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The new friendship rules: guidelines for your

girls that'll make your bud bond, well, rule!

Some rules are forever.

Don't cheat, don't lie--and don't even think about going after your BFF's crush. But then, there
are some rules that need to be tweaked over time--especially when it comes to your
friendships. Whether it's the smartest strategy for dishing deets, or the best way to be there for
your true blues, adjusting your approach to friendship will make you an even better bud. So
here are some new and-improved guidelines to help YOU make tons of new friends fast--or
just feel closer to the ones you already have.

OLD RULE -Treat others as you wish to be treated.

Well, NEW RULE- is Friendship is a two-way street.

Sure, it's great to be generous with your girls, but make sure they're showing you just as much
love. Taking the golden rule too seriously can have ya bending over backward to help
friends--and not always getting the same treatment in return.

OLD RULE -Don't ever gossip.

NEW RULE -Go ahead and gab--it's good for you!

Not only does sharing the scoop strengthen your bud bond, but it also releases a chemical in
your body that fights off stress and anxiety. But before you start spreading the news, note that
these perks only come with sharing positive chatter--not hurtful rumors.

OLD RULE -Don't be a copy cat.

NEW RULE -Taking on some of your pal's mannerisms may make ya closer.

Mimicking someone's moves can make her feel even closer to you. Yup, subtle things like
uncrossing your arms when she does or using the same hand gestures actually spark a
subconscious connection. It works when you're meeting new pals or trying to impress
teachers, too. But then i should remind U that EVERYTHING SHOULD BE DONE
SMARTLY,otherwise its useless.


"Asking your friends for help bugs them.

NEW RULE -Asking for small favors can make you better buds.

Think you can do it all yourself?. Nope! Friends and favors go hand in hand, so ask for
OLD RULE -Don't pry.

NEW RULE- Its totally OK to ask a friend questions about her life.

Mom may tell ya it's rude to pry, but when it comes to fueling friendships, setting personal
with your pals is perfectly fine. In fact, you'll come off as genuine--not nosy-when you ask
about her family, her BF or what's going on in her life. This is especially true if a pal seems a
little distant, down or is otherwise hinting that things aren't going all that great at the moment.
Your girl might want to talk about her personal life, but she doesn't know how to bring it up.
So help her out, and ask, ask away!.


I'll never tell you to break these ...

1. Don't steal your friend's guy. Do you want to keep your BFF well, forever? Then steer clear
of her crush/BF/ex Nothing good will come of this. Ever.

2. Don't ditch your BFF for your BE Yeah, It takes work to balance your bog and your buds,
but the effort is well worth It, especially when you need support from your sistahs (hello,

3. Stand up for yout bestles. Even If the most popular girl in school decides your BFF is lame,
a true friend will still be her number one fan. Stick right by her side, and she'll no doubt return
the favor should someone decide to trash your rep one day.

4. Be there for them. If your BFF is having serious issues, do what you can to help her out,
whether it's listaning to her vent or talking to a school counselor about how a tough sitch can
be fixed.

5. Just Be yourself. A friend's not a friend If she doesn't like you for you. Ditch the urge to put
on an act, and let your lovely self shine through to the girls who are lucky enough to call
themselves your besties.

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