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Site Admin Update

Welcome back Site Administrators!

Site Administrator
Site Administrator Training .............................................................. 2
New to Site Admin training –
School Connect Image 2010: ........................................................... 2 Friday, September 10 AM
Removed Software....................................................................... 2
Elementary Site Admin All
New Software............................................................................... 3 Call – Wednesday,
Description ................................................................................... 3 September 29 All day
Known Issues: .............................................................................. 3
Important IDs and passwords: ......................................................... 4
Report Cards .................................................................................... 4

School Connect Image 2010:

As many of you are aware, a new image was created for DDSB

School Connect and has already been deployed to most schools in Removed Software Alternatives
the board. Computers that have been imaged will have 2010 near Bailey’s Bookhouse (WEB)
Plumo on the Farm STARFALL (WEB)
the bottom right portion of the login screen. Some factors Stories and More
considered in developing the new image include the relation of the Appleworks OPEN OFFICE
Star Office (IMAGE)
software to curriculum, ease of use for teachers and students, Math and More
Math Trek 7 8 9
cross-curricular application, and the ability for students to develop Mathville MATHFROG (WEB)
and create knowledge. Other considerations were the age and
Millies Math House LINK TO LEARNING
TLC Math
compatibility of the software and the licensing agreements. Plumo at the Zoo
Sammy’s Science House ACCORDING TO
To this end you may notice the addition of some new software titles,
and the removal of others. We have included a list of some STRAND)(WEB)
Storybook Weaver
alternative for some of the software you may be missing. If you Write Along
have any suggestions for this list, please let us know.
TIS have imaged as many computers as they can.
New Software Description However, in many schools the computers were dismantled
An updated version of the
Adobe Photoshop or moved to another location while the custodial staff were
previously available PSE 5.
Elements 8 Photo editing software
waxing floors. Therefore, they could not image a

Previously available – now substantial number of computers in some schools. At the

Comic Life
included on standard image. very least, the technicians attempted to image library
Updated version of Finale computers in your schools and as many other computers
Finale 2008 2004. Music notation
as they could that were accessible.
Word processing,
spreadsheet, database and In order to add specific programs, some re-imaging may
Open Office Suite
presentation software. need to be completed. This can be done by the site
Compatible with MS Office.
administrator or a help ticket may be submitted. Training
Software for stop-motion
Frames 4 animation, claymation, and for imaging will take place at our workshops in the fall.
digital storytelling

Known Issues:
• Kidpix has not been included in the image due to some problems interacting with current software, we aware of the value of
this program and are hoping to have the issues resolved and Kidpix available on the image as soon as possible
• Successmaker and Dragon NS 10 were not part of the default image for elementary schools -- they may if they wish install it
through re-imaging the machine and selecting it as an option install (or help ticket)
• SMARTboard software was installed on the new image and the application should be present on all imaged computers. .
However, the SMARTboard drivers do not automatically come down onto the image. To install the SMARTboard drivers, please
select these drivers in TPM when you image the computer. Alternatively, you can install the smart board drivers from an icon in
Administrator Utilities
• Talking Word Processor in the Premier Suite has a bug. When printing it looks like the job has processed, but in fact it is not
sent. Basically you can't print using the Print button in TWP. Until the software company comes up with a solution to this issue,
the work around is: Click File > Print Preview > Print
• There is an issue with Lotus Notes web mail for Site Admins only. They will need to access their email through Lotus Notes
"Lite" version until this issue is resolved. The Lotus Notes Full version does not work properly for teachers/users in the site
admin group at this time
• Short-cuts on desktops and elsewhere to software may not work as they no longer point to the correct software location.
Teachers will want to delete these and then go to Start/Virtual Applications/All programs to make any new software choices.
Students will also need to delete these and create new shortcuts by dragging them to the desktop.
• To access software applications while using the 2010 image, teachers can go to START, All Programs, Virtual Applications.
Students will access software via the Desk Tools icon or their class icon if their teacher has assigned software to their class.
Please note that students who are using the older 2008 image will access software from an icon within Desktools that is
labeled 2008 image shortcuts. This is necessary until the machine is imaged with the 2010 image since the software is installed
in a different location on the new image than it was on the previous image.
If you come across any other issues with the new image, please let us know so we can look into them.
Exemplary Practice
Important IDs and passwords:
Learn 360 Access through Medianet Are you using technology in interesting ways with your
OERB Teacher Login: durhamteacher
Password: oerbt students? Do you know any other teachers using
Student Login: durhamstudent
Password: oerbs technology to engage and motivate? We are always
Grolier Online username: durham
password: research12 looking for best practices to share with other teachers.
Ebsco username: durham
password: research12 If you or someone you know is using technology in

exciting ways, please contact us to share. In particular,

Report Cards
With the implementation of the Growing Success we are looking for uses of technology…

Document comes a new elementary report card

…AT THE POINT OF INSTRUCTION: teachers integrating
template. TIS have been hard at work integrating the
template into our current eSIS reporting system and are technology into their everyday instruction, using
currently in the testing phase. We will continue to keep
technology as a teaching tool (i.e. SMARTboards, data
you updated as to the current status of the reporting
module in eSIS. In terms of actual report card
completion within eSIS, teachers should be made aware
…AS A DOORWAY TO INFORMATION: students investigating
that the data entry is the same as last year; it is only the
printout which will change according to the new and synthesizing information to further their

template. understanding (i.e. research databases)

…AT THE POINT OF LEARNING: students creating artifacts

and extending and transferring their learning to new

contexts (i.e. Photostory3, Moviemaker, Bitstrips)

Amanda Paterson Isabelle Hobbs Tim Ralph

David Rule Library and Media Facilitator Education Officer, Programs,

Curriculum, and Technology
Chris Wilhelm

Educational Technology

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