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Memories of UCC


Memories of UCC (0)

In the early days, there were no computers in Burma.

IBM (International Business Machines) based in the United State and ​ICL (International
Computers Limited) based in the United Kingdom had presence in Burma. Both companies
were not ready to introduce computers to Burma. They were supposedly content with leasing
unit-record equipment (calculators, tabulators, ...) using punched cards (which were "reused"
as wrappers of "​zee thee htokes​"). The companies maintained the machines with their staff.
U Aung Khin was the IBM representative in Burma. ​U Kyaw Tha was the ICL
representative in Burma. They were highly paid compared to the Government employees.
Due to the policies then in place, IBM might not have "incentives" to introduce computers
and computing technology to Burma.
In the early sixties, ​Saw McCarthy Gyaw (Burma Railways) wanted to "upgrade" to an ICL
computer, but the Coup d'etat in 1962 and subsequent restriction of foreign currency
exchange (and budget planning rules) "effectively derailed" the idea of "computerization in
In the mid sixties, ​Saya Chit (​Dr. Chit Swe​) was Head of the Mathematics Department at ​IE
(Institute of Economics).
Saya Chit proposed the need of a computer for teaching and research to ​Saya Nyi Nyi ​(​Dr.
Nyi Nyi, then Secretary [Deputy Minister] of Education). Saya Nyi Nyi suggested the scope
to be "extended" for a computer to serve the staff and selected students of the Universities
and Institutes. Thus, the ​UCC​ (Universities' Computer Center) Project was "conceived”.
Saya Chit later became Professor at Mathematics at ​RASU (Rangoon Arts and Science
University). Saya offered space at the Mathematics Department for the early volunteers of the
UCC Project. Saya later obtained permission to use ​Mandalay Hall for use by the UCC
Project before the UCC Building could be completed in ​Thamaing College Campus​.
Saya Chit served as the Founder/Director of UCC. He initiated the academic and training
programs. He stressed the importance of technology transfer, leapfrogging technology,
knowledge sharing (internally and externally), and challenging the staff and students to try
their best.
Saya Chit requested ​Saya Paing (​U Soe Paing​) to help design and implement the UCC
Saya Chit also inquired the mother of ​Saya Myo (​U Myo Min​), who was working at ​IBM
UK after completing his CA (Chartered Accountant) if Saya Myo would be interested to
come back to Burma and help with the UCC project.
Saya Paing “recruited” his friend ​Saya Lay (​U Ko Ko Lay​) to help with the UCC project in
general and with the UCC Building Design and Implementation in particular.

As Saya Paing mentioned in "​Computer ah sa UCC ga​", it took a really long time to get
UCC up and running. ​UNDP (United Nations Development Program) would be the Funding
Agency. ​UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) would
be the Executing Agency.

Saya Paing's articles can be downloaded from ​SCRIB-D​.


For several years, Saya Paing tried to recruit his top students -- including my cousin ​U
Thaung Lwin (EC66) -- to help with the project and become the pioneer computer

U Thaung Lwin, who was "Top of his class", received an offer to join IBM BURMA.
It was Good News and Bad News.
The Good News was that he was offered a reasonably high salary (based on the then
salary of engineers joining the Government Departments).
The Bad News was that he would have to wait a long time until the first computer was
purchased and installed at the CSO Computer Section, He had to maintain the
"leased" Unit Record Machines for several years.

Saya TAG (DR. TUN AUNG GYAW, EC69) was the first and longest ​volunteer for
the UCC Project.

Saya Paing transferred from the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE) at the Rangoon
Institute of Technology (RIT) to UCC as Manager of the Systems Division.
and Saya Lay transferred to UCC. Saya Myo joined UCC. The three served as Managers for
Systems, Operations, Applications (Scientific, Business ...) .
I was fortunate enough to be a member of ​GENERATION ZERO along with my mentors
and ​Saya TAG ​(DR. TUN AUNG GYAW).
Saya Paing left UCC in the eighties to pursue a career as Technical Adviser and Consultant
for the UN (United Nations) projects in several countries. Saya has documented his
experiences from the early States Scholarship to the UN assignments.
Since there are blanks to be filled in the history of UCC, ​DCS (Department of Computer
Science), ​ICST ​(Institute of Computer Science and Technology) and ​UCSY (University of
Computer Studies Yangon), several people asked me to take the challenge or at the very least
motivate others to share their experience and journey regarding IT in Burma.

Relying on
(a) my memory, which is reasonably good but imperfect,

(b) my story telling skills which I inherited from my father, "THIN SAYA", "MYIN SAYA"
and "KYAR SAYA",
(c) my training in "Communication and Leadership" from ​Toastmasters International to
become a ​DTM​ (Distinguished Toastmaster),
(d) my experience as a freelance writer, editor, translator, editor, coach, mentor
I have tried my best to prepare material in the form of readable chunks.

I am confident that other interested sayas and alumni will help enhance the document with
photos, anecdotes, ...

Memories of UCC (1)

The Early Days Of Computerization In Burma

UCC was founded in 1971 with ​Saya Chit as Director, ​Saya Paing ​as Systems Division
Manager, ​Saya Myo as Applications Division Manager, and ​Saya Lay as Operations
Divisions Manager.

The UCC Project was started by Saya Chit (then Head of Mathematics Department at the
Institute of Economics) with the help of Saya Paing (then Assistant Lecturer of Electrical
Engineering at the Rangoon Institute of Technology) and several others.
The early days of Computing in Burma/Myanmar has been presented in several articles in
Burmese and English by Saya Paing including "Computer ah sa UCC ga". They can be
downloaded from SCRIB-D.
Saya Zaw has also recorded his memories about UCC in his book "BAWA and DHAMMA".
His book was published and distributed by his elder sister.

Departments At Ucc In The Early Days

The early Departments and sub-departments at UCC include the following :

(a) ​Office Of The Director

The Office is used to hold meetings with Board of Directors & Advisers.
It also provided service for the Experts including ​Dr. S. I. Saleeb (Project Director) and
Professor ​Harry D. Huskey​ (GBNF)

(b) ​Administration
U Myint Aung (GBNF) was the Superintendent. He was healthy and passed away lately in his

He was succeed by U San Win. He unfortunately suffered a stroke.

There were several ​UDC (Upper Division Clerk) and ​LDC (Lower Division Clerk). Ko Ba
Than Chein, Ko Than Aye, Ko Tun Myint, Ko Khin Maung Lwin, …

There were several Peons. The four Sayagyis had a Peon each as their PA (Personal

There were three (or so) Secretaries (for preparing reports and teaching materials). KLM

(Daw Khin Lay Myint, GBNF), Bo Waing (U Win Myint), and KKS (Daw Khin Khin Su).
All later made career changes. KLM later became an Admin Officer. Bo Waing became a
Programmer and later worked (taught, translated ...) at Winner Computer Group. KKS moved
to ​Total ​(Oil Company owned by the French).

There were several Security Personnel (for the day, evening and night shifts). U Tun Kywe,
an army Veteran, usually "guards" the entrance to the Computer Room (on the Ground Floor
of the UCC Building). He also vets the visitors climbing up the stairs to meet the staff.

There were several Maintenance Personnel. They include Daw Ngwe Tin, Maung Myint, Aye
Aye Myint, Hla .Hla Myint, U Hla Pe, …

There were a couple of Drivers. Sad to note that Saya Chit's driver (who moonlighted as a
Side Car Operator) was hit by a train at a railroad crossing.

There were "volunteer" drivers including U Myint Aung, Ko Win Hlaing, Ko Soe Myint Gyi

(c)​ Systems Division​

Saya Paing, as Systems Division Manager, managed Engineers headed by Saya TAG,
Maintenance technicians headed by ​AM (U Aung Myint), System Programmers headed by
Saya Zaw, System Librarian ...
I was a Hardware Engineer before becoming Senior Systems Programmer, Business
Applications Manager (all at UCC), Lecturer at DCS (Department of Computer Science) and
Associate Professor of Software Technology at ICST (Institute of Computer Science and


Also included in Systems Division before I left UCC were Saya U Mg Mg Htay, U
Than Lwin, ​Rafi ​(Rafiul Ahad), U Tin Win, U Soe Win, KSM, ​KZ (Ko Khin Zaw),
KMZ ​(Ko Khin Mg Zaw), ​Silver (Ko Ngwe Soe), Ko Mg Mg Tun, Ko Win Mg, Tin
Tin Pyone. Later Eng U Tin Win and Tin Tin Pyone moved to FRI (Forestry Reserve

Saya Zaw and U Than Lwin transferred to ​CSO (Central Statistical Organization). U
Soe Win transferred to ​PTC (Post & Telecommunications). KMZ moved to
Singapore and then to the US. Rafi moved to Thailand and then to the US. Silver
moved to Singapore. Saya TAG, U Mg Mg Htay and Ko Mg Mg Tun moved to the
US. Ko Win Mg moved to Australia. Not sure about ​Byte​ (U Myint Soe, Technician).

(d) ​Applications Division

Saya Myo, as Applications Division Manager, managed Application Programmers &
Analysts for business applications, scientific & engineering applications ...
Later, the Applications Division was restructured in Business Applications Division (with
Saya Myo as Manager) and Scientific Applications Division (with Saya Lay as Manager).

Saya Paing subsequently managed both Systems Division and Operations Division.
Bo Shoke (U Mya Thein, GBNF) was the most vocal among the application

Application Programmers include ​Ah Thay Lay (U Thein Oo), ​Mra (U Mra Tun), ​Kyein (U
Kyaw Nyein, GBNF), ​Htaw Kyin (U Htin Kyaw), ​Saya Maung (U Tun Shwe), ​Japan
Sayagyi (U Aung Hlaing), Joe Than (Dr. Soe Than), U Myint Oo, U Win Naing, ​Ju Ju (Daw
Tin May Lwin), Daw Thin Thin Aung, ​Judy (Daw Nwe Nwe Win), ​Ma Nge ​(Daw Nge Ma
Ma Than), Daw Than Than Tint, Daw Gilmour Hole, ​Boe (U Boe Ba Shan), Daw Hpyu
Hpyu Aung, ​Gary ​(U Sein Myint Maung), ​Ma Mu​ (Daw Khin Aye Mu), …

(e) ​Operations Division​

Saya Lay originally managed the Operations Division.
After the restructuring, Saya Lay managed the Scientific Applications Division.The
Operations Division was handed over to Saya Paing.
Pauk Si ​(U Hla Min, GBNF) was ​CO (Chief Operator). There were several Operators. They
include ​MMG (U Mg Mg Gyi), ​Ah Ba (U Maung Maung Lay), ​Ah Leong (U Kyaw Swar),
Dobat Sayagyi (U Win Hlaing), ​Sunlun Kappiya (U Soe Myint, M72, GBNF), U Myint
Swe, U Hla Aung, U Kyi Win, U Tun Kyi, U Tin Win, U Than Tun, ​Charlie ​(U Myint Lwin,
Burma Judo Champion), ...
Several later made career changes as Programmers and Teaching Staff. U Soe Myint retired
as Pro-Rector.
In the early days, CO, MMG, Ah Leong, Dobat Sayagyi, Sunlun Kappiya ... served as Shift
There were three Shifts. The Morning Shift was run for staff, students and general users. The
Evening and Night Shifts were run for selected user departments. The Population Census
Data Project had a high priority.
There were several operators for card punch, manual punches, punched card verifier, sorter ...
Some did double duty as Job Controllers.
They include Daw Nyunt Nyunt Tin, Daw Thi Thi Aye, Daw Hla Hla Win (GBNF), Daw
Win May Thaung (GBNF), Daw Kyu Kyu Lwin (GBNF), ​Busibaung (Daw Khin Si
Thaung), ... Several later changed their careers or went overseas.
There was also a Librarian in charge of the Magnetic Disks and Magnetic Tapes.

(f)​ Volunteers
Kudos to the many unsung heroes who volunteered for gratis or for a per diem of Three
Kyats and Fifteen Pyas. They worked for various divisions. Without them, the introduction of
Computer Technology to Burma would not have been smooth and successful.

Final Remarks For The Post

Sayama ​Daw Mu Mu Myint wrote that ICST/UCSY will be celebrating 30th

Anniversary in March, 2018.
There will be a magazine to commemorate the event.

Memories of UCC (2)

Pauk Si

Grape vine says that CO (Chief Operator) ​U Hla Min was named ​Pauk Si by his classmates
at ​SPHS (St. Paul's High School). His father had lent money to a Pauk Si vendor, but the
vendor could not pay back the loan. So, at break time, CO will go to claim one Pauk Si or
more depending on his appetite.
He matriculated in 1964 and received his B.E. (Electrical Power) in 1970. He joined UCC in
1970 as CO. Under the UCC program, he studied for a year in UK and also found his
soulmate ​Daw Tin Win who was undergoing "advanced" nursing training. CO was afraid of
getting hospitalized.
CO was healthy. He would rarely wear the "coat/jacket" that is mandated for those working
in the "air conditioned" Computer Room. He would often wear a sports shirt. So, it was a
surprise to learn that CO, after returning from spending as a temporary monk at ​Taung Pu
Lu ​monastery, fell ill. He was admitted to RGH (Rangoon General Hospital) where ​Dr. Min
Lwin ​(Maurice Hla Kyi, 2nd in Burma in 1964 from SPHS, cousin of "Lake" Win Maung
(EC69), and CO's classmate) examined CO and found out that CO had a serious problem.
CO's voice had lost intensity during his stay in the hospital. He told us to be good towards the
sayas, colleagues, friends and family members. We sensed that it was his farewell message.
Sad to say, he passed away in his mid-thirties. He did not drink or smoke, but he ate (may be
a little bit indiscriminately). He presumably had Hepatitis and later "cirrhosis".

