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SCRA Exam,:2015 | DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO T.B.C. : B-UETC-O-PDV Test Booklet Series ( > | TEST BOOKLET MATHEMATICS Paper - Ill Time Allowed : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 200 INSTRUCTIONS 1. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT ‘THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. 2. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omission/discrepancy will render the Answer Sheet liable for rejection. 3. You have to enter your Roll Number on the ‘Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. 4. This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions). Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. 5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. 6. ° All items carry equal marks. 7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheot the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your ‘Admission Certificate. 8 After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has concluded, you should hand. over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. 9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. 10. Penalty for wrong answers : THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. () There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which @ wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third ofthe marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. Gi) a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given ‘answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question. Gii) If a question is left blank, ie., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO BLUETC-O0-PDV (1-A) 2. Let S be any set and P(S) be its power set. We define a relation R on P(S) by ARB to mean ACB for all A, Be P(S). Consider the following in respect of the relation R Ris a reflexive relation. Ris an anti-symmetric relation. Ris a symmetric relation. Seo oe Ris a transitive relation. Which of the above are correct ? (2) 1,8and4 (6) 3.and 4 only ( 1,2and4 (@) Land 2only ‘What is the real part of (sin x + i cos x)°, where i= \o1? (a) -cos 5x ()) -sin 5x (©) cos 5x (d) sin 5x 1f 5° is divided by 13, then the remainder is 3. @ 1 w 5 © 8 @ 1 4. The number of consecutive odd integers whose sum can be expressed as 50” ~ 13? is (@) 33 &) 36 {37 @ 99 B-UETC-O-PDV 1 8 (2A) A group of order 4 is, (@) always cyclic (b) always non-abelian (©) abelian and'may not be cyclic (a) always non-eyelic If a and b are rational and (b? + 1) is not a perfect square, then the quadratic equation with rational coefficients whose one root is 2(o» fra lis (a) x®-2abx—a? =0 (b) 4x*—4abx—a?=0 (e) x2 abx-a? 0 @) xP-abx+a=0 If 2|z-1] = |z—2| and 3(x? +y%) = kx, then what is k equal to? (a) 2/3 o 43 () 4 @1 Let a), ay ays. be a sequence of real numbers such that |a;| = |a,_, +1] fori22 and a, = 0. If A denotes the arithmetic mean of ay, ay ag, &, then which one of the following is correct ? (@) 2nA= a2, 0 (b) QnA=a?—n (A= a? @ mAs ab-n-1 9. If Ais a non-singular matrix of order 3, then what is adj(adj A) equal to? ara ® [APA @ |AlA @ A @ 10. If A, B and C are the angles of an isosceles triangle, then what is aesind Besin Asin, Lenin MoAll+sinA) sinA(L+ainA)esinBGrsinB) sinc (1+#inC) equal to? (a) 0 ) 4 © @) sin A. sin B. sin'C None of the above 11. Let A and B be two 3 x 3 matrices whose determinants are 2 and 4 respectively. What is det(adj(A"'B)) equal to? IAL [BI 4|Al 41B] @ (b) © @ 12. Let S be the set $ = (2, 4, 6, 8, ... 20}: Define the operation. p,q as remainder when pq is divided by n. Then the inverse of the element Bin (S, Oy) is @ 2 ®) 8 © 6 @ 4 B-UETC-O-PDV (3- 13. 14. 