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Scorţeni School


Name: Danciu Raluca – Ioana

Date: the 22nd of May 2007

Level: Intermediate

Number of students: 17

Class: VIth grade

Topic: Films

Content: - grammar structures

- lexical structures

Time: 50’

1. to enrich Ss’ vocabulary;
2. to encourage free conversation and develop fluency;
3. to practice role play;
4. to encourage Ss to come up with their own arguments and examples;
5. to use various grammar structures and a variety of vocabulary;
6. to activate Ss imagination;
7. to practice asking and answering questions;
8. to stir Ss’ interest by making them imagine the type of film from
different pictures;
9. to provide written practice;
10. to develop Ss’ communicative competence by using proper lexic and
grammar structures;
11. to reinforce Ss’ confidence in their ability to use the English language;
12. to introduce vocabulary related to films;
13. to help Ss identify and name types of films;
14. to listen for specific information

Skills: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking

1. Ss may have difficulties when answering the questions regarding the
dialogue between the actor (Rupert) and the interviewer. Therefore, T
helps Ss and re-reads the paragraphs needed, if necessary.
2. When completing the exercises from the handouts, Ss may need help
with some of the words. Thus, T helps them whenever they need.

Activities: - dialogue;
- pair work;
- role-play;
- individual work;
- written assignment.

Aids: - Ss’ book

- pictures;
- blackboard;
- worksheets.



Skills: Speaking, Listening
Interaction: T – Ss, Ss- T, S – S
Activities: dialogue, role – play
 Aims:
to practice role play

 to use various grammar structures and a variety of vocabulary

 to activate Ss imagination

 to develop Ss’ communicative competence by using proper lexic

and grammar structures

 to reinforce Ss’ confidence in their ability to use the English

 Procedure:
 T greets class;

 T inquires about Ss’ mood;

 T checks attendance;

 T asks about homework (Ss have been assigned to prepare an interview

dialogue as homework. Thus, there are four characters: two of the Ss are
actors and audition for Romeo and Juliet; one of them is the director of
the movie; there is one reporter who wants to gather information
regarding the director’s present projects and his future plans) .
Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading
Interaction: T – S, T – Ss, S- T, S – S
Activities: pair work, written assignment, dialogue
 Aims:
 to enrich Ss’ vocabulary
 to encourage free conversation and develop fluency

 to encourage Ss to come up with their own arguments and

 to use various grammar structures and a variety of vocabulary

 to stir Ss’ interest by making them imagine the type of film from

different pictures
 to provide written practice

 to reinforce Ss’ confidence in their ability to use the English

 to introduce vocabulary related to films;

 to help Ss identify and name types of films

 Procedure:
 T announces the title of the lesson: Films.

 T asks Ss if they know the story of Romeo and Juliet and if they have seen

the film. Then, T asks Ss what kind of film Romeo and Juliet is.
 After answering the question, T asks Ss to write as many types of films as

they can think of. They should do this as a pair work activity. Then T
checks with the whole class and writes the answers on the blackboard.
 T shows Ss different pictures with types of films and asks Ss to say what

kinds of films they are.

 T elicits examples of films for each cathegory.

ACTIVITY 2 (20’)
Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening
Interaction: T-Ss, S-T
Activities: dialogue, individual work, written assignment
 Aims:
 to enrich Ss’ vocabulary
 to encourage free conversation and develop fluency

 to encourage Ss to come up with their own arguments and

 to use various grammar structures and a variety of vocabulary;

 to activate Ss imagination;

 to practice asking and answering questions

 to provide written practice

 to reinforce Ss’ confidence in their ability to use the English

 to introduce vocabulary related to films
 to listen for specific information

 Procedure:
 T distributes Ss worksheets and explains that they will have to read a

dialogue between an actor and an interviewer. The actor is talking about

his job. As a pre-reading activity, T asks Ss if they would like to be actors.
Ss have to give arguments in order to sustain their ideas. T encourages
brief class discussion
 Ss read the questions in the SB (exercise 9, page 107) in order to get

familiarized with the main ideas of the text.

 T names two students to read the dialogue.

 While listening, Ss note down the answers to their questions.

 T checks the answers with the whole class.

ACTIVITY 3 (10’)
Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening
Interaction: T-Ss, S-S, S-T
Activities: dialogue, pair work, written assignment
 Aims:
 to enrich Ss’ vocabulary
 to encourage free conversation and develop fluency
 to use various grammar structures and a variety of vocabulary
 to provide written practice
 to reinforce Ss’ confidence in their ability to use the English
to help Ss identify and name types of films
 Procedure:
 In order to check Ss’ comprehension, T shares Ss handouts with three

types of exercises: a crossword puzzle and two exercises where Ss are

supposed to identify jobs in the media and types of films. Ss have to work
in pairs.
 After the first exercise is completed, T checks the answers together with

the whole class. If time permits, Ss move on to the other two exercises.
Their activity is to be done in pairs.

HOMEWORK (Writing)
Ss finish at home the exercises from the worksheets.

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