Tone Kyaw

When CO passed away at the tender age (may be 35), I became a Tone Kyaw.

Some people were not aware that there were two HLA MIN who attended SPHS & RIT &
worked at UCC. They both have spouses from the medical profession. So it was not
surprising when two government departments where I had given guest lectures inquired UCC
where and when they could send wreaths (Lwan Thu Pan Khwe) for me.

A representative from one department said, "It is said that people laugh a lot before they die.
U Hla Min was telling us jokes."
A person from the second department said, "U Hla Min looks frail and unsteady when he
walks. No wonder he passed away."

To top it all, Ko Moe Hein (Ajala, ChE69) took a day off to send me off. He was RIT
Selected for Swimming and Water Polo. He had a loud voice that can drown the voices of ten
or so "normal" people. So he became the de facto cheerleader for the RIT Sports Teams. He
was working at HI (Heavy Industries), where my older brother was in charge. At Kyandaw

Cemetery. he came down from a bus. When he saw me, he stared at me as if I was a ghost.
He explained, "Your brother seemed so calm when we learned that you had passed away. So I
look a day off to give you last respects thinking that 'If your brother does not care about you,
there will not be many people at last journey'". That's how I became a TONE KYAW.

Relationship With Kaba Aye Sun Lun Gu Kyaung

CO was partly responsible for the UCC staff members visiting Kaba Aye Sun Lun Gu
Kyaung and then later participating in the Thingyan Su Paung Yahan Khan Pwes. He and
Saya Paing were temporary monks at the monastery where ​Sayadaw U Wara (Win Paing,
ChE70, SPHS 64, younger brother of Saya Paing) was Taik Oke (second in command). Ko
Soe Myint (M72, GBNF) and his family (parents, siblings, ...) are devotees. I visited CO and
Saya Paing and later became a devotee and a Donlaba monk in the Thingyan period.
One year, several UCC employees and students became Donlaba (temporary monks)
at Kaba Aye Sun Lun Kyaung.
The tradition of "UCC Su Paung Yahan Khan" carried on at the various monasteries
(Chan Myei Yeiktha, Mingun Kyaung, ...)
RIP (Rest in Peace) my dear friend and my name sake.
We remember you saying, "Sayas, You will realize my values when I am gone."
AM and MMG are his classmates from SPHS.
Ko Soe Win is his classmate from RIT.

Memories of UCC (3)

Bo Shoke

Grapevine says that U Mya Thein (GBNF) earned the nickname "Bo Shoke" at the Institute
of Economics (IE). His first nickname was supposedly "Bo Gyoke" because he had his hair
cut like Bogyoke Aung San.
He was a brilliant and talented student. He would "explain" the lectures in a room to his
fellow students. Grapevine says that the turn out to his "free tuition" was larger than that at
the regular classes given by the sayas.
He had a vast array of General Knowledge. He would read books on religion, medicine,
engineering ... and would get involved in lots of activities thereby earning the name "Bo
Shoke" (One who gets his hands wet in things that are of no concern to him).
He joined the Commerce Department at the Institute of Economics as a tutor.
When UCC was formed, it needed people with diverse skills. Bo Shoke, Ah Thay Lay, Htaw
Kyin and Saya Maung transferred to UCC from IE . The first two majored in Commerce. The
last two majored in Statistics. They all became Application Programmers, and went for
further studies to the United Kingdom.
Bo Shoke was outspoken. During a visit to UCC, VIPs (ministers, deputy ministers, ...) were
standing and waiting for U San Yu. Bo Shoke entered the room and shouted, "Sit down". All
complied. (What a surprise!)
Bo Shoke not only taught at UCC, but he also lectured to the monks at ​ITBMU (International
Theravada Buddhist Missionary University).

Like Father, Like Son

One day Bo Shoke's father came to UCC. He carried a bunch of bananas to UCC. He asked U
Tun Kywe​, an army veteran serving as security, the office of Saya Myo (Bo Shoke's
manager). When he found out Saya Myo was not much older than Bo Shoke, he went
downstairs and then handed the bunch of bananas to the elderly U Tun Kywe. Like father,
like son.
Final Remarks For The Post

I succeeded Saya Myo, and later Bo Shoke succeeded me as Business Application Manager.
Fortunately or unfortunately, one who could "contest" Bo Shoke appeared. It was his

Memories of UCC (4)

Still So Young And Passionate: Saya Chit

Saya Chit is 88 years young, but still has an active mind. Until a few years ago, Saya was still
"supervising" Burmese students in Australia with their research and theses.
Saya studied at Mandalay University. His contemporaries include Saya Di (DR. MAUNG DI)
and Tekkatho Phone Naing (who supposedly based his characters on his friends).
Saya did his studies in UK. For a time, ​Saya U Ba Than (Retired Professor of Mechanical
Engineering, RIT) was his room mate.
Saya was Head of Mathematics Department at the Institute of Economics when he proposed
to the Ministry of Education to acquire a computer for research and teaching. Saya Nyi Nyi
requested Saya Chit to extend the scope of his proposal to cover selected universities and
institutes. The UCC project was born.
It would take several years before ​UNDP (United Nations Development Program) would
approve to fund the UCC project. ​UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization) would act as the Executing Agency.

Mandalay Hall (Temporary Home for UCC)

Saya Chit succeeded ​Saya U Ba Toke​ as Professor of Mathematics Department at RASU.
Saya recruited volunteers to help plan for the implementation of UCC. Saya received
permission to use Mandalay Hall as the "temporary home" for UCC. Saya Chit, Saya Paing,
Saya Myo, Saya Lay and several others conducted courses on Computer Fundamentals &
Programming, Systems Analysis and Design, Numerical Methods, ...

Thamaing College Campus (Permanent Home for UCC)

UCC moved over to Thamaing College Campus as a neighbor to ​RC2 (Regional College
Two). Saya Chit became the Founder/Director. Saya Paing, Saya Myo and Saya Lay became
Managers in charge of Systems Division, Applications Division, and Operations Division.
After reorganization, Applications Division was split into Business Applications
Division and Scientific Applications Division.

Saya’s Vision
Saya was a pioneer and an advocate of "Technology Transfer", "Leapfrogging Technology",
“Knowledge Sharing”, ​TOSS​ (Team of System Specialists) ...
Saya is modest. During a trip to ​Chauk Htat Yone (Six Storey Office)​, the admin would
"ignore" Saya Chit and would pay respect to U Myint Oo (his student and volunteer
assistant), who was well dressed and was carrying a suitcase.
Saya insisted a Component in the UCC Project Plan to invite the elite Computer Scientists
and Practitioners including two Past Presidents of the prestigious ACM (Association Of
Computing Machinery), a future ACM Turing Award Winner (considered as the Nobel Prize
for Computing) to UCC and jump start courses in Computer Science and Applications.

Saya thought that I had served as an Editor for a newspaper. I had written articles,
poems and translations for Guardian and WPD (Working People's Daily) newspapers
and Forward Magazine.
Maung Thaw Ka (Bohmu Ba Thaw, Chief Editor of Forward Magazine, GBNF)
"suggested" that I should join his staff (upon learning that I was an RIT alumni
volunteering for the UCC Project).
In my 3rd BE, editors from NAB (News Agency Burma) headed by Tet Toe (U Ohn Pe,
Chief Editor) "invited" me to join their staff.
My parents supported my hobbies, but they wanted to make sure that I have a good
education and a decent job.

I became a writer (real and ghost) for Saya's numerous projects: High School Mathematics
Curriculum Development, ​CTK (Children's Treasury of Knowledge), Planning for
computerization of Government Departments, TOSS (Team of System Specialists) …

Life After UCC

After UCC, Saya served as Rector of RASU, but his passion for his “Dream Child” and his
care for his former students never diminished.

After retirement, Saya taught at ​ABAC (Assumption Business and Accounting College in
Bangkok, Thailand).

Saya later relocated to Sydney, Australia. Several Burmese there completed their doctorates
under his supervision.

Reunion With Saya In Australia

In June 2006, I visited Sydney, Australia to attend several gatherings:
(a) RIT alumni gathering headed by Saya U Hla Myint (Charlie, M65) and Saya U
Myo Win (Melvin, M65, GBNF)
(b) UCC alumni gathering at Saya Zaw's house where we paid homage to Saya Chit

and Saya Dr. Freddie Ba Hli (National Planning Adviser & Board Member of UCC)
(c) Old Paulians gathering at Olympic Park organized by Dr. Thann Naing (Bonnie
Kywe, SPHS, Geology)

Saya's Present
Saya asked me to give a lecture or seminar to interested young people in Sydney. He then
presented me with his hat. I hope that Saya's hat can "transfer" his brilliant thinking into my

In the past years, Saya visited Singapore and Myanmar and shared his wisdom, knowledge
and experience.
He has minor health problems, but his mind is sharp as ever.

Final Remarks For The Post

Saya, thanks for believing in us and for giving us opportunity to take challenges.

Memories of UCC (5)

Saya Paing

One day, the people on the UCC ferry shouted, "Saya Paing". To their amazement, ​ICS U
Paing​ (Saya’s father) came out.
U Paing's spouse ​Daw Oo Yin ​is the daughter of ​Sir Po Tha​.
Saya Paing is the second son of U Paing. Saya and his siblings Dr. Myo Paing, U Win Paing
(Sayadaw U Wara, ChE70) and U Kyaw Paing (Putra Cup Player) are excellent golfers and
Champions at RGC (Rangoon Golf Club) and BGC (Burma Golf Club).
Saya Paing matriculated from SPHS (St. Paul's High School) in 1956 along with Saya Lay
(GBNF), U Win Htein (PWD, GBNF). Bohmu Percy (Navy), U Richard Than Se (ChE), U
Ba Min (Astronomy & Maths), ...
Bohmu Percy is a nephew of ​U Robert Hole​, who served as English Editor of
RUESU​ (Rangoon University Engineering Students Union) Annual Magazine.
Daw Gilmore Hole and her younger sister (daughters of U Robert Hole) are sayamas
Saya Paing stood 13th in Matriculation and was awarded Collegiate Scholarship.
Saya was joint 1st in I.Sc. examination for the highest marks in Mathematics and was
awarded a Gold Medal.
Saya rowed and coxed at RUBC. Saya won prizes including the Inter-Hall Fours.
Saya was selected as a States Scholar to attend Stanford University along with Saya Lay and
Bohmu Percy. Saya received his BS and MS in EE (Electrical Engineering). Saya did
programming for his studies and also worked part-time as computer operator.
Upon his return to Burma, Saya joined the EE Department as Assistant Lecturer. His sponsor
supposedly was UBARI (Union of Burma Applied Research Institute).
At a research congress held in the Main Campus, Saya presented a paper covering Digital
Logic and Circuits. Saya Chit was impressed. Through Saya U Nyi Nyi (EE saya, now in
UK), Saya Paing gained contact with Saya Chit. The rest is history.
Saya Paing "promised" to recruit his "top students" to join the UCC Project, but the long
delay of the Project to get funded made the task difficult.
Saya Paing did another Masters (this time in Computer Science) at Southampton University
in UK.
For a detailed story of Saya's life and work at RIT, UCC and overseas as a UN Advisor, read
his articles in English and Burmese. They are available in SCRIB_D.
Saya was my mentor at RIT and UCC. Sayagadaw Alice (Saw Yu Tint, T69) was my
classmate at RIT. They have hosted several UCC mini-gatherings at their house.
At one of the gatherings in 2007, Ko Po (U HTIN KYAW) not only attended the gathering,
but gave me a ride back home.

Saya used to meditate and play golf. Recently he had a minor ailment (hurting his back and
leg). Hope the MRI would help resolve the problem. Saya might need surgery to recover

Saya TAG is Saya Paing’s reliable Deputy. Saya TAG is the first and longest
"volunteer" of UCC. He taught "A First Course in Computer Science" to selected
students and sayas. Saya TAG succeeded Saya Paing as Systems Manager, and later
served as Associate Professor at ​DCS ​and Head of Hardware Technology at
ICST​. Saya is still working full time (often on multiple projects).

Saya Lay
Saya Lay matriculated from SPHS in 1956 along with Saya Paing and U Win Htein.

Saya studied ​BSCE​ and ​MSCE​ at Stanford University in the US.

Saya joined PWD as AE (Assistant Engineer).

He was “recruited” by Saya Paing to help with the UCC Project in general and the design and
implementation of UCC Building in particular.

Saya transferred to UCC as Operations Division Manager. He then served as Scientific

Applications Division Manager.

