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DPUM 05 Rev.


Komite Akreditasi Nasional

National Accreditation Body of Indonesia

Telp. : +62 21 3927422

Fax. : +62 21 3927527
Email : and
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DPUM 05 Revision: 3 Date: 30 August 2016


Reviewed by :
Quality Manager of Komite Akreditasi Nasional

Approved by:

Director for Accreditation of Certification Bodies

DPUM 05 Revision: 3 Date: 30 August 2016


1. Major Non-Conformity
Major Non-Conformity is the absence or lack or failure in implementing or maintaining
one or more management system requirements where objectives evidences found which can
show doubt about the credibility of the certification published by the applicant body.

Major non-conformity category can happen because :

1.1. CB has lost its key personnel for particular activity/scope and no longer has
competent staff/auditor/technical expert doing that particular activity/scope
1.2. CB does not have facilities/infrastructure for particular scope (If required)
1.3. CB issues certificate outside the scope of its accreditation.
1.4. CB does not conduct internal audit and management review effectively
1.5. CB or its personnel has conflict of interest with the applicant/client
1.6. KAN found the repetitive non-conformity
1.7. CB does not have certification scheme (If applicable)

2. Minor Non-Conformity
Minor non-conformity is non-conformity of that arise from in-consistency of the
implementation management system requirements which may give impact (no significance)
to effectiveness of the management systems.

3. Observation
Observation is documented statements that may identify areas for potential improvement,
but shall not make specific recommendation(s). When solutions are developed and
implemented by the CB, they may add value through enhancing the organization’s operations
and/or management system. Observation should be followed up with action plan.

4. Follow up Non Conformites Category

The CB shall follow up any major non-conformity within 1 month while any minor non-
conformities within 2 months after the on-site audit.

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