File.

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2. Left click Open Map File...

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1. Verify the units.

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2. Left click Browse...

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3. ...\CMGTutor\IMEX\Mult_Lat\input
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4. Left click the gross net pay map.

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5. Left click the Open button.

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1. Verify the WINDIG File selection.

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2. Left click the OK button.

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scale is in
the way.
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1. Left click View.

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3. Right click on the

map scale.

2. Left click Properties.

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1. Left click the Map

Scale tab.
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2. Change 55 to 5.
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3. Left click the OK button.

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1. Observe.
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1. Left click Grid.

3. Left click Non-orthogonal Grid.

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2. Left click Corner Point.

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Volumetric - area (TGROSS) 1. Read the text. © 2000
Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

2. Left click the first boundary

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point. (This is the first of

four line segments.)
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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1 -3500.0 55000.0
2 10000.0 63000.0
3 62000.0 0.0
4 52000.0 -6000.0
5 -3400.0 54000.0
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2. Left click the end of the

Top-most boundary line.
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1. Highlighted dot.
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

1 -3500.0 55000.0
2 10000.0 63000.0
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3 62000.0 0.0
4 52000.0 -6000.0
5 -3400.0 54000.0
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1. Highlighted line.
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2. Left click the Next Line button.

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Volumetric - area (TGROSS) 2. Read the text. © 2000
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1 -3500.0 55000.0
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

2 10000.0 63000.0
3 62000.0 0.0 3. Left click the end of
4 52000.0 -6000.0 the Right-most
5 -3400.0 54000.0 boundary line.
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1. Observe.
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3. Left click the Next Line button.

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2. Delay boundary-line
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adjustments until later.

(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

1. Highlighted line.
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1 -3500.0 55000.0
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2 10000.0 63000.0
3 62000.0 0.0
4 52000.0 -6000.0
5 -3400.0 54000.0
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2. Left click the end of the

Bottom-most boundary
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2. Left click the Next Line button.

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1. Highlighted
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Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

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2. Left click the end of

(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

the Left-most
boundary line.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

1 -3500.0 55000.0
2 10000.0 63000.0
3 62000.0 0.0
4 52000.0 -6000.0
5 -3400.0 54000.0
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2. Left click the Next>> button.

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1. Highlighted line.
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2. There are no map features to add.

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3. Left click the Next>> button.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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1. There are four highlighted

boundary lines.
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1. Read the text.

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© 2000

3. Create 40 or 20(not10)
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divisions parallel to the right-

and left-most boundaries.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

2. Note: the right- and

left-most boundary
lines turned black.
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1. Left click the Next

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Section button.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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2. Create 160 or 80 (not30)

divisions parallel to the right-
and left-most boundaries.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

1. Note: the top- and bottom-

most boundary lines turned
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1. Left click the Next>> button.

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1. Read the text.

3. Left-mouse-down and drag the corner
© 2000

points until all the net pay is inside

the boundaries.
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

2. The right-most control line

should include all net pay.
However, we know from
previous study that this edge
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pinches out.
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2. Read the text.

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3. Create four layers.

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WARNING: There is an
indication that there is
only one flow unit. If true,
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

then fewer layers will work

well. Perhaps there
should only be one layer.
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1. This is better.
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1.B.ii. Volumetric - grid 4. (Optional) Use the Grid, Refine Grid, Select © 2000

Box, etc. menu as needed (e.g., define

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regions, local grid refinement, etc.)

Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

1. Review the layers.

© 2000

3. ???Feel free to save 5. Left click the

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the data file at this Finish button.

point. You may then
experiment with grid
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

refinement. Open
the saved data file to
continue without grid 2. Read the text.
See license agreement for limited user rights.
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1. This is immediately after

clicking the Finish button.
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Property-Box Notation:
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_ = neither specified nor interpolated

B = both specified and interpolated
S = specified only
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

V = value only (not specified)

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1. How about setting GROSS PAY? NET

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thickness. Then let net-to-gross = con = 1.

Maybe can do min PV cutoff this way. YES
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Determined from first

line of *.dig file
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3. Thickness properties are subdivided by layers

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1.B.v. Volumetric - net-to-gross ratio © 2000
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Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

1. Add net-to-gross ratio= YES

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Mention possibility of importing net-thickness maps

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Highlight POROSITY (not

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1.B. Volumetric properties © 2000
:\U_Guides \Sim \CMG \IMEX \Mult_Lat.ppt.

1. Some properties were imported as contour maps
Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

Structural top
Gross thickness
© 2000

2. One properties were entered as constants.

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Net-to-gross (thickness) ratio

3. Any property may be input as a contour map or as a constant.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

4. Layered properties may be input as two or more maps.

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1. Input rock properties.

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(table of contents)
© 2000

A. General data (fluid model, units, and start date)

B. Volumetric properties (maps, values and grid)
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C. Rock properties (KX, KY, KZ)

i. KX
ii. KY
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

iii. KZ
D. Calculate grid (cell) values
E. Visualization (2D and 3D grids)
F. Null blocks (pore-volume and porosity cutoffs)
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G. Multi-lateral well (perforation locations)

H. Save and exit
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1.C. Rock properties © 2000
:\U_Guides \Sim \CMG \IMEX \Mult_Lat.ppt.

1. Some properties were imported as contour maps
Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

Structural top
Gross thickness
© 2000

2. Some properties were entered as constants.

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Net-to-gross (thickness) ratio

Permeabilities (KX, KY, KZ)
3. Any property may be input as a contour map or as a constant.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

4. Layered properties may be input as two or more maps.

See license agreement for limited user rights.