Saya studied Systems Engineering at the University of Lancaster in the UK.

Saya worked at UCC until he passed away in the early 1990s.

Saya served as Professor of DCS.

Saya later served as Professor of IS at ICST.

Saya’s hobbies include tennis, soccer and volleyball.

Saya has an excellent command of English.

Memories of UCC (6)

Saya Myo

Saya Myo matriculated from SPHS (St. Paul's High School) in 1958.

Saya is my double first cousin.
Saya's father is my maternal uncle. He passed away in his fifties.
Saya's mother is my paternal aunt. She lived to be 94.

Saya won a medal for standing first in ​I.Com​ (Intermediate of Commerce).

Saya won another medal for standing first in ​B.Com​ (Bachelor of Commerce).
Saya completed CA ​(Chartered Accountant) in the United Kingdom and worked for ​IBM
UK ​for four (or more) years.

One day, he had a call from his mother. She asked Saya if he wanted to come back to Burma
to help Saya Chit & team with the UCC Project. Saya was studying and working in UK when
his father passed away.
Saya returned to Burma and joined UCC as Applications Division Manager.
Later, Saya gracefully allowed Saya Lay to manage the Scientific Applications Division.
Saya was contented to be the Business Application Manager.
Saya taught not only at UCC but also at the Institute of Economics and other Departments.
During his spare time, Saya studied and completed Abhidhamma "Thingyo" course at
Mingalar Byuha.
Saya did his Masters in Systems Engineering at the University of Lancaster in UK.

Life After UCC

Saya migrated to US and worked for Seagate Technology and Connor.
Saya is an avid reader and an accomplished conversationalist.
Saya's spouse is Daw Khin Khin (RIT English, UNESCO, aunt of Kyaw Thu). They attend
several meditation retreats every year (in San Jose, California & at Hse Mile Gone

Final Remarks For The Post

I succeeded Saya Myo as Business Applications Manager.
Bo Shoke was my successor.

Memories of UCC (7)

True Love Story : Saya Zaw And Ma Kyawt

Saya Zaw ("Ye Baw Gyi", U Aung Zaw) experienced a "True Love Story" about five years
ago. He found out that both his kidneys were not good, but one was bad enough to need a
Saya tried to get a donor for kidney. His beloved spouse MA KYAWT offered to donate her
kidney as a sign of unwavering love, companionship and trust. Tears of joy fell from Saya's
eyes. For details, please read his book "Bawa and Dhamma".
Saya was born in Bogale and is a nephew of ​Bogale U Kywe (​ a renowned palmist, GBNF),
who both predicted the successful careers of Saya Chit, Bo Htay and [according to
Grapevine] ​U Thant.​
Saya met his soul mate in Pathein [Bassein] College. Saya joined the Department of
Mathematics, RASU.
One day, Saya Chit asked him if he would like to join UCC. If Saya Zaw remained in the
Mathematics Department, he would have a chance to do Ph.D. As for UCC, Saya Zaw would
learn new technology, but a Ph.D is not guaranteed.
Saya Zaw studied Masters in Computer Science at ​Southampton University along with Saya
Paing who would do double-duty as a mentor. The Department Head was ​Professor D. W.
Barron​, who worked for the Computer Pioneer ​Maurice V. Wilkes at ​CUML (Cambridge
University Mathematical Laboratory, later CU Computing Lab) and also wrote a CS
Upon return to Burma, Saya Zaw taught M.Sc​. and ​DAC ​(Diploma in Automatic Computing)
courses. He is one of the "sayas of UCC sayas".
Saya led the Systems Programming team (managed by Saya Paing).
Saya had training at ​UCSC (University of California at Santa Cruz) to have in-depth
knowledge of Unix.

Life After UCC

Saya transferred to CSO (Central Statistical Organization) Department (which had installed
an IBM computer). Saya went for IBM Training in Thailand.
After retirement from CSO, Saya tried to find a new career and life overseas. Saya cared a lot
about his children and their future.
Saya was met in Bangkok by Ko Myint Oo (DAC, Co-op), who took him to ABAC (AKA
Assumption University). Ko Myint Oo requested the Brother Director (Principal) and his
staff to "interview" Saya Zaw. To Saya's surprise, he was offered a job to start that very day.
Saya's first assignment was to teach Pascal (a language designed by ​Nicklaus Wirth​). Saya
mentioned that he used the "​Pascal Programming Guide​" prepared by me at UCC.
Saya's next stop was Sydney, Australia. He continued teaching at a University until his health
conditions "worsened".

Saya had a kidney transplant about five years ago. The kidney was donated by his beloved
spouse. Saya recovered, but he still have to face some side effects.

Knowledge Sharing
Saya wrote two books : one for private and one for public.

The "first" book was for his grandchildren and covers the culture and religious teachings.
Saya said, "It does not matter if they choose to profess another religion or belief. It matters
that they should know their heritage and culture before making life decisions".
Saya wanted to share his life experience, poems, satires & articles, and the Dhamma
discussions (weekly discussions with seniors including Saya Chit). He compiled them into a
book called "​Bawa And Dhamma​". Saya's older sister printed, published and distributed the
book in Myanmar. I have a copy of the book.
I was editor and reviewer of both books. I was honored to write a PREFACE for "​Bawa And
Saya's relatives are planning to publish a "third" book based on the "remaining" poems and
articles that were not published and/on written after Saya's operation.
Saya has also done DHAMMA DANA and donated several books.

Smiles Despite Intense Pain

Saya Zaw's smiles, jokes and his THINGYAN SAR covered up the "physical" pain. In 2006,
during my visit to Sydney, Saya said solemnly, "Only 30% of my kidney is working."
Saya's relatives are planning to publish a "third" book based on the "remaining" poems and
articles that were not published and/on written after Saya's operation.
Saya has also done DHAMMA DANA and donated several books.

Final Remarks For The Post

Few people would know the noble nature of Saya. I had first hand experience when I decided
to move from "Hardware" to "Software". Saya Zaw told the management that he would
happily let me become the Senior Systems Programmer, even though it would be "blocking"
his career advancement. I salute you, Saya Zaw.
Thanks to Saya Paing for letting Saya Zaw and I co-author Guide books and Publications
used at UCC.

Memories of UCC (8)

Saya TAG

Saya TAG is a member of Generation Zero of UCC, DCS and ICST. In fact, he is the earliest
and longest volunteer of the UCC Project.
Apart from the four sayas who founded UCC, Saya TAG is the most senior (not by age) of
the UCC employees.
His father was a teacher (of his own private school), a lawyer, and an expert in astrology.
DOW = Day of Week
0 => Saturday (TA Group)
1 => Sunday (AH Group)
2 => Monday (KA Group)
3 => Tuesday (SA Group)
4 => Wednesday (LA & WA)
5 => Thursday (PA Group)
6 => Friday (THA & HA)
Saya's name is based on the naming convention (DOW - 1) followed by DOW [Day of week]
followed by (DOW + 1). Since he was born on Sunday (DOW = 1), his name starts with
Saturday and followed by Monday.
Most Burmese names use a variant : DOW followed by (DOW + 1). There are other variants :
DOW followed by (DOW + 3) or (DOW + 4).
Saya was from Ma Hlaing, Meiktila. He matriculated in 1963 and received a Collegiate
Scholarship. He studied I.Sc.(A) at Mandalay University. Under the then new Education
System, he was admitted to the first ever 2nd BE (Bachelor of Engineering) class at RIT with
300+ fellow students. He received B.E. (EC) in 1969. He was a top student for all the classes.
He could have chosen to join several departments : RIT, MOC (Myanmar Oil Corporation),
PTC (Post & Telecommunications), BBS (Burma Broadcasting Service) and more. Like
some of his classmates (Ko Toung, EC69), he could have tried to migrate to the United
Instead, he decided to be a volunteer (unpaid initially, and a "small" daily allowance of Three
Kyats and 15 pyas) for the UCC Project. He learned several subjects and taught the course "A
First Course in Computer Science" based on the book by Forsythe et. al. The course used
Flowcharts and Programming.
Stanford University was the second among the US Universities to have a CS
(Computer Science) Department. Under the supervision of Professor George
Forsythe, four educators developed the classic book to introduce CS.
Other Universities offer CS under Mathematics Department or EE (Electrical
Engineering Department).

Saya was determined to excel in Computer Science and complete Ph.D. (if and when an
opportunity arises).
He joined UCC as one of the earliest employees and headed the Engineering team (under the
tutelage of Saya Paing).
Saya Chit offered 24 + months of UN Fellowship : first for Hardware Training at ICLETC
(International Computers Limited Engineering Training Center) and then study for M.Sc.
(Computer Science) at the now defunct ICS (Institute of Computer Science), University of
London. Saya bought a typewriter and several CS books and studied them. He borrowed
notes from Htaw Kyin (U HTIN KYAW), who was attending ICS (Institute of Computer
Science) at the University of London.
The higher authorities "deemed" that the Hardware Engineers "must" be present at the
installation and commissioning of the ICL Computer System and then "stay on" to maintain
the system. Saya must have felt an intense pain about the "broken promise" despite his
Saya served as Senior Engineer, Systems Division Manager, Associate Professor at DCS and
Saya wanted to pursue his academic dream, but again the higher authorities "deemed" that he
should go for a higher paying fellowship, but forgo his academic dreams.
/* Please ask Saya for details of the events following the above episode */
Saya's perseverance paid off with a doctorate in CS from ​UIUC (University of Illinois at
Urbana Champaign).
Saya is still working full time (often on multiple projects). Instead of driving, he now car
pools or telecommutes.

Memories By His Former Students

His former students hold a high regard of Saya. Here is a sampling :
Nwe Ni Tun wrote :
ဆရ ဦ TAG​ကအရမးအ က၊အငတ ​
ဘ ေက ငး ကင စတည၊ သ လဆရ ျဖစင၊
ဆရ ကနးမ အသက ေစ
Tin Tun wrote :
Remember him well. Very knowledgeable, sharp, serious, patient, etc.....

Final Remarks For The Post

Saya TAG is a Pioneer and a True Hero of UCC.

Memories of UCC (9)

Saya Ah Thay Lay

Saya was an entrepreneur in his school days. He supposedly paid his school fees from his
winnings from "Ta Chut Hmout" (SHOW or FIVE CARD POKER) and similar games. With
great control and having excellent strategies, he was never victimized by "over-emotional"
card players.
He was also good in sports : as a "lifter" in volleyball and as a "smasher" in table tennis.
He joined the Department of Commerce, Institute of Economics as tutor and later transferred
to UCC as Application Programmer.
His mentors include Saya Dr. Khin Mg Kyi (who attended the University as a monk & is
known for his debating style). Saya Ah Thay Lay is equally good as his mentor and may be
even better.
Saya did further studies in the United Kingdom.
Saya found his soul mate DAW THAN THAN TINT at UCC. They and their family
members (son, daughter-in-law) operate ACE and its subsidiaries.
He co-founded MCC ("training & services" company) with a fellow alumni/saya (U Tin Win
He and his spouse have served in various capacities (President ...) in Computer Organizations
such as MCF (Myanmar Computer Federation).
He is an example of "Great men are short".

Final Remarks About The Post

Some young people might not realize that Burma had talented people in Arts, Science, Social
Science, Medicine, Engineering, Fine Arts ...
The following is a partial list of World Class Economists.
● Dr. Solomon served as Dean at Stanford University and Economic Adviser in the
Nixon Administration.
● Dr. Hla Myint is revered at Oxford University.
● Dr. Tun Thin was one of the pioneers at the Faculty of Social Science, University of
Rangoon. He is highly regarded by IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World
● Dr. Tun Wai is a renowned Economist.
● Dr. Ronald Findlay was a Gold Medalist at MIT. He served as Research Professor at
the Institute of Economics. He then served as Dean at Columbia University.

Memories of UCC (10)

Feedback from UCC alumni

I have received several feedback (mostly as comments). I will share some of them.
U Zaw Tun (Singapore) wrote :
Saya, we should produce a book after you are done.
Sayama Daw Mu Mu Myint (Professor, UCSY) wrote :
ICST/UCSY will celebrate the 30th Anniversary in March, 2018.
A magazine will be published to commemorate the Anniversary.
U Khin Maung Zaw (EC76, Designer and Web Master of the "original" ex-RIT web site)
wrote :
KJ, thanks much for posting these old stories, sharing with the rest. We really had
many interesting and amazing characters there in those days. We, the three so-called
musketeers, made things much more interesting, pushed the envelope so to speak. But
thanks to all the Sayas - Saya Paing, Saya Myo, Saya Lay and seniors like you,
UTAG etc, we were able to do whatever we felt like it there. I know for sure that we
offended many people there, but with the great rapport and support from many of you,
our mischievous acts, intentionally or not, were pretty much forgiven.
Like I said a few times here, those were the good old days.I would like to thank all of
you for what we did there, and sincerely ask for your forgiveness if we, especially
myself, indeed offended any of you. I am indebted to all of you. Sayas, seniors,
contemporaries, as well as some juniors, as I learned a lot while I was there.
U Tin Win (EC71, RIT, UCC, FRI ...) wrote :
In my days in UCC, UTAG was CE and ICL computer's printer was line printer and it
could print only 120 char/line.
To get 160 char/line, UTAG modified the line printer by joining the original plastic
printer shaft with another short shaft.
One day, he came to the engineering workshop and said he would modify it. First he
cleaned the desk workplace where he would join the shafts.
At that time, one apprentice engineer (Ko Khin Maung) came into the room and saw
UTAG cleaning the desk.
Then, KKM, shouted, "Whoo!.. actually modification of printer is just Cleaning the
Daw Myint Myint Thein (Susan) phoned :
I felt young again reading about the good old days at UCC.

