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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 71, 025014 (2005)

Ghost busting: PT -symmetric interpretation of the Lee model

Carl M. Bender, Sebastian F. Brandt, Jun-Hua Chen, and and Qinghai Wang
Department of Physics, Washington University, St. Louis Missouri 63130, USA
(Received 8 November 2004; published 21 January 2005)
The Lee model was introduced in the 1950s as an elementary quantum field theory in which mass, wave
function, and charge renormalization could be carried out exactly. In early studies of this model it was
found that there is a critical value of g2 , the square of the renormalized coupling constant, above which g20 ,
the square of the unrenormalized coupling constant, is negative. Thus, for g2 larger than this critical value,
the Hamiltonian of the Lee model becomes non-Hermitian. It was also discovered that in this non-
Hermitian regime a new state appears whose norm is negative. This state is called a ghost state. It has
always been assumed that in this ghost regime the Lee model is an unacceptable quantum theory because
unitarity appears to be violated. However, in this regime while the Hamiltonian is not Hermitian, it does
possess P T symmetry. It has recently been discovered that a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian having P T
symmetry may define a quantum theory that is unitary. The proof of unitarity requires the construction of a
new time-independent operator called C. In terms of C one can define a new inner product with respect to
which the norms of the states in the Hilbert space are positive. Furthermore, it has been shown that time
evolution in such a theory is unitary. In this paper the C operator for the Lee model in the ghost regime is
constructed in the V=N sector. It is then shown that the ghost state has a positive norm and that the Lee
model is an acceptable unitary quantum field theory for all values of g2 .

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.71.025014 PACS numbers: 11.30.Er, 11.10.Gh, 11.10.Lm, 03.65.Ge

I. INTRODUCTION AND BRIEF REVIEW OF THE is, the physical masses of these particles are the same as
LEE MODEL their bare masses.
The lowest nontrivial sector is the V=N sector. The
In 1954 the Lee model was introduced as a quantum
physical states in this sector of the Hilbert space are linear
field theory in which mass, wave function, and charge
combinations of the bare V and the bare N states and
renormalization could be performed exactly and in closed
these states consist of the one-physical-V-particle state and
form [1– 4]. The Lee model describes a three-particle
the physical N--scattering states. To find these states one
interaction of three spinless particles called V, N, and .
can look for the poles and cuts of Green’s functions. (The
The V and N particles are fermions and behave roughly
Feynman diagrams are merely chains of N bubbles con-
like nucleons, and the  particle is a boson and behaves
nected by single V lines.) The renormalization in this
roughly like a pion. The basic assumption of the model is
sector is easy to perform. Following the conventional
that a V may emit a , but when it does so it becomes a N.
renormalization procedure, one finds that the mass of the
Also, a N may absorb a , but when it does so it becomes a
V particle is renormalized; that is, the mass of the physical
V. These two processes are summarized by
V particle is different from its bare mass. Most important,
V ! N  ; N   ! V: (1) in the Lee model one can calculate the unrenormalized
coupling constant as a function of the renormalized cou-
The Lee model is solvable because it does not respect pling constant in closed form. There are many ways to
crossing symmetry; that is, the crossed processes V   ! define the renormalized coupling constant. For example, in
N and N ! V   are forbidden. Eliminating crossing an actual scattering experiment one could define the square
symmetry makes the model solvable because it introduces of the renormalized coupling constant g2 as the value of the
two conservation laws. First, the number of N quanta plus N scattering amplitude at threshold.
the number of V quanta is fixed. Second, the number of N The higher sectors of the Lee model are difficult to study
quanta minus the number of  quanta is fixed. because the equations are complicated. However, many
As a result of these two highly constraining conservation papers have been written over the years on various aspects
laws, the Hilbert space of states decomposes into an infinite of the Lee model. For example, Weinberg studied the VN
number of noninteracting sectors. The simplest sector is sector because the V and N particles form a bound state
the vacuum sector. Because of the conservation laws there whose properties resemble those of the deuteron [5].
are no vacuum graphs and the bare vacuum is the physical Amado and Vaughn carried out detailed studies of scatter-
vacuum. The next two sectors are the one--particle and ing amplitudes in the V sector. These examinations re-
the one-N-particle sector. These two sectors are also trivial quired the solution of difficult integral equations [6,7].
because the two conservation laws prevent any dynamical Glaser and Källén studied the properties of the physical
processes from occurring there. As a result, the masses of V particle for the case in which the mass parameters in the
the N particle and the  particle are not renormalized; that Hamiltonian are chosen so that this particle becomes un-