1. Calculate Properties (I.e., populate the grid with values.)

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1.D Calculate grid values © 2000
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Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

(table of contents)
© 2000

A. General data (fluid model, units, and start date)

B. Volumetric properties (maps, values and grid)
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C. Rock properties (KX, KY, KZ)

D. Calculate grid values (populate cells)
E. Visualization (2D and 3D grids)
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

F. Null blocks (pore-volume and porosity cutoffs)

G. Multi-lateral well (perforation locations)
H. Save and exit
See license agreement for limited user rights.
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1.D. Calculate grid values © 2000
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1. Left double-click the

GridBuilder icon.
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Inv wt avg = 1/ (1/a^2 + 1/b^2 + 1/c^2 + .…)^0.5

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1. Grid values were calculated from map and constant input data for:
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Grid thickness
Grid top
Permeability (KX, KY, KZ)
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1. Review 2D and 3D grid maps.

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(table of contents)
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A. General data (fluid model, units, and start date)

B. Volumetric properties (maps, values and grid)
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C. Rock properties (KX, KY, KZ)

D. Calculate grid values (populate cells)
E. Visualization (2D and 3D grids)
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i. Grid top
ii. Grid thickness
iii. Permeability (KX, KY, KZ)
iv. Porosity
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F. Null blocks (pore-volume and porosity cutoffs)

G. Multi-lateral well (perforation locations)
H. Save and exit
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1. Null blocks
A. Porosity cutoff
B. Net-pay-thickness cutoff
C. Pore-volume cutoff
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(table of contents)
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A. General data (fluid model, units, and start date)

B. Volumetric properties (maps, values and grid)
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C. Rock properties (KX, KY, KZ)

D. Calculate grid values (populate cells)
E. Visualization (2D and 3D grids)
F. Null blocks (pore-volume and porosity cutoffs)
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i. Pinchout adjustment
ii. Porosity cutoff
iii. Net-pay-thickness cutoff
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Iv. Pore-volume cutoff

G. Multi-lateral well (perforation locations)
H. Save and exit
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Pinchout versus Run Time

The run time for the previous simulation study was too long.
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The long run time was caused by the small pore-volume

cells. The small PV cells are caused by the pinchout at the
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edge of the -thickness maps.

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One way to deal with this is to eliminate the pinchout while

maintaining the same total pore volume.
See the next slides for details.
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0 5 10 20
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Plan View
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Small PV cells at pinchout

25 require small timesteps (to
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limit maximum pressure

20 and saturation change per
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Pinchout Cross-section View

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RULE-of-THUMB (for small PV cells):

Conserve total pore volume
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1. Move the small volumes to

adjacent cells.
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2. Classify the small-volume

cells as null (inactive) cells.
3. Total volume is unchanged.
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0 5 10 20
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Move the small volumes to

adjacent cells. (The total
volume is unchanged.)
Plan View
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Revised Cross-section View Pinchout Cross-section View

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Bracket existing contours with control contours. (I.e., move the small
volumes to adjacent cells, and maintain the same total volume.)
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0 10
0 5 10 20
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Revised Plan View

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The previous example moved the small pore volumes by adding a pair of control
contours. Control contours allow the engineer to force a new reality onto the
underlying maps. This example added control contours with values of 0.0 and 10.0
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very close to the 5.0 contour.

The thickness maps you are using for this tutorial are modified versions of the
original maps. The original maps were modified by adding pairs of control-contour
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lines. The control contours were added mid-way between the zero contour and the
adjacent contour. The control contour closer to the zero line was assigned a value
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of nearly zero. The other control contour was assigned a value slightly below the
adjacent contour.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

As it turns out, the mid-way location of the control contours actually increased the
total pore volume. This is fine for now. Later, we will find out that there is still a
short-timestep (i.e., long-run-time) problem. We will eventually solve this by adding
null cells (with the pore-volume cutoff.) Then we will correct the total pore volume
with a linear adjustment.
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There are easy ways to fine tune the total volume
AND learn more about the reservoir:
The porosity cutoff,
The net-pay thickness cutoff, and
191 of 578

The pore-volume cutoff.

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Use the log-analysis cutoffs. Nominal values might be:
four percent for sandstones, and
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two percent for carbonates.

The reservoir engineer probably has some values for you.
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Use the porosity cutoff to locate areas of low

porosity. This may be important when planning the
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field-development strategy.
This tutorial takes a short cut by setting a
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different porosity cutoff for each layer. In general,

the layers will not be identical.
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Show step-by-step setting of different porosity cutoff

values for each layer. Layer 1.
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Show step-by-step setting of different porosity cutoff

values for each layer. Layer 2
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Show step-by-step setting of different porosity cutoff

values for each layer. Layer 3
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Show step-by-step setting of different porosity cutoff

values for each layer. Layer 4
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1. Select the probe mode.

2. Review the porosity maps.

5. Review all layers.

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3. Left click on cells to

show cell porosity.
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A few cells have low porosity.

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These may require short timesteps

(for a small portion of the run.)
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Layer 2 Show map(s) of (different) cutoff values.

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Layer 3 Show map(s) of (different) cutoff values.

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Layer 4 Show map(s) of (different) cutoff values.

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The porosity cutoff considers a single criterion.

It is easy to imagine a situation where thickness may be
too thin, even though the porosity is above the cutoff.
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Using the thickness cutoff is an option.

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The thickness cutoff requires net thickness maps (or

net-to-gross-thickness-ratio maps.)
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Using the net-pay-thickness cutoff.