15. A) If |z-25i] s.15 where i = /-1, then:whabis [max amp (2) min amp (2)|- equal to? ~( f@) (b) © @ If the quadratic equation x= 4px + 4p (P-D=0, where p is reel, has its real roots greater than p, then p lies in the interval @ (b) ©. @ 4, =) Cm, -4 4, 0) 4-0 ‘What is the sum of the first 10 terms of the series 24 543407 3° ge @ 0 » ae © sao (a) a 16, -A square matrix of third order is said to be skew-symmetric if (a) All elements of leading diagonal are zero ©) ay=ay (© Allelements of leading diagonal are 1 @ a=-a where a, being element in the if row and j™ column, 17. The equations kxtytzek-1, x+kyta=k+l, x+y+kz=k~1 hasno solution if (a) k=1only () ke-2 (@ k=-2ort @ = k=-2only 18. What is the value of ee ~i+ 8 where i= -1? (@) 2 ) V3 @ 2 @ 3 . 19, The'function . fix) = ay +a, |X| tay [x[? + a5 |x|? is differentiable at x=0 {a) only when a, =0 (b) only when a, = a, (©. only when a, =a, =25=0 (@) for any values of ag, a;, ay and a, B-UETC-O-PDV (4-, 20. 21, 22, A) If the complex numbers 21, 2) 25 are in AP, they lie on (a) acirele () aline (© aparabola (@) anellipse Which one of the following binary operations « is associative on the set of real numbers ? (@) axb=a® (b) axb=a+b-1 © acbet, deo @ asb=a-b All the fourth roots of unity are @ 44-1 ) iii @ Li-i @ ni, -i +i -8 where i= JOT. Consider the following in respect of the equation (x + 2)?-3 |Jx+2{+2=0 1, The sum of all possible roots of the equation is - 8. 2. The product of all possible roots of the equation is 0. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) Lonly (b) 2only (©) Both 1 and 2 (d@) Neither 1nor2 ne 24, B-UETC-O-PDV -© Three straight lines ,, >, 1, are parallel and lie on the same plane. 5 points are taken on line 1,, 6 points are taken on line ly and |, 7 points are taken on line J,. What is the. maximum ‘number of triangles formed with vertices at these points ? 620 746 751 781 @ (b) © @ Consider the following statements in respect. af the expansion (2) . 1. Independent term does not exist in thé expansion 2, The coefficient of x is equal to coefficient of x“ in the expansion. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (@) lonly () 2only Both 1 and 2 (4) Neither 1 nor 2 If A-e (0, 2m) - {a}, how many solutions of A Z- Only one. ‘Two cot & —tan = 2 are possible? (@) &) © (d@) Four No solution is possible 27. (5-A) Consider the following statements : 1. sin 75° + eos 105% + cos @ for any @, where 0 <0 < 60°. 2. © sin @ +os 0 <1 for all 8, where 90° <6 < 120°, Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) Lonly (b) 2only (©) Both 1 and 2 (a) Neither 1 nor 2 Let T = (0 € B: 30 is not of the form kr for any ke Z}N (0, 2m} Consider the following statements Statement-l: ‘There exists at least one x €R\ (-1, 1) for which there exists no t € T such that 1+2 eos 2t singt Statement-II: For any 0¢ 7, 1222828 _ coseco, in 38 Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements ? Both the statements are true and statement-II is the correct explanation (a) of statement- (>) Both the statements: are true but statement-II_ is not~ the’ correct explanation of statement-I. (©) Statement-l is true, but statement-lI is false. (d) Stateinent-l is false, but statement-UI is trae. 29, 30. false. (4) Statement-I is false, but statement-H is true. B-UETC-O-PDV (6- Consider the following statements : Statement I: There exists no triangle ABC satisfying cosA _ oosB_ msC 1 — => = — = = 7h WI R a b © 7 BR’ ere is the cireum-radius of the triangle ABC. Statement-II : If ABC is an isosceles triangle satisfying bac? +a then 2. = © cos C cos Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements 7 (a) Both the statements are true and statement-II is the correct explanation of statement-I. (b) Both the statements are true but statement-II is not the correct explanation of statement-I. (© Statement-I is true, but statement-II is false. Statement-I is false, but statement-II is true. @ Let ABC be a triangle with 2 B = 60°, Statement: Ifa=bsinC+csinB, then C+ 45°, ‘Statement.II : (2- bP. -sin 20)=2 35). 2 Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements ? (a) Both the statements are true and statement-II is the correct explanation of statement-I, (>) Both the statements are true but statement-II is not explanation of statement-I. the correct (©) Statement-l is true, but statement-II is 31. 