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The right risk

The right decision! Stanford Center for Professional Development

The Stanford Center for Professional Development connects professionals worldwide to the research and teaching of

Stanford University faculty in the School of Engineering and related academic departments.Qualified individuals may study

for master of science degrees on a part-time basis, pursue graduate and professional certificates, take individual graduate and

professional courses, participate in workshops, view free online seminars and more.Courses are delivered online, on the

Stanford campus in the heart of Silicon Valley, and at the work site.


Strategic Decisions Group

Strategic Decisions Group (SDG) is a strategy consulting firm renowned for applying

leading-edge decision theory and processes to uncover opportunities for creating

Strategic Decision and Risk Management teaches shareholder value. SDG helps their clients find innovative, creative strategies to thrive

today, while also helping them build internal competencies to meet competitive
participants to establish clear value metrics
challenges in the future.
and untangle conflicting goals, embrace risk and

uncertainty, and avoid common behavioral www.sdg.com

and analytical mistakes.


Learn powerful approaches to:
Make good decisions under pressure
Understand enterprise risk from the shareholder value perspective
Use design innovation principles to generate better alternatives
Gain true commitment to effective execution from the key players
in implementation

Who should enroll

Decision-makers and those who support strategic decision-making
need more information? Stanford Certificate Program
Empowering industry professionals to
and risk management.The program serves diverse functional areas,
strategicdecisions.stanford.edu make quality decisions and
including finance, risk management, planning, engineering, marketing,
R&D, IT, design, supply chain, business development, and HR.
Toll-free 1.866.234.3380 embrace risk and uncertainty
Participants come from organizations such as:

Allstate Federal Bureau of Investigation

for competitive advantage
Outside the U.S. 1.510.857.4396
HSBC Intel

PG&E Sandia National Laboratories
Yahoo Saudi Aramco SDRM_reg@scpdinfo.stanford.edu
Oracle S TA N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y
o n l i n e a t S t a n f o r d a t w o r k
Stanford Center for Professional Development
Stanford Center for Professional Development
Applicants need a bachelor's degree and three to five years 496 Lomita Mall–Durand Building
of experience. Stanford, CA 94305-4008
courses “These courses have provided me with the theory and tools that will
allow me to make evidence-based choices that save lives.”
—Amy Adelberger, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Required Courses
Decision Quality in Organizations Decision Analysis
Acquire an overview of the best practices for making smarter, faster, Explore the philosophy and tools of decision analysis and learn how to
and more creative long-term decisions.Topics include: framing a decision analyze the personal and professional decisions that shape lives and
Earning the Certificate
appropriately, generating creative alternatives, quantifying uncertainty organizations. Avoid the pitfalls of intuitive decision-making. Participants have the flexibility of taking individual courses within the program
using probability, and analyzing choices.
or earning the Stanford Strategic Decision and Risk Management Certificate by

completing the two required courses and four electives.

Elective Courses
Advanced Decision Analysis Ethical Decision-Making Stanford Transcript
Build on the core Decision Analysis course by exploring the considerations and Master the art of ethical decision-making so you can respond skillfully
tools necessary to assist people and organizations in decision-making.Topics to life's inevitable ethical challenges. Create powerful distinctions to If you wish to receive a Stanford University transcript, you may register for
include: assessing and applying corporate risk tolerance, risk sharing and identify and clarify real-world ethically-sensitive situations and develop
scaling,common decision methods and their limitations,and Bayesian learning. procedures for forming ethical judgments. Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Behavioral Challenges in Decision-Making Modeling for Strategic Insight

Learn a framework for understanding how natural behavioral processes Are you a PMP®?
Frame useful models in strategic decision situations and use them to
can produce biases, distortions, and mistakes in decision-making. draw powerful insights about decisions. Learn best practices for decision Earn PDUs by taking Stanford courses. All courses in the Strategic Decision and
Recognize biases in perception, fallacies in reasoning, motivational modeling in Microsoft® Excel, sensitivity analysis, Monte Carlo simulation,
biases, personality differences, and group dynamics. and communicating results graphically. Risk Management professional certificate count toward PMP® certification.

