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TO ASSURE: I assure you that he is right.

TO ENSURE: This course will ensure you a better job.

TO INSURE: You must insure both your house and your car.

Translate into English:

1. Tocmai a fost marita prima de asigurare.

The insurance premium has just been raised.
2. Suntem asigurati contra incendiului, inundatiilor, cutremurelor si furtului.
We are insured against fire, flood, earthquake and theft.
3. Daunele sunt importante, dar nu s-au inregistrat victime.
Damage is extensive but there have been no casualities.
4. Incendiul a distrus numai aripa dreapta a cladirii din fata.
The fire destroyed only the right wing of the front building.
5. Persoana vatamata va fi despagubita in totalitate.
The injured person will be fully indemnified/will receive complete compensation.
6. Cealalta parte isi declina orice responsabilitate.
The other party declines any responsibility.
7. Conform articolului mentionat mai sus, asiguratorul are dreptul de a refuza reinnoirea
Under the above mentioned article, the insurer is entitled to refuse the renewal of the
8. Clauza mentionata de dvs. nu se aplica acestui tip de dauna/pierdere.
The clause you mentioned does not apply to this type of damage/loss.
9. Prima devine scadenta la sfarsitul lunii.
The Premium will fall due at the end of the month.
10. Daunele produse de inghet nu sunt incluse in garantie (nu fac obiectul garantiei).
Damage due to freezing is not covered by the guarantee.
11. Cand intra in vigoare contractul?
When will the contract become effective?
12. Cand intra in vigoare legea?
When will the law come into force?
13. Contractul poate fi reziliat de asigurator sau de asigurat sub rezerva unui preaviz de
minimum 15 zile.
The contract can be terminated by the insurer or the insured subject to at least 15 days’
14. Litigiul se va inainta unui cuplu de arbitri.
The litigation will be submitted to two arbitrators.
15. Unul dintre arbitri este numit de asigurat, celalalt de asigurator.
One of the arbitrators is called by the insured, the other by the insurer.
16. Instiintarea de reziliere a contractului se va face prin scrisoare recomandata.
The termination of the contract will be notified by registered letter.
17. Orice marturie falsa deliberat facuta atrage anularea contractului/invalidarea contractului.
Any willful misrepresentation will make the contract null and void/invalidate the contract.
18. Asiguratul trebuie sa prezinte un deviz estimativ al pagubei.
The insurer will have to supply an estimate of the damage.
To raise - ed

To rise-rose risen

The government has raised the prices again.

The prices have risen again.

My boss has raised my salary.

My salary has risen.


Insurance premium to renew – the renewal of the contract/policy

Insured/insurer notice/to give a notice, to notify

To insure against misrepresentation/misrepresent

Damage/loss policy/to take out an insurance policy

You have to pay for damages.

Casualties to comply with the terms

terms of delivery

The injured party to sue for damage

to sue/to take legal action/totake to court=a da in judecata

To indemnify/indemnification

To be entitled to compensation

Party/third party

Liability/to decline any liability (the goods are liable to duty)

Under the article

To fall due/to become mature

Are not included in the guarantee/are not covered by

To become effective/operative (contract/policy)

To come into force (law)

To cancel/to terminate a contract/termination

Litigation/to settle a litigation/a claim


The contract is null and void

To assess/evaluate/appraise assessment/evaluation/appraisal

Bancile au jucat un rol foarte important in dezvoltarea economiei moderne inca de la

inceputul activitatilor comerciale. Sucursalele lor au devenit ceva familiar pe numeroase strazi
orasenesti, dar si in sate, pe masura ce tot mai multi oameni au in prezent un cont intr-o banca
nationala sau regionala.
The banks have played a very important role/part in the development of modern economy since the
very beginning of commercial activities. Their branches have become a familiar sight on many city
streets, but also in villages, as more and more people now have an account in a national or regional
Bancile isi ofera serviciile atat persoanelor particulare cat si intreprinderilor. Poti sa-ti
deschizi un cont current sau un cont de deposit. Primul permite cuiva sa utilizeze cecul ca plata, in loc
de bani gheata, in timp ce al doilea aduce o mica dobanda. Oamenii pot sa ceara bancii sa le
plateasca cheltuielile curente cum sunt abonamentele, chiriile, notele de plata pt. telefon, gaz sau
lumina electrica. Obiectele pretioase sau documentele oficiale pot fi incredintate spre pastrare unei
banci, platind o anumita taxa. Banca va obtine devize, emite cecuri de calatorie si scrisori de credit
care se platesc la sucursalele sale sau la alte banci.

The banks offer their services both to private individuals and to businesses/companies/business
organizations. You can open a current account or a deposit account. The former will enable a person
to use a cheque for payment/as means of payment/ instead of cash, whereas the latter will bring a
small interest. People can ask the bank to pay/settle their current expenses, such as subscriptions,
rents, phone bills, gas or electricity bills. Valuables or official documents can be left in custody/
entrusted to a bank on payment of a certain charge. The bank will obtain foreign currencies, issue
traveller’s cheques and letter of credit payable at their branches or at other (corresponding) banks.
cheque (BE)
check (AE)
to check: You must check your accounts.