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Show final step for setting different net-pay cutoff values

for each layer.
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What about net thickness (net-to-gross ratio) ????
Null blocks - net-pay cutoff © 2000

1. Select the probe mode.

2. Review the Grid thickness maps.

5. Review all layers.
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3. Left click on a
cell to show
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There are a few thin cells. These

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may require short timesteps (to

avoid large pressure or saturation
changes in small pore-volume
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The thickness cutoff (like porosity) only considers a one criterion.
It is easy to imagine a situation where porosity may be too thin,
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even though the thickness is above the cutoff.

Using the pore-volume cutoff is more general.
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The pore-volume cutoff requires net thickness maps (or net-to-

gross-thickness-ratio maps.)
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

This tutorial skips using the net-pay cutoff to locate areas of low
net pay.
Be sure to include this step in a real study, because this may be
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important when planning the field-development strategy.

Using the pore-volume cutoff to fine tune the total pore volume,
and to locate the large-size pore-volume areas.
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1.F.iv. Null blocks - pore-volume cutoff 1. Click drop-down box.
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2. Select Null
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Click Specify Property.

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The locations of the areas with large-size pore volumes may be
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important when planning the field-development strategy.

Specify a large-size PVCUTOFF value.
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This tutorial has identical layers; so, we can set different cutoffs
for each layer. (In general, layers are different.)
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

The total pore volume is 306,000,000 stock tank barrels. The

grid has 6,400 cells. The average pore volume per cell is about
270,000 ft3 /cell.
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Try 0, 250,000, 500,000, and 750,000 cubic feet for the large-
size pore-volume cutoff.
This helps better understand the reservoir.
The actual run will use only a small-size pore-volume cutoff.
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Now have net-to-gross ratio, so can NULL

based on pore volume.

Show final step for setting different LARGE-size

pore-volume cutoff values for each layer.
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3. Review NULL-block maps by layer 1.

1. Select the probe mode.
2. Use the modified-block-volume maps.

5. Review all layers.

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3. Left click on cells to show

pore volumes by cell.
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A few cells have small pore

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volumes. These may require

short timesteps (for a small
portion of the run.)
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3. Review modified-block-volume maps by

layer 2.
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3. Review modified-block-volume maps by layer 3.

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3. Review modified-block-volume maps by layer 4.

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The largest pore-volumes appear to be on the order of

500,000 ft3.
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This provides the upper limit for a ratio of small-to-large-

size pore volumes.
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This ratio is an indicator of the need for limiting saturation

and pressure changes with small timesteps.
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Repeat the process and identify the small-size PVCUTOFF.
Only the small-size cutoff is used during simulation.
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Select Null Blocks.

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Click Specify Property.

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The locations of the areas with small-size pore volumes may
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be important when planning the field-development strategy.

Specify a small-size PVCUTOFF value.
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This tutorial has identical layers; so, we can set different cutoffs
for each layer. (In general, layers are different.)
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

The total pore volume is 306,000,000 stock tank barrels. The

grid has 6,400 cells. The average pore volume per cell is about
270,000 ft3 /cell.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

Try 0, 10,000, 20,000, and 30,000 cubic feet for the small-size
pore-volume cutoff.
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Now have net-to-gross ratio, so can NULL

based on pore volume.

Show final step for setting different small-size pore-volume

cutoff values for each layer.
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1.F.iv. Null blocks - pore-volume cutoff © 2000
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3. Review modified-block-volume maps by

layer 1.
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3. Review modified-block-volume maps by

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3. Review modified-block-volume maps by

layer 3.
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3. Review modified-block-volume maps by

layer 4.
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The big change (in area) is between 0 and 10,000
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ft3. This suggests 10,000 ft3 as a good starting point

for the small-size PVCUTOFF.
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Specify the pore-volume cutoff.
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Analyze the small-size to large-size

pore-volume ratio.
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2. Specify low-end pvcutoff range at 10,000 ft3.

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3. Calculate property
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A 10,000 to 500,000 ft3 (50:1) ratio of minimum pore volume to
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maximum pore volume is large. This may require short timesteps.

At test run will be necessary to verify this.
If the 10,000 ft3 minimum pore volume is still too small, then we can
© 2000

manually edit the input-data file to increase the pore-volume cutoff (e.g.,
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PVCUTOFF 25000.)
Several test runs may be required.
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It is also necessary to maintain the same total pore volume.
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The test run also calculated the total pore volume.

If the new total pore volume is within a few percent of the old total, then
manually adding a volume-modification command will fine tune the total
pore volume (e.g., VOLMOD 6400*1.03.)
Several test runs may be required.
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1.G. Multi-lateral well © 2000
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(table of contents)
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A. General data (fluid model, units, and start date)

B. Volumetric properties (maps, values and grid)
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C. Rock properties (KX, KY, KZ)

D. Calculate grid values (populate cells)
E. Visualization (2D and 3D grids)
F. Null blocks (pore-volume and porosity cutoffs)
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

G. Multi-lateral well (perforation locations)

i. Locate
ii. Specify
iii. Map
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Add the multi-lateral well (15-34), but only layer 3.

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1. Left click on the

mode dropdown
box to select the
probe mode.
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1. Right click on the map to select

the probe mode.
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1 26,90,3 connect to ‘surface’ Laine & Associates, Inc.
1 27,90,3 connect to 1
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1 28,90,3 connect to 2
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1 31,90,3 connect to 5
1 32,90,3 connect to 6
Vertical well (four layers 1 33,90,3 connect to 7
1 34,90,3 connect to 8
completed from top to 1 26,91,3 connect to 1
1 26,92,3 connect to 10
bottom.) 1 26,93,3 connect to 11
1 26,94,3 connect to 12
1 26,95,3 connect to 13
1 26,96,3 connect to 14
1 26,97,3 connect to 15
1 26,98,3 connect to 16
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1 26,100,3 connect to 18
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1 17,44,3 connect to 3
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1 14,46,3 connect to 5
1 14,47,3 connect to 6
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1 14,44,3 connect to
1 15,44,3 connect to 1
1 16,44,3 connect to 2
1 17,44,3 connect to 3
1 14,45,3 connect to 1
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1 14,47,3 connect to 6
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A. General data (fluid model, units, and start date)

B. Volumetric properties (maps, values and grid)
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C. Rock properties (KX, KY, KZ)

D. Calculate grid values (populate cells)
E. Visualization (2D and 3D grids)
F. Null blocks (pore-volume and porosity cutoffs)
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G. Multi-lateral well (perforation locations)

H. Save and exit
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C. Water PVT
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1. Left mouse-down on
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GridBuilder data file. on the ModelBuilder icon.

