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ISF122 “Ignatian Leadership and Ministry”

Name: _____________________ Date: ___________________

Section: ___________________ Score: __________________

The Passion of the Christ: Worksheet

A. The scenes are described in order of appearance in the movie. Fill out the second column with
your observations:

1. Garden of Gethsemane
2. The Trial
3. Peter's Denial
4. Judas
5. Pilate (First Scene)
6. King Herod
7. Pilate (Second Scene)
8. The Scourging
9. Pilate (Third Scene)
10. Bearing the Cross
11. The Crucifixion
12. The Resurrection

B. Questions to Answer:

1. In the Garden of Gethsemane, shortly before the soldiers come to capture Him, we hear
Jesus say the words, “Father, if it be possible, let this chalice pass from Me.” What does
this mean?
2. A fight scene in the Garden between the temple guards and the Jesus’ disciples follows
Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. Peter cuts the ear of one of the guards with his sword, and Jesus
heals him. Did this actually happen? What are the implications of Jesus’ words “He who
lives by the sword, dies by the sword”?
3. Why did Judas betray Jesus? What does Judas’ betrayal of Jesus teach us about human
4. Pilate believes Christ is innocent, but still allows him to be tortured and killed. Why
didn't he release him?
5. Pilate asks, "What is truth?" What does this suggest about his decision-making process?
6. Mary, more than anyone else, knew what would happen to Jesus. She also had
unflinching faith in his resurrection. Why, then, did she still suffer so much during his
trial and passion?
7. Mary was able to stand at the cross while other fled. What gave her that strength?
8. We all have things in our life that don't turn out as we would like. What does Mary's
example teach us about coping with our disappointments/sufferings?
9. The 12 apostles had following Christ for three years. They had the benefit of seeing his
amazing miracles and listened to his teaching. Yet, when it would seem he needed them
most, why was John the only one to be found?
10. The heart-wrenching scene near the end of the film of Mary at the foot of the cross
staring straight at us while holding her dead Son is very moving. What does it mean?
What was your reaction to this scene?

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