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257082015 shortcut telat AltvArroweRight Centeshittew Centshitte7 CCrl+AltShifesArrow- Right ctrlsshin+s cershir CCrl+AlteshitesArrow- Down Ctrl-AltshittsArrow- Left cuts, Clrl+AltShifteArrow- up Description Trace Precedents Increase Indent Wrap Text Border - Outine Border - Right Decrease Font Size Border - None Border - Bottom Border - Left Increase Decimal Border - Top. baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Excel 2013 Shortcuts Type what shortcut you are looking for: | - or - Learn shortcuts just-in-time and never search again! Get KeyRocket Exclusive ve ane2015 cute AlteArroweft islet) Cteleates Ctrleatarrow-Lett Ctrteate shifern1 CtrtshiteeF CtrtsatvArrow-Right AlteShifeeArrowe Bown Alteshiferarrow-Up cintshiteF1 Cteteshitest2 Alteshif Al MUL AIL MLU,E Al MUA Alt MT Alt, M.S, Alt, AMR Alt... AM, Q.1 A, M,Q,€ all M.Q.¢ AM, AlM, ©. Alt, M,N alt, M, M, ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Decrease Decimal Decrease Indent Trace Dependents Gridlines Toggle Hide Detail Clear Arrows Insert Sheet Increase Font Size Show Detail Sort Ascending Sore Descending Delete sheet Rename Sheet lear Filter More Functions Inserts a Count function. Inserts an Average function Inserts Text function. Displays the Paste Name dialog box. Available only if there are existing names in the workbook. Choose a name used in this workbook and insert it into the current formula, Displays a list of recently used functions, Inserts Statistical function. Inserts an Engineering function, Inserts a Cube function, Shows arrows that indicate what cells are affected by the value of the currently selected cel Inserts a LookupaReference function Displays the Name Manager dialog box. Names cells so that you can refer to them in formulas by thet name, baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 257082015 All MMA AML AILMKK ALM.KE AL M.K.C Al MJ AML Alt MH Alt M,6 Al ME At ME AM, AIM, C Alt M, 8 ALMA P Al MAD AMAA AHL AH AIH, A HT A HP Alt, HN alt, HL AIH, K Alt H Al HFS ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database ‘Apply Names Inserts a Logical function. ‘Checks for common errors that accur in formulas Trace Error Circular References Calculates the current sheet now. This is only necessary if automatic calculation has, been turned off Inserts a nancial function, ‘Alternates between displaying cell values and displaying formulas in the worksheet. Inserts a Math function Eats the formula in the current cal by choosing functions and editing the arguments Inserts a Datestime function. ‘Shows arrows that indicate what cells are affected by the value of the currently selected cel Displays the Create Name from Selection dialog box. Calculate the entire workbook now. This is only necessary if automatic calculation has been turned off Removes precedent arrows. Removes dependent arrows. Removes the arrows drawn by Trace Precedents or Trace Dependents Cuts the seleced cals Makes all content visible within a cellby displaying it on multe lines. Displays the Paste Special dialog box Quickly formats a range of cells and converts it to a Table by choosing a pre-defined Table sre, Displays the value of the cell as a percentage. choose how the values in a cell are displayed: as a percentage, as currency, as a date or time, ete Highlights inceresting cells, emphasize unusual values, and visualize data using Data Bars, Color Scales, and Icon Sets based on criteria, Displays the value of the cell with a thousands separator. This wil change the format (of the cell to Accounting without a currency symbol Shading Changes the font size baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 257082015 AIH, Alt, FO. Al HE. At, HFM AL HK AI HE, AI HL AI HAE, AI HEA, Aly HC? AIL H.C aly 4,8, Alt H, 8, W AIH, B, U Al H.8,7 Alt H.8,5 ARH. BR Alt H.8,P Alt, H, 8,0 At H,B,N At HB, M At HBL AH, 8, | M Alt 4,81 All H,8,H Alt H,8,6 AIH, BE alt 4,8, AIL H.8,€ ANH B, B Alt HB, A ‘Excel 2019 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shorter Database Copies formatting from one place and apply it to another. Displays the Office Clipboard Task Pane. ‘Shows the Font tab of the Format Cells dialog box. Shows the Number tab of the Format Cells dialog box. Decreases font Size. Increases the font size. ‘Changes the font face. Font Color ‘Shows the Alignment tab of the Format Cells dialog box. Copies as picture. Copies the selected cells, Line style Draw Border Top and Bottom Border Thick Box Border Apples the outline border to the selected cells, Right Border Top Border Bottom