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1. Review PVT data.

2. Double left-mouse click on individual data points to do manual editing.

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1. View plots:
A. RS vs P
B. BO vs P
C. EG vs P
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D. µO vs P
E. µG vs P

Remove OK button click

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1. Left mouse-down and drag

individual points to shift the PVT
data vertically.
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1. Type 4.E-06 <tab>

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2. Type 1.01 < tab >

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3. Type 150 < tab >

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1. Type 4.2E-06 <tab>

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A. Execute
B. Oil and gas PVT
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C. Water PVT
D. Pressure-dependence
i. Oil viscosity
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ii. Oil compressibility

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ii. Capillary pressures (PCOW)

B. Liquid-gas
i. Relative permeability (KRG and KROG)
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ii. Capillary pressures (PCOG)

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3. Finished with Numerical Methods.

4. Start on Initial Conditions.
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A. Contact depths.
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B. Reference pressure & depth.

C. Bubble point pressure.
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1. Left click PVT Region Parameters.

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1. Left click PVT Region 1.

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2. Type 15000 tab.

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3. Type 600 tab.

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4. Type 4500 tab.

5. Type 2500 tab. Initial

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6. Left click Apply.

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1. Verify entry unites.

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2. Verify entry values.

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Initial pressure.
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6. Left click OK.

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1. Review the bubble-point settings.

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3. Left click Close.

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1. Left mouse-down and drag the

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2. Review the grid properties.

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properties. 1. Left mouse-down and drag the
vertical scroll slider.
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1. Review the grid

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4. Finished with Initial Conditions.

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This a good time to “SAVE AS.”

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2. Check (or uncheck.) Small files

are suitable for single files.

3. Left click OK.

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4. Finished saving .
5. Start on Wells and Recurrent Data.
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A. Select well dates and wells.

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B. Set initial well status.

C. Import production history.
D. Save production history.
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E. Define wells.
a. Types and Patterns
b. Perforations
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1. Left click wells &

recurrent data.
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1. Right click Wells.

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5A. Select well dates and wells.

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1. Select Properties.
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3. An alternative is to
A. click the Wells folder (????)
B. click the Wells menu
C. click the Properties option.
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9. Click the right-arrow button.

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1. Click well 15-34.

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2. Hold the Ctrl key down.

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3. Click well 16-7.

4. Click well 11-5.

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5. Click well 4-6.

6. Click well 6-4.

7. Release the Ctrl key.

Wells may be selected in any order.

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1. Confirm the selections.

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2. Click OK.
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5B. Set initial well status to SHUTIN.

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i. No wells are producing on August 1, 1991

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ii. Only well 6-7 has been drilled by August 1, 1991

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1. Left click the General tab.

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1. Click the Status box.

2. Click the dropdown box.

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3. Left click SHUTIN. 4. Confirm SHUTIN.

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5. Click OK.
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5C. Import production history.

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1. Click Tools.
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2. Click Production
Data Wizard.
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1. Click the input folder.

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2. Double-click the
prod.prd file.
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1. Confirm the path

and filename.
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2. Click Next.
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2. Click Preview file.

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Clean up the data file to show “fixed”
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column spacing.
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Note column numbers, data types and units.

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Note units for all 5 data columns.

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1. Date (format = Y M or Y M D)
2. Producing hours
3. Daily oil rate (stb/d)
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4. Daily gas rate (Mscf/d)

5. Daily water rate (stb/d)
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New screen capture needed

1. Left click File.
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2. Left Close.
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1. Read instructions

2. Click the first data line.

(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

3. Review data
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format options.
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1. Click drop-down arrow.

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2. Click “Daily.”
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move up one directory level.
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1. Enter the filename.(prod.fhf)

2. Click Save.
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and filename.
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2. Confirm the
start date.
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3. Click Finish.
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5Ea. Define well types and patterns.

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1 of 3
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1. Ignore production
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controls for now.

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4. These buttons set

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the well types. 3. Observe the

well types.
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2. Select All Wells.

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1. Ignore production 2 of 3
controls for now.
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2. Select All Wells.

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3. Observe the
import types.
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4. These buttons set

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the well types.

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1. Ignore production 3 of 3
controls for now.
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2. Select All Wells.

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3. Observe the
import (well)
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4. These buttons set
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the well types.

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1. Confirm correct Import (well)

Types (i.e., what is the
primary fluid for this well.)
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2. Click Next.
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Oil (and gas) fraction is for producing wells

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Water fraction is for injection wells

1. Confirm 1.000 for all wells.

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For future reference, a corner

wells in a 5-spot are 0.250.
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2. Click Next.
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5Ea. Well perforations.

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1. Click Wells.

2. Click Perforations.
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3. Right click the Wells folder.

4. Click Properties.
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2. Click OK.

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Vertical well.
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Centered well.

Kelly Bushing is at sea level.

No skin damage.
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Do NOT use this feature for well 15-34. The

horizontal-well perforations were set while
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defining the multi-laterals.

