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Ecosystems (2001) 4: 782–796

DOI: 10.1007/s10021-001-0046-8 ECOSYSTEMS

© 2001 Springer-Verlag


The Urban Funnel Model and the

Spatially Heterogeneous Ecological
Matthew A. Luck,1,2,* G. Darrel Jenerette,1,2 Jianguo Wu,1 and
Nancy B. Grimm2

Department of Life Sciences, Arizona State University West, 4701 W. Thunderbird Road, P.O. Box 37100, Phoenix, Arizona
85069-7100, USA, and 2Department of Biology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287, USA

Urban ecological systems are characterized by com- modified to ensure that a certain proportion of po-
plex interactions between the natural environment tential ecosystem services are left for in situ pro-
and humans at multiple scales; for an individual cesses. Combining EF models of human appropria-
urban ecosystem, the strongest interactions may tion with ecosystem process models would help us
occur at the local or regional spatial scale. At the to learn more about the effects of ecosystem service
regional scale, external ecosystems produce re- appropriation. By comparing the results for food
sources that are acquired and transported by hu- and water, we were able to identify some of the
mans to urban areas, where they are processed and potentially limiting ecological factors for cities. A
consumed. The assimilation of diffuse human comparison of the EFs for the 20 largest US cities
wastes and pollutants also occurs at the regional showed the importance of urban location and in-
scale, with much of this process occurring external terurban competition for ecosystem services. This
to the urban system. We developed the urban fun- study underscores the need to take multiple scales
nel model to conceptualize the integration of hu- and spatial heterogeneity into consideration to ex-
mans into their ecological context. The model cap- pand our current understanding of human– ecosys-
tures this pattern and process of resource tem interactions. The urban funnel model and the
appropriation and waste generation by urban eco- spatially heterogeneous EF provide an effective
systems at various spatial scales. This model is ap- means of achieving this goal.
plied to individual cities using a modification of
traditional ecological footprint (EF) analysis that is Key words: urban funnel model; human– ecosys-
spatially explicit; the incorporation of spatial heter- tem interaction; spatially heterogeneous ecological
ogeneity in calculating the EF greatly improves its footprint; scale of resource appropriation; water;
accuracy. The method for EF analysis can be further food; carbon assimilation.

INTRODUCTION and ecological processes. Human systems depend

on ecosystem services (Costanza and others 1997;
To understand how urban ecosystems work, we Daily 1997), but human activities can alter the abil-
need to consider the interactions between social ity of ecosystems to produce these services. Human
activities affect ecosystems through multiple mech-
anisms, including the direct alteration of biogeo-
Received 17 October 2000; accepted 31 May 2001. chemical cycles, species assemblages, and terrestrial
*Corresponding author; current address: Center for Environmental Studies,
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-3211, USA; land-cover characteristics (Vitousek 1994). For ex-
e-mail: ample, increases in atmospheric carbon and bio-

The Urban Funnel Model 783

available nitrogen can affect primary productivity, Production is much less than respiration in urban
nutrient retention capabilities, and global climate; areas; they must therefore be net importers of ma-
deliberate and accidental introductions of nonna- terials. Although ecosystem services do exist within
tive species alter regional biogeographical patterns; a city, including the reduction of noise and air
and direct land-cover transformations such as ur- pollution, the modification of local climate and run-
banization and agricultural conversion, as well as off characteristics, and aesthetic and recreational
induced land-cover changes such as desertification, benefits (Bolund and Hunhammar 1999), these ser-
greatly modify the patterns and processes of exist- vices are not sufficient to sustain the urban system’s
ing ecosystems. As a result of these changes, hu- material and respiratory demands or meet its need
mans have now appropriated as much as 40% of for waste assimilation. Moreover, the importance of
terrestrial potential net primary productivity (NPP) these services is secondary to the basic require-
(Vitousek and others 1986; Haberl 1997), 26% of ments for human survival. Biological (or physiolog-
terrestrial evapotranspiration, and 54% of runoff ical) needs must be met first (Maslow 1954), and
(Postel and others 1996) on a global scale. Any these needs cannot be fulfilled entirely by the city’s
synthetic universe that purports to represent the internal ecosystem services.
ecosystem processes occurring in human-domi- As human history has evolved, our metabolic
nated landscapes must therefore explicitly incorpo- demands have expanded far beyond our basic bio-
rate human activities. logical requirements. The maintenance of the struc-
The city is the principal socioeconomic entity that ture and function of advanced sociocultural systems
provides for human habitation; current estimates and technology requires the throughput of energy
indicate that over half of the global population will typical of dissipative systems (Nicolis and Prigogine
soon live in urban centers (UN 1997). The US Cen- 1977). This additional consumption of external en-
sus Bureau (1995) has defined urban areas as places ergy, termed “technometabolism” (Boyden and Do-
having 2500 or more residents and urbanized areas
vers 1992), can be viewed as a positive feedback
as places inhabited by at least 50,000 people, in-
loop for the growth of human systems. As human
cluding the urban fringe, which is defined as having
technology and consumption increased, so did our
a population density of 2590 people per square
ability to procure and consume resources from ar-
kilometer (1000 people per square mile), although
eas beyond our immediate surroundings. There is a
various other defining variables may also be appro-
long standing debate among archaeologists as to
priate (McIntyre and others 2001). Along with their
what events in human history triggered this shift;
high population density, cities are emergent struc-
but whether it was spurred by the rise of agriculture
tures that require a high degree of land modifica-
tion, including the emplacement of impermeable or the advent of urbanization, it is now undeniable
materials (such as concrete, asphalt, and roofing that the reach of human influence in the modern
materials) and the creation of an extensive infra- world extends to every corner of the globe (Red-
structure (sewage, water delivery, and transporta- man 1999).
tion systems). They are centers of business and We distinguish urban ecosystems from rural
culture and have well-developed political, eco- ones, which are comprised of farms, agriculture,
nomic, and social organizations. and other inhabited or intensively managed lands
For the purposes of our study, we consider the outside of cities, as well as wild lands—that is, re-
urban ecosystem to be a city at a specific point in gions that are not domesticated, cultivated, or
space that imports and consumes materials needed tamed. Such nonurban areas are characterized by
for human survival, such as food and water. At the low human population density and less developed,
same time, cities also are producers of other mate- more pervious surfaces; however, land modification
rials, including finished goods, services, technology, by humans may still be high in rural systems. In
and information, and serve as the hubs of transpor- contrast to urban systems, rural and wild-land eco-
tation networks. In the parlance of economics, cities systems are often autotrophic; thus, they produce
are net producers; but in standard ecosystem termi- many of the resources required by cities. The eco-
nology, cities are heterotrophic—that is, they can- systems of the rural and wild lands that comprise
not support total ecosystem metabolism by internal the “hinterlands” of cities are thus appropriated to
production alone— because their overall consump- supply them with natural resources. Although
tion of organic matter (ecosystem respiration, in- these rural and wild lands are often physically dis-
cluding that accounted for by burning fossil carbon) tant from the urban areas that consume their re-
vastly exceeds the production of new organic mat- sources, the degree to which they are manipulated
ter by photosynthesis (Collins and others 2000). and the extent of the land area that is exploited are

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