1550-7998= 2005=71(2)=025014(11)$23.00 025014-1  2005 The American Physical Society

stable [8]. Bender and Nash examined the asymptotic free- the Hamiltonian becomes non-Hermitian in the Dirac
dom of the Lee model [9]. sense. (Dirac Hermitian conjugation, as indicated by the
The most interesting aspect of the Lee model is the symbol y, means combined transpose and complex
appearance of a ghost state in the V=N sector. To under- conjugate.)
stand how this state appears, one must first perform The Lee model is a cubic interaction and there have been
coupling-constant renormalization. Expressing g20 , the several studies of theories having a cubic interaction multi-
square of the unrenormalized coupling constant, in terms plied by an imaginary coupling constant and in all these
of g2 , the square of the renormalized coupling constant, studies it was found that the spectrum is real and positive.
one obtains a graph like that in Fig. 1. In principle, the In two especially important cases it was noticed that the
renormalized coupling constant is a physical parameter spectrum of Reggeon field theory is real and positive [10]
whose numerical value is determined by a laboratory ex- and that the spectrum of Lee-Yang edge-singularity models
periment. If g2 is measured to be near 0, then from Fig. 1 is also positive [11].
we can see that g20 is also small. However, if the laboratory The first explanation of how a complex Hamiltonian
experiment gives a value of g2 that is larger than this could have a positive real spectrum was given by Bender
critical value, then the square of the unrenormalized cou- and Boettcher [12], who studied the family of quantum-
pling constant becomes negative. In this regime the un- mechanical Hamiltonians
renormalized coupling constant g0 is imaginary and the H  p2  x2 ix   0: (2)
Hamiltonian is non-Hermitian. Moreover, in this regime a
new state appears in the V=N sector, and because its norm In this study it was shown that these Hamiltonians all have
is negative, the state is called a ghost. There have been only real, positive, and discrete energy eigenvalues and it
numerous attempts to make sense of the Lee model as a was argued that the unbroken P T (space-time reflection)
physical quantum theory in the ghost regime [2 – 4]. symmetry of these Hamiltonians might account for the
However, none of these attempts have been successful. reality of the spectrum.
While it is necessary for the spectrum of a Hamiltonian
To summarize the situation, in Ref. [4] Barton writes, ‘‘A
to be real and positive in order for a Hamiltonian to define a
non-Hermitean Hamiltonian is unacceptable partly be-
physically acceptable theory of quantum mechanics, it is
cause it may lead to complex energy eigenvalues, but
not sufficient. One must also have a Hilbert space of states
chiefly because it implies a nonunitary S matrix, which
and an associated inner product whose norm is positive.
fails to conserve probability and makes a hash of the
Positivity of the norm is essential in order to have a
physical interpretation.’’
probabilistic interpretation. Moreover, time evolution
The purpose of this paper is to show that, contrary to the
must be unitary (probability-conserving). In early attempts
view expressed by Barton, it is indeed possible to give a
to define the Hilbert space for non-Hermitian
physical interpretation to what is going on in the V=N
P T -symmetric Hamiltonians it was conjectured that since
sector of the Lee model when g0 becomes imaginary and
the Hermiticity of the Hamiltonian (H  H y ) was replaced
by P T symmetry (H  HP T ), the Hermitian inner prod-
hAjBi jAiy jBi
4 should be replaced by the P T inner product
hAjBi jAiP T jBi:
g02 µ2 0
However, it was quickly observed that while the P T norm
of a state is real, the sign of the norm can be either positive
or negative, depending on the state.
A negative norm is physically unacceptable, so it is
necessary to find an alternative definition of the inner
product. This definition is given in the work of Bender,
Brody, and Jones [13]. The key discovery in this paper was
0 1
g 2 µ2
2 3 that a P T -symmetric Hamiltonian that has an unbroken
P T symmetry possesses a new symmetry represented by a
FIG. 1. Square of the unrenormalized coupling constant, g20 , linear operator that was called C. The C operator has three
plotted as a function of the square of the renormalized coupling crucial properties. First, the square of the C operator is
constant g2 . When g2  0 we have g20  0, and as g2 increases unity,
so does g20 . However, as g2 increases past a critical value, g20 C 2  1; (3)
abruptly becomes negative. In this regime the unrenormalized
coupling constant is negative and the Hamiltonian is non- and therefore its eigenvalues are 1. Second, C commutes
Hermitian. with P T ,