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Input data
DO correct the vertical-well perforations:
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

16-7 layers 2, 3, and 4.

11-5 layers 2, 3, and 4.
4-8 layers 2, 3, and 4.
6-4 layers 2, 3, and 4.
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Left double-click the numerical value below the “Layer top” heading.
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Vertical well completions

default to all layers.
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2. Click the upper-most

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completion layer (2.)

3. Click OK.
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1. No more 1st layer completion.

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Apply the corrected perforations to the model.

2. Click Update perforations.

3. Click Current Well - All Perf Dates

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2. Repeat the perforation corrections for the other vertical wells. (6-4, 11-5, & 4-8)
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1. Verify the perforations.

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The perforations are now correct in all five wells.
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A. The four vertical wells have been corrected.

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B. The horizontal well was already correct.

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Save the perforation corrections.

Close the perforation file.
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Wise users will make a note to review the

completed data file to verify that the perforations
are correct.
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1. Click File.
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2. Click
Save As.
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1. Verify the pathname.

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2. Verify the filename.

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2. Click Save.
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2. Click Exit.
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OLD ???????
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1. Left click No.

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The perforations have been defined and saved.

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Well constraints
A. Select the wells.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

B. Delete the default, flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.

C. Add columns of information to the constraint window.
D. Review the constraints for each well.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

E. Select the wells.

F. Set a new flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.
G. Review the well constraints.
H. Close the “Recurrent Data” window.
I. Save the Mult_Lat data file.
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1. Right-click
the Wells.
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2. Click
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1. Click Wells.
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2. Click
OR Constraints.
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1. Left click Select

all dates.
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2. Left click Select

one or more wells. 3. Left click Select Wells.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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1. Hold the Ctrl key down.

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2. Left click wells 11-5,

15-34, 16-7, 4-8, & 6-4.
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3. Release the Ctrl key.

(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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4. Click right-arrow button.

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1. Confirm well
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2. Left click the OK button.

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1. Left click the OK button.

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1. Double-left-click the vertical lines to automatically set column widths.

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2. Left-mouse-down and drag

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the vertical scroll bar to verify

the well and date selections.

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2. Click above (or below)

the slider to scroll.
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1. Left click the OK button to open the constraints window.

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All wells for all dates have been selected.

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Well constraints
A. Select the wells.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

B. Delete the default, flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.

C. Add columns of information to the constraint window.
D. Review the constraints for each well.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

E. Select the wells.

F. Set a new flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.
G. Review the well constraints.
H. Close the “Recurrent Data” window.
I. Save the Mult_Lat data file.
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1. Click the Defined-Constraints tab.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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1. Read the instructions.

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2. Left click the box.

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Pressure (Bottom-Hole)”.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

4. Left click the OK button.

Delete the constraint.
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1. Click No. Well should be shutin.

Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

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2. Click No. Well should be shutin.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

3. Click No. Well should be shutin.

See license agreement for limited user rights.

4. Click No. Well should be shutin.

487 of 578

5. Click No. Well should be shutin.

You may copy this document (including all “© 2000, Laine & Associates, Inc.” copyright marks) as is, but only for non-profit, personal use. See license agreement for details.
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The default (PWF)MIN has been deleted.

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Well constraints
A. Select the wells.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

B. Delete the default, flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.

C. Add columns of information to the constraint window.
D. Review the constraints for each well.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

E. Select the wells.

F. Set a new flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.
G. Review the well constraints.
H. Close the “Recurrent Data” window.
I. Save the Mult_Lat data file.
488 of 578

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Show more columns in the constraints window.

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2. Click View.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

3. Click Columns.
See license agreement for limited user rights.
489 of 578

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1. Hold the control key down.

Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

2. Click the properties.

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Click Constraints.
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

Click Well Status.

Click Well Type.

See license agreement for limited user rights.

6. Click the right-pointing arrow.

490 of 578

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1. Verify the selections.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

2. Click OK.
See license agreement for limited user rights.
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The additional constraint information has been added.

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Well constraints
A. Select the wells.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

B. Delete the default, flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.

C. Add columns of information to the constraint window.
D. Review the constraints for each well.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

E. Select the wells.

F. Set a new flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.
G. Review the well constraints.
H. Close the “Recurrent Data” window.
I. Save the Mult_Lat data file.
492 of 578

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1. Click the “+.”

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

2. Click well
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Review the constraints.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

2. Click well
See license agreement for limited user rights.
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Review the constraints.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

2. Click well
See license agreement for limited user rights.
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Review the constraints.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

2. Click well
See license agreement for limited user rights.

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Review the constraints.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

2. Click well
See license agreement for limited user rights.
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Review the constraints.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

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Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

The well-by-well review is done.

© 2000

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Well constraints
A. Select the wells.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

B. Delete the default, flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.

C. Add columns of information to the constraint window.
D. Review the constraints for each well.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

E. Select the wells.

F. Set a new flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.
G. Review the well constraints.
H. Close the “Recurrent Data” window.
I. Save the Mult_Lat data file.
499 of 578

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Select all wells.

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2. Click Wells.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

3. Click Constraints.
See license agreement for limited user rights.
500 of 578

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1. Left click Select

all dates.
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2. Left click Select

one or more wells. 3. Left click Select Wells.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

501 of 578

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1. Hold the Ctrl key down.

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2. Left click wells 11-5,

15-34, 16-7, 4-8, & 6-4.
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3. Release the Ctrl key.

(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

4. Click right-arrow button.

502 of 578

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1. Confirm well
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

2. Left click the OK button.

503 of 578

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

1. Left click the OK button.

504 of 578

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1. Drag the vertical lines to change the column widths.

Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

2. Drag the slider

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to see more.
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

2. Click the arrow

to see more.
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

1. Left click the OK button to open the constraints window.

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Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

The well-selection is done.

© 2000

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Well constraints
A. Select the wells.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

B. Delete the default, flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.

C. Add columns of information to the constraint window.
D. Review the constraints for each well.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

E. Select the wells.

F. Set a new flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.
G. Review the well constraints.
H. Close the “Recurrent Data” window.
I. Save the Mult_Lat data file.
507 of 578

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Add new (PWF)MIN constraints to all wells.

Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

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1. Click “New Constraints.”

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

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1. Click Add.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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Set the constraint.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

2. Click the arrow.

See license agreement for limited user rights.

3. Click OPERATE.
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Set the property.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

2. Click the arrow.

See license agreement for limited user rights.

3. Click Pressure...
511 of 578

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Set the bottom-hole pressure.

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2. Type 500.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

3. Press the Tab key.

See license agreement for limited user rights.

4. Verify the units.

5. Click OK.
512 of 578

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Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

The new constraint has been set.

© 2000

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Well constraints
A. Select the wells.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

B. Delete the default, flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.

C. Add columns of information to the constraint window.
D. Review the constraints for each well.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

E. Select the wells.

F. Set a new flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.
G. Review the well constraints.
H. Close the “Recurrent Data” window.
I. Save the Mult_Lat data file.
513 of 578

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1. Verify the constraint.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

2. Click OK.

3. Left-click the “No To All” button.

It’s the same five well-date combinations.
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Review the well constraints.

Download @
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

2. Click the arrow.

3. Click a date.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

1. Click Wells.

4. Review the constraints.

515 of 578

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Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

The review is done.

© 2000

Download @

Well constraints
A. Select the wells.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

B. Delete the default, flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.

C. Add columns of information to the constraint window.
D. Review the constraints for each well.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

E. Select the wells.

F. Set a new flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.
G. Review the well constraints.
H. Close the “Recurrent Data” window.
I. Save the Mult_Lat data file.
516 of 578

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Close the “Recurrent Data” window.

© 2000

2. Click File.
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3. Click Close.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

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Well 16-7 is OK.

2. Left-click OK.
© 2000
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Pt 1 and Pt 3 will soon be deleted (because they are not wells.)

(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

They are convenient markers used to identify the grid boundaries (for this tutorial.)
See license agreement for limited user rights.

4. Left-click OK. 4. Left-click OK.

6. Left-click OK. 7. Left-click OK.

518 of 578

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

Delete the
non-wells .
See license agreement for limited user rights.

2. Click wells and recurrent data.

519 of 578

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Delete the grid-boundary markers (Pt 1, etc.)

(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

2. Click Wells.

3. Click Delete.
See license agreement for limited user rights.
520 of 578

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1. Hold the Ctrl key down.

© 2000

2. Left click wells Pt 1 and

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Pt 2.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

3. Release the Ctrl key.

See license agreement for limited user rights.

4. Click right-arrow button.

521 of 578

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1. Confirm well
Download @

(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

2. Left click the OK button.

522 of 578

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Re-confirm each deletion.

© 2000
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2. Click 3. Click
Yes. Yes.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

Verify the non-wells are gone.

See license agreement for limited user rights.

5. Click Wells.
523 of 578

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Close the “Recurrent Data” window.

© 2000
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2. Click File.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

3. Click Close
Recurrent Data.
See license agreement for limited user rights.
524 of 578

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Success .

Download @

(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

525 of 578
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Well constraints are done.
Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

5. Wells and recurrent data window is closed.

© 2000

Download @

Well constraints
A. Select the wells.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

B. Delete the default, flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.

C. Add columns of information to the constraint window.
D. Review the constraints for each well.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

E. Select the wells.

F. Set a new flowing-bottom-hole pressure constraint.
G. Review the well constraints.
H. Close the “Recurrent Data” window.
I. Save the Mult_Lat data file.
526 of 578

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Save the “Recurrent and Well Data.”

1. Click File.
Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

2. Click Save
Dataset As.
© 2000
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

527 of 578

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The filename and path should still be correct. (Browse and change if needed.)
Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

2. Verify path and name.

© 2000
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

3. Click Save all...

4. Click OK.
528 of 578

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

1. Read the warning.

See license agreement for limited user rights.

This is good. It is easier to

keep track of wells by name.

3. click OK.
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5. Wells and Recurrent Data are

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6. Validate the data.

A. It is never too soon to save the data (again.)
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

B. Review the validation message file.

C. Understand warnings. Fix errors (and warnings.)
D. Close the validation-message file.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

E. Exit the “ModelBuilder.”

F. It is never too soon to save the data (again.).
G. Proofread (and understand) every line in the data file.
(Be sure this data file does what you want it to do.)
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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1. Left-click “Validate
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WISDOM: It is NEVER TOO SOON to save the data again.

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2. Left-click Yes.
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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3. Left-click the “OK” button.

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1. Left-click OK.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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6A. The data has been saved (again.)

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6. Validate the data.

A. It is never too soon to save the data (again.)
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

B. Review the validation message file.

i. Understand warnings (and fix as needed.)
ii. Fix errors.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

C. Close the validation-message file.

D. Exit the “ModelBuilder.”
E. It is never too soon to save the data (again.).
F. Proofread (and understand) every line in the data file.
(Be sure this data file does what you want it to do.)
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1. Review the message file for errors or warnings.

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3. confirm that this

is OK.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

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Confirm that the warning about setting the minimum

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flowing bottom-hole pressure to 14.6959 psia is OK.

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There are at least two easy ways to confirm this.