Border Removes the outline border from the selected calls. More Borders Left Border More Border Colors Line Color Thick Bottom Border Draw Border Grid Erase Border Top and Bottom Border Top and Thick Bottom Border. Bottom Double Border All Borders baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 257082015 Al HAT AIAN Al HAM AHAB AIH AHS AH 3, Alt H,3,D ALT Aly ,S All EP Al EUR AIL ELQ,5: AIL EL, ALEC Al EA ALAX ALAW.T AAW, ARAW,6 ALAN ALA, R ALAN ALAUU ALA UC ANAT ALAS. AILA,S,0 AILAS A ALARS ALAR R ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Aligns text to the top of the cell Changes currency format for the selected cell. ‘Aligns text so that itis centered between the top and bottom of the cell ‘Aligns text to the bottom of the cell, Increases the margin between the border and the text in the cell Decreases the margin between the border and the textin the cell. Applies or removes undertining. Double underlines the selected text. CCustomizes language, display, and other program settings. save Displays the Print dialog box. Info (Manage Versions) Info (Properties) Info (Show All Properties) ‘loses the selected workbook window. Displays the Save As dialog box. Connects to an external data source, Data Table Scenario Manager Goal Seek Prevent invalid data from being entered into a cell. lear Validation Circles, Circle Invalid bata Ungroups a range of cells that were previously grouped, lear Outline Apples a data fer Sort- Shows the Sort dialog box to sort data based on several criteria at once, Sorts the selection so that the highest values are at the top of the colurnn. Sorts the selection so that lowest values are atthe top ofthe column, Refresh Status Refresh - Gets the latest data from the source connected to the active cel baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 257082015 ALA, RO. ALAR, C ALARA ALA AILAP ANA ALAN alt, M AL ALL ALAK ALAS ALAH AILAG.G ALAGA Al ALF. ALART ALARO ALARA ALAS ALAC AltA al 4,9 Alt Ho AHA ALAC ALHAR Alt HL HN (Cre Shite, ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Connection Properties Cancels refresh. Refresh all- Updates all the information that is coming from a data source. ‘Advanced - Specifies complex criteria to Imit which records are included in the result setof a query. Specify how cells connected to a data source will update, what contents from the source willbe displayed, andi how changes in the number of rows or columns in the data source will be handled in the workbook Displays al data connections for the workbook. Consolidate - Combines values frorn multiple ranges inte one new range. Delete duplicate rows from a sheet. Yau can specify which columns should be checked for duplicate information, - Data > Data Tools > Remove Duplicates Group and Outline Settings - Shows the Outline dialog box Displays all ofthe other files this spreadsheet linked to. Show Detail -Expands a collapsed group of cells Hide Detail- Collapses a group of ces, Group -Ties a range of cells together so that they can be collapsed or expanded, ‘Auto Outline Imports data from a Web page. Import data trom a textile Irnports data trom other data sources. Import data trom a Micrasoft Access database. Separates the contents of ane Excel callinto separate colurans. Clears the filter and sorts state forthe current range of data Subtotal Totals several rows of related data together by automatically inserting. subtotals and totals for the selected cells, Shows fewer decimal places, Shows more decimal places for a more precise value Applies align left Applies align center, Applies align right, Removes cell shading, Apples a data filter. baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 257082015 Alter? alters Ctrlsshiftro rls CCrleshinr3 cera shinee shite cle Cur>Minus- Numblock Ctr-Minus Crleshit: Crl+Plus-Numblock cuz, Curley certex cotew cirtearey cere Ctr shireu cere ces cles. cul, crsshirter cers Crteshitt+o. cro ‘Excel 2019 Shortcuts. KeyRocket Sheet Database Displays the Save As dialog box. Closes Sxcel Unhices ary hidden columns within the selection Enters the currant date Displays the Create Name from Selection dialog box. Displays the Name Manager dialog box. Repeats the last Find action (after the Find Windows s closed) Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, withthe Find tab selected ‘Alternates between displaying cell values and displaying formulas in the worksheet. Deletes the selected cells. Deletes the selected cells. Enters the current time, Displays the Insert dialog box to insert blank cells Uses the Undo command to reverse the last command