Web Technology (DA4220) 2017-2018: Name: Himanshu Dhaka

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Web Technology

Name: Himanshu Dhaka
Roll no: 160102232
Department and Section: CSE-D
Submitted to: Dr. Srabanti Maji

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

1. Write a program in html to create ordered list of 20 students.
<title>Ordered List</title>
<h1>Ordered List of 20 Students</h1>

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232


Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

2. Write a program in html to create unordered list of 15
electronic devices.
<title>Unordered List</title>
<h1>Unordered List of 15 Electronic Devices</h1>
<li>Vaccum Cleaner</li>
<li>Air Conditioner</li>
<li>Microwave Oven</li>
<li>Washing Machine</li>
<li>Hair Dyer</li>
<li>Electric Kettle</li>
<li>Sandwich Maker</li>

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232


Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

3. Write a program in html to create brief description of various
tags that can be used in head section of html.
<title>Description of various Tags</title>
<h1>Description of Various Tags</h1>
<dt>Title Tag</dt>
<dd>The Title tag is required in all HTML documents and it defines the title of the
document. The title element: defines a title in the browser toolbar.</dd></br>
<dt>Meta Tag</dt>
<dd>The tag provides metadata about the HTML document. Metadata will not be
displayed on the page, but will be machine parsable .Meta elements are typically
used to specify page description ,keywords, author of the document ,last modified
and other metadata. </dd></br>
<dt>Link Tag</dt>
<dd>The Link element is used to indicate the relationship between the present
documents and other documents.</dd></br>
<dt>Base Tag</dt>
<dd>The Base tag is used to provide the absolute URL of the specific Website ,this
information is useful for the Administrator & the Author responsible to maintain
multiple Websites.</dd></br>
<dt>Style Tag</dt>
<dd>Style tag are used to provide style & shape in the document.</dd></br>

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232


Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

4. Write a program to create definition list of the contents of
database management system.

<title>Using Defination Tag</title>
<dt>File System:-</dt>
<dd>In this system ,data is stored in permernant system files(secondary storage).Different
application programs are written to extract data from these files and to add record to these
<dd>A database management system(DBMS) is system software for creating and managing
databases. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to create,
retrieve, update and manage data.</dd>
<dt>Data Abstraction:-</dt>
<dd>Only the useful data is displayed instead of the full data. Three levels of data
abstraction are:</br>*View Level</br>*Logical Level</br>*Physical Level</dd>

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232


Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

5. Write a program in html to insert an image.
<h2>Inspirational Quote</h2>
onbrownjr1.jpg"width="700" height="600" border="2"align="center"/>

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232


Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

6. Write a program in html to use pre tag.
<title>Programming Techniques</title>
<h2>Various Programming Techniques</h2>
<h1>Using C language</h1>
void main()
int a=2,b=5,c;
<h1>Using C++ language</h1>
void main()
int a=2,b=5,c;
cout<< c;
<h1>Using Java language</h1>
void main()
int a=2,b=5,c;

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232


Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

7. Write a program in html to create links between the previous
programs by using anchor tag.
<title>Creating Links</title>
<h1>Links between all the programs</h1>
<A href="program21.html">Program 1</A></br>
<A href="program22.html">Program 2</A></br>
<A href="program23html">Program 3</A></br>
<A href="program24.html">Program 4</A></br>
<A href="program25(s)html">Program 5</A>

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232


Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

Q.8 HTML Program to create a Table.
<title> CREATING TABLE </title>
<table border="5" cellspacing="5" cellpadding = "5" >
<caption> Student information </caption>
<th> Name</th>
<th>Roll no</th>
<th>Age </th>
<th> CO</th>
<th>DSD </th>
<th>WEB TECH</th>
<th> DS</th>
<td> 1.</td>
<td> Himanshu </td>
<td> 44</td>
<td> 85</td>
</tr> <tr>
<td> 2.</td>
<td> Siddhant </td>
<td> 43</td>
<td> 84</td>
<td>82</td> <td>89</td> <td>90</td> </tr> <tr>
<td> 3.</td> <td> Shrishti </td> <td> 36</td> <td>19</td>
<td> 92</td> <td>85</td> <td>88</td> <td>80</td>
</tr><tr> <td> 4.</td> <td> Shivangi </td> <td> 32</td>
<td>18</td> <td> 82</td> <td>86</td> <td>81</td>
<td>92</td></tr> <tr> <td> 5.</td> <td> Aman </td> <td> 54</td>
<td>20</td> <td> 86</td> <td>88</td> <td>94</td> <td>70</td>
</tr><tr> <td> 6.</td> <td> Samayak </td> <td> 55</td> <td>20</td>
<td> 75</td> <td>98</td> <td>82</td> <td>80</td>