Converting Strategy Into Action Strategic Decision and Risk Management Leadership Strategy Decision-Making Innovation Execution
Understand the framework for strategic execution that incorporates a Practicum
full range of proven approaches and emerging concepts to align Work with a small team on a complex decision problem from start Advanced Decision Analysis ✓
project initiatives with strategic objectives.
to finish that integrates the concepts, tools, and skills from Decision Behavioral Challenges in Decision-Making ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
This course also counts as a required course in the Stanford Advanced Quality, Decision Analysis, and Modeling for Strategic Insight.
Project Management Certificate Program. apm.stanford.edu Converting Strategy into Action ✓ ✓ ✓ Ronald Howard
Strategic Innovation Professor,Management Science and Engineering
Decision Leadership Decision Analysis ✓
Explore creativity from individual and team perspectives and identify Academic Director,Strategic Decision and Risk Management,
Understand the role of a decision leader. Develop decision leadership innovation opportunities and roadblocks in organizational settings. Decision Leadership ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
skills, including how to diagnose a decision situation, design an approach, Stanford University
Exercises and a case study enable hands-on learning. Innovators in
lead the process and those who outrank you, and assess the level of Decision Quality in Organizations ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
industry share their experience with the class.
quality achieved. Enterprise Risk Management ✓ ✓ ✓ Carl Spetzler
Strategic Portfolio Decisions CEO,Strategic Decisions Group
Enterprise Risk Management Work through a case exercise to learn and apply the powerful tools of the Ethical Decision-Making ✓ ✓
Examine ways to identify excessive risk exposure, manage enterprise risk, Program Director,Strategic Decision and Risk Management
Strategic Management Process and its application to complex portfolio Modeling for Strategic Insight ✓ ✓
and delineate clear roles for the board, senior executives, chief risk officers, Lecturer,Stanford Graduate School of Business
decisions. Learn how to measure the worth of each portfolio unit and
line executives, and risk management staff. allocate resources to achieve maximum value. Strategic Decision and Risk Management Practicum ✓ ✓ ✓

Strategic Innovation ✓ ✓
strategicdecisions.stanford.edu Strategic Portfolio Decisions ✓ ✓ ✓
The right risk
The right decision! Stanford Center for Professional Development
The Stanford Center for Professional Development connects professionals worldwide to the research and teaching of

Stanford University faculty in the School of Engineering and related academic departments.Qualified individuals may study

for master of science degrees on a part-time basis, pursue graduate and professional certificates, take individual graduate and

professional courses, participate in workshops, view free online seminars and more.Courses are delivered online, on the

Stanford campus in the heart of Silicon Valley, and at the work site.


Strategic Decisions Group

Strategic Decisions Group (SDG) is a strategy consulting firm renowned for applying

leading-edge decision theory and processes to uncover opportunities for creating

Strategic Decision and Risk Management teaches shareholder value. SDG helps their clients find innovative, creative strategies to thrive

today, while also helping them build internal competencies to meet competitive
participants to establish clear value metrics
challenges in the future.
and untangle conflicting goals, embrace risk and

uncertainty, and avoid common behavioral www.sdg.com

and analytical mistakes.


Learn powerful approaches to:
Make good decisions under pressure
Understand enterprise risk from the shareholder value perspective
Use design innovation principles to generate better alternatives
Gain true commitment to effective execution from the key players
in implementation

Who should enroll

Decision-makers and those who support strategic decision-making
need more information? Stanford Certificate Program
Empowering industry professionals to
and risk management.The program serves diverse functional areas,
strategicdecisions.stanford.edu make quality decisions and
including finance, risk management, planning, engineering, marketing,
R&D, IT, design, supply chain, business development, and HR.
Toll-free 1.866.234.3380 embrace risk and uncertainty
Participants come from organizations such as:

Allstate Federal Bureau of Investigation

for competitive advantage
Outside the U.S. 1.510.857.4396
HSBC Intel

PG&E Sandia National Laboratories
Yahoo Saudi Aramco SDRM_reg@scpdinfo.stanford.edu
Oracle S TA N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y
o n l i n e a t S t a n f o r d a t w o r k
Stanford Center for Professional Development
Stanford Center for Professional Development
Applicants need a bachelor's degree and three to five years 496 Lomita Mall–Durand Building
of experience. Stanford, CA 94305-4008
courses “These courses have provided me with the theory and tools that will
allow me to make evidence-based choices that save lives.”
—Amy Adelberger, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Required Courses
Decision Quality in Organizations Decision Analysis
Acquire an overview of the best practices for making smarter, faster, Explore the philosophy and tools of decision analysis and learn how to
and more creative long-term decisions.Topics include: framing a decision analyze the personal and professional decisions that shape lives and
Earning the Certificate
appropriately, generating creative alternatives, quantifying uncertainty organizations. Avoid the pitfalls of intuitive decision-making. Participants have the flexibility of taking individual courses within the program
using probability, and analyzing choices.
or earning the Stanford Strategic Decision and Risk Management Certificate by

completing the two required courses and four electives.

Elective Courses
Advanced Decision Analysis Ethical Decision-Making Stanford Transcript
Build on the core Decision Analysis course by exploring the considerations and Master the art of ethical decision-making so you can respond skillfully
tools necessary to assist people and organizations in decision-making.Topics to life's inevitable ethical challenges. Create powerful distinctions to If you wish to receive a Stanford University transcript, you may register for
include: assessing and applying corporate risk tolerance, risk sharing and identify and clarify real-world ethically-sensitive situations and develop
scaling,common decision methods and their limitations,and Bayesian learning. procedures for forming ethical judgments. Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Behavioral Challenges in Decision-Making Modeling for Strategic Insight

Learn a framework for understanding how natural behavioral processes Are you a PMP®?
Frame useful models in strategic decision situations and use them to
can produce biases, distortions, and mistakes in decision-making. draw powerful insights about decisions. Learn best practices for decision Earn PDUs by taking Stanford courses. All courses in the Strategic Decision and
Recognize biases in perception, fallacies in reasoning, motivational modeling in Microsoft® Excel, sensitivity analysis, Monte Carlo simulation,
biases, personality differences, and group dynamics. and communicating results graphically. Risk Management professional certificate count toward PMP® certification.

Converting Strategy Into Action Strategic Decision and Risk Management Leadership Strategy Decision-Making Innovation Execution
Understand the framework for strategic execution that incorporates a Practicum
full range of proven approaches and emerging concepts to align Work with a small team on a complex decision problem from start Advanced Decision Analysis ✓
project initiatives with strategic objectives.
to finish that integrates the concepts, tools, and skills from Decision Behavioral Challenges in Decision-Making ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
This course also counts as a required course in the Stanford Advanced Quality, Decision Analysis, and Modeling for Strategic Insight.
Project Management Certificate Program. apm.stanford.edu Converting Strategy into Action ✓ ✓ ✓ Ronald Howard
Strategic Innovation Professor,Management Science and Engineering
Decision Leadership Decision Analysis ✓
Explore creativity from individual and team perspectives and identify Academic Director,Strategic Decision and Risk Management,
Understand the role of a decision leader. Develop decision leadership innovation opportunities and roadblocks in organizational settings. Decision Leadership ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
skills, including how to diagnose a decision situation, design an approach, Stanford University
Exercises and a case study enable hands-on learning. Innovators in
lead the process and those who outrank you, and assess the level of Decision Quality in Organizations ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
industry share their experience with the class.
quality achieved. Enterprise Risk Management ✓ ✓ ✓ Carl Spetzler
Strategic Portfolio Decisions CEO,Strategic Decisions Group
Enterprise Risk Management Work through a case exercise to learn and apply the powerful tools of the Ethical Decision-Making ✓ ✓
Examine ways to identify excessive risk exposure, manage enterprise risk, Program Director,Strategic Decision and Risk Management
Strategic Management Process and its application to complex portfolio Modeling for Strategic Insight ✓ ✓
and delineate clear roles for the board, senior executives, chief risk officers, Lecturer,Stanford Graduate School of Business
decisions. Learn how to measure the worth of each portfolio unit and
line executives, and risk management staff. allocate resources to achieve maximum value. Strategic Decision and Risk Management Practicum ✓ ✓ ✓