ar to delete the last entry that you typed Redoes the last command or action, if possible (after itwas undone) Cuts the seleced cals Closes the selected workbook window. Displays the Paste Special dialog box. Paste - Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point and replaces any selection, Switches besween expanding and collapsing ofthe formula bar Applies or removes underlining Displays the Create Table dialog box. Saves the active fle with its current file name, location, and file format. Uses the Fil Right command to copy the contents and format ofthe leftmost cell of selected range into the cells tothe right ‘Shows the Font tab of the Format Cells dialog box. Displays the Print dialog box. Selects al cells that contain comments. Displays the Open dialog box to open or find a fle. baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 23 257082015 ctrl Ctrl celek Ceol cots cules CertshiteeF cere creep cule cure. Crl+shiftrs crea cirbo curb ceria curls cos cinta cena cea cute shiftTab Tab Ctrl Shift'Spacebar Shift+Spacebar Ctrl+Spacebar CtrleShitrPage-Up ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Creates a new, blank workbook: Displays the Create Table dialog box. Creates a link to a Web page, a picture, an e-mail address, or a program. Apples or removes italic formatting. Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, wit the Replace tab selected, Displays the Go To dialog box. ‘Shows the Font tab of the Forrnat Cells dialog box. Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Find tab selected, Copies the value from the cell above the active cellinto the cell or the Formula Bar. Copies the selected cells. Applies or removes bold formatting, Inserts the argument names and parentheses when the insertion point isto the right ofa function name in a formu. Selects the entire worksheet. Ifthe worksheet contsins data, Ctrl+A selects the current, retion Hides the selected columns. Hides the selected rows Displays or hides the outine symbols Alternates between hiding and displaying objects Applies or removes strikethrough. Aapies oF removes underlining Agplies or removes italic formatting Anplies or removes bold formating hows the Fornat Cells dalg box. Moves to the previous celina worksheet or the previous option ina dialog box. Moves one cello the right in a worksheet, Moves between unlocked cells in a protected worksheet, Moves to the next option or option group in a dialog box. Selects the entire worksheet. Ifthe worksheet contains data, CrI+A selects the current region. Selects an entire row in a worksheet. Selects an entire column in a worksheet. Selects the current and previous sheet in a workbook. baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 257082015 cibyPage-Up AltePage-Up Page-Up CtrtshittePage- Down ctrtsPage-Down ‘AltsPage-Down Page-Down ustsshit+Home CtetsHome Home Shift'Enter CctrlEnter AlteEnter CtrlsshittrAcrow. Right CtrleshiftrAcrow. Down Ctr ShifttArromup, Shift+Arrow-Let Shift+Acrow-Right ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Moves to the previous sheet in a workbook Moves one screen to the left in a worksheet Moves one screen up in a worksheet Selects the current and next sheet in 2 workbook. Moves tothe next sheet in a workbook. Moves one screen to the right in a worksheet. Moves one screen down in a worksheet. Extends the selection of cells tothe beginning ofthe worksheet Moves tothe beginning of a worksheet. Moves to the beginning of a row in a worksheet, Moves to the cell n the upper-left corner of the window when SCROLL LOCK is turned on, Selects the first command on. the menu when a menu or submenu is visible. Cancels an entry in the cell or Formula Bar. Clases an open menu or submenu, dialog box, or message window, It also closes full screen mode when this mode has been applied, and returns to normal screen mode to display the ribbon and status bar again Completes a cell entry and selects the cell above Fils the selected cell range with the current entry. Starts 2 new tine it Completes a cell entry fromthe cell or the Formula Bar, and selects the cell Below (oy default) In a data farm, it moves tothe first field in the next record. Opens a selected menu (press F10 to activate the menu bar) or performs the action for a selected cornmand, In a dialog box, it perforrns the action for the default command button in the dialog box (the button with the bold outline, often the OK button). Extends the selection of cells to the last nonblank cel in the same columa or row as the active cell or ifthe next cellis blank, extends the selection to