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Music Practitioner Qualifications

Unit Grading Criteria

Unit Title: Music Arrangement (Projects)

Unit Aim This unit aims to develop learner’s awareness of technical aspects of
arranging music to fit specific media briefs. The purpose of the unit is to
facilitate the development of a show-reel highlighting the arranger’s ability to
write to given briefs

Distinction To achieve a distinction, learners must have evidenced all the skills
required for level 3, plus:

1. Display an excellent ability at arranging the musical features of a

song to exacting briefs. They are excellent at arranging structural
parts, demonstrating a well thought out approach. They can clearly
demonstrate arrangement skills that suit various application radio and
media displaying excellent understanding of the musical requirements
for each medium. They show excellent skills working to briefs and
time frames

2. Demonstrate excellent abilities at representing the arrangements

through notation preferably notation that clearly indicates each part
i.e. stave notation and a combination of other notation including
annotated screen shots were applicable.

3. Evaluate strengths and areas for development showing a greater

understanding of progress, with an analytical self assessment style
approach offering solutions to areas for development.
Merit To achieve a merit, learners must have evidenced all the skills required for
level 3, plus:

1. Show a good ability at arranging the musical features of a song to

exacting briefs. They are competent at arranging structural parts,
demonstrating a well thought out approach. They can demonstrate
arrangement skills that suit various application radio and media
displaying a good understanding of the musical requirements for each
medium. They show good skills working to briefs and time frames

2. Demonstrate competent abilities at representing the arrangements

through notation preferably notation that clearly indicates each part
i.e. stave notation and a combination of other notation including
annotated screen shots were applicable.

3. Evaluate strengths and areas for development showing an

understanding of progress, with a self-assessment style approach,
displaying some analysis, offering solutions to areas for development.
Pass To achieve a pass, all learners must have evidenced all the skills required
for level 3, plus:

1. Show a basic ability at arranging the musical features of a song to

exacting briefs. They are competent in most areas at arranging
structural parts. They can demonstrate some arrangement skills that
suit various application radio and media displaying a basic
understanding of the musical requirements for each medium. They
show reasonable skills working to briefs and time frames

2. Demonstrate basic but accurate abilities at representing the

arrangements through notation, including annotated screen shots
where applicable.

3. Evaluate strengths and areas for development showing a basic

understanding of progress.
Unclassified A learner not on course to achieve this unit might evidence the majority of
the following:

1. Little or no ability at arranging the musical features of a song to

exacting briefs. They find difficulty in arranging structural parts into a
coherent rearrangement. They can demonstrate some arrangement
skills that suit various application radio and media displaying a basic
understanding of the musical requirements for each medium. They
have little or no skills at working to briefs and time frames.

2. Do not demonstrate accurate abilities at representing the

arrangements through notation, the information they present may be

3. Show little or no ability at evaluating strengths and areas for

development showing little or no understanding of progress.

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