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Pe fiecare pag: Nume + Nume Companie (fara Google docs)

Titlu - Word

2 capitole cu heading 1; 5 subcapitole cu heading 2

1) Table of contents – automatic

2) Insert 3 pictures – click pe poza – references
Insert caption: ex: figure 1 representing the graph
3) Insert table of figures
Table of figures – cu heading 1 – Update table
4) References: Insert caption (table)
Insert table of figures: table
Ex: caut o carte de market si dau un citat
References: Insert citation: add new source
6) References – Insert bibliography

Power Point – 5 slides, pe unul dintre ele dai hide

Slide transition
Te duci pe Animations
Animatiile se fac la text. Te duci pe Animate si dai Wipe (ex)
Te duci pe al 2-lea slide. Dai Insert shapes, apoi click dreapta pe hyperlink
Place this document si dai pe slide-ul ascuns

Publisher – at least 5 records

Business cards; arrows
Tools: mailings and catalogs – mail merge
Type a new list – creare 5 records in Excel

Preview recipient

Google docs – cel putin 3 intrebari cel putin 10 raspunsuri

Create form
1) Question title
2) Help text
3) Question type – choose from a list/ checkboxes/ multiple choice: done

Add item : text

Form: go to live form
Sharing settings: anyone who has the link can edit

Selectam tot api insert pivot table – new

Si selectezi din dreapta sus si le pui in dreapta jos

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