C; P T   0; (4) ghost is negative. We must then calculate the C operator

for this theory, and we do this exactly and in closed form.
and therefore C is P T symmetric. Third, C commutes
We verify that the CP T norms of the V and the ghost
with the Hamiltonian,
states are positive. Because the CP T norm of the ghost
C; H  0; (5) state is positive the term ‘‘ghost’’ is actually inappropriate.
and therefore the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian are also With this metric the Lee model in this sector is a fully
eigenstates of C. In fact, states of H having a negative P T consistent and unitary quantum theory.
norm have eigenvalue 1 under C, and eigenstates of H Next, in Sec. III we generalize the results in Sec. II to the
having a positive P T norm have eigenvalue 1 under C. case of a quantum-field-theoretic Lee model. Again we
From these three properties one can use the C operator to verify that when the renormalized coupling constant is
construct the correct inner product for the Hilbert space of larger than a critical value, the Hamiltonian becomes
states of the Hamiltonian: non-Hermitian and a ghost state appears in the V=N
hAjBi jAiCP T jBi: (6) sector. The P T norms of the physical V and the N-
scattering states are positive but the P T norm of the ghost
This CP T inner product is associated with a positive
state is negative. As in Sec. II, we again calculate the C
norm. Furthermore, the usual time translation operator
operator in the V=N sector and we verify that the CP T
eiHt preserves the inner product. Thus, with respect to
norms of all states in the V=N sector are positive. These
this inner product, time evolution is unitary.
calculations demonstrate that there is no ghost and that the
The implication of Ref. [13] is that a non-Hermitian
Lee model in the V=N sector is a fully consistent unitary
P T -symmetric Hamiltonian determines its own Hilbert
quantum theory.
space of state vectors and the associated inner product. One
can thus regard a non-Hermitian P T -symmetric
Hamiltonian as a bootstrap theory because one must find II. QUANTUM-MECHANICAL LEE MODEL
the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian in The quantum-mechanical Lee model describes the in-
order to discover what the Hilbert space is. teraction of the three particles V, N, and , but in this
The key step in understanding non-Hermitian model there is only a time variable and no space variable.
P T -symmetric quantum theories is constructing the C Correspondingly, there is only energy and no momentum.
operator. Several papers have been published regarding Particles do not move but simply sit at one point and evolve
the construction of this operator. A perturbative calculation in time. To create states of these particles we apply the
of C for cubic quantum-mechanical theories was given in creation operators V y , N y , and ay to the vacuum state j0i.
Ref. [14] and a nonperturbative WKB calculation of C for The bare states in this model are given by
the more general quantum-mechanical theory in (2) was
given in Ref. [15]. A perturbative calculation of the C j1; 0; 0i V y j0i;
operator in D-dimensional cubic quantum-field theories j0; 1; 0i N y j0i;
was done [16,17]. From these papers it is evident that the
best way to calculate C in a theory with a cubic interaction j0; 0; 1i ay j0i;
is to solve the system of operator equations in (3)–(5). ay n
This paper is organized very simply. In Sec. II we j1; 0; ni V y p j0i n 2 Z; n  0; (7)
consider first the case of a quantum-mechanical Lee n!
model. It is shown that when the renormalized coupling ay n
j0; 1; ni N y p j0i n 2 Z; n  0;
constant is larger than the critical value shown in Fig. 1, the n!
Hamiltonian becomes non-Hermitian and a ghost state
ay n
appears in the V=N sector of the theory. In this regime j1; 1; ni V y N y p j0i n 2 Z; n  0:
the theory is P T symmetric. Kleefeld was the first to point n!
out this transition to P T symmetry [18]; this reference We treat  as a boson, but treat V and N as fermions, so
gives a beautiful and comprehensive review of the history there are no multi-V or multi-N states. These creation and
of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. The P T norm of the annihilation operators satisfy the following commutation
physical V particle is positive, but the P T norm of the and anticommutation relations:

a; a  ay ; ay   0; a; ay   1;

a; N  a; V  a; N y   a; V y   ay ; N  ay ; V  ay ; N y   ay ; V y   0;
N; N  N y ; N y   V; V  V y ; V y   0; (8)
V; N  V y ; N y   N; V y   N y ; V  0;
N; N y   V; V y   1:

The Hamiltonian for the quantum-mechanical Lee one-V-particle and the bare one-N-one--particle states.
model has the form We find that there are two eigenfunctions and two eigen-
values. We interpret the eigenfunction corresponding to the
H  H0  g0 H1 ; (9)
lower-energy eigenvalue as the physical one-V-particle
where state, and we interpret the eigenfunction corresponding
with the higher-energy eigenvalue as the physical
H0  mV0 V y V  mN N y N  m ay a; one-N-one--particle state. (In the field-theoretic version
H1  V y Na  ay N y V: of the Lee model this higher-energy state corresponds to
the continuum of physical N- scattering states.) Thus, we
The bare states (7) are the eigenstates of H0 and the make the ansatz
physical states are the eigenstates of the full Hamiltonian
H. Note that the mass parameters mN and m represent the jVi  c11 j1; 0; 0i  c12 j0; 1; 1i;
physical masses of the one-N-particle and one--particle jNi  c21 j1; 0; 0i  c22 j0; 1; 1i;
states because these states do not undergo mass renormal-
ization. However, mV0 is the bare mass of the V particle. and demand that these states be eigenstates of H with
The V, N, and  particles are all treated as pseudosca- eigenvalues mV (the renormalized V-particle mass) and
lars. To understand why this is so, recall that in quantum EN . The eigenvalue problem reduces to a pair of elemen-
mechanics the position operator tary algebraic equations:
1 c11 mV0  c12 g0  c11 mV ;
x  p a  ay  (17)
2 c21 g0  c22 mN  m   c22 EN :
and the momentum operator The solutions to (17) are
1  q
p  p a  ay  1
i 2 mV  mN  m  mV0  20  4g20 ;
 q (18)
both change sign under parity reflection: 1
EN  mN  m  mV0  20  4g20 ;
P xP  x; P pP  p: (11) 2
Thus, we conclude that
0 mN  m  mV0 : (19)
P VP  V; P NP  N;
Notice that mV , the mass of the physical V particle, is
P aP  a; P V y P  V y ; (12)
different from mV0 , the mass of the bare V particle, because
P N y P  N y ; P ay P  ay : the V particle undergoes mass renormalization.
Next, we perform wave-function renormalization.
Under time reversal p and i change sign but x does not:
Following Barton we define the wave-function renormal-
T pT  p; T iT  i; T xT  x: (13) ization constant ZV by the relation [4]
Thus, 1
1  h0j p VjVi: (20)
T VT  V; T NT  N; T aT  a;
This gives
T V yT  V y; T NyT  Ny; T ay T  ay :
(14) ZV  qq
 : (21)
Note that when the bare coupling constant g0 is real, H 20  4g20 20  4g20  0
in (9) is Hermitian: H y  H. When g0 is imaginary,
Finally, we perform coupling-constantprenormalization.

g0  i0 0 real; (15) Again, following Barton we note that ZV is the ratio
H is not Hermitian, but by virtue of the transformation between the renormalized coupling constant g and the
properties in (12) and (14), H is P T -symmetric: H P T  bare coupling constant g0 [4]. Thus,
H. g2
Let us first assume that g0 is real so that H is Hermitian  ZV : (22)
and let us examine the simplest nontrivial sector of the
quantum-mechanical Lee model, namely, the V=N sector. After some elementary algebra we find that in terms of the
To do so, we look for the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian H renormalized mass and coupling constant, the bare cou-
in the form of linear combinations of the bare pling constant satisfies:


g20  2 ; (23) 40
1  g 2

where  is defined as 20

 mN  m  mV : (24)
f (E) 0
We cannot freely choose the value of g because the value of
g is in principle taken from experimental data. Once the
value of g has been determined experimentally, we can use −20

(23) to determine g0 . The relation in (23) is plotted in

Fig. 1. Figure 1 reveals an extremely surprising property −40
of the Lee model: If g is larger than the critical value ,
then the square of g0 is negative, and g0 is imaginary. −10 −5 0 5 10
As g approaches its critical value from below, the two
energy eigenvalues in (18) vary accordingly. The energy
FIG. 3. Same as in Fig. 2 except that the value of g is larger.
eigenvalues are the two zeros of the secular determinant Note that the larger eigenvalue E (the larger value of E for which
fE obtained from applying Cramer’s rule to (17). We fE  0), which corresponds to the physical N state, has
have plotted fE as a function of E in Figs. 2 –5. Figure 2 moved up the real-E axis.
shows fE for very small g and Fig. 3 shows fE for a
larger value of g, but one for which g is still smaller than its symmetric, and cubic P T -symmetric Hamiltonians that
critical value. As g (and g0 ) increase, the energy of the have been studied in the past have been shown to have real
physical N state increases. The energy of the N state spectra. However, in the P T -symmetric regime it is no
becomes infinite as g reaches its critical value. As g longer appropriate to interpret the lower eigenvalue as the
increases past its critical value, the upper energy eigen- energy of the physical N state. Rather, it is the energy of a
value goes around the bend: It abruptly jumps from being new kind of state jGi called a ghost. As is shown in
large and positive to being large and negative (see Fig. 4). Refs. [2 – 4], the Hermitian norm of this state is negative.
Then, as g continues to increase, this energy eigenvalue Until the writing of this paper, a satisfactory physical
approaches the energy of the physical V particle from interpretation of the ghost state had not been found.
below. We will now show how a physical interpretation of the
When g increases past its critical value, the Hamiltonian ghost state emerges easily when we use the methods de-
H in (9) becomes non-Hermitian, but its eigenvalues in the veloped in Ref. [13]. We begin by verifying that in the
V=N sector remain real, as we can see from Figs. 4 and 5. P T -symmetric regime, where g0 is imaginary, the states
The eigenvalues remain real because H becomes P T

