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yed the payment confirmation for your tax return from SBTC. 155-313-988 000 Taxpayers Name ~~ SANTOS, VICTORINO CASTRO Tepe RF : Return Paied a ‘1B ia0I8 ~Wansactng Bank | ‘SBTC (027000) ‘eterence Number 391800023590801 | | TeisTe76s waive 1) SBTe's Confmation Number ‘soa BIRaITaos Plse refer tothe Tex Return Inquiry folly to check he status of your payment. ol sic: [4520 ‘Guidelines and Instructions | Help BIR Form No. [pecsreel 1g Pilipinas 0605 Kawonnan ng Rentacinienas Payment Form ‘September 2003(ENCS) 1 Forte * Calendar Fiscal 3 Quarter ciowr Quarer 4Due Date 5 No. of Sheets Attached 6aTc umporevye) 2 year Ended | 12-Dacember || 2018 eee Ts oreo aaurrern 7 Retun Period MMDONYYY), O13 | 2018) BlaciypeCoueRF Background Information 9 Taxpayer entation No. 10 ROO Code "1 Taxpayer Clasatcaton 12 Line of BusnessOcavpaton nn <1 BURDING GF CONSTRUCTIONS OF 73 rapayersNane(Lact None, Fr Name, da Nae fornia )Reghtered Nar or Now haus) 14 Telephone Number SANTOS, VICTORINO CASTRO [ SS Reged Adress 16.2» code it-ta RZAL st Ext CUTCUT ANGELES CITY pos 47 Manner of Payment [18 Type of Payment Votniry Payment Se Assesment Penates Cprammanirna assceupenaunay Tax | Net atinent Tax DepoeAgvance Payment ]| Certara AsessDetceny Tax fietinpar ener ena ‘Accounts RecosblDetnquent Patt Pament omer) = nent Parl ‘Computation of Tax 19 ease tavoepoeuAoance Payment 19,0000) 20 naa Penaties suas rest compromise 208, 00 208 00) 206 00) 20076 24 rat noun Payumo ems 198200) 2 06 Payne betaeny Tae For utr Payor rom nustneignoon i __"*Beinquen acne ee Under be pales of pry at is dost fs os Goo vend by re. o 1 eben ty ree Si SS tue and croc, posit toe povsine o re Neto rowed by vesting fee eral evens Cote i amended, and e tps sed der Not aproved by investing ce (om [51m main | eFPS Login | User Menu | Guidelines and instructions | Help ]

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