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Achmad Zulkifli, 2017. Effect of Structured Exercise through Discovery

Learning Model Types againts Critical Thinking Skills Class X MIA Negeri SMA
4 Pangkep. Study on Basic Material of Chemical Bonding. Chemistry
Department. Faculty of Math and Science. Universitas Negeri Makassar (guided
by Sugiarti and Pince Salempa).

This research is experimental research with quasy experiment method

which aims to know the effect of structured exercise through discovery learning
model types againts critical thinking skills class X MIA SMA Negeri 4 pangkep
academic year 2016/2017 on subject matter of chemical bond. The research
design was used posttest only control group design. The population of this study is
the students of class X MIA SMA Negeri 4 Pangkep consisting of three classes.
Sampling is done randomly. The classes chosen as the research sample are class X
MIA 2 as experimental class which each of them is 25 students and X MIA 3 as
the control class which each of them is 26 students. The independent variable in
this study is structured exercise through discovery learning model and discovery
learning model without structured exercise. The dependent variable is the critical
thinking skills. Retrieval of critical thinking skils data is done by giving posttest.
The learning result data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and
inferential statistics. The results of the analysis showed the average percentage of
achievement critical thinking skills experiment class is 73,25% which are included
in high category and control class is 67,4% which are included in the medium
category. The results of hypothesis testing using mann-whitney earned value Zcout
= 1,30 at the level of trust 0.05 and Ztable = 1.64. Therefore Zcount < Ztable, it means
H1 is rejected and H0 accepted. It shows that there is a no effect of giving
structured exercise through discovery learning model againts the critical thinking

Keywords: discovery learning, critical thinking skills, structured exercise

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