10 40


f (E) 0
f (E) 0



−10 −5 0 5 10
−10 E
−2 0 2 4
FIG. 4. Same as in Fig. 3 except that g is larger than its critical
FIG. 2. Plot of the secular determinant fE obtained by ap- value and the unrenormalized coupling constant g0 is imaginary.
plying Cramer’s rule to (17) for g0 real and small. Values of E for In this regime the Hamiltonian is non-Hermitian. Observe that
which fE  0 correspond to eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian the larger zero of fE has moved out to infinity and is now
(9). Observe that fE has two zeros, the lower one correspond- moving up the negative real-E axis below the energy of the
ing to the energy of the physical V particle and the upper one physical V particle. The N state has disappeared and has been
corresponding to the energy of the physical N state. replaced by a ghost state.

model it is possible to calculate the C operator exactly and
in closed form. To do so, we seek a solution for Q as a
formal Taylor series in powers of g0 :
Q g2n1
0 Q2n1 : (29)
f (E) 0 n0

−5 Only odd powers of g0 appear in this series and Q2n1 are

all anti-Hermitian: Qy2n1  Q2n1 . From (28) we get
Q1  V y Na  ay N y V;
−2 0 2 4
E 8
Q3   3 V y Nan  n ay N y V;
FIG. 5. Same as in Fig. 4 except that g has an even larger
value. Note that as g continues to increase the ghost energy 32 ..
continues to move up towards the energy of the physical V Q5  V y Nan2  n2 ay N y V; .
Q2n1  1n V y Nann  nn ay N y V;
of the Hamiltonian are eigenstates of the P T operator, and 2n  12n1
we then choose the multiplicative phases of these states so (30)
that their P T eigenvalues are unity:
and so on, where n  ay a is the number operator for
P T jGi  jGi; P T jVi  jVi:
-particle quanta.
It is then straightforward to verify that the P T norm of the Finally, we sum over all Q2n1 and obtain the exact
V state is positive, while the P T norm of the ghost state is result that
negative.  p
We then follow the procedures explained in 1 2g0 n
Q V y Na
p arctan
Refs. [16,17] to calculate the C operator. In these papers n 0
it is shown that the C operator can be expressed as an  p
1 2g0 n y y
exponential of a function Q multiplying the parity opera-  p arctan a N V: (31)
tor: n 0
y ;V;N y ;N;ay ;a
C  eQV P: (25) We must now exponentiate this result to obtain the C
operator. Fortunately, the exponential of Q simplifies con-
We then impose the algebraic operator equations in (3)– siderably because we are treating the V and N particles as
(5). The condition C2  1 gives fermions and therefore we can use the identity n2V;N 
QV y ; V; N y ; N; ay ; a  QV y ; V; N y ; N; nV;N . Our exact result for eQ is
 ay ; a: (26) 
 nN 1  nV 
eQ  1  nV  nN  nV nN  q0 
Thus, QV y ; V; N y ; N; ay ; a is an odd function in total 20  4g20 n
powers of V y , V, N y , N, ay , and a. p
Next, we impose the condition C; P T   0 and obtain 0 nV 1  nN  y
2g0 n
 q  V Na q
the result that 20  4g20 n  1 20  4g20 n
QV y ; V; N y ; N; ay ; a  Q V y ; V; N y ; p 
2g0 n
 q ay N y V : (32)
 N; ay ; a; (27) 20  4g20 n
where  denotes complex conjugation.
Finally, we impose the condition that the operator C We can also express the parity operator P in terms of
commutes with H: C; H  0, which requires that number operators:

eQ ; H0   g0 eQ ; H1  : (28) P  einV nN n   1  2nV 1  2nN ein : (33)
Although in Refs. [16,17] we were only able to find the C
operator to leading order in perturbation theory, for the Lee Combining eQ and P , we obtain the exact expression for