Memories of UCC (11)

Programmer & Musician

Some may not know ​Mra ​(Arakanese for Mya), but he (U MRA TUN) owns a set of
equipment -- Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Bass Guitar, a set of Drums, and audio equipment
-- to form and lead a band.
He was the leader of a band called TAMPS. The band's name is formed from the initials of
the members : Tin Aung, Austin Xavier, Mra Tun, Pierpont Morgan and Sidney Sann Aung.
He was a Mathematics major and joined UCC as an applications programmer. There were
some difficulties in finding a suitable university in the United Kingdom. He received an offer
from the University of Belfast, Northern Ireland but there was violence notably in connection
with IRA [Irish Republican Army]. He ended up migrating to the United States. He continued
to jam with the local bands in Southern California.

The UNITED KINGDOM is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern

Mra worked as an independent consultant and as a contractor for IBM. Most of his projects
are related to maintaining or enhancing ​COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language),
considered as a "dead language" by some.
Recently, he had a project assignment in Sacramento, the Capital of California. He came
down to meet and greet Saya Paing at Rafi's house.

Final Remarks For The Post

His spouse Mary Hundley is the sister of Bo Bo Han (Tony Hundley, vocalist).

Memories of UCC (12)

Some Connections

In most of my original posts, I used abbreviations and nicknames. Some names and terms
may be cryptic to those who had not been to UCC or worked there.
For example, I would use "Saya Chit" to refer to Saya Dr. Chit Swe, Founder/Director of
UCC and my mentor.
In the revised posts, I have added actual names and terms.
I have a reasonably good memory, but it is far from perfect.
When I am in he flow" or in "the zone", words flow off my mind with ease.
I am not relying on notes and documentation for the posts.
There will be unintentional errors, typos, omissions ...
Using the feedback, I have corrected the posts.

The following are some who had connections to UCC and its employees. Ko ​Tauk Tun
(Micky), Ko ​Ba Than Aye (Myo Myint Lay, GBNF), Ko ​Myint Oo (Phaung Gyi Training
School) ... are some people who had fun and quality time at UCC as volunteers.

Saya Paing had recruited Ko ​Charlie Tseng (EC70), but he managed to migrate to the United
States before the UCC employees were "selected and validated" by PSC (Public Services
Commission). Ko Charlie formed a company called VersaSoft with a product that is
supposedly easier to use than comparative software such as D-Base software. His spouse Ma
Diana Tseng (ChE71) worked for a Division of IBM (International Business Machines). Ko
Charlie pays respect to Saya Paing whenever Saya visits the San Francisco Bay Area.

Ko ​Lucas Lee (SPHS 66) is a classmate of Ko Charlie (Myint Lwin, Burma Judo
Champion). Ko Lucas is a Physics major. He volunteered when UCC was stationed at
Mandalay Hall in the main campus. He migrated to the United States. He joined the armed
forces and received training in electronics. Later, as a Veteran, he was offered a job at ​HP
(Hewlett Packard). He had a liver transplant many years ago and is doing well.

Ko Toung (Tom Liu, EC69) attended some courses at Mandalay Hall. He migrated to the
United States. He did graduate studies about the same time as Ko Khin Maung Oo (Ivan,
M69). He lives in Trumbull, Connecticut. He is retired and often travels to Hong Kong to
spend time with his son and grandchildren. He took us to visit Yale University in New
Haven, Connecticut.

Memories of UCC (13)

Saya DTM

Saya DTM (DR. TIN MG, GBNF) attended ​TTC (Teachers Training School). He stood 2nd
in the Matriculation examination in 1951.
In the early 50's, TTC students placed in the Top Three positions in the Matriculation
George Chapman from SPHS stood 1st.
Dr. Myo Tint, my cousin, stood 3rd in the Matriculation examination of 1952. Dr.
Nyunt Tin from SPHS stood 1st.
Dr. Tin Myo Than, son of Pali Professor U Aung Than, stood 2nd in the Matriculation
examination of 1954. U Koon Yin Chu (Phillip) from SPHS stood 1st. U Phillip also
stood 1st in his Architecture Class in 1960.

Saya is the son of Saya Kar (Mathematics), who served as Minister of Education in the
Caretaker Government. Saya’s brothers include U Aye Mg, Dr. Thein Mg (EENT).
Saya joined the Department of Mathematics as Tutor. He went for further studies in UK.
Upon his return, he was promoted to Lecturer.
He succeeded Saya Chit as Director of UCC.

Department of Computer Science

During his tenure, DCS was established with Saya Lay as Professor and Saya TAG as
Associate Professor.
I was Lecturer.

Institute of Computer Science and Technology

In 1987, ICST was established with Saya as Rector.
There were four Departments :
● Hardware Technology
● Software Technology
● Information Systems [IS]
● Computational Mathematics.
Saya Lay was Professor of Information Systems. Saya TAG was Associate Professor of
Hardware Technology. I was Associate Professor of Software Technology.
Bachelor degree courses in CS (Computer Science) and CT (Computer Technology) were
given. In the first batch, there were 30 CS and 15 CT students.

Some Alumni of ICST

I met ​Mi Hnin Thin Myaing (Roll Number One in CS) at Sae Taw Win 2 Dhamma Center,
Sebastopol, California. She was then a "Major" in the US Navy. She is a Dental Surgeon.
Recently, her mother showed the photo of MHTM and proudly said that my former student is
now a Navy Commander (equivalent of Lieutenant Colonel).

I met and then lost track of ​Ye Htut Aung (a top student in CT). He was working as a DBA
(or similar job) in Southern California (in Los Angeles and San Diego).

During my visit to Sydney in 2006, ​Aye Aye Kyaw Zin ​(daughter of my classmate U Kyaw
Zin [EP69]), Su Su Hlaing and Win Pe treated me to dinner.

I met several CS and CT students in Singapore. One said, "You were telling a lot of jokes. I
did not learn much."

San Yin Myint [2nd Batch] attended the First RIT Grand Reunion and Saya Pu Zaw Pwe as
a guest of her cousin U Hla Myint Thein (Maurice, M75), co-Chair of SPZP-2000. SYM’s
aunts Dr.Betty Chu (Pathologist) and Daw Muriel Tun Gyaw (Principal of No. (2) Latha
SHS) were also present as Guests in that event in October, 2000. I was Chief Editor of "RIT
Alumni Newsletter", which is partly responsible for getting the sayas and alumni get
reconnected [after many years] electronically and physically.

SYM and her friends invited me to their gathering during my past visits. She requested me to
attend the 5th ICST/UCSY Acariya Pu Zaw Pwe held on January 14, 2018.
Saya Zaw used to comment that I digress a lot.
Many people may be surprised to know that I grew up reading encyclopedias and
dictionaries and listening to "real life" stories (that are often stranger than fiction).
Since I belong to several circles (RIT, UCC, SPHS, BRS ...), I tend to throw in links
and cross-references.

Final Remarks For The Post

Saya DTM continued to implement the Vision and Mission set by the UCC Founders, and
managed to go further. We miss you. Saya did not live long enough to see 26 batches (from
ICST and UCSY) host the 5th Acariya Pu Zaw Pwe on January 14, 2018. The 4th Pu Zaw
Pwe took place in 2011.
San Yin Myint and her friends posted a "Live" Facebook session of the Acariya Pu Zaw
Pwe. Saya Thein, Bo Htay, Saya U Myint Swe, Sayama Judy and I gave short speeches at the
Pu Zaw Pwe.

Memories of UCC (14)

Saya Dr. F Ba Hli

Saya received ​Sc.D​. (Doctor of Science) from ​MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
At MIT, Saya helped "fresh" scholars including Saya ​Dr. Aung Gyi ​and Saya ​U Min Wun
acclimatize with the environment and studies.
His father ​Sayagyi U Ba Hli served as the first native Dean, Faculty of Engineering,
Rangoon University.
Sayagyi U Ba Hli is credited with the idea of "TWINNING" RU with prestigious
Universities(such as MIT and Harvard) in the United States, and for sending State
Scholars to pursue undergraduate and graduate programs with the "goal" of replacing
Contract Lecturers [from India] with native sayas.
Saya served as ​DG (Director General) of ​UBARI (Union of Burma Applied Research
Institute) and Advisor for the Ministry of National Planning.
Saya was a prime supporter of UCC Project. Saya served as a member of the Board of
Directors and as an External Examiner for the Computer Science graduates.

Ko Htay Aung And Ma Tin Tin Hlaing

Ko ​Htay Aung (Victor, EC80) is a nephew of Saya U ​Sein Hlaing​. He is the spouse of Ma
Tin Tin Hlaing​ (Saya FBH's daughter and Saya Myo’s niece).
Ko Htay Aung and team "programmed" a ​PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory) to
print Burmese characters on the ​Cromemco ​System Three micro-computer. He worked on
Burmese Word Processing for Wang Computers. He migrated to Australia. For the past few
years, he came back to Yangon to volunteer as an interpreter for the "10-day Meditation
Retreat for Foreign Yogis" at the Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha.
Ma Tin Tin and her younger brother Ko Thar Hlaing (EC83) are UCC alumni.

Final Remarks For The Post

During my visit to Sydney (Australia) in 2006, Saya Zaw hosted a UCC reunion and
mini-PZP (Pu Zaw Pwe) for Saya Chit and Saya Freddie.

Memories of UCC (15)

Technical Advisor : Saya U Sein Win

Saya ​Khone Swa (​U Sein Win​, GBNF) is the younger brother of Dr. Tin U (Medical
Superintendent of Children’s Hospital) and Dr. Saw Lwin.
Saya was a top student at the University of Michigan. His fellow students gave Saya a
nickname : "Hopping" Sein Win for his agility.
Saya served as Lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE) at RIT. When EE
Department was "formally split" into EC (Electrical Communications, AKA also known as
EcE and Electronics Engineering) and EP (Electrical Power), Saya served as Professor of
Grape vine says that Saya is an absent minded Professor. Saya married late. One day, Saya
drove Sayagadaw to Bogyoke Market. He taught (or discussed with) his students for quite
some time and [almost] forgot to pick up Sayagadaw.
Saya served as Technical Advisor for UCC. Saya worked closely with U Win Htein (GBNF,
Purdue University, PWD) for the design and maintenance of the Electrical Systems
(including Motor Alternator, Diesel Generator, Air conditioning ...) at UCC.
Saya served as Line Judge at the ​RUBC ​(Rangoon University Boat Club) Regattas.
Saya stays fit by swimming regularly (even when he was visiting Singapore on a business
trip). Saya managed the RIT Swimming and Water Polo team.
Saya has a vast knowledge. Saya ​Dr. San Hla Aung (C58) remembers Saya U Sein Win
(GBNF) discussing [and may be debating] about Civil Engineering and other subjects.
Saya is a Genius.

U Win Htein

U Win Htein (GBNF) was a classmate of Saya Paing at SPHS. Several Paulians were chosen
as State Scholars to study in the USA. Saya Paing, Saya Lay and Bohmu Percy chose to study
at Stanford University. U Win Htein chose to study Electrical Engineering at Purdue

Grape vine says that he had problem with colors. So, instead of reading the color code on the
resistors, he would measure them.

Memories of UCC (16)

External Examiner

Saya ​Dr. San Tint (GBNF) graduated in 1961 and joined the EE (Electrical Engineering)
When EE Department formally split into EC and EP Departments, Saya became Professor of
EC (Electrical Communications AKA Electronics Engineering).
Saya is a staunch supporter of the UCC Project. Saya also served as External Examiner at
Saya played on the RIT Saya Soccer team with Saya Paing, Saya Dr. Tin Win (M62), Saya U
Tin Maung Nyunt, …
Saya continued to teach at RIT after retirement.
Saya suffered stroke and his right hand was paralyzed. He practiced writing with his left hand
hoping that he will recover and continue teaching.
Saya spent four decades (or so) teaching and passing the torch to the younger generation.
Ko Hlaing Myint, Saya's nephew, was with Saya in Saya's final days.

Memories of UCC (17)

Power User

Saya was wrongly called as U Tint Swe, U Tin Shwe and U Tin Shwe Gyi. His correct name
is U​ Tin Swe​ (GBNF).
Saya graduated in 1953. Saya is one year junior to Saya U Sein Hlaing (Professor of
Electrical Engineering, GBNF).
Saya pursued his graduate studies in the US. Upon his return, Saya became a Lecturer.
Saya was a member of the Prome Hall Football (Soccer) team which won the Inter-Hall
Soccer Tournament for three consecutive years. Saya was a star pl. ayer. U Chan Tha was
Captain of the team and University First Eleven, and Past Captain & Gold of RUBC
(Rangoon University Boat Club).
Saya was a Power User at UCC. He supervised Ko Aung Kyaw Pe (EP69) for his Master's
thesis. Saya worked with Power Distribution & Analysis programs. Saya also collaborated
with his former students including Dr. San Oo (EP67).
In the early days, there were few Professorships. Saya passed away before the creation of
separate EC (Electrical Communications) and EP (Electrical Power) Departments.

