Ruzawi Believes in You!!!: Reading - Children Will Read Aloud From Their Core Reader Daily. They Will Also Have Their

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Ruzawi believes in you!!!

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Grade 3B! I am so happy to have your children in my class this year. I
am writing to keep you up to date with your child’s education and let you know what
they will be learning this term.

Please feel free to use the back of your child’s Reading Marker, called the Chat
Book as a means of communicating with me should you feel there is anything I need
to follow up on. Below is a basic outline of what your child will be learning at school
this term.

Reading - Children will read aloud from their core reader daily. They will also have their
supplementary books which they should be changing daily too. They will read their
supplementary readers during rest at lunch time. Library books are changed once a

Spelling - Spelling tests will be held every Friday, please help your child to learn their
spellings that have struggled with during the week. This kind of weekend ‘studying’ will
help them closer to exams. Bonds and tables will be on-going as it is my aim to ensure
that these become automated for all Mathematical tasks.

The Thrass Spelling Scheme will be used to develop the knowledge of phonemes and
the children will learn five spellings daily from this. The children will also learn high
frequency words to develop inferential skills.


Story Writing, Comprehension and Language will be linked to Stories and Poems with
familiar settings, and Instructional Texts.

 Punctuation - capital letters, full stops, commas.

 The Alphabet and Alphabetical Order.
 Sentence Construction.
 Dictionary Work and Explanations
 Nouns (Naming words)
 Verbs (Doing words)
 Possessions (yours/mine)
 Occupations
 Prepositions


Children will do daily mental tests including bonds 2 – 20 and exercises from their Mental

Topics covered include the following;

 Setting out of work correctly in Math books (date and heading included)
 Correct number formation
 Number recognition – numerals and names
 Bonds of 10 to 20
 Oral and written counting (2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s and 10’s – forwards and backwards)
 Language of math for addition (add, plus, altogether, make, sum, more, total,
 Language of math for subtraction (minus, take away, left, subtract, difference
 Language of math for equals (same as, equals, balance)
 Number recognition up to H T U
 Number order, sequencing and patterns, and sorting numbers
 Estimation
 Greater than, less than, equal to (greedy crocodiles)
 Odd and even numbers
 Sum sentences for addition, subtraction
 Revision of T U column sums addition and subtraction
 Word problems for addition, subtraction and language of math used in word
 Introduction of H T U and number value including expanded notation
 H T U column sums addition, subtraction
 Logical thinking – e.g. 2 cats, how many legs?
 Time – o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to
 Hours in a day, days of the week, months of the year
 Puzzles and Early Finisher work


Topics for the term;

 Light and Dark:

☺ Sources of light
☺ Sun Safety
☺ Shadows
 Electricity:
☺ Electricity at Home
☺ Dangerous and Helpful Electricity

Social Studies:

Topics for the term are:

 Shelter
 Early Man
 Stone Age
 Iron Age

Parental co-operation is an essential part of this plan, and I’m sure I can rely on
your support.

I am very excited for the year ahead! Your children are all precious to me and I
have only their best interests at heart. Please feel free to email at any time
should you have any concerns what so ever (

Thank you for support, I wish you all a great 2016!

Kind regards
Nicola Blignaut

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