the next nanblank Extends the selection of cells to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell or ifthe next cellis blank, extends the selection to the next nanblank call Extends the selection of ces to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell or ifthe next celis blank, extends the selection to the next nanbblank call Extends the selection of the cells by one cell left Extends the selection of the cells by one cell right. baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 257082015 Shift+Acrow-Down ShiftsAerow-Up CerteArrowtett Certearrow-Right CestsAerow-Down CteteAerow-Lp ‘Arrow-Down Arrow-Up Arrowleaf Arrow-Right Fi2 AFIT Shitsett Fi curser Fito cerse9 CtrlsAlteshittsF9 Crlealters Shifts Fo Altes curses ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Extends the selection of the cells y one cell down Extends the selection of the cells by one cell up. Moves to the left corner of the current data region in a worksheet. Moves to the right corner of che current data region in a worksheet. Moves to the bottom of the current data region in a worksheet. Moves to the top of the current data region in a worksheet. Moves one cell down in a worksheet. Selects the next command when a menu or submenu is open, Moves one cell up in a worksheet, Selects the previous command when a menu or submenu is apen, When 2 ribbon tab is selected, the key navigates up the tab grove, Moves one cellleft in a worksheet, Selects the tab to the left when the ribbon is selected, When @ submenu is open or selected, the arrow key switches between the main menu and the submenu, When a ribbon tab is selected, the key navigates the tab buttons. Moves one cell right in a worksheet, Selects the tab to the right when the ribbon is selected. Wren a submenu is open or selected, the arrow key switches between the main menu and the submenu, When @ ribbon tab is selected, the key navigates the tab buttons, Displays the Save As dialog box. ‘Opens the Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Editor, in which you can create a macro by using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA. Inserts a new worksheet, Creates a chart of the data in the current range in a separate Chart sheet. Maximizes or restores the selected workbook window. Turns key tips on or off. (Pressing ALT does the sarne thing) Minimizes a workbook window to an icon, Rechecks dependent formulas, and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated, Calculates all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last caleulation Calculates the active worksheet. Calculates al worksheets in all open workbooks. Displays the Macro dialog box to create run et or delete a macro. Performs the Size command (on the Control menu for the workbook window) when workbook is not maximized. baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 1023 257082015 Shifts Fa cere? ca cures Shiters Fs certs: Fs cera Fa Shifts Fa cee shittsF2 Fa Alteshifeee1 Ale cls A Ctrleshittrs Ctrleshiteet crleshiter2 ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Enables you to add a nonadjacent cell or range ta a selection of cel by using the arrow kays. Turns extend mode on or off. n extend mode, Extended Selection appears in the status line, and the arrow keys extend the selection. Performs the Mave command on the workbook window when itis nat maximized, Displays the Spelling dialog box to check spelling n the active worksheet or selected range ‘Switches to the next workbook window when more than ane workbook window is open Switches berween the worksheet, Zoom controls, task pane, and ribbon, ‘Switches between the worksheet, ribbon, task pane, and Zoom controls. In a worksheet that has been split View menu, Manage This Window, Freeze Panes, Split ‘window command), F6 includes the split panes when switching between panes and the ribbon area, Restores the window size of the selected workbook window. Displays the Go To dialog box. ‘loses the selected workbook window. Repeats the last command or action, if possible. Displays the Insert Function dialog box. Displays the Paste Name ialog box. Available only if there are existing names in the workbook. Displays the Print dialog box. ‘Adds or edits a cell comment. Edits the active cell and positions the insertion point at the end of the cell contents. t also moves the insertion point into the Formula Bar when eaiting ina cellis turned off Inserts a new worksheet. Insert a column chart, Column charts are used to compare values across categories, Displays or hides the ribbon Displays the Excel Help task pare. Selects