Memories of UCC (18)

Saya Thein

Saya Thein, Retired Rector, ICST, told several attendees of the 5th ICST/UCSY Acariya Pu
ZawPwe that I was Generation ZERO, Bo Htay was Generation ONE, and he was Generation
Saya was a fledgling tutor in the Mathematics Department in 1963 when we entered I.Sc. (A)
class at Leik Khone.. He was a top student in his Honors Class (1958 - 1962). Saya held
Tutorial for the topics taught by Saya U Khin Zaw, Saya Choudry and Sayama Daw Khin Ma
Ma. Saya Thein encouraged me. I was top among Science Option students of I.Sc. (A).
We crossed our paths again when we (Saya TAG, U Soe Win (EC70) and I) visited
Southampton University to see Saya Paing and Saya Zaw. Saya Thein was doing his Ph.D.
Saya is an expert on Differentiable Manifold (and related topics). Saya Zaw and Saya Thein
joined us to see Stonehenge, Salisbury Cathedral, Safari (with wild animals roaming) ...
As Saya Chit's assistant and general hand, I worked on several projects with the Saya Thein
and several other Mathematics sayas.
Saya became Principal of Sittwe College.
Saya succeeded Saya Dr. Tin Maung as Rector of ICST.

U Soe Win

He joined UCC as Engineer.

He was sent to UK for ICL training and to US for PDP training.
He and his team implemented the Burmese font for the Calcomp graph plotter​.
He is the second son of U Thein Maung ("Htin Lin", winner of National Literary Award).
His elder brother U Soe Myint (Chief Editor of several publications, GBNF) is the father of
KMZ's spouse.
His younger brothers are U Kyaw Zaw (EC71, GBNF) and KZ.
He transferred to PTC.
He and his spouse founded a private tuition school in Mawlamyaing (Moulmein).

Memories of UCC (19)

40th Anniversary Of UCC 4

The "40th Anniversary of UCC" was the Reunion of Staff, Teachers (Past and Present) and
Daw Ngwe Tin, Aye Aye Myint and sisters, Maung Myint ... were among the attendees.
Saya Dr. Tin Maung (GBNF) was represented by Sayagadaw and Saya's daughter.
There was fun and laughter, music and dances, and good old memories.


Daw Khin Lay Myint joined UCC as Secretary and then worked as Admin Officer. She is
now GBNF.

Soe Myint Gyi

Sunlun Kappiya (U Soe Myint, M72) joined UCC as Operator. He served as Shift Lead,
expert in Mechanical Drawing and AutoCAD, and retired as Pro-Rector. He is also GBNF.
Ko Soe Myint came to see me during my last visit and shared his knowledge about U
Lokanatha and Sayadaw's financial support to buy the land for Kaba Aye Sun Lun Gu
Kyaung. He gave me a "Chone Hte" (blanket for monk).
On the fateful day, Ko Soe Myint made two trips to the Kaba Aye Sunlun Gu Kyaung
monastery, because he forgot his donation on his first trip. He also visited his nephew and
niece who need dialysis. May be because of his karma or because of the trips he tool that day,
he passed away around 3 AM.

U Soe Myint's elder sister is Tekkatho Shwe Yi Win (spouse of Saya Dr. Khin Maung
Win (Mathematics)). Ko Soe Myint is the maternal uncle of Mg Mg Win AKA
Maung Yit and Mi Mi Win AKA Junior Win.

Memories of UCC (20)

Names And Terms


Saya Chit => Dr. Chit Swe

Saya Paing => U Soe Paing
Saya Myo => U Myo Min
Saya Lay => U Ko Ko Lay
Saya Thein => Dr. Kyaw Thein
Saya Pyke => Dr. Pyke Tin
Saya Zaw => U Aung Zaw
Saya Tag => Dr. Tun Aung Gyaw
Bo Shoke => U Mya Thein
Ah Thay Lay => U Thein Oo
Pauk Si => U Hla Min (Co)
Saya DTM => Dr. Tin Mg
Bo Htay => Dr. Mg Mg Htay
KMZ => U Khin Mg Zaw
KZ => U Khin Zaw
MMG => U Mg Mg Gyi
Ah Leong => U Kyaw Zwar
Ah Ba => U Mg Mg Lay
Dobat Sayagyi => U Win Hlaing
Soe Myint Gyi => U Soe Myint (M72)
Sunlun Kappiya => U Soe Myint (M72)
Charlie => U Myint Lwin
Joe Thein => U Soe Thein
Joe Than => Dr. Soe Than
Judy => Daw Nwe Nwe Win
Ma Nge => Daw Nge Ma Ma Than
Japan Sayagyi => U Aung Hlaing
Ju Ju => Daw Tin May Lwin
Bei Gyi => U Sein Myint
Sin Gyi => Daw Sao Mon Sint

Sammy => U San Myint Thane
Boe => U Boe Ba Shan
Jaws => U Kyaw Zwa Than
K-cube => Daw Khin Khin Kyu
KLM => Daw Khin Lay Myint
KSM => U Soe Myint (Systems)
Gary => U Sein Myint Mg
Mu Mu => Daw Khin Aye Mu
AM => U Aung Myint
Silver => U Ngwe Soe
Byte => U Myint Soe
Bo Waing => U Win Myint (1)
Ah Shay Gyi => U Tin Ohn
Toe Toe => Daw Khin Toe Nyein
Ohn Thee => U Ohn Thwin

A => Architecture
ABAC => Assumption Business And Accounting College
AI => Artificial Intelligence
AKA => Also Known As
BRS => Boundary Road School
BS => Bachelor of Science
BSCE => BS in Civil Engineering
BSEE => BS in Electrical Engineering
CHM => Computer History Museum
CO => Chief Operator
COBOL => Common Business Oriented Language
Cobol => Common Business Oriented Language
CS => Computer Science
CSE => Computer Science Education
CSL => Control And Simulation Language
CSO => Central Statistical Organization
CT => Computer Technology
CTK => Children’s Treasury of Knowledge
DCS => Department Of Computer Science
DEC => Digital Equipment Corporation

EC => Electrical Communications
EE => Electrical Engineering
EP => Electrical Power
FILAN => File Analysis
FORTRAN => Formula Translator
Fortran => Formula Translator
GBNF => Gone But Not Forgotten
GEORGE => General Organizational Environment
GPCP => General Purpose Contouring Package
IBM => International Business Machines
ICT => International Calculators And Tabulators
ICL => International Computers Limited
ICL ETC => ICL Engineers’ Training Center
ICST => Institute Of Computer Science And Technology
ILA => Intelligence Level Aggregate
IT => Information Technology
M xx => Mechanical (Class Of xx)
MEHS => Methodist English High School
MIT => Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
MS => Master of Science
MSCE => MS in Civil Engineering
MSEE => MS in Electrical Engineering
OS => Operating System
Ph.D => Doctorate In Philosophy
PLAN => Programming For Nineteen Hundred
PPBRS => Private Primary Boundary Road School
PZP => Pu Zaw Pwe
RASU => Rangoon Arts And Science University
RU => Rangoon University
RUBC => Rangoon University Boat Club
RUESU => Rangoon University Engineering Students’ Union
SPHS => St. Paul's High School
SPZP => Saya Pu Zaw Pwe
TTC => Teachers Training College
UBARI => Union of Burma Applied Research Institute
UCC => Universities’ Computer Center
UCSY => University Of Computer Studies, Yangon

UN => United Nations
UNDP => United Nations Development Program
UNESCO => UN Educational Scientific & Cultural Organization
UNV => United Nations Volunteer

Memories of UCC (21)

Win Myint

There were three people at UCC named Win Myint.

Win Myint (1)

Win Myint (1) AKA Bo Waing AKA U Win Myint Gyi was High School ​Luyechun
(Outstanding student) from Myeik (Mergui). He was caught off guard when the then new
Education System used the controversial ILA (Intelligence Level Aggregate) to determine
the admission to the Universities and Institutes. He found himself studying Philosophy along
with others who supposedly had "low" ILA scores.
Instead of using the marks directly, the ILA uses a "distribution" of the marks for each
subject and gives a score. The ILA system helped students with "balanced" marks. By having
marks in the "top tier" for each subject, a student can get reasonably good score.
But a student with "low" marks in one or two subjects (e.g. Burmese and English) would be
penalized by the ILA system.
Philosophy is derived from Phil (love of) and Sophy (Wisdom). The highest degree is called
Ph.D (Doctorate of Philosophy). It is ironic that students with "low" ILA scores were
"forced" to major in Philosophy.
Bo Waing is an exception. He was determined to pursue a challenging career. Since he
wanted to learn and work with computers, he enhanced his typing skills for both English and
Burmese. It was a requirement for the position of Secretary at the newly formed UCC.
Grapevine says that Bo Waing's interview at PSC (Public Services Commission) was fast and
smooth. When he said, "I am Bet Thar (or similar meaning 'I am from Beik (Mergui)', the
PSC Chairman who was from Beik "validated" Bo Waing’s appointment as Secretary.
Bo Waing not only typed very fast, but he learned Computer Science quickly and
proficiently. He became a programmer.
Later Bo Waing joined Winner Computer Group as “Translator”. Kudos to Bo Waing for his
tenacity and professionalism.

Win Myint (2)

He majored in Mathematics and received Masters. He served as an Applications Programmer
at UCC. He later transferred to Burma Ports Computer Section. I believe he worked overseas
(initially as a UNV [United Nations Volunteer]).

Win Myint (3)

He operated the cyclostyle (Gestener).

The UCC lecture guides were printed mostly on Sittaung (Sittang) paper and some on the Ye
Ni paper.

Some may remember "Introduction to Computers", "Introduction to Computer
Programming", and the various User Guides prepared by Saya Paing, Saya Zaw and me.

Memories of UCC (22)


IBM designed and implemented System/360. It uses the same "architecture" with a common
"instruction set". The "high end" models implement the instruction set using the "best
available" hardware. The "low end" models implement the instruction set using firmware.
360 supposedly refers to the number of degrees in a circle.
George Blauuw and Frederick Brooks Jr. explain the then "new" concepts (architecture,
implementation, realization ...) in their reference guides.
Brooks led the development of both the computer systems S/360 and the operating system
OS/360. He wrote a book, "The Mythical Man Month" (which became a classic).
I attended a lecture at CHM (Computer History Museum) and requested some members of
the S/360 development team to autograph the S/360 reference card.


IBM introduced System/370 in the 1970's.

Gene Amdahl, Architect for System/370, left IBM to form his company and produced
Amdahl 470, which is "compatible" with System/370 and supposedly "better" than

Bidding For UCC Project

IBM was among the four computer companies that submitted tender for the UCC Project. It
submitted a model of S/360 ...
ICL (International Computers Limited) won the tender.

Memories of UCC (23)


ICT (International Calculators and Tabulators) evolved into ICL (International Computers

ICL 1900 Series

ICL 1900 series cover a range of machines : ICL 1901 to ICL 1907.
The "basic" machines have "A" in the name, e.g. ICL 1901A
The "enhanced" machines have "S" in the name, e.g. ICL 1902S (the one used at UCC).

Computer And Peripherals

The following configuration was used at UCC.

Some upgrades were made using the budget for "Population Census Data Processing" Project.
ICL 1902S computer with 2.5 D (dimensional) core memory and a console typewriter
Two ICL 2101 Card Readers
ICL 1933 Line Printer
Two ICL 2802 EDS (Exchangeable Disk Store)
Each controller controls two EDS 8 disks
Four ICL 2506 Magnetic Tape 9 track NRZI (Non Return to Zero Inverted)
The computer has piano-like keys for "bootstrapping" and for "testing".
Some ICL computers use a 5-track Paper Tape Reader. There are pros and cons for using
"punched cards" versus "punched paper tape'.
Punched cards were used in the early looms and in the Hollerith Machines used for
processing US Population Census Data. Hollerith founded a company, which evolved into
Punched paper tape were used in the early transmission systems.
A flat bed CalComp Graph Plotter was added.


Three UCC engineers underwent training at the ICLETC (ICL Engineering Training Center)
in Letchworth, United Kingdom.

ICL provided a "resident" engineer to maintain the computer system and a "resident"
programmer/analyst to guide the system programmers and selected application programmers.

Calcomp provided an on-site training for the graph plotter.

Details can be found in the computer articles published by Saya Paing.

Memories of UCC (24)

OS For ICL 1900 Series

ICL 1900 series use GEORGE (General Organization Environment) O/S Operating System.
ICL1902S uses GEORGE-2.
Some other computers use GEORGE-3.

Software Packages

ICL1902S comes with several software packages.