C: where
 nN 1  nV 
C  1  nV  nN  nV nN  q0  ~  " Vpy~  dk’
jE; pi ~ ~ N y ay j0i:
k p~ k~ k~
20  4g20 n
p Under the action of the Hamiltonian this state has the
0 nV 1  nN  2g0 n
 q  V y Na q energy eigenvalue E:
20  4g20 n  1 20  4g20 n
~  EjE; pi:
HjE; pi ~ (40)
2g0 n
 q ay N y V 1  2nV 1  2nN ein : The eigenvalue problem (40) has the form of two
20  4g20 n (34) coupled simultaneous equations:
mN  !k~ ’k~  hk~  E’k~ ; (41)
Using this C operator we calculate the CP T norm of
the V state and the ghost state and find that they are both mV0  ~ ~ ’ ~  E:
dkh (42)
positive. Furthermore, as is shown in Ref. [13], time evo- k k

lution is unitary. Thus, we have verified that with the

Eqs. (41) and (42) are the analog of (17). We solve (41) for
proper definition of the inner product, the quantum-
’k~ ,
mechanical Lee model is a physically acceptable and fully
consistent quantum theory even in the ghost regime where hk~
the unrenormalized coupling constant is imaginary. ’k~   ;
!k~  mN  E
and substitute the result into (42) to obtain
Z h2k~
The field-theoretic Lee model is more general than the dk~  mV0  E: (43)
quantum-mechanical Lee model discussed in Sec. II in that !k~  mN  E
it allows the V, N, and  particles to move. Thus, the
Next, we define fE by
Hamiltonian for the field-theoretic Lee model is composed
of operators that create and annihilate V, N, and  particles Z h2k~
of a given momentum. This Hamiltonian has the form fE  E  mV0  dk~ : (44)
!k~  mN  E
H  H0  HI : (35)
The function fE is the field-theory analog of the function
The free Hamiltonian is given by fE that is plotted in Figs. 2 –5 and the roots of fE are
Z Z Z the physical energy levels of the Lee model Hamiltonian
H0  mV0 dpV ~ py~ Vp~  mN dpN ~ py~ Np~  dk!
~ ~ ay a ~ ;
k k~ k (35). Note that the first derivative of fE is
(36) Z h2k~
q f0 E  1  dk~ : (45)
!k~  mN  E2
where !k~  k~2  m2 , and the interaction Hamiltonian is
given by To show how to use the function fE to find the energy
Z Z levels, we discretize the integral over k~ to convert it to a
HI  dkh ~ ~ dpV
k ~ py~ Np y y
~ k~ ak~  ak~ Np V ;
~ k~ p~
(37) summation. We take %!k~  in (38) to be a sharp cutoff
function and we plot in Fig. 6 the function fE versus E
where for small real g0 . Observe that there is an isolated energy
g0 %!k~  level that corresponds to the mass of the physical V parti-
hk~  p : (38) cle. We will call this energy level mV . Above this energy
23=2 2!k~ level there is a gap and then a bunch of closely associated
The function %!k~  is a cutoff that ensures that the process energy levels that correspond to the physical N- scatter-
of renormalization can be carried out using finite quanti- ing states. In the continuum limit the discrete sum over k~
ties. Note that when the unrenormalized coupling constant becomes an integral over k, ~ and this bunch of discrete
g0 is imaginary, g0  i0 (0 real), H is not Hermitian but states becomes a continuous cut on the real axis in the
is P T symmetric. complex-E plane.
The V=N sector of the Lee model is spanned by the As g0 increases (but still remains real), the highest-
one-bare-V-particle state and the one-bare-N-one-bare-- energy N- scattering state separates from the rest and
states. Because of the conservation laws of the Lee model, moves up towards positive infinity. This separation is
this sector is an invariant subspace. The physical energy illustrated in Fig. 7. Just as the renormalized coupling
eigenstates in this sector have the general form jE; pi, ~ constant g increases passes its critical value and the un-



