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Name:  Date:  Block: 

India Choice Board 

Your task today is to complete THREE (3) of the tasks below. 
You must choose ONE task for each column and only ONE task from each row.    

The British Raj The Sepoy Mutiny Gandhi

Create a ​small mural​ (8 ½ x 11  Create a ​Sepoy Mutiny Memorial  Create a ​Character Collage ​of 
minimum) that depicts the lives of  Monument. ​Your memorial should  Mohandas K. Gandhi.  
both British and Indian daily life  include the following to receive full  Your Character Collage should 
during the British Raj.   credit:  include the following to receive full 
Your mural should include at least  *A drawing of the memorial – it  credit: 
12 visuals from both the Indian and  should be a physical structure  Head – what Gandhi is thinking 
British perspective, be colorful and  *A brief description of what the  Heart – what Gandhi is feeling 
of course accurate.  Sepoy Mutiny was. This would be  Hands – what Gandhi is doing (2 ex) 
placed on a plaque on the memorial.  Feet – where Gandhi is going (2 ex) 

Create a ​Mind Map​ for each of the  Write a ​Newspaper story ​about the  Write a ​speech ​that Gandhi could 
following: A British government  Sepoy Mutiny.  have given about the following 
official and an Indian Servant.  Your newspaper story should have  events: 
Your Mind Map should include 8  the following to receive full credit:  -Salt March 
phrases/words to describe  *A Banner Headline – make it catchy!  -Amritsar Massacre 
thoughts/ideas of person.   *The Who, What, Where, When and  -Fasts protesting British rule 
Your Mind Map should also include 4  Why of the Sepoy Mutinty.  DO NOT use portions of speeches 
symbols to represents  that Gandhi actually gave – create 
thoughts/ideas of person.  your own speech based off his 
thoughts and actions 

Create an ​Indian Bill of Rights​.   Create an ​Indictment of the British  Create a ​Song, Rap or Poem ​about 
This ​Bill of Rights ​should be directed  for their involvement in the Sepoy  Gandhi and his goals for India. Your 
toward the British and include rights  Mutiny.  song, rap or poem must include at 
the Indians should be allowed.    An indictment is a list of charges  least 5 different actions or opinions 
Your Bill of Rights should have at  against someone accused of a  of Gandhi. You may use some of his 
least 8 rights with description  crime. Your indictment will also list  actual words/quotes in your song, 
included. You may model your Bill  reasons for the charges against the  rap or poem. 
of Rights after the American Bill of  British.  The song, rap or poem should have 
Rights but you may not use the  You should have at least 3  at least 10 lines with different 
American Bill of Rights as your  charges/reasons and also specific  content. 
Indian Bill of Rights. Rights listed  people you would charge with  *Extra Credit if performed for class* 
should be appropriate for Indians  crimes listed in the indictment. 
under the British Raj. 

Scoring Guide: 
British Raj  _____/15 points 
Sepoy Mutiny  _____/15 points 
Gandhi  _____/15 points 
Total Points Possible  _____/45 points 

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