Saya Zaw and team install the software and the patches (during the period reserved for them).
PLAN (Programming Language for Nineteen hundred series) is the Assembly Language.
FORTRAN (Formula Translator) and COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) are
the programming languages used for scientific computing and business applications.
The language compilers detect for syntax and semantic errors and output a form that can be
read by a "consolidator" or "linking loader".

There are application software packages.

FILAN (File Analysis) is used for the processing of Population Census data.
CSL (Control and Simulation Language) is available for Discrete Event Simulation.
GPCP (General Purpose Contouring Package)

Details can be provided by Saya Paing, Saya Zaw, Bo Htay, KSM ...

Memories of UCC (25)

Analogy : Teach Fishing Rather Than Give Fish

To help "speed up" the computerization in Burma, Saya Chit mandated the "training &
knowledge transfer" component in the UCC project.
The component was awarded to Professor Harry D. Huskey (Past ACM President), who
taught at University of California Berkeley (UCB) and University of California Santa Cruz
(UCSC). Dr, Huskey is a computer pioneer, ACM (Association of Computing Machinery)
Fellow, CHM (Computer History Museum) Fellow, ...
Details can be found in Wikipedia, ACM and CHM.
Dr. Huskey persuaded several top Computer Scientists and Educators to transfer their
knowledge and expertise to UCC staff and students.

Learning From The Pioneers And Gurus

The following is a partial list of the experts provided by Dr. Huskey.

Professor ​Anthony Ralston​ (SUNY Buffalo & Past President of ACM)
He lectured on "Structured Programming" , "Structured FORTRAN) ...
Professor ​Peter Wegner ​(Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island)
He lectured on "Formal Languages and Automata Theory" ...
Dr. Malcolm P. Atkinson (Cambridge University Mathematics & Computer Lab)
He taught "Programming Languages", "Data Structures", ...
Professor ​Forman Acton ​(Princeton University)
He lectured using his book, "Programs that almost work" with emphasis on Error Analysis
Professor ​Michael Stonebraker ​(UC Berkeley)
He lectured on RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management System) in general and INGRES
(an early language for RDBMS) in particular,
Michael Stonebraker, Eugene Wong and Gerald Held designed and implemented INGRES at
UCB. They went on to found INGRES and several other DB companies.
Stonebraker is currently affiliated with MIT.
Stonebraker won the prestigious ​ACM Turing Award ("Nobel Prize" for Computer
Professionals) a few years ago.

Impact Of The Lectures And Courses

Dr. Htay Lwin Nyo, Sai Aung Thurein, JAWS (Ko Kyaw Zwar Than), BEI GYI (Ko Sein
Myint), ... implemented projects (based on INGRES and other Databases) on ICL 1902S
under the supervision of Saya Paing and several other sayas.

Memories of UCC (26)


Ken Olson and several other MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) alumni founded
DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation).
Grape vine says that there was a "protocol" in government departments to "purchase
computer". In order to circumvent that, DEC named their mini-computers as PDP
(Programmable Digital Processors).
CHM (Computer History Museum) has a PDP-1 on display. Retired DEC engineers
"restored" a PDP-1. The exhibit has demos : one for play a "primitive" Space War game,
another for "playing" music ...
PDP-8 is a 12-bit mini-computer used in many universities of that period.
PDP-11 is a 16-bit mini-computer (that was acquired by UCC).
VT-101 (or similar) terminals became the "new" mode of entering and running programs.
DEC later introduced VAX (Virtual Address eXtended) series.
Gordon Bell was the VAX architect and co-author of the book using CMS (Computer
Memory System) and "formal" methods to describe and evaluate computer systems. The
artifacts that he collected for the book project were displayed in DEC as BCM (Boston
Computer Museum) with Gwen Bell as the Curator. It later became CHM (Computer History
Museum) in Mountain View, California.

Docent for CHM

I volunteered as a Docent for CHM for a couple of years. i had to explain to visitors about the
early computers (including DEC and VAX machines).
A few wanted to know "What is Silicon Valley?" and "What makes DV special?"

Route 66

Some early Computer and Technology companies were founded on or near Route 66 in
Boston, Massachusetts.
Some factors and people (William Shockley, Frederick Terman) contributed to the birth of
"Silicon Valley" in California instead of Massachusetts (which has alumni from MIT and

Memories of UCC (27)


Some found their loved ones while working or studying at UCC.

The following is a partial list of UCC Couples:
They are currently in Singapore
They are currently in the US
They are currently in Australia
They are currently in Australia.
He volunteered several times for special meditation retreat for foreign yogis at Mahasi Saasa
Yeiktha in Yangon.
They are currently in the US, but visit Myanmar often
They are currently in the US
They are currently in the US.
AMO was a monk at the Maha Myaing forest.
They should thank the "Tin Tungsten Project".
KMD supposedly stands for KEMMENDINE
He is currently in the US
They are currently in Singapore
They are currently in the US

Memories of UCC (28)


The following is a partial list of GBNF who worked or studied at UCC.

Saya DTM (Dr. Tin Mg)

Saya DTM succeeded Saya Chit as Director of UCC.
During Saya's tenure, DCS (Department of Computer Science) with Saya Lay as Professor.
Later, ICST (Institute of Computer Science and Technology) was established with Saya as
Subsequent Rectors include Saya Thein (DR. KYAW THEIN) and Saya Pyke (DR. PYKE

Saya Lay (U Ko Ko Lay)

Saya Paing, Saya Myo and Saya Lay helped Saya Chit to found UCC.
Saya studied BSCE and MSCE at Stanford University, US and Masters in Systems
Engineering at University of Lancaster, UK.
Saya worked as Assistant Engineer at PWD (Public Works Department) before transferring to
Saya served as Operations Manager, Scientific Applications Manager, Professor at DCS and

Bo Shoke (U Mya Thein)

He joined the Department of Commerce, Institute of Economics.
He transferred to UCC as Business Applications Programmer.
He served as Business Applications Manager.
He taught not only at UCC, DCS and ICST, but also at ITBMU (International Theravada
Buddhist Missionary University).

Kyein (U Kyaw Nyein)

He joined UCC as Scientific Applications Programmer.
He taught Numerical Methods and/or Numerical Analysis.
He did further studies in UK.
He joined UN (as a UNV ...). During one UN assignment, he and his team had to be
"relocated" due to "war/conflict" in the area.

Roll Number One (U Win Naing)

He was an SS (Science Scholar) in Mathematics.
He attended the 1st batch of M.Sc. (CS) with the Systems Option.

Pauk Si (U Hla Min, CO, SPHS 64, EP70)
He joined UCC as Chief Operator.
He attended a postgraduate course in UK, where he met his beloved one, who was attending
an advanced course in Nursing.
He passed away at the tender age (around 35 years).


He joined UCC as Operator.
He attended DAC.
He had training in US (on graphics ...)
He taught Mechanical Drawing, AutoCAD ... to ICST students.
He retired as Pro-Rector.
He also served as Gawpaka of the Swel Daw Pagoda.
He passed recently around 3 AM. In his final day, he visited Kaba Aye Sun Lun Kyaung
twice, and then comforted his nephew and niece, who were undergoing dialysis.

U Khin Maung Aye (M73)

He attended MEHS (Methodist English High School) and RIT
He attended the 1st batch of M.Sc. (CS) with Applications Option.
He [supposedly] joined the Burma Railways Computer section.

U Myint Aung (Admin)

He would often drive the E-2000 ferry.
He is a close friend of Ko Khin Maung Zaw's father.
He lived to be 80+.

U Shein Soe Myint (EC83)

He is a classmate of Ko Thaung Tin (KMD) and Ko Tha Hlaing.
He is the son of Saya U Hla Myint (Mathematics, Institute of Economics).
He served in various capacities at UCC (Engineering, Teaching ...)
He passed away in Singapore while doing his Ph.D.

U Thein Tan
He attended M.Sc. (CS).
He is a close friend of Ko Zaw Tun …

AAT (U Aung Aung Thein)

He is the elder brother of U Kyaw Kyaw Thein
He is a colleague of Ko Kyaw Zwar Soe, ...
He served in various capacities at UCC (Engineering, Teaching ...)

U Tin Nyein
He joined UCC as "offline operator"
He transferred to PTC [or similar] Computer Section as a Programmer.

Daw Khin Lay Myint (Admin)
She joined UCC as Secretary.
She transferred as Admin Officer.
I met her the last time at the 40th Anniversary of UCC.

Daw Kyu Kyu Lwin

She served as "ad hoc" Tutor for Mathematics Department.
She worked for the Operations Division.
She transferred to SSB (Social Security Board) Computer Section as Programmer.
Daw Win May Thaung
She is a cousin of my middle school class mate Ronnie Hla Maung (SPHS).
She worked for the Operations Division.

Daw Khin Mya Swe

She completed M.Sc. (CS)
She worked in Lesotho (or similar)

Toe Toe (Daw Khin Toe Nyein)

She completed M.Sc. (CS)
Her classmates are Pale (Pearl) Shein, Thet Htar Su, …

Daw Thida Aung

She completed M.Sc. (CS)
Her classmates are Thida Khin, Mu Mu Myint, Mar Mar Soe, ...

Cynthia (Daw Khin San Hlaing)

She joined UCC as Librarian.
She attended M.Sc. (CS)
She worked at (or attended) AIT (Asian Institute of Technology)
She migrated to Australia.


Several who attended DAC, COC, CPC ... are GBNF.

They include Ohn Thee (Ko Ohn Thwin, PTC), Ko Soe Win (Met & Hydro), Ko Myat Soe
(Irrigation), ...

Memories of UCC (29)

Some Doctorates

Saya TAG
He received his Ph.D from UIUC (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign). He worked
for companies (mostly Defense Contractors). He is still working (often on multiple projects).

Joe Than
He studied at University of Lancaster in the United Kingdom and received his Ph.D. from the
University of Kansas in the United States. He worked at ​VMI ​(Virginia Military Institute).

He is currently working in the Washington, D.C, (District of Columbia). He recently visited
Myanmar for two months.

Bo Htay
He studied at Imperial College in the United Kingdom and received his Ph.D from LSU
(Louisiana State University), Baton Rouge in the United States. He worked at VMI (Virginia
Military Institute). He is currently working at Radford University in Virginia. He served as
Chair of the Regional ACM Programming Contest. He is currently offering his expertise (for
curriculum development ...) at UCSY (University of Computer Science Yangon). His
volunteer assignment is for three months (January to March, 2018).

He studied at AIT (Asian Institute of Technology) in Thailand and USC (University of
Southern California) in the United States. He worked at University of Maryland, Hewlett
Packard and Oracle USA. He is currently managing Oracle Cloud Computing Project. He
was a Keynote speaker at an AIT Commencement Ceremony.

He did his M.Sc. (CS) at UCC. He received his Ph.D in EE (Electrical Engineering) from
Syracuse University. He taught part-time at SJSU (San Jose State University). He was never
late to his classes, so when HLN did not show up for a couple of classes, his students were
worried. I have covered the saga of his "untimely death" and the subsequent "Burial at sea" in
Santa Cruz. I had the "honor" of pushing the button that fired the incinerator.
Fast forward. I took a trip to New Jersey to attend the mini-gathering for RIT & UCC. There
were several hitches that day. The flight was delayed because the airline's computer system
has been hacked and required time to restore the "back up". The backlog of airplanes "forced"
our plane to go to (of all places) SYRACUSE to re-fuel and wait until order has been restored
at the New Jersey airport. My spouse "joked" that HLN might have wanted us to visit the
place where he studied for his doctorate.

Memories of UCC (30)

Prime Mover

Saya Chit was a firm believer of "Technology Transfer", "Leapfrogging Technology",

"Lifelong Learning" ...
Saya initiated several programs for Technology Transfer.

Lectures and Seminars by Experts

Theory and Practice of Computing,

Computer Science,
Computer Technology,
Computer Applications,


Saya Paing has a list of the Experts.


Academic courses given under the aegis of Department of Mathematics

M.Sc. (CS)
DAC (Diploma in Automatic Computing)
DAC courses were held in the morning (7 AM to 9 AM)

Courses for computer users

COC (Computer Orientation Course)

CPC (Computer Programming Course)
Elective for Honors and Post-graduate in other disciplines
Intensive training (e.g. for the Population Census Data Processing)
Special training (e.g. for those selected as State Scholars)
Planning (e.g. for departments intending to purchase computers)

Saya or Student

I have been a saya of my sayas. Some (e.g. Saya U Lin (M)) attended DAC.
Some (e.g. Saya U Khaing Oo (EE)) attended the "crash course" for State Scholars.
I have been a student of my students. I had to take a course on "how to fill in the long and
short forms for collecting Population Census Data". Some instructors had attended regular
and special courses at UCC.

Memories of UCC (31)

Fun At UCC

The ICL 1902S does not support Time Sharing.

Batch Processing takes some time. It also gives opportunity to those working in the evening
shift to take part in some sports.
Ping Pong (Table Tennis) :
Ko Saung Tin (CSO, San Pya Bread), Ah Thay Lay, ... are star players


Rafi hurt his knee due to a bad landing after a spike

Judy fills in a team, where there are only five male players

Soccer (Football)

ad hoc match against other teams


UCC Dobat

Ko Win Hlaing, Mg Myint, U Hla Pe ...