f (E) 0 f (E) 0



0 1 2 3 4 −2 0 2 4

FIG. 6. Field theoretic version of Fig. 2. The function fE in FIG. 8. Same as in Fig. 7 except that the renormalized cou-
(44) is plotted as a function of E for the case in which the integral pling constant is larger than its critical value and the unrenor-
over k~ is replaced by a discrete sum over k. ~ The energy malized coupling constant g0 is imaginary. Observe that the
eigenvalues of H in (35) are the zeros of fE. The graph is largest zero of fE has abruptly become large and negative.
constructed for a small real value of g0 . The lowest eigenvalue, This state is referred to as the ghost state. The ghost state appears
which corresponds to the physical V particle, is isolated from the when the Hamiltonian becomes non-Hermitian.
other energies, which correspond to physical N- scattering
states. In the continuum limit in which the discrete sum is Observe that in Figs. 6 –9 , EG and mV lie in the interval
replaced by an integral, the physical N- scattering states 1; mN  m . Also, note that f0 EG  > 0 and that ZV 
become dense and form a cut on the real axis in the f0 mV  < 0. When E > mN  m , f0 E < 0. Note also
complex-E plane. that for any two eigenvalues E1  E2 , we have
Z h2k~
renormalized coupling constant becomes imaginary, the dk~
!k~  mN  E1 !k~  mN  E2 
isolated high-energy state abruptly becomes large and  
negative and lies below the physical V state. This jump, 1 Z ~ 2 1 1
which occurs just as the Hamiltonian becomes non- E1  E2 !k~  mN  E1 !k~  mN  E2
Hermitian, is characterized by the appearance of the ghost 1
state (see Fig. 8). We will call this energy level EG . As the  mV0  E1   mV0  E2   1: (46)
E1  E2
renormalized coupling constant continues to increase, the
ghost energy EG increases towards the V-particle energy In the ghost regime, where the Hamiltonian is non-
mV (see Fig. 9). Hermitian, we follow the approach in Sec. II and choose


f (E) 0
f (E) 0


−4 −20
−2 0 2 4
0 1 2 3 4
FIG. 9. Same as in Fig. 8 except that the renormalized cou-
FIG. 7. Same as in Fig. 6 but with g0 having a larger real value. pling constant has a larger value. Observe that the energy of the
Observe that as g0 increases, the highest energy physical N- ghost always lies below the energy of the physical V particle, but
scattering state separates from all the rest and moves off towards that as g increases, the ghost energy moves up towards the V
positive infinity. energy.

the phases " of the states in (39) so that the eigenvalues of This requirement implies that " must be imaginary: " 
the P T operator are all 1. That is, we require that ".
 Z  Having chosen the phases of states in this way, we can
~  " Vpy~  dk~
P T jE; pi Npy
a y
j0i now calculate the P T norms of the states in the V=N
!k~  mN  E ~ k~ k~ sector. To do so we use the general formula for the P T
 jE; pi:
~ (47) norm of the state jE1 ; p~ 1 i:

 Z h2k~ 
jE1 ; p~ 1 iP T jE2 ; p~ 2 i  "E1 "E2 1  dk~ *3 p~ 1  p~ 2 
!k~  mN  E1 !k~  mN  E2 
 "2E1 f0 E1 *E1 ;E2 *3 p~ 1  p~ 2 : (48)

For the physical V state and the physical N- scattering proportional to Q:
states, we have f0 E < 0, so by choosing "E , we can Z Z
normalize these states as Q3  dlj+ ~ ~j2 dpd ~ ~ V y N ~ a ~  + ay N y Vp~ 
~ k+
l k p~ p
~ k k k~ k~ p
~ k~

jE1 ; p~ 1 iP T jE2 ; p~ 2 i  *E1 ;E2 *3 p~ 1  p~ 2 : (49)  -2 Q;

However, for the ghost state f0 EG  > 0, and we must (55)
normalize the state as
PT 3
jEG ; p~ 1 i jEG ; p~ 2 i  * p~ 1  p~ 2  (50) Z
-2 ~ ~ j2 > 0:
dkj+ (56)
Thus the ghost state has a negative P T norm, while the V
state and the N- scattering states have positive P T Using these formulas, we can expand eQ in terms of Q and
norms. Q2 :
We must introduce the C operator in order to repair the
negative sign of the norm of the ghost state. Following the sinh- cosh-  1 2
eQ  1  Q Q: (57)
approach in Sec. II we seek the C operator in the form - -2
C  eQ P I ; (51) Next, we impose the condition in (5) that C commutes
with H. This gives the formula
where in this equation P I represents the intrinsic parity
operator rather than the conventional parity operator P . eQ ; H0   eQ ; HI  : (58)
The intrinsic parity operator changes the sign of a pseudo-
Substituting (57) into (58), we obtain the equations
scalar field, but unlike the ordinary parity operator P , P I
does not change the sign of the spatial variable in the sinh- cosh-  1 2 ~ 
argument of the field. The exact formula for P I is k~ +k~  2hk~  - hk~  +k~ dl+l~ hl~ ;
- -2
P I  einV nN n  : (52) (59)

