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4 Design Parameters Page 1 of 4

Indian Codes - Steel Design per IS 800 - 1984

11C.4 Design Parameters

In STAAD implementation of IS:800, the user is allowed complete control of the design process
through the use of design parameters. Available design parameters to be used in conjunction with
IS:800 are listed in Table 7B.1 of this section along with their default values and applicable
restrictions. Users should note that when the TRACK parameter is set to 1.0 and use in
conjunction with this code, allowable bending stresses in compression (FCY & FCZ), tension (FTY &
FTZ), and allowable shear stress (FV) will be printed out in Member Selection and Code Check
output in Mpa. When TRACK is set to 2.0, detailed design output will be provided.

Once a parameter is specified, its value stays at that specified number until it is specified
again. This is the way STAAD works for all codes.

Table 11C.1-Indian Steel Design IS 800:1984 Parameters

Parameter Name Default Value Description
Must be specified as INDIAN

Design Code to follow.

See section 5.48.1 of the

Technical Reference Manual.

BEAM 1.0 0.0 = design only for end

moments and those at locations
specified by the SECTION

1.0 = calculate section forces at

twelfth points along the beam,
design at each intermediate
location and report the critical
location where ratio is

CMY 0.85 for sidesway Cm value in local y & z axes

CMZ calculated for no

DFF None "Deflection Length" / Maxm.

(Mandatory for allowable local deflection
deflection check)

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11C.4 Design Parameters Page 2 of 4

Parameter Name Default Value Description

DJ1 Start Joint Joint No. denoting starting point

of member for calculation of "Deflection
Length" (See Note 1)

DJ2 End Joint of Joint No. denoting end point for

member calculation of "Deflection
Length" (See Note 1)

DMAX 100.0 cm. Maximum allowable depth.

DMIN 0.0 cm. Minimum allowable depth.

FYLD 250 MPA Yield strength of steel.

(36.25 KSI)

KY 1.0 K value in local y-axis. Usually,

this is minor axis.

KZ 1.0 K value in local z-axis. Usually,

this is major axis.

LY Member Length Length in local y-axis to calculate

slenderness ratio.

LZ Member Length Same as above except in local

z-axis (major).

MAIN 180 (Comp. Memb.) Allowable Kl/r for slenderness

calculations for compression

NSF 1.0 Net section factor for tension


PROFILE - Used to search for the lightest

section for the profile(s)
specified for member selection.
See Section 5.48.1 of the
Technical Reference Manual for

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Parameter Name Default Value Description

RATIO 1.0 Permissible ratio of the actual to

allowable stresses.

SSY 0.0 0.0 = Sidesway in local y-axis.

1.0 = No sidesway

SSZ 0.0 Same as above except in local


TMAIN 400 (Tension Allowable Kl/r for slenderness

Memb) calculations for tension

TRACK 0.0 0.0 = Suppress critical member


1.0 = Print all critical member


2.0 = Print expanded output. If

there is deflection check it will
also print the governing load
case number for deflection check
whenever critical condition for
design is not DEFLECTION.
(see Fig.8B.1)

UNF 1.0 Same as above provided as a

fraction of actual member

UNL Member Length Unsupported length for

calculating allowable bending

11C.4.1 Notes
a. "Deflection Length" is defined as the length that is used for calculation of local deflections
within a member. It may be noted that for most cases the "Deflection Length" will be equal
to the length of the member. However, in some situations, the "Deflection Length" may be
different. A straight line joining DJ1 and DJ2 is used as the reference line from which local
deflections are measured.

For example, refer to the figure below where a beam has been modeled using four joints
and three members. The “Deflection Length” for all three members will be equal to the total

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length of the beam in this case. The parameters DJ1 and DJ2 should be used to model this
situation. Thus, for all three members here, DJ1 should be 1 and DJ2 should be 4.

D = Maximum local deflection for members 1, 2, and 3.

DFF 300. ALL

b. If DJ1 and DJ2 are not used, "Deflection Length" will default to the member length and local
deflections will be measured from original member line.
c. The above parameters may be used in conjunction with other available parameters for steel

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