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

</tr><tr> <td> 7.</td> <td> Kabir </td> <td> 49</td> <td>20</td>
<td> 95</td> <td>78</td> <td>74</td> <td>70</td>
</tr><tr> <td> 8.</td> <td> Mukesh </td> <td> 46</td> <td>20</td>
<td> 85</td> <td>88</td> <td>84</td> <td>80</td> </tr><tr>
<td> 9.</td> <td> Kartik </td> <td> 47</td> <td>19</td>
<td> 75</td> <td>78</td> <td>84</td> <td>82</td>
</tr><tr> <td> 10.</td> <td> Shubham </td> <td> 51</td>
<td>20</td> <td> 95</td> <td>98</td> <td>84</td>
<td>70</td> </tr><tr> <td> 11.</td> <td> Anisha </td>
<td> 40</td> <td>19</td> <td> 72</td> <td>78</td> <td>84</td>
<td> 12.</td>
<td> Rishab </td>
<td> 34</td>
<td> 75</td>
</tr><tr> <td> 13.</td> <td> Vartika </td> <td> 40</td>
<td>18</td> <td> 95</td> <td>98</td> <td>94</td>
<td>90</td> </tr><tr> <td> 14.</td> <td> Mahendra </td>
<td> 22</td> <td>20</td> <td> 90</td> <td>80</td>
<td>74</td> <td>93</td> </tr><tr> <td> 15.</td> <td> Arjun </td>
<td> 24</td> <td>21</td> <td> 70</td> <td>78</td> <td>64</td>
<td>68</td> </tr><tr> <td> 16.</td> <td> Shilpi </td> <td> 60</td>
<td>20</td> <td> 75</td> <td>78</td> <td>74</td> <td>70</td> </tr><tr>
<td> 17.</td> <td> Abhishek </td> <td> 18</td> <td>20</td> <td> 85</td>
<td>88</td> <td>84</td> <td>80</td> </tr><tr> <td> 18.</td>
<td> Sam </td> <td> 39</td> <td>20</td> <td> 80</td> <td>82</td>
<td>83</td> <td>87</td> </tr><tr> <td> 19.</td> <td> Jishnu </td>
<td> 46</td> <td>21</td> <td> 81</td> <td>89</td> <td>82</td>
<td>81</td> </tr><tr> <td> 20.</td> <td> Sana </td>
<td> 29</td> <td>18</td> <td> 75</td> <td>78</td>

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232


Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

Q.9 HTML program To show use of Rowspan.
<title> CREATING TABLE </title>
<table border="2" cellspacing="5" cellpadding = "5" >
<caption> Employee Data </caption>
<th rowspan="10"> Employee Information</th>
<th> Name</th>
<th> Designation</th>
<th>DOB </th>
<th> Salary </th>
<td> 1</td>
<td> Manager </td>
<td> 8-06-1998</td>
<td> 40000 </td>
<td> 2</td>
<td> Accountant </td>
<td> 1-12-1999</td>
<td> 30000 </td>
<td> 3</td>
<td> Manager </td>
<td> 28-11-1997</td>
<td> 40000 </td>
<td> 4</td>
<td> HR </td>
<td> 2-01-1998</td>

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

<td> 42000 </td>
<td> 5</td>
<td> HR </td>
<td> 6-02-1998</td>
<td> 50000 </td>
<td> 6</td>
<td> Manager </td>
<td> 06-06-1999</td>
<td> 35000 </td>
<td> 7</td>
<td> Accountant </td>
<td> 29-08-1998</td>
<td> 45000 </td>
<td> 8</td>
<td> CA </td>
<td> 27-08-1999</td>
<td> 40000 </td>
</tr> <tr>
<td> 9</td>
<td> HR </td>
<td> 30-09-1997</td>
<td> 30000 </td>

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232


Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

Q.10 HTML program to create a Form.
<title>Registration Form</title>
<Center><h3>Registration Form</h3></center>
<form action="URL" method="get">
bsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b><input type="text" value="First Name">&nbsp; &nbsp;
<input type="text" value="Last Name"><br><br>

<b>Father Name&nbsp; &nbsp;</b><input type="text" value="First Name">&nbsp; &nbsp;

<input type="text" value="Last Name"><br><br>
<b>Mother Name&nbsp; </b><input type="text" value="First Name">&nbsp; &nbsp;
<input type="text" value="Last Name"><br><br>
<b>E-mail &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</b><input type="text" value="Email"><br><br>
<b>Contact &nbsp; &nbsp;</b><input type="text" value="Contact"><br><br>
<b>DOB &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</b><input type="text"
<b>Gender &nbsp; <b>Male</b>&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="gen"
value="Male">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Female</b>&nbsp;</b><input type="radio"
<b>Country</b>&nbsp;<select name="Country">
<option value="----">----
<option value="INDIA">INDIA
<option value="USA">USA
<option value="CHINA">CHINA
<option value="ENGLAND">ENGLAND

<b>AADAR No. &nbsp;</b><input type="text" value="Enter AADHAR"><br><br>

<b>Address &nbsp; &nbsp;</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<textarea name="add"
rows="5" cols="25"></textarea><br><br>
p;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</b><input type="text" value="Enter Username"><br><br>

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

p;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</b><input type="password" maxsize="25"><br><br>
<b>Confirm Password &nbsp; &nbsp;</b><input type="password"
<b>Other Info.</b>&nbsp;<textarea name="oi" rows="5" cols="25"></textarea><br><br>
<table border="2" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="4">
<th rowspan="5">Qualification <br>&<br> Previous Experience</th>
<th>Post Grad.</th>
<th>Prev. Experience</th>
<td><input type="text" size="10" value="10th"></td>
<td><input type="text" size="10" value="12th"></td>
<td><input type="text" size="10" value="Grad."></td>
<td><input type="text" size="10" value="PG"></td>
<td><input type="text" size="10" value="Other Edu."></td>
<td><input type="text" size="10" value="Expri."></td>
<input type="submit" value="SUBMIT">&nbsp; &nbsp;
<input type="reset" value="RESET">

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232



Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

11. WAP to create Resume usinig HTML tags.
<br>D.O.B:08 JUNE 1999</BR>
<br>EMAIL:1415himanshu1415@gmail.com </BR>
<br>CONTACT NUMBER:9958254935</BR>
<br>1.10TH MARKS- 9.4 CGPA </BR>
<br>2. 12TH MARKS-85.3% </br>

Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232


Name- Himanshu Dhaka Roll no- 160102232

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