MT Rep Tech: The Primary Function of The Laryngx Is To Protect

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MT Rep Tech

The voice is made in the Larynx.

The main principle of voice production is contact, all we do is make that contact efficient.
The voice is produced because de vocal folds create resistance to the breath that is then released
as a sound pressure wave. The key is the contact of the vocal folds and resistance to the breath. A
safe, healthy voice use is based on the efficiency of that contact.

It results that when we are singing, we are playing with two elements:
• the breath/air that comes from the lungs
• the closure of TVF that resist that breath

Technical skill in singing is largely dependent on the singer’s ability to consistently achieve fine
coordination of air flow and phonation (efficient closure) which is determined by cooperation among
the muscles of the larynx and the chest wall and diaphragmatic contraction.

What we are trying to achieve when we sing and when we train the Voice is a Dynamic balancing
between subglotic pressure and vocal fold resistance, this means, it is not about how much air but
how efficiently do the vocal folds resist the air.

Laryngeal Structures

• TVF: Onset/Offset (has to do how we move from breathing to singing - see Anna Mateo pages)
• TVF: Body Cover (volume and intensity of sound - see Estill pages - thick, thin, stiff and slack)
• FVF: constriction - retraction -neutral
• Thyroid: neutral - tilted (see Anna Mateo pages))
• Crycoid: netral - tilted

Vocal Truct Structures

• Larynx: high - neutral - low

• Velum
• Tongue
• Lips
• Jaw

Support Structurs

• Head
• Neck
• Torso

Power - breath, body The sound is created int he vocal folds and the we can
Source - vocal folds change it with filters
Filter - jaw, lips, tongue

The primary function of the laryngx is to protect.

The epiglottis is a flap made of elastic cartilage covered with a mucous membrane, attached to the
entrance of the larynx. It stands open during breathing, allowing air into the larynx. During
swallowing, it closes to prevent aspiration, forcing the swallowed liquids or food to go along the
esophagus instead.
Anything we do that is perceived by our body as effort will trigger the swallowing patter, pushing
more air pressure.

When we try to belt, sometimes our False VF constrict because our body thinks we are chocking.
Because the breath pressure increases, we raise our soft palate and some people push the wrong
muscles and our folds constrict instead of retracting which doesn’t help.

We need to tell our body that everything is fine and we are not choking, just singing. A way to avoid
constriction and hep us to retract is laughing!

Propioception - our ability to sense where our body is in space, sense of position, balance
Kinesthesia - movement of the body, behavior

Consctriction - stretchy, breathy

Retraction - clear tone

Intrinsic muscles - goes from one part of the laringx to another part of the laringx
Extrinsic muscles - goes from one part of the laringx to outside of the laringx (they assist the
laringx to go up and down)

Subglotic Pressure - when vocal folds are closing breath builds underneath. when true vocal fold
open, the breath releases and creates sound waves.

Fundamental frequency/ cicles per second - how many times per second the vocal folds close
Pitch - our perception of fundamental frequency; regular pattern of vibration

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