the current region around the active cell (the data area enclosed by blank rows, and blank columns) In a PivotTable, it selects the entire PivotTable report. ‘Applies the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign () for negative values. ‘Applies the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM. baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! we8 257082015 rls shite3 Ctr shits crleshiress creshireea ccrteshirte* Crlsshifteminus culsshifie? cirtsshiftes ANN, S60 ALN, SSF AlN, ALN, SL AILN,S,0 ALN, SW ARNT AlL,N,U. AN W ANP, ALA. AIL PLALA,C ALL PAAG AL PAAH ALPAAL Al PL AA.M AL PAAP AL PAAR ALPAAS ALL PAAT Alt AAV xc 2019 Shorts -KeyRocket Sart Database Applies the Date format with the day, month, and year. ‘Applies the Scientific number format with two decimal places. Aaplis the Percentage format with no decimal laces Applies the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers in parentheses). Applies the General number format. Removes the outline border fram the selected cells Applies the outline border tothe selected cells Unhides any hidden rows within the selection. Inserts a picture of part ofthe screen into the file Inserts a slicer to filter data interactively, Slicers make it faster and easier to flter PivotTables and cube functions, Inserts ready-made shapes, such as rectangles and circles, arrows, lines, flowchart symbols, and callouts, Inserts a ine chart within a single cell. Inserts a column chart within a single cel Inserts a winvloss chart within a single cel Displays the Create Table dialog box. Inserts characters that are not on your keyboard, such as copyright symbols, tradernark symbols, paragraph marks, and Unicode characters. Inserts decorative text in your document, Aligns text tothe bottom of the cell Apples align center, Displays the Ines between rows and columns in the sheet to make editing and reading easier. Distribute Horizontally Applies align lef. Aligns text so that it is centered between the top and bottom of the cell ‘snap to Grid Applies align right, ‘Snap to Shape ‘Aligns text to the top of the cell Distribute Vertically baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 1228 257082015 Aly PAE, B Alt, P, AE, K Alt, PA, F Alt, PLA, E.R Al PAG, ALP, A, 6, Alt, P,A,G,U AIL PAP Alt PLAY, M Al PBA Alt 8,1 APB, ALG APH AP, Al BM AILP,RC Alt 2 BS Al 5,0 Al, 5, P AIL P,S,2, ALL PLT ALLP.TE AL PLT AI PLTHLA, AIL PLT HB A PW APL. A, RA ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Sends the selected object backward so that itis hidden by the objects that are in front ofit. Sends the selected object behind all other objects. Brings the selected object forward so that itis hidden by fewer abjects that are in front of it. Brings the selected object in frant of all ather objects so that no part o ts hidden behind another abject. Regroup Joins two or more selected objects together so they will be treated as one object, Breaks a set of grouped objects back into individual object Displays the Selection Pane to help select individual objects and to change their order and visibility More Rotation Options Resets All Page Breaks. Insert Page Break Remove Page Break Sets an image to display 3s the background of the sheet Shrinks the height of printed output to fit a maximum number of pages. ‘Sets rows and columns to repeat on each printed page Selects the margin sizes for the entre docurnent or the current section. Clear Print Area Set Print Area Displays the Sheet tab ofthe Page Setup dialog box. Displays the Page tab of the Page Setup dialog box. Choose a paper size forthe current section. ‘Changes the colors for the current theme. ‘Changes the effects for the current theme. ‘Changes the fonts for the current theme. Save Current Theme Browse for Themes Shrinks the width of printed output to fit maximum number of pages. Stretches or shrinks the printed output toa percentage ofits actual size. Displays all comments in the sheet. baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 1923 257082015 ALR, AR, D AIRE Alt RG, Alt R GH Al RH Al Rt alt 8 Alt RN Al RO Alt, P,S AR, P,W AI, RR At RS Al, RU AL RV AL, W AILWA AW, 8 Al W,C AWG AWW H AW. AW.) AILW.K ALL Alt, W,M, ‘Excel 2019 Shortcuts. KeyRocket Sheet Database ‘Adds 8 comment about tne selection Deletes the selected cornment. Suggests other words with a similar meaning to the word you have selected AcceptiReject Changes Highlight Changes Displays or hides the comment attached tothe selected cel Displays or hides ary ink annotations on the sheet. Translates selected tex into a sifferentlanguage