Strategic Innovation ✓ ✓
strategicdecisions.stanford.edu Strategic Portfolio Decisions ✓ ✓ ✓
courses “These courses have provided me with the theory and tools that will
allow me to make evidence-based choices that save lives.”
—Amy Adelberger, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Required Courses
Decision Quality in Organizations Decision Analysis
Acquire an overview of the best practices for making smarter, faster, Explore the philosophy and tools of decision analysis and learn how to
and more creative long-term decisions.Topics include: framing a decision analyze the personal and professional decisions that shape lives and
Earning the Certificate
appropriately, generating creative alternatives, quantifying uncertainty organizations. Avoid the pitfalls of intuitive decision-making. Participants have the flexibility of taking individual courses within the program
using probability, and analyzing choices.
or earning the Stanford Strategic Decision and Risk Management Certificate by

completing the two required courses and four electives.

Elective Courses
Advanced Decision Analysis Ethical Decision-Making Stanford Transcript
Build on the core Decision Analysis course by exploring the considerations and Master the art of ethical decision-making so you can respond skillfully
tools necessary to assist people and organizations in decision-making.Topics to life's inevitable ethical challenges. Create powerful distinctions to If you wish to receive a Stanford University transcript, you may register for
include: assessing and applying corporate risk tolerance, risk sharing and identify and clarify real-world ethically-sensitive situations and develop
scaling,common decision methods and their limitations,and Bayesian learning. procedures for forming ethical judgments. Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Behavioral Challenges in Decision-Making Modeling for Strategic Insight

Learn a framework for understanding how natural behavioral processes Are you a PMP®?
Frame useful models in strategic decision situations and use them to
can produce biases, distortions, and mistakes in decision-making. draw powerful insights about decisions. Learn best practices for decision Earn PDUs by taking Stanford courses. All courses in the Strategic Decision and
Recognize biases in perception, fallacies in reasoning, motivational modeling in Microsoft® Excel, sensitivity analysis, Monte Carlo simulation,
biases, personality differences, and group dynamics. and communicating results graphically. Risk Management professional certificate count toward PMP® certification.

Converting Strategy Into Action Strategic Decision and Risk Management Leadership Strategy Decision-Making Innovation Execution
Understand the framework for strategic execution that incorporates a Practicum
full range of proven approaches and emerging concepts to align Work with a small team on a complex decision problem from start Advanced Decision Analysis ✓
project initiatives with strategic objectives.
to finish that integrates the concepts, tools, and skills from Decision Behavioral Challenges in Decision-Making ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
This course also counts as a required course in the Stanford Advanced Quality, Decision Analysis, and Modeling for Strategic Insight.
Project Management Certificate Program. apm.stanford.edu Converting Strategy into Action ✓ ✓ ✓ Ronald Howard
Strategic Innovation Professor,Management Science and Engineering
Decision Leadership Decision Analysis ✓
Explore creativity from individual and team perspectives and identify Academic Director,Strategic Decision and Risk Management,
Understand the role of a decision leader. Develop decision leadership innovation opportunities and roadblocks in organizational settings. Decision Leadership ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
skills, including how to diagnose a decision situation, design an approach, Stanford University
Exercises and a case study enable hands-on learning. Innovators in
lead the process and those who outrank you, and assess the level of Decision Quality in Organizations ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
industry share their experience with the class.
quality achieved. Enterprise Risk Management ✓ ✓ ✓ Carl Spetzler
Strategic Portfolio Decisions CEO,Strategic Decisions Group
Enterprise Risk Management Work through a case exercise to learn and apply the powerful tools of the Ethical Decision-Making ✓ ✓
Examine ways to identify excessive risk exposure, manage enterprise risk, Program Director,Strategic Decision and Risk Management
Strategic Management Process and its application to complex portfolio Modeling for Strategic Insight ✓ ✓
and delineate clear roles for the board, senior executives, chief risk officers, Lecturer,Stanford Graduate School of Business
decisions. Learn how to measure the worth of each portfolio unit and
line executives, and risk management staff. allocate resources to achieve maximum value. Strategic Decision and Risk Management Practicum ✓ ✓ ✓

