Tkam Study Guide CH 1-6

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z22A To Kill A Mockingbird Srupy Guipe= € aaat was the summer Dill came to us.” ‘ .apter 1 The Facts PN OS AYN . Inn what scare does the novel take place? What does the children’s father, Atticus Finch, do for a living? From whose point of view will che story be told? ‘Who is Calpumnia and what is she like? What game does Dill invent? What did Arthur (Boo) Radley do (at age 33) chat landed him temporarily in the councy jail? According to Jem's description, what does Boo look like? ‘What act of “courage” on Jem’s part ends the chapter? Focus on Thinking Answer three of the following questions thoughtfully and thoroughly. How old do you think the narrator is when she cells us the story? List phrases from the chapter that helped you arrive at this conclusion Axcicus cells Scour that there are ‘other ways (besides chaining them co beds) of making people inco ghosts.” What does he mean by ghosts? What “ways” might he have in mind? Lise several Given what you know of Maycomb and of the Radley family, why don’t the Radleys seem to fit in “How might Maycomb itself be cesponsible for the Radleys" strangeness? q ¢ ~view the information about Dill. What kind of person is he? List several of your conclusions. hhat do you know about his background that might account for these aspects of his character? (You may not have been given background information for some of your observations.) Words and Language assuaged ——_imprudenc eccentric predilection piecy courteous detachment quaint alien reasonable taciturn gyrannical malevolent nebulous Chapter 2. gece "We'll do like we always do at home,” [Jem] said, “bur you'll see—school's different.” The Facts 1 2 On her first day of school, ~vhat does Scout get in trouble for? Lisr three things How does Miss Caroline Ficher feel at the end of her first day? How do you know? 3. What are the Cunsinghams like? Focus on Thinking Answer to of the following questions thoughtfully and choroughly. * Given Miss Fisher's first activity with the first-graders (reading about the. about her reprimand to Seout: "Let's i * What do che “errors” Scout commits the fi common with one another? What Weill You about Scout's fist sie years of He : yb 2 fou think this seatence means: “IF he fold fis mouth ght, Mr. Cunningham could gee MPA job"? (You may have to look up WP ) Whar larger issue must 2 pamsen consche taking charity in any form? Penis Words and Language condescended illiciely the Crash sojourn compelled impressionistic revelations mortification J: How does Scout solve hee problem with Walter Cunningham? ( 2. How does Jem solve Scout's problem with Walter Cunningham? pass the first grade? Ceroline? (Do you know another name for this creature?) 3. Why can’t Walter Cunni 4 What scared and shocked Mise of Uae Ats siverlooked inthe case nt che Ewells. Maycos at do thy care more about than _—_—_—___ A To Kill A Mockingbird Stupy Guipe Words and Language cordially persevere fractious capital felony mutual concessions expounding contentious amiable relief checks severed iniquicies condescension misdemeanor compromise Chapter 4 “Grown folks don’t have hidin’ place The Facts 1. What is the first gift that appears in the hollow eree? What other gifts do the children find? 2. What new facts does Dill offer about his father? 3. How has the Boo Radley game changed? 4. When Scout rolls into the Radley front yard in the tire, what does she hear? Focus on Thinking Answer too of the following questions thoughtfully and thoroughly. + How is Jem changing? Give several specific ways. * When Atticus reacts to Jem's Boo Radley gaine, what do you notice about che way he disciplines his children? Again, list several principles in which you think he believes * In speaking of the Boo Radley Game, Part II, the narrator tells us, “Jem was a born hero.” What traits does Scout have in mind? Dill’s and Scout's roles change, too, in the Boo Radley Game, Pare TL. How have they changed and what does this tell you about che childeen? Words and Language auspicious yranny ethical culture mad pallette sluggishly gingerly arbitrate evasion Chapter 5 “His name's Arthur and he’s alive.” The Facts 1. What does Scout admire about Miss Maudie? Whar do you learn about Uncle Jack? What new plan do the boys devise to get Boo t0 come out? Why doesn'e it work? What does Dill say that causes Scout to accuse him of lying? What direct order does Atticus give the children? © Mien Pablaing Company % Te Ka A Sevtgbs A To Kill A Mockingbird Stupy Guwe ( 4 Focus on Thinking Answer three of the following questions thoughtfully and thoroughly * Explain Miss Maudie’s statement: “.. . sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than whiskey borce in the hand of —oh, of your father.” Can you imagine an instance (or think of add inscance in your experience) when this might be true? Describe it * In response to Scout's question about whether Boo is crazy, Maudie says: “If he's not he should bi by nov. The things that happen to people we never really know. Wha: happens in houses bel closed doors, what secrets—” What is she suggesting has happened to Boo? What kinds of see in genecal might she be referring to? * What do you know about Dill that might explain why he wants Boo to come out and "sit a spell wit us” in order to “feel better”? Why, too, is it understandable that Dill lies so often and so well *+ Explain the “lawyer's trick” Articus uses to get Jem co confess to the backyard Boo-dramas. Words and Language aloof foot-washing Baptists _placdly morbid closed communion tormenting Words associated with Miss Maudie benign benevolence cordiality tacit treaty reasonable Chapter 6. “Te was then, I suppose, that Jem and I first began to pare company.” The Facts How do che children plan to spend Dill’s last night in Maycomb? .. What goes wrong with the children’s escape plan? At whom does Mr. Nathan chink he has fired his gun? How do the children claim to have spent che evening? ‘What makes Jem decide to return to che Radley yard that night? Focus on Thinking Answer to of the following questions thoughtfully and thoroughly. *+ During the scene in which the neighbors gather co discuss the gunshot and in which Jem and Dill tell their cover-story, many of the assumptions of the adult community are revealed. Reread the scene and list several assumptions that you notice, $)"Matches were dangerous but cards were fatal,” the narrator explains. The standard wisdom that children should not play with matches is given a new, hi scene, Ag fr as Maycomb children are concerned, in what ways might cards be more dangerous than matches— even fatal? 4 © Miter Teka A Mand sahee ¢

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