Day of Absence

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Day of Absence reflection

Markeese King


Professor Hart

Play Analysis
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Day of Absence

I personally feel that of all of the plays I have ever read “Day of Absence” was the

best play we could have used to analyze comedy. There were many aspects of the play

that could be used to compare high and low comedy because both were present.

Overall however in the presence of both types of comedy high comedy was most

prominent in the play. The reason Day of Absence was or is high comedy is because of

the fact that the humor is based on things that are realistic and make fun of the way we

see life as individuals. What makes it most funny is the fact that it is so exaggerated, but

it could really happen. Another aspect or component that makes it funny is the fact that

we see everyday life in the situations yet can learn so much from them. This can also be

referred to as satire and there are many examples of satire in Day of Absence.

The first example of satire and the biggest example is the topic of racism. We all

know that racism has always been a big issue in America. I love the way the play brings

this to light through multiple examples of satire. Satirically the play focuses on 3

different aspects of everyday life. Those aspects are socially, politically, and

economically. The playwright, Douglas Turner Ward, does a great job at connecting the

different aspects or elements to make them seem less separate and more like one.

Socially as previously discussed the satire in the play is racism. This correlates to

political satire because of the way the white people reacted when they realized some of

the most important board members were black when they once thought they were

white. This let things begin to fall apart.

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One of the reasons this stood out to me is because even now we are at a time

and a place where we let the race and background of our leaders affect the way we see

our country. This play brings that to light. Racism was very important in the most recent

election. I think comedy through satire helps people. If we look at realistic situations

from the outside and we laugh it requires us to reevaluate who we are as individuals. If

we laugh at things we do ourselves that means, we realize it isn’t right and it needs to

be changed. Economically satire is used because you can look at what the blacks have

in relation to what the whites have. There you can see an instant difference. Even

beyond that the white people in the show weren’t really white. That fact attributes to

another concept in the play known as minstrelsy.

As previously stated I believe “Day of Absence” was a great example of comedy.

It introduced so many different elements in a way that was easier to grasp mentally and

understand. I had to learn what minstrelsy was and I don’t think there was a better way I

could have done so. Prior to learning about comedy in class I had no idea it was a

concept that even existed. Minstrelsy is a huge back drop in “Day of Absence”.

However, one of the things that was interesting about this play in particular was the fact

it used reversed minstrelsy. The reason it is considered minstrelsy is because was

constructed exaggeratedly to prove a point. A good example is the way we have

elections, so we have access to knowing who our leaders are before they are chosen.

In the play it is set that the people have leaders they think are white but are really black.

Realistically we know this wouldn’t be the case but there was a lesson to be learned

with the play being set up that way. As well in the realm of minstrelsy the names the

characters were given based on specific situations. Not only were they based on
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situations but they also presented the characters in a foolish way. If the names aren’t

serious how can you take the character seriously? These are all great examples of

minstrelsy that are presented in the play.

Lastly the play was great for learning the comic devices through examples. There

are six comic devices and they are Derision, Incongruity, Automatism, Teasing,

Inversion, and use of the unfamiliar. All of these can be found the “Day of Absence.”

Derision is when a problem occurs that was unnecessary due to the disagreeing of

characters and their views. Incongruity is when tension is created because you put two

characters side by side that don’t mix well or belong together. Automatism is when

mechanical behaviors are expressed in humans. Teasing is intentionally poking at or

making fun of a character or situation. Inversion is a turnaround in the play. Many also

consider the inversion to be when the underdog achieves their goal, becomes

successful, or attains their desired status. Lastly is the use of the unfamiliar. That is

when you take characters out of their comfort zone and introduce them to new things or

activities. Now that there is an understanding of what these things are I will give specific

examples from the play.

Derision is used in the play a variety of ways but the example that stood out the

most to me is when the mayor was attacked. The reason it stands as the most

memorable example was because i saw this as completely unfair and unnecessary. I

feel like in the play and in life there are much better ways to have varying opinions and

still get our point across non-violently. My favorite and most notable example of

automatism is when the operators lose control and they become puppet like. This is
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automatism because humans can think for themselves and have complete control of

their actions at all times.

Teasing is utilized when characters are put in awkward situations. This can be

best seen when Mr. Clem was talking to the announcer. Analyzing Mayor is the best

way to understand inversion. He can be seen as an underdog in many ways throughout

the play or story line. However, even in the midst of this he comes out victoriously or on

top. The use of the unfamiliar was interesting in the play as well. When Mary and John

have the baby but don’t know what to do with it. I think that was the funniest to me. The

reason I say that is because now a days people spend their whole pregnancy learning

different tips and tricks of child care.

In conclusion “Day of Absence” was a great play to read. As well it was full of

comedic examples. I would definitely and wholeheartedly suggest it to anyone that

needed to learn more about comedy. Not only will it allow you to look at your own life

and the world differently, but it will teach you all you could ever want or need to know

about comedic plays.

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