1. Open Mult_Lat.dat in an ASCII editor (e.g., WordPad.)
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

A. Search for 14.6959

It does not exist in the data file
B. Search for MIN BHP
There are several, all set to 500 psi.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

2. See the next slides.

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The following extract from Mult_Lat.out clearly shows that on August 1,

1991, the minimum PWF is set at 14.6959 psia. Well 16-7 is also shutin.
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DATE 1991 08 01.

© 2000

WELL 1 '16-7'
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===================== WARNING (from subroutine: WMWTIN)

Minimum bottom hole pressure not specified for producer 16-7
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

(Well No. 1). Setting default MIN BHP of 14.6959 psia .

GEOMETRY K 0.354167 0.3700 1.0000 0.000
PERF GEO '16-7'
** if jf kf ff
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5 54 2 1.000
5 54 3 1.000
5 54 4 1.000

SHUTIN '16-7'
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The following extract from Mult_Lat.out is the very next timestep. This
extract clearly shows that on September 1, 1991, the minimum PWF is
set at 500 psi. Well 16-7 is producing 2397.15 barrel per day.
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No Wells have been operated in the Field.

DATE 1991 09 01.
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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Searching Mult_Lat.out confirms that the only time the minimum,

flowing bottom-hole pressure is 14.6959 is on August 1, 1991.

In summary, the warning about MIN BHP = 14.69659 is OK.

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6B. The message review is done.

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6. Validate the data.

A. It is never too soon to save the data (again.)
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

B. Review the validation message file.

i. Understand warnings (and fix as needed.)
ii. Fix errors.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

C. Close the validation-message file.

Exit the “ModelBuilder.”
It is never too soon to save the data (again.).
D. Proofread (and understand) every line in the data file.
(Be sure this data file does what you want it to do.)
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Close the message file.

2. Click File.
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3. Click Close.
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

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1. Exit the “ModelBuilder.”

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

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1. It is NEVER TOO SOON to save the data again.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

2. Left-click Yes.
A. Automatically reuses the same directory.
B. Automatically reuses the same file name.
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6C. The automated validation is done.

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6. Validate the data.

A. It is never too soon to save the data (again.)
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

B. Review the validation message file.

i. Understand warnings (and fix as needed.)
ii. Fix errors.
See license agreement for limited user rights.

C. Close the validation-message file.

Exit the “ModelBuilder.”
It is never too soon to save the data (again.).
D. Proofread (and understand) every line in the data file.
(Be sure this data file does what you want it to do.)
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Always understand every every line in the data file.

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(Save time by avoiding unnecessary simulations.)

(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

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For example:
(see lines 7824-30)
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** ModelBuilder has detected a conflict in well sequence numbers.
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** The well sequence numbers are not increasing consecutively as

** required for the simulators. In order to ensure compatibility
** with simulators ModelBuilder has to re-number the wells.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

** All references to wells in this dataset should be in terms of well names.

See license agreement for limited user rights.

Calling wells by name simplifies things. It is no

longer necessary to also keep track of the
sequence numbers.
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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6D. The proofreading is done.
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7. Fix the volume-in-place values.

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A. Trial run the data set as is.

(Note the volumes.)
B. Correct the in-place volumes.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

(Manually edit the data.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

iii. Maps from GridBuilder.

8. Run IMEX
A. Make the real IMEX run.
B. Exit the IMEX run window.
Review the IMEX results.
C. Save and exit.
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1. Left-mouse-down and drag the data file to the “IMEX” icon.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

548 of 578

2. Release the mouse to start IMEX.

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1. You can watch IMEX’s

progress as it runs.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

Do it first with min vol too small

Experience the tiny timesteps.
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Then give correct answer as

PVCUTOFF = 200,000 ft3
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

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Too much saturation

change in small PV cell.

1. This field has a pinch out. This means some cells have very small pore volumes.
550 of 578

2. The next slides show how to eliminate the small PV cells by editing Mult_MB.dat
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7A. The trial-run is done.
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7. Fix the volume-in-place values.

A. Trial run the data set as is.
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(Note the volumes.)

B. Correct the in-place volumes.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

(Manually edit the data.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

iii. Maps from GridBuilder.

8. Run IMEX
A. Make the real IMEX run.
B. Exit the IMEX run window.
Review the IMEX results.
C. Save and exit.
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But first, get total pore volume, etc. right

Need to manually insert a STOP card near DATE 1Nov91.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

This will allow us to search for TOTAL PORE VOLUME.

We want it to be too high.
Once know PV too high, remove STOP. Make run.
May need to increase PVCUTOFF to avoid 0.001 day
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timesteps. This will reduce Total PV.

Once get decent minimum timestep (ie good run time) Do
VOLMOD to fine tune total PV.
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PVCUTOFF ft3 n.a. 250,000 250,000

VOLMOD n.a. 1.00 1 1.03
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case Mult_MB.dat MultLatM MultLatN

units orig qty
Minimum Timestep size days 0.0001 1
© 2000

Total Pore Volume. M STB 306,717 293,783 305,484

HC. Pore Volume M STB 230,038 220,337 229,113
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Fluids in Place
Stock Tank Oil M STB 144,876 138,766 144,293
Total Gas MM SCF 142,963 136,935 142,389
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

Free Gas MM SCF 0

Water M STB 76,645 73,412 76,337
Reservoir Oil M rbbl 230,038 220,337 229,113
Reservoir Gas M rbbl 0
See license agreement for limited user rights.

Reservoir Water M rbbl 76,679 73,446 76,371

Average Pressure
Total Pore Volume psia 2513.4 2513.4 2513.5
HC. Pore Volume psia 2513.4 2513.4 2513.5
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Help the class by pointing out

that we got this by putting
mult_lat.dat back into grid
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1. The very small blocks tend to be at the edges.

