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Educational Consulting, LLC

1509 Ralworth Road ~ Baltimore, Maryland 21218 ~ (443) 854.4191 ~ (410) 467.6795 Fax

Supreme Justice Defense Class

Teaching children how to Defend without fighting!

The most important benefit gained by students who
participate in the Supreme Justice Self Defense Classes
are that students development an understanding that self
defense is not only a physical act but that it is first and
foremost a mental act. The techniques teaches students to
develop proactive techniques the keep them safe and out
of potentially dangerous situations. These techniques allow
children to be safe, identify dangerous situations, de-
escalate conflicts, and finally to escape potential attackers.
It is the goal that students resolve conflicts in a way that
empowers them to use their mental abilities as a first line of defense and to make positive
judgments about themselves and others. The goal of the program is to increase self-
confidence and self-esteem so that they can be the change agents in their own lives.
Students are taught, in a safe and courteous manner, the martial art tenets of humility,
respect, righteousness, trust, perseverance, morality and loyalty. These tenets allow for
each student to take risks and develop to his/her fullest potential.

As a student under the direction of Sifu Dr. Ian Noel, Karriem Shabazz,
the instructor, has been providing Tai Qi instruction to children for
seven years and has studied the art for twelve years. Mr. Shabazz is a
special educator who has taught in both public and private school
settings. During his years as an educator, Mr. Shabazz found that
through the utilization of basic meditative techniques and movements
contained within Tai Qi, that students responded positively to being physically
challenged and that their ability to focus on even the most challenging task had improved
as well.

Please come and experience a journey of self-discovery.

PEACE E.ducate A.ll C.hildren E.qually

Adisa Educational Consulting, LLC
1509 Ralworth Road ~ Baltimore, Maryland 21218 ~ (443) 854.4191 ~ (410) 467.6795 Fax
The Supreme Self Defense classes use a physical education curriculum designed to
promote self defense safety education to elementary and middle school students. The
program provides children with: Self-Confidence, Conflict Resolution, and Verbal and
physical self-defense approaches. The Supreme Self Defense program provides: Step
by step lesson plans that help children be safe, with easy to follow formats, Problem
solving/Role playing techniques, and Self-Defense techniques.

Supreme Self Defense Class curriculum for each class week will be as

Meditation and Breathing: 5-7 mins focus on three things

1.Tan Tien (or deep belly) breathing
2. Tongue to the roof of mouth
3. Focus on intent or purpose of class and goals set by the student

Warm up Drills 5-10 minutes

-Stretching Exercises
-Balance Exercises

Self Defense Exercises 40 minutes

-Role playing activities

Q & A/class closure (Meditation)

Students are learning from the C.L.A.S.S.-Children Learning Awareness, Safety & Self-
Defense curriculum and receive composition book. Classes will meet for one hour. Each
session picks up where the previous one left off—with a complete review of the previous
class followed by new material.

This will be the basic class format with each session consisting a book work/discussion
time, which may include discussions and note taking so that students can have a
complete understanding of what it is learned, and how it effects the body and the
benefits to the overall health.

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