32, 33, A) tis it (sin? ty) = is given that (sin"! x) cos * Which one of the following is not correct ? (@) sin-)x—cost @) +0 “(2 (b) sin“ x + cos @ si 2 iartaPe} foos(2 @ (sin! x) 5 [eo (3) Consider the following statements : 1. If a, fare supplementary angles and cot (-B)=1, then tan 2a =cot 2a. 2 Ifa, B are complementary angles and tan (4—f)=1, then sec 2f = cosee 28. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) Lonly (b) 2only (©) Both 1 and2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Consider the following statements : 1. Ifa, Bare acute angles and tan (a +B) =1 and VB sec (a — p) = 2, then tan 2a = cot 15°. 2 If a, B are the angles in the second quadrant and cose (0B) =—sec (a+ B)=2, then sin B = cos 15°. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) Lonly (b) 2only (© Both Land 2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 34, What is the maximum value of 500s 8+ 3 cos (0 + 3) +37 (a) iL (6) 10 @ 6 @ 1 Consider the following statements : Tn 1 e=-—*, then sin? 9 = 2 8 235% then sin® 30 = 1. 2 Wes ‘Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) Lonly (b) 2only (©) Both 1 and2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 For how many distinct values of A between 0°. and 360° is the expression sinA+sin2A+sin3A fined ? poverercr eros) Wiad fa) 2 (b) 4 @ 6 @ 8 4 an ® cot & Fo tn 5 cot Fare in HP, then what is the value of A tan 2 ton J tan 5? 87. Ina triangle ABC if cot @) -1 1 o 5 @ 1 @ 2 B-UETC-O-PDV 38, 39. 40. a1. (7-A) If the function fx) = sin x + cos (xa) is periodic, then ‘a’ is, (a)’ always a natural number (b) always an integer (©) an irrational number (@)arational number ‘At how many points do y = x and y = tan x intersect ? (a) Zero (b) Only one () Two (@) Infinite ABCDEFG is a 7-sided polygon'which is not regular. If its angles are in AP, then which one of the following is correct ? (a) Exactly three of its angles are greater than 125°. (b) Exactly four of its angles are greater than or the angle-of a regular polygon of 7-sides. Exactly three of its angles are less than or equal to radian. ©) (@) ‘The sum of the greatest angle sand the least angle is greater than 42% radian, d’y. If x=o(b, y= wld, then what is SF equal to? @ (b). o v @ a where’ dashes denote the derivative with respect to t. 42, 45, B-UETC-O-PDV Let fix) = sin x, g(x) =x? and h(x) = In x be functions of real variable x > 0. Suppose fog(x) means flg(x)]. If Fx) = [thopofl(x), what is Fe) equal to? Px f@) (o) © (@) 2 cosee 2 sec? x —Breosec? x None of the above If fix) = an |x| + bx? +x has its extreme values at x=~1 and x= 2, then what is the ‘value of ‘a’ ? @ 1 ) 2 © @ -1 -2 Tf g(x) =x? and 3f{x) = 4x - 12% where O /2 () decreasing for x < J2 © increasing for |x-1| < V2, (d@) increasing for |x +1] < V2 650, Consider the function f : (0, 7] — (0, ) defined by fx) = sia(2). ‘The function f is (a) one-one (b) onto (c) both one-one and onto. (@) neither one-one nor onto 51. What is fee in (x?) dx equal to? ° (@) eet (b) ) @) eet B-UETC-O-PDV (9 58. A) If. ftx) is a second -order,, polynomial (ot + quadratic expression in x) and » j f(x) dx = (a-b) (a? +b? + ab +2), then f{x) will be of the form (a) ox? ex 4? ) axtax (3x22 (@) axt+2 2 If t= forse x) dx, > x12, lL fences x) dx. 0. 2 and I, = f os x dx, then which one of the > following is correct ? . @ T>>ly ) Iy>dg>, © >>] @ Y>h>h If a>, b>1_ then the minimum value of log, b +log, a is -@ 0 ). 2 @ 1 (4) None of the above 85. if y=sin!/**_), then which of the 1+x following is/are correct ? dy 2 L == for -1t, for x>1 58, (10-A) Consider the following differential equations : 1 ey) Beaesy - ax 2 xcs (2) ¥ 2) yc (2) +4 3. an? y? Bw aay? dy 4, = = cos sinx x ‘How many of the above are homogeneous ? @ b) (© Three @ If fx). 