In afara de aceasta, bancile opereaza tranzactii la bursa pt. dumneavoastra si va dau consultatii in
materie de investitii. Ele dau si bani cu imprumut, in general pe termen scurt. Astfel pot sa acorde
facilitati de cont descoperit/sold debitor sau imprumuturi personale; daca evaluarea creditului dvs.
este buna si daca puteti oferi garantii, ele pot avea in vedere un credit pe term mai lung. Aproape
toate acestea se aplica si intreprinderilor, dar ele pot sa ceara bancii si scontarea efectelor lor de
comert: cambii (trate), sau chiar bilete la ordin. In domeniul comertului exterior, bancile isi pot
sprijini clientii prin finantare sau consultanta. Ele pot fi consultate de una sau alta dintre partile
contractante pentru a obtine informatii asupra situatiei financiare a partenerului in cazul tranzactiilor
The banks have played a very important role/part in the development of modern economy since the
very beginning of commercial activities. Their branches have become a familiar sight on many city
streets, but also in villages, as more and more people now have an account in a national or regional
The banks offer their services both to private individuals and to businesses/companies/business
organizations. You can open a current account or a deposit account. The former will enable a person
to use a cheque for payment/as means of payment/ instead of cash, whereas the latter will bring a
small interest. People can ask the bank to pay/settle their current expenses, such as subscriptions,
rents, phone bills, gas or electricity bills. Valuables or official documents can be left in custody/
entrusted to a bank on payment of a certain charge. The bank will obtain foreign currencies, issue
traveller’s cheques and letter of credit payable at their branches or at other (corresponding) banks.

In afara de aceasta, bancile opereaza tranzactii la bursa pt. dumneavoastra si va dau consultatii in
materie de investitii. Ele dau si bani cu imprumut, in general pe termen scurt. Astfel pot sa acorde
facilitati de cont descoperit/sold debitor sau imprumuturi personale; daca evaluarea creditului dvs.
este buna si daca puteti oferi garantii, ele pot avea in vedere un credit pe term mai lung. Aproape
toate acestea se aplica si intreprinderilor, dar ele pot sa ceara bancii si scontarea efectelor lor de
comert: cambii (trate), sau chiar bilete la ordin. In domeniul comertului exterior, bancile isi pot
sprijini clientii prin finantare sau consultanta. Ele pot fi consultate de una sau alta dintre partile
contractante pentru a obtine informatii asupra situatiei financiare a partenerului in cazul tranzactiilor
Besides, banks will operate transactions on the Stock Exchange for you and give advice on
investments. They also grant loans, generally on a short term basis. Thus they can grant overdraft
facilities or personal loans; if your credit assessment/rating is good and you can offer some
guarantees, they can take into account a long-term credit. Almost all these apply to
businesses/companies, too, but they can also ask for the discounting of their bills: Bills of Exchange
(drafts) or even Promissory Note. In the field of foreign exchange, the banks can support their clients
by financing or advising them. They can be referred by either contracting party in order to get
information about the financial status in commercial transactions.
Bank draft
To check/check/cheque/traveller’s cheque
To settle an account/to take into account/to give an account
to settle a payment
The rate of interest
To subscribe –subscription
To grant a loan/bank loan
The account is overdrawn/is in the red
The account is in the black.
1. Se percepe dobanda pt. toate serviciile bancare.
An interest is charged on all banking services.

2. Ar fi bine sa cereti un descoperit de cont inainte de a vi se epuiza contul.

You’d better ask for an overdraft before your account is overdrawn/in the red.

3. Depun intotdeauna obiectele mele de valoare si bijuteriile sotiei intr-un seif bancar inainte
de a pleca intr-o vacanta de lunga durata.
I always deposit my valuables and my wife’s jewels in a bank safe before going on holiday.

4. Unde pot incasa acest cec?

Where can I cash this cheque?

5. Nu uitati sa inregistrati toate retragerile pe talonul carnetului dvs. de cecuri.

Don’t forget to record all withdrawals on counterfoils in your cheque book.

To withdraw money/withdrawal/to deposit

6. Ei mi-au propus sa rambursez un imprumut personal de 2000$ in 30 de rate lunare.

They offered me to refund a $2,000 personal loan over a 20-month period/in 30

7. Cand se redacteaza sau se andoseaza un cec, trebuie sa se evite orice stersatura.

When writing out or endorsing a cheque, one must be careful to avoid any erasure.

8. Camera de decontari/oficiul de clearing, va centraliza toate operatiunile care se refera la

schimbul interbancar de efecte de comert si cecuri.
The clearing-house will focus all the operations referring to the exchange of bills and

9. Bancile de investitii americane tocmai au crescut rata de baza a dobanzii la 6, 75%, marind-o
cu un sfert de punct.
The US investment banks have just raised their prime rate to 6.79%, increasing it by ¼

10. S-a confirmat cresterea pretului pt. imprumuturi pe termen scurt, in timp ce ratele
(dobanzii) pe termen lung raman stabile.
The increase in the price of short-term loans has been confirmed, whereas long-term rates
remain stable.

I am reading a book whereas you are watching tv.

11. Banca centrala functioneaza in calitate de bancher pt. guvern si alte banci si ca autoritate
centrala de emisiune monetara.
The Central Bank acts as a banker to the government and to other banks, and as a central
money-issuing authority.

Issuing banks


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