Water throwing
[sometimes] Ah Hlu for UCC Donlaba (temporary monks)

Saya Zaw led some excursion trips (e.g. Maw Tin Soon)
Grapevine says that it bonded some to become love birds.

Memories of UCC (32)

Sojourn In Sagaing Hills

Ma Ma Mi (DAW KHIN KHIN LATT) is from Sagaing. She wanted Saya Chit to be a
temporary monk (Donlaba Yahan) at a monastery in Sagaing Hills. Some monastery
compounds are named after the towns in Irrawaddy Delta.
Ko Myint Oo and I offered to be temporary monks with Saya Chit.

Two Types Of Ordination

There are two phases to become a monk :
(a) Novitiation (Shin Pyu) or "Lower Ordination" to become a "Ko Yin" (novice)
(b) "Thane Wyn" or "Higher Ordination" in a Sima (Thane) to become an Upazin
At least five monks are needed to conduct the "Higher Ordination". Ten monks are needed
for conducting Higher Ordination in "Mizzima Detha" (in India).
In Yangon, the ceremony takes 15 - 30 minutes.
The final part is an Exhortation by the Preceptor. As Mentor to the newly ordained monk, the
Preceptor shares his knowledge and gives advice. This session may be long if the monk
intends to stay for life (or for a long time).
When the Preceptor learned that Saya Chit is a renowned Professor and the Founder/Director
of UCC, he gave "extra" attention by exhorting for "close to three hours". Sayadaw enjoyed
illuminating Saya Chit.
Since I could barely squat, I was "offered" a pillow to rest my knees and I was allowed to
"kneel down" on the pillow.

Ad Hoc Tourist Guide

After a week of monk hood, we returned to our lay life sans (without) our hair.
Ko Myint Oo is a social animal. He knew two "Guides" from "Tourist Burma". At least one
of them was new. They had a reasonably tough assignment. They had to show an American
student (in his senior year at a New York University) trying to write a first-hand report about
the "Buddhist" artifacts in and around Sagaing.
The Guides requested help from Ko Myint Oo.
Ko Myint Oo shunted and in a moment I became a volunteer tourist guide explaining (to the
best of my knowledge) Buddhism & rites and rituals …

Final Remarks For The Post

I am a Jack of all trades, BUT Master of some.

Memories of UCC (33)

What's In A Name?

Some names have a wonderful history.

Saya Pyke's name (DR. PYKE TIN) literally "remain on a [fishing] net".
Grape vine says that Saya's mother had a few miscarriages. When Saya was conceived, his
mother wanted to make sure that Saya would be born safe and sound.
She performed a "Yadaya" (a rite to warn off the evil and prevent mishap) . She requested a
close friend or relative to hold a "net" and "catch" Saya (in her imagination).


Some pregnant women would go to "extreme" to have a "Yadaya" that ensures a safe birth of
the child.
Grapevine says that one woman crawled into a "relatively large" pipe under a road and asked
her friends to have an elephant walk [supposedly] on top of the pipe and [indirectly] her.
The fact that "Even an elephant cannot cause harm to the mother and her child inside" boosts
the morale and confidence of the would-be mother.

Saya Pyke

Saya received his Ph.D from Monash University, Australia. The dissertation is based on
Stochastic Processes (and related topics). For many years, Saya served as Reviewer for
research papers.
I had the opportunity to "audit" the "Linear Programming" course by Saya to Mathematics
students. I cherish Saya's teaching style.
I also worked with Saya and others (U Sein Min, U Soe Nyunt, ...) on the "new" High School
Mathematics Project headed by Saya Chit.
Saya Pyke succeeded Saya Thein as Rector.

Memories of UCC (34)


For some people, childbirth is not so difficult. The Teoh family raised 15 children named
alphabetically from "A" (Albert Teoh) to "O" (Oscar Teoh").
For some, childbirth is not so easy. We read about Saya Pike's mother. Now, we will read
about Saya TAG's mother.

No Breast Feeding
Saya TAG's mother supposedly breast fed her children. Sadly, they passed away.
When Saya TAG was born, his mother "decided" not to breastfeed him.
Saya TAG grew up healthy. He served as Joint Secretary of RIT Thaing Club with Saya U
Tin Maung Nyunt (M60) as President.
Saya TAG became the "eldest" child. He has a younger brother and sister.

Always A Child
Saya's father thinks and feels Saya TAG as a "child" even after Saya got married and had
Grape vine says that Saya's father visited him while Saya was volunteering for UCC. At night
Saya's father checked if Saya was tucked up in a blanket.
Saya supposedly has a phobia. He is afraid of being haunted.
When UCC was housed in Mandalay Hall, there were "stories" about students. who after
"killed" in the "demonstrations" (e.g. 7th July), were rambling as "ghosts" in and around
Mandalay Hall. Saya would ask some one to accompany him to the restroom (late at night).

Saya is having quality time with his five children and three grandchildren.
Saya is a workaholic.
Saya is still working full time (often on multiple projects).
Saya hosted us at Cape Cod where the wedding reception of his younger son was held. We
were surprised to learn that he was "on call". Too much "Than Yaw Zin" on his work. Hope
Saya will slow down.

Memories of UCC (35)

Veda Kyaung Oke

U Myint Sein (Bobby, SPHS 64, B. Com 68, Idea Astrology, GBNF) is my childhood friend.
We attended PPBRS (Private Primary Boundary Road School) and SPHS (St. Paul's High
School). He became the Principal at BARB (Burmese Astro Research Bureau). He later
founded Idea Astrology.
He asked me if I can help him to speed up some Veda processes (e.g. generation of a Natal
Horoscope AKA Zartar).
I had two students -- Ko Win Latt and Ko Zaw Tun -- who were willing to take the Veda

Win Latt
Ko Win Latt owned a computer [and later computer classes and a computer company called
Sysmagic] and was also an excellent programmer. Under my supervision and with the
guidance of Ko Myint Sein, Ko Win Latt came up with three versions of the Horoscope
program. He named them WinHoro V3, V6 and V9 (for Versions 3, 6, and 9). I am not sure
whether he believed in Ta Rin (three and its multiples) and Na Win (nine and its multiples).
V3 produces the "basic" horoscope with Yathi (Rasi), Bawa and Nawin (Navamsa). It is also
known as "Tri Cekka Zartar" referring to the three parts. It takes some time (a few minutes to
an hour) if done manually.
V6 produces a "better" horoscope.
V9 produces the "best" horoscope.
WinHoro was implemented using BASIC (an interpretive language).

BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was designed by Professors John
Kemeny & Thomas Kurtz for use with the Dartmouth College Time Sharing System (TSS).
Bill Gates and Paul Allen implemented "Tiny BASIC" for the MITS Altair microprocessor
BASICA (Advanced BASIC), GWBASIC (Gee Whiz BASIC) and APPLESOFT became
variants of BASIC for PCs.

Zaw Tun
One needs expert knowledge to interpret a Zartar.
Ko Zaw Tun (now in Singapore sharing his time with Programming and Singapore Chan Mei
Yeik Tha) used PROLOG (language for Logic Programming) to implement the Bedin
(Astrology) Rules.

He tested his program with several sets of data. He was surprised when his program said that
"the Two Year Old is a rich person (possibly a Millionaire)". He thought that there must be a
bug. It turned out that the Two Year Old is the grand son of a wealthy Sawbwa (Saophalong,
Shan noble), who decided that his grandson should inherit his wealth.

AMO [U AUNG MYINT OO, EC84, ex-UCC] re-implemented WinHoro using "C" language
on the Window PCs.

Idea Astrology
After retiring from BARB, Ko Myint Sein founded a private school named Idea Astrology.
Ko Zaw Tun is in touch with some of the alumni of that school.
For some time, he also taught Medical Astrology at the "School for Indigenous Medical
Practitioners (Taing Yin Say Sayas)".
Sad to note that my good friend passed away peacefully some time back. He supposedly had
"Si Chet Khauk Swe" in North Okkalapa that morning on his "final" day. He came back
home and watched TV. He apparently had a "heart attack".
I met Ko Myint Sein's son on January 24, 2018. He is taking time off from his ship to study
for Chief Mate examination. He experienced "Kan Soe Kan Kaung". He was unlucky to lose
his father, but was lucky to be present at his father's last journey.

Memories of UCC (36)
Some COBOL Programmers

Joe Thein
Joe had a disability, but that did not prevent him to have a good life and career. He completed
training courses from ICL (including COBOL programming).
He joined UCC as an "off-line" operator. He transferred to the Application Division. He
became one of the COBOL teachers along with Judy, Japan Sayagyi.

Japan Sayargyi
JS’s wife worked for the Foreign Ministry and was assigned to Japan. JS accompanied her
and worked as a COBOL programmer.
Saya Paing met JS during his training (sponsored by JICA (Japan International Cooperation
Agency) and implemented by Fujitsu and other Japanese computer companies. Saya Paing
asked if JS would like to join UCC upon his return to Burma.

Judy was a star athlete at RASU. She also played volley with the males (UCC employees and
students). She used to hang around a lot with Ma Nge.
One day, some one approached Judy and Ma Nge with two envelopes. He said, "It's for both
of you". Guess what? Inside each envelope was a "Yee Zar Sar".
They remained "twins" until Ko Myint Swe managed to get the favor of Ma Nge.
It would take some more time before a young handsome knight would come by to ask Judy to
tie the knot.

Memories of UCC (37)


Sammy (U San Myint Thane, EC79) asked his brother (Dr. Thein Toe Thane) in the United
States to send him some books (including the one by Klingman) and a tool kit for use in his
Final Year Project. Sammy's interest was on microprocessors.
Sammy and Kelvin Leigh used the microprocessor tool kit to build a microcomputer system
with selected capabilities. They ran a demo (demonstration program) on the "assembled"
microprocessor system.
After completing his project, Sammy donated the books to Saya U Kyaw Lwin (EE, GBNF)
for using as reference in Saya's courses (e.g. Digital Electronics)

Sammy spent some time at UCC while waiting to migrate to the United States.
Sammy and Kelvin migrated to the US.

The book by Klingman discusses "Hardware Software Duality".
The concept of Duality can be found in Mathematics and Logic.
The "Line-Point Duality" says that "Two intersecting lines determine a point. Two points
determine a line [which passes through both]". In this Geometric aspect, Line and Point are
De Morgan's Theorems in "Set Theory" and "Boolean Algebra" are Duals.
In Set Theory, Union and Intersection are Duals.
In Boolean Algebra, AND (Conjunction) and OR (Disjunction) are Duals.
Klingman said that "Any hardware can be implemented in software. Any software can be
implemented in hardware."
There are trade-offs to consider whether to use hardware, software, firmware or a

Life after UCC

Sammy's mother wanted Sammy to get married and was willing to "arrange", but Sammy set
the requirements too high. She must be young, intelligent, and able to play Classical and
Modern music. Finally, by applying some "Relaxation Techniques", Sammy became a loving
spouse and a caring father of twins.

Final Remarks For The Post
Thanks to Sammy for hosting me to stay at his house in Texas, California. He was then an
eligible bachelor. I met Sammy again at the RIT Alumni Reunion in the East Coast several
years ago. Ko Nyein Min (C79) invited Sammy to help organize the Reunion.

Memories of UCC (38)

Burmese typing, spelling, and word processing

During our lifetime, we have witnessed many examples of "Technical Obsolescence" and
"Disruptive Technologies".


English Typewriter
Remington produced typewriters for English. There are other typewriter manufacturers, but
Remington typewriters were widely used in Burma.

Sholes designed the QWERTY keyboard.

The two most common letters in the English alphabet are "e" (for vowel) and "t" (for
consonant). The frequency distribution of the characters in a given language is used to break
"simple substitution" codes in that language.

Several people "complained' that the QWERTY keyboard is not ergonomic, because it
requires one to use the left hand (the "weaker" hand for most people) and to move the finger
up to type "e" and "t".

Some, however, believe that Sholes "deliberately placed "e" and "t" so that they "minimize"
the chance of "keys being stuck" (when one hits keys in rapid succession).
The alternate Keyboard designs (Dvorak ...) did not have much support. The key issue is the
retraining cost of typists.

Burmese Typewriter
Olympia was commissioned to produce typewriters for Burmese. The characters in the
Burmese alphabet are non-linear. A Burmese word often has ascenders and descenders.
The keys for the Burmese typewriter fall into two categories : red and black.
The red keys are used to type vowels; the carriage is prevented from going forward. The
black keys are used to type consonants.
Backspacing for half a step is necessary on the "standard" edition to type "tha gyee".

Manual dexterity is needed to type some "pa sint" characters. the "office" edition has extra


In my younger days, we had an "old" Remington typewriter for typing English documents.
My parents gave me a "brand new" portable Olympic typewriter for typing Burmese
documents. I could do "touch typing".