2% where x > 0 and x +1, then vx 1) + iF @) is @ (b) (©) greater than or equal to 2 (@ equal to2 less than 2 greater than 2 where [) 4 2) vie ie flee (x? 8x+16} + [x7] 1 denotes the greatest integer function, equal to? @ o) © (a) Hw em 6. If J BG) go dx _ 5 constant, then the tg’ function g(x) will be of the form (@) ax’+b ace? © aer @ ae™ where a and b are non-zero constants. What is the area bounded by the curves yelnx and y=(Inx?? (a) e-1 (b) e=2 @ 3-e @ oe For the next three (03) items that follow : Consider the function foo = (2t 1) (t-2)° + a(t - 1)? - 2) at. 1 63. ‘The function attains local maximum at (a) x=0 ) © .x=2 @ x=4 64. What is the local maximum value .of the function ? @ 0 @) 1 @ 4 @ 6 B-UETC-O-PDV (1 Consider the following statements : 1, The funetion attains local minimum value at x 2. x= 2is the point of inflexion. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) Lonly () 2only (© Both 1and2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 For the next two (02) items that follow : 14 |x-1], -1sxs3 arid 2-|x+l], 25x82. @6, For xe (0,1), fogix) is equal to, (a) x-1 b) 1-x © @ 67. Consider the following statements : 1. For xe (-1, 0), foftx) = 2. For xe (1,2), gost) =x. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) only (by 2only (©) Both Land 2 (4) Neither 1 nor 2 -A) For the next three (03) items that follow : Let £:B- B be defined by 2 fx) = 4 xP sin (3) forx+0 and f(0)=0 68. The function lx) is (a) - continuous and differentiable at x = 0 (b) nowhere continuous over B (c) continuous at x but not, differentiable at x=0 (d) nowhere differentiable over B 69. ‘The function f{x) has (a) local maximum at x = 0 (b) local minimum at x = 0 but it has no absolute minimum (©) absolute minimum at x =0 (@) absolute maximum at x = 0 70. we = where n € N. ‘The derivative of the function f(x) attains (8) positive value at x, and negative value atx, (®) positive value at x, arid positive value atx, (©) _ negative value at x, and positive value atx, (@) negative value at x, and negative value atx, B.UETC-O-PDV a: 72. 3. 4. 1B. (12-A) How .many integral points are there within the graph of |x| + |y| <3 ? @ 13 ) 15 21 (a) 24 The distance of the point (4, 5) from the straight line joining the points (1, 2) and (-2, 8) measured parallel to the line xty+1=0 is (a) 4units tb) 4V2 units (© 6 units @) 62 units A double ordinate of the parabola y? = dax is of length 8a. What is the angle between the Jines from the vertex to its ends ? (a) 30° (b) 45° (©) 60° @ 90° For how many values of k, the line 3x — 4y = k may touch the circle x? + y?- 4x ~8y—5 =07 @ 1 (b) 2 © 3 (@) None of the values of k What is one of the angles between the straight lines (x cos = y sin a)? = (x? + y?) sin? a? @) oa (b) 20 © 40 @ of2 76. A straight line passes through a fixed point (h, g. The locus of the foot of the perpendicular on it drawn from the origin is (a) astraight line (b) aneltipse (© aparabola (@) acircle 77. If the three distinct points (t,, 2at; + at?) for , 2, Fare collinear, then the sum of the abscissa of the points is @) 1 ) 0 @ 1 @ 3 78. Let (a, b) and (¢, d) be two points in a plane. Any point on the line joining these points has coordinates (a) (a+ke, b+ kd) (b) (ka +6, kb +d) (©) (1-Kya tke, (1-k) b+ kd) @ (@+0-Web+-Wd) where kis any real number. 79, The equation LP [2+ F.@t+4) -28)-10-0 represents a sphere of radius (a) Qunits (b) S units (©) 4units (@) 5 units B-UETC-O-PDV (ax+b) dx 80, What is wf Jax+b] equal to? ywhere a #0,x4- 2, a (oxsb) ra (b) (ax+b)+e @ © Ixl+e (@)_ None of the above where cis the constant of integration. For the next three (03) items that follow Consider a point A(-2, 3; 0) above the line PQ. The line PQ passes through P(-3, 5, 2) and makes equal angles with the coordinate axes. 81. What are the coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular from A on the line PQ? (a) 64,40 ) 44,0 @) 2,2, @ @&2D 82. What are the direction ratios of the line perpendicular to the line PQ? (a) <2,1-1> ) <-2,41> @ <4,L1> @) <111> (13-A)

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