Using P instead of P I in this formula would give the cosh-  1 hk~ hk~
wrong C operator, as we will see in (75) and (77). k~2  k~1   2  1 ; (60)
- sinh- +k~2 +k~
In the V=N sector, the conditions C2  1 in (3) and 1

C; P T   0 in (4) require Q to have the form

Z ~ ~  + h ~  0;
dk+ (61)
Q  dpd ~ ~ V y N ~ a ~  + ay N y Vp~ ;
~ k+ (53) k k~ k
k p~ p~ k k k~ k~ p
~ k~
where k~ !k~  mN  mV0 . Equation (59) gives
where the function +k~ is as yet unknown. In this sector, Q2
can be expressed as cosh-  1hk~
Z Z +k~  sinh- cosh-1
; (62)
Q2  dkj+ ~ ~ j2 dpV ~ py~ Vp~ - k~  -2
Z where
 ~ k~1 dk~2 +k~ +k~2 ay~ N y~ ~ Np
dpd ~ k~2 ak~2 ; (54) Z
k pk
1 1 1
-2  ~  h ~:
dk+ (63)
k~ k
where we have ignored the terms which will vanish when
applied to a state in this sector. In this sector, Q3 is Substituting (62) into (60), we get

-2  -2 : (64) If E  E0 , then from (46) we have

Thus, -2 is real. Combining this result with (62), we find

that +k~ is imaginary. Hence, (61) is satisfied. -cosh-  1
The numbers - and -2 satisfy two constraints: -3  : (74)
Z cosh-  12 h2k~
-2   dk~ ; (65)
- k~ 
-2 2 Substituting this result into (72), we obtain

Z cosh-  1h2k~
-2   ~
dk sinh- > 0: (66) C jE; pi
~  jE; pi:
~ (75)
- k~  -2

Let us define If E  E0 , we have

cosh-  1
E0 mV0  -: (67)
- sinh- 2
cosh-  1- Z ~ h2k~
Then (65) and (66) become -3   dk
sinh- !k~  mN  E0 2
  Z h2k~
sinh- 2 -cosh-  1
  dk~ ; (68)  : (76)
cosh-  1 !k~  mN  E0 2 sinh-

Z h2k~
E0  mV0   dk~ : (69) In this case (72) is
!k~  mN  E0

Equation (69) shows that E0 is an eigenvalue of H. From

C jE; pi
~  jE; pi:
~ (77)
(68) we have
Z h2k~ 2
f E0   1  dk~  > 0: Equations (75) and (77) show that it was necessary to
!k~  mN  E0 2 cosh-  1
use P I and not P in the ansatz for C in (51). Had we used
(70) the ansatz C  eQ P we would find that on the right sides
We know that only the ghost state has f0 E > 0, so of (75) and (77), the state has the form jE; pi.
~ Thus, the
vector jE; pi
~ is not an eigenstate of C.
E0  EG : (71) Finally, we combine these results with the P T norm
results in (49) and (50) and demonstrate the positivity of
We can now apply the operator C to the eigenstates of H: the CP T norm:
sinh- cosh-  1 2 y
~  "E 1 
CjE; pi -3  - Vp~ j0i
- -2
Z  jE1 ; p~ 1 iCP T jE2 ; p~ 2 i  *E1 ;E2 *3 p~ 1  p~ 2 : (78)
hk~ sinh-
 "E dk~  +k~
!k~  mN  E -

cosh-  1 y This shows that in the V=N sector the CP T norms of all
 +k~ -3 Np ay j0i;
~ k~ k~
-2 states are positive even when the Hamiltonian is non-
Hermitian. Thus, the Lee model remains unitary in the
where V=N sector and the ghost state does not interfere with
Z +k~ hk~ the unitarity because the Lee model Hamiltonian becomes
-3 dk~ P T symmetric when it ceases to be Hermitian. Indeed, the
!k~  mN  E use of the term ghost is not appropriate because, as we have
-cosh-  1 shown, this state has a positive norm [19].

Z h2k~
 dk~ : (73) This work was supported by the U.S. Department of
!k~  mN  E!k~  mN  E0  Energy.

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