Strategic Innovation ✓ ✓
strategicdecisions.stanford.edu Strategic Portfolio Decisions ✓ ✓ ✓
The right risk
The right decision! Stanford Center for Professional Development
The Stanford Center for Professional Development connects professionals worldwide to the research and teaching of

Stanford University faculty in the School of Engineering and related academic departments.Qualified individuals may study

for master of science degrees on a part-time basis, pursue graduate and professional certificates, take individual graduate and

professional courses, participate in workshops, view free online seminars and more.Courses are delivered online, on the

Stanford campus in the heart of Silicon Valley, and at the work site.


Strategic Decisions Group

Strategic Decisions Group (SDG) is a strategy consulting firm renowned for applying

leading-edge decision theory and processes to uncover opportunities for creating

Strategic Decision and Risk Management teaches shareholder value. SDG helps their clients find innovative, creative strategies to thrive

today, while also helping them build internal competencies to meet competitive
participants to establish clear value metrics
challenges in the future.
and untangle conflicting goals, embrace risk and

uncertainty, and avoid common behavioral www.sdg.com

and analytical mistakes.


Learn powerful approaches to:
Make good decisions under pressure
Understand enterprise risk from the shareholder value perspective
Use design innovation principles to generate better alternatives
Gain true commitment to effective execution from the key players
in implementation

Who should enroll

Decision-makers and those who support strategic decision-making
need more information? Stanford Certificate Program
Empowering industry professionals to
and risk management.The program serves diverse functional areas,
strategicdecisions.stanford.edu make quality decisions and
including finance, risk management, planning, engineering, marketing,
R&D, IT, design, supply chain, business development, and HR.
Toll-free 1.866.234.3380 embrace risk and uncertainty
Participants come from organizations such as:

Allstate Federal Bureau of Investigation

for competitive advantage
Outside the U.S. 1.510.857.4396
HSBC Intel

PG&E Sandia National Laboratories
Yahoo Saudi Aramco SDRM_reg@scpdinfo.stanford.edu
Oracle S TA N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y
o n l i n e a t S t a n f o r d a t w o r k
Stanford Center for Professional Development
Stanford Center for Professional Development
Applicants need a bachelor's degree and three to five years 496 Lomita Mall–Durand Building
of experience. Stanford, CA 94305-4008
Strategic Decision and Risk Management Certificate Program

Delivery Options At Stanford

Come to Stanford to engage with faculty and network with
professionals from around the world.
Courses are delivered online, on the Stanford campus Individual Course Rate: $2,600
in the heart of Silicon Valley, and at the work site.
Early Registration Discount: $2,340
Many participants choose to take courses in a Payment must be received prior to the appropriate deadline in
combination of ways, for example coming to order for the discount to be awarded:

E March courses—Register by Monday, February 1

campus for some courses and taking others online.
E September courses—Register by Monday, August 2

Calendar Government Rate: $2,495

Employees of the U.S. Government are eligible to enroll at this rate
M a r c h
at any time. Members of the armed forces may apply tuition funds
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
from the GI Bill and Post-9/11 GI Bill.
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Decision Quality
Decision Analysis
in Organizations Online
Self-paced, online courses may be accessed anytime, anywhere.
Strategic Innovation
Individual Course Rate: $950
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Strategic Decision and Risk
Modeling for Strategic Insight
Management Practicum* At Work
Courses can be offered at your workplace for your entire team and
Converting Strategy into Action
the curriculum tailored to your organization’s specific needs.

Group Rates:
Please call for pricing information for groups or for courses
S e p t e m b e r
delivered at your work site.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Contact Us
Decision Quality Decision Analysis
in Organizations strategicdecisions.stanford.edu/apply
Behavioral Challenges in Toll-free 1.866.234.3380
Decision Leadership*
Decision-Making Outside the US. 1.510.857.4396
Converting Strategy into Action SDRM_reg@scpdinfo.stanford.edu

Required Elective

*Applicants need to complete required courses before taking this elective. strategicdecisions.stanford.edu

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