Evolution of Typewriters and Word Processors

IBM produced Selectric typewriters. Golf ball-like character sets had to be installed/replaced.
Hence, a variety of characters (including APL, a language developed by Kenneth Iverson and
uses Mathematical Symbols).
Iverson is the thesis supervisor of Brooks, Architect for S/360 and OS/360. He described
APL in a book, and explained the use with examples. IBM implemented APL/360 on the
System S/360.
Wang Computers provided word processors for various languages. Ko Htay Aung worked at
Wang for a while on the Burmese language project. He migrated to Australia.
Burma Research Society (BRS) used transliteration for its publications. For example, "k-o-l"
combination represents "ko". The scheme was used on Macintosh.

I joined BRS as a student member. I received the BRS journals. Sad to say, BRS was "shut
down" in the Ma Sa La era. John O'Kell (student of Saya Dr. Hla Pe and later Professor at the
School of Asian and Oriental Studies) and team used the "BRS Transliteration Style" to
implement a Burmese Word Processor on the Macintosh.

Input Techniques
There are various ways to implement characters of non-English languages.
Chinese characters were input on the early systems using (1) large tablets (2) three corner
method (3) Romaji, …

UCC Projects
UCC had projects to do Burmese word processing. Saya Myo supervised a project for Ma
San Yu Hlaing for "collation" (needed for sorting). Saya TAG and his team (Ko Htay Aung,
Ko Soe Myint, ...) worked on Cromenco System Three for printing and processing. An
EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) was "burned/programmed" to support
the Burmese Character Set. U Soe Win and team worked on Calcomp graph plotter to "draw"
Burmese characters on the plotter.

Skill Sets
The evolution of Word Processing Systems has seen the proliferation of typeface/font
families, keyboard layouts, and Unicode support. We miss the days when we had type
"perfectly" or "reasonably well" on typewriters using "messy" carbons.
Also, planning to cyclostyle double-sided printing (odd numbered pages first, then repeat
with even-numbered pages) was a skill.

Changes to Burmese Spelling

Burmese Language Commission "bowed" to higher authorities to "revise" the spelling at least
two times.

TIT versus TA

Grapevine says that the then Number One sent a message to China when Chou En Lai passed
away. The message had "TIT" instead of the more commonly used "TA". In English, "TIT"
corresponds to one and "TA" corresponds to the indefinite article "a" (before a consonant)
and "an" (before a vowel). The higher authorities "deemed" that "TIT" must be used all the
time, and not "TA".
Fines were "imposed" on authors and publishers spelling the "established" way. (e.g. "ta")
instead of the "preferred" way (e.g. "tit") despite the scholars pointing out the old inscriptions
at "bo ta htaung" (not "bo tit htaung") pagoda.
CTK (Children's Treasury of Knowledge) project was "delayed" to "correct" the spellings.

It was not easy to write in those days without facing "censorship". I was requested to
contribute a poem or article for the Special Issue of SarSoDaw Nay (Day honoring Poets and
Writers). The editor showed me a "block" (type set of my work), but sadly my work did not
appear in the Special Issue. The editor said that some one above "ruled" that my work quoted
"Dhammata" poem (by Ananda Thuriya [A man of infinite valor]). It was a taboo.
It was a crime to write about the setting sun or to use “ambiguous” terms and references,
MMT (Maung Myint Thein) was the pen name of U Myint Thein (Former Chief Justice of
the Union of Burma). His poem was censored, because it had a bird beside a river gazing
afar. The higher authorities thought that there was a hidden meaning.

Memories of UCC (39)

UCC Gatherings

Over the years, I attended several mini-gatherings and gatherings hosted by UCC sayas and
alumni. They took place in Yangon, Singapore, Australia, and the US.

Gatherings in Yangon
Saya Paing and Sayagadaw regular hosts gatherings (usually dinner meeting) at their house in
Sayagadaw was my classmate at RIT. She is a Textile engineer, but she also drew the design
for their house. She also attended CPC course.
Ah Thay Lay, Ju Ju and several others help organize the gatherings.
Ah Thay Lay, Htaw Kyin, Aung Aung (who worked for Microsoft in the US) and several
others provide transportation to or from Saya Paing's house.
Recently, KMD bosses (U Thaung Tin and Daw Tin Tin Aye) hosted a surprise gathering at
MICT Park for UCC sayas, sayamas and alumni. I missed that event.
There was fun, laughter, songs and dances at UCC's 40th Anniversary Gathering held a few
years back. Saya DTM was represented by Sayagadaw and daughter. Da Ngwe Tin, Aye Aye
Myint and sisters, ... reminded us of the good old days at UCC.
On January 14, 2018, I attended the 5th UCSY Acariya Pu Zaw Pwe as "Generation Zero"
representative and the "Most Senior" (not by age). Several attendees started their studies
and/or careers at UCC. Glad to know Daw Mu Mu Myint is a "senior" (Shay Hmee Nauk
Hmee) Professor at UCSY. Sad to know that she had a "senior" moment. When I visited
UCSY on January 18, 2018 at the invitation of Bo Htay, Daw Mu Mu Myint told me that she
did not have time at the Acariya Pu Zaw Pwe and felt sorry not to have taken a picture with
me. She was surprised when I showed the picture of her, another sayama and me.

Gatherings in the US
Rafi, KZ, AMO, Bei Gyit, ... hosted UCC gatherings (especially to welcome sayas and
alumni visiting US).
U Khin Maung Oo (Ivan, M69) hosts joint UCC & RIT Gatherings at his house in New
Jersey, USA. He timed the gatherings to coincide with the visits by Saya Dr. Aung Gyi and
Saya Paing to the East Coast of USA.

Gatherings in Singapore
In Singapore, Ko TAW, Ko Zaw Tun, Ma Pale ... organized buffet gathering.
Ko Aung Aung, Ma Kyin Mya ... are regulars at the gatherings.
Some (e.g. Daw Myint Myint Thein [Susan]) have moved back (temporarily or permanently)
to Myanmar.

Ko Win Latt hosted me while he was working in Singapore. He now lives in Bangkok and

Gatherings in Australia
In Australia, Saya Zaw, Gary, Mu Mu, Ko Htay Aung, Tin Tin, ... organized the gatherings.
I met TDH and "Pha Yaung Daing" (one of the Trio of Candles at UCC).
Ko Sein Tin (who used to bring lunch not only for him but also for his UCC buddies) created
a short music video during my visit to Sydney, Australia in 2006.

Final Remarks For The Post

I belong to several circles. In addition to the UCC Gathering and mini-PZP (Pu Zaw Pwe for
Saya Chit and Saya Ba Hli), I attended the RIT Alumni Annual Dinner and the Old Paulians
Lunch Gathering in Olympic Park (used for the 2000 Summer Olympic Games) during my
visit in 2006.

Memories of UCC (40)


Saya Paing e-mailed me some photos of the "historic" ICL computer system and mentioned
that Ah Thay Lay is willing to contribute [more] to "ICL Museum" project.


At an ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) meeting in the Silicon Valley, I met
Gwen Bell (spouse of Gordon Bell, VAX architect), who founded BCM (Boston Computer
Gordon brought back artifacts that he had collected while co-authoring the book "Computer
Structures" with Alan Newell (known for his contributions to Multi-disciplinary research)
during his sabbatical at CMU (Carnegie Mellon University). Gwen developed an exhibit at
the DEC office in Boston, Massachusetts. It became known as BCM.
Gwen introduced me to Karen, then VP (Vice President) of CHM (Computer History
Museum). I volunteered to be a Docent.
When Microsoft "bought" the division of DEC (where Gordon & his team worked), Gwen
had to think fast. Only a limited number of artifacts were accepted for display at the Science
Museum. The rest of the artifacts were air-freighted to Moffett Field in Mountain View,
California with the hope that the "Computer Museum" will be revived.
For several years, the artifacts were displayed at the makeshift Museum in Moffett Field. A
group of enthusiasts bought a building on Shoreline Boulevard, Mountain View that was
owned by SGI (Silicon Graphics Incorporated, which under-estimated the challenge of
reasonably priced GPUs [Graphical Processing Units]) and offered it to be a permanent home
for CHM.
In the early days, only ten per cent or so of the artifacts could be displayed at a given time for
public viewing. The display items had to be moved back from the ​Visible Storage to the
storage house.
As a Docent, I had to show the visitors and explain [if requested] about the artifacts displayed
in Visible Storage. In those days, only ten percent (or so) could be displayed for a period
before rolling them out.
Thanks in part to the "Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation", CHM could now exhibit 20
sections (from pre-computer era to the Internet age). In addition, there are special exhibits
(e.g. autonomous vehicles, computer chess, Charles Babbage's Difference Engine, ...)
Retired engineers from IBM, DEC ... worked on the "Restoration of Computers" Project.
They "restored" three old computers using the original specifications and genuine parts (as
much as possible). They are on display in working order.

Final Remarks For The Post

Having "ICL Museum" will be a significant step towards recording and preserving the
History of IT (Information Technology).

Memories of UCC (41)

I am honored to learn that several people felt young and remembered the Good Old Days at
UCC. Some read all my posts and even commented on some of them.
I love history (History of Computing, History of University Engineering Education in
Burma/Myanmar, ...).
Professor Harry D. Huskey used as beta testers of his "draft" on the History of Computing. I
became "hooked" and later volunteered as Docent at the Computer History Museum in
Mountain View, California, USA.
I volunteered as a member of the team that compiled and published "History of University
Engineering Education in Burma/Myanmar" in December, 2012 just before the celebration of
SPZP-2012. Ko Ohn Khine (M70) and I compiled a CD for the book supplement.
Why should we study History? Saya Dr. Than Tun said, "So that one would not be stupid or
There's an old adage, "History repeats itself".
A historian presents "facts". He should not give his opinion.
The historian from Smithsonian said, "There is no single correct history. There are often
multiple competing histories."

Meeting Sayas and Librarians

I first met Saya Dr. Than Tun at the Recreation Center of Rangoon University. I was then still
in High School, but my uncle (a Lecturer in Economics and the Librarian for Social Science
Library) took me to the Main Campus many times.
Daw Myint Myint Khin (Ma Hazel) was then an Assistant Librarian under my uncle. She
later transferred to RIT as Librarian.
Saya U Thaw Kaung, another Assistant Librarian, became the Chief Librarian of the
Rangoon University Central Library (RUCL).
The early librarians of RUCL include BBS U Khin Zaw ("K", father of Ko Wint Khin Zaw)
and U Thein Han (Saya Zaw Gyee, co-founder of "Khit Sann Sar Pay").
Sayagyi U Ba Than, Saya Paing, and Saya U Thaw Kaung supported the "History of UEE

I am grateful to my spouse, who said "You should pay back to your alma mater and your
Saya U Tin Maung Nyunt (M60) said that I should record my oral stories and put them to
print for posterity.
Sayamagyi Dr. Mie Mie Thet Thwin (Rector of UCSY) asked me if I could help for a
commemorative issue of the 30th Anniversary of ICST/UCSY.
My beloved parents said, "Anything that's worth doing is worth doing well".

I have written a draft hoping that our readers will help "fill in the blanks" with details and
correct errors and inconsistencies in my posts.
Collectively, we can turn the posts into a reasonably good document worthy of printing (or at
least publish as an eBook).
The readers should suggest topics that I should add or elaborate.

Memories of UCC (42)

Computer Science and Technology is continually evolving.

There are two (or more) early definitions of CS.

Computer Science
(1) CS is the study of phenomena surrounding Computing.
(2) CS is the study of Algorithms and Data Structures.
The first definition has the same flavor as a definition of Physics. It says, "Physics is the
study of natural phenomena." It is general.
The second definition might sound restrictive, but it still covers a lot of topics and
There is a book called "Program = Algorithms + Data Structures".
Professor Donald Knuth (Stanford University) thought that he could finish his 7-volume book
"The Art Of Computer Programming" in a couple of years. It was an underestimate of the
growth of Computers, Computer Science and Applications. It took over two decades to
complete and revise the first three volumes and part of the fourth volume. One reason was
that his book contributed to the growth of the Design and Analysis of Algorithms.

I Am Imperfectly Perfect
I have covered some topics in the early days of Computing in general and UCC in particular.
I missed out several people in my original posts. I have added names of the staff and students
in my revised posts, but it would not be exhaustive.
I did not cover in-depth the PDP-11 configuration and use, the introduction of PCs (e.g.
Cromemco System Thee, IBM PCs, Osborne Portable Computer), robots (e.g. Hero), ...
It would take a long time and I would not be able to fill in all the blanks.
I believe an idea that characterizes Jules Verne. ​"If one can dream, others can fulfill"​. I had
a personal experience. In 1999, I started "RIT International Newsletter" and dreamed that
Sayas and alumni will get reconnected electronically and physically. With the help of five
Golden Sponsors, donors, volunteers, supporters and well-wishers, the First RIT Grand
Reunion and SPZP (Saya Pu Zaw Pwe) was held in San Francisco in October 2000. The
world-wide SPZPs were subsequently held in Singapore in 2002, 2007 and 2010, and in
Yangon in 2004, 2012 and 2016. ​I had paid back to RIT​.
I now have a chance to pay back to UCC.
Thanks to my family members for supporting me in the endeavors to pay back to the
institutions and my mentors that helped me develop to where I am today.
I dream that sayas and alumni of UCC and ICST/UCSY will enhance my document into one
that professional historians will envy.


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