2. An exception is near cell i=17, j=27 ,k=1 to 4.
© 2000

Large pore volume

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~ 1,960,430 ft3
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

Note: the multi-

lateral well is close
Acceptable min PV
to the pinchout
~ 19,604 ft3 (100:1)

Small pore volume ~ 48 ft33

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Changing the Pore-Volume Cutoff

1. Make a copy of Mult_MB.dat

2. Rename the copy Mult_MBa.dat
3. Open Mult_MBa.dat in an ASCII editor.
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4. Search for
5. Add two lines after “results section rock compaction.”
© 2000

“PVCUTOFF 20000”
This makes 20,000 ft3 the minimum pore volume.
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“VOLMOD 25600*1.00
This multiplies the PV in all 25,600 cells by 1.00.
6. Save Mult_MBa.dat
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

7. Go to next slide
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Before After


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Changing the Pore-Volume Cutoff

8. Go to the top of the file

9. Search for
1993 01
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10. Replace a blank line above DATE 1993 01 01. with

11. Save Mult_MBa.dat
© 2000

12. Close Mult_MBa.dat.

13. Run IMEX with Mult_MBa.dat
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14. Open Mult_MBa.out in an ASCII editor.

15. Search for
HC. Pore Volume
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

16. Go to next slide

Before After
1.00 1.00
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DATE 1993 01 01. DATE 1993 01 01.


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Record Pore Volumes, etc.

17. Verify Time = 0.0 days (for this particular HC. Pore Volume.)
18. Save key volume data.
This will help set the multiplier for VOLMOD 25600*1.__
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19. Close Mult_MBa.out.

20. Use your best judgement to estimate the Minimum Time Step size.
© 2000

n.a. 20,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
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VOLMOD 1.00n.a.1.00 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.25 1.23+

case Mult_MB.dat_Mba.dat _MBc.da _MBe.dat f.dat f.dat g.dat
units orig qty rev qty rev qty rev qty rev qty rev qty
Minimum Timestep size days 0.0001 0.01 .01 1 1 1 .002
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

Total Pore Volume. M STB 306,717 303,168 285,275 223,238 295,215 312,753 305,628
HC. Pore Volume M STB 230,038 227,376 213,957 167,428 221,411 234,565 229,221
Fluids in Place
Stock Tank Oil M STB 144,876 143,200 134,748 105,443 139,441 147,725 144,360
See license agreement for limited user rights.

Total Gas MM SCF 142,963 141,309 132,969 104,051 137,601 145,775 142,454
Free Gas MM SCF 40e-13
Water M STB 76,645 75,758 71,286 55,783 73,770 78,152 76,372
Reservoir Oil M rbbl 230,038 227,376 213,957 167,428 221,411 234,565 229,221
Reservoir Gas M rbbl 41e-13
Reservoir Water M rbbl 76,679 75,792 71,319 55,809 73,804 78,188 76,407
Average Pressure
Total Pore Volume psia 2513.4 2513.3 2512.5 2508.5 2510.3 2510.5 2510.4
HC. Pore Volume psia 2513.4 2513.3 2512.7 2508.5 2510.3 2510.5 2510.4
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Record Pore Volumes, etc.

21. Go back to step 1

22. Repeat the steps for Mult_MBb.dat, Mult_MBc.dat, etc. until:
the nominal time-step size is acceptable,
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the pore volumes are close enough, and

the fluid in-place-volumes are close enough.
23. Close enough means the customer, boss, etc. is satisfied.
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

Global use of VOLMOD is a convenient shortcut
It works because the water-oil contact below the reservoir,
See license agreement for limited user rights.

and because the gas-oil contact is above the reservoir.

The rigorous way to deal with the small pore volumes
removed from the pinchout neighborhoods is to selectively
add the deleted PVs to the adjacent cells. This keeps the
deleted volumes as close as possible to their original locations.
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7B. The in-place volumes are correct.
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7. Fix the volume-in-place values.

A. Trial run the data set as is.
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(Note the volumes.)

B. Correct the in-place volumes.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

(Manually edit the data.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

iii. Maps from GridBuilder.

8. Run IMEX
A. Make the real IMEX run.
B. Exit the IMEX run window.
Review the IMEX results.
C. Save and exit.
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

The warning means well 16-7 had been

drilled, but was not yet producing.
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1. Observe the initial average pressure.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

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1. Observe the initial average pressure.

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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

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1. Left double-click the GridBuilder
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(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

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8A. The real IMEX run is done.
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© 2000

7. Fix the volume-in-place values.

A. Trial run the data set as is.
Download @

(Note the volumes.)

B. Correct the in-place volumes.
(Errors may exist. Use at your own risk.)

(Manually edit the data.)

See license agreement for limited user rights.

iii. Maps from GridBuilder.

8. Run IMEX
A. Make the real IMEX run.
B. Exit the IMEX run window.
Review the IMEX results.
C. Save and exit.
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8B. The IMEX results review is done.

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9. Predictions (another lesson.)

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Congratulations. Your first day at you new job was a big success.
You performed several functions.
Created for Laine & Associates, Inc.

Imported: Map data.

PVT data.
Relative-permeability and capillary-pressures.
© 2000

Production history.
Set: Rock properties.
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Well completions.
Well constraints.
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Corrected: Well completions.

The in-place volumes.
Analyzed: Data, warnings, and results.
Archived: Data and results.
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Go ahead and congratulate yourself. You can now say that you have
created and ran a 6,400-cell black-oil model. This tutorial will help you
do it next time too.
You might even thank the boss for picking CMG’s IMEX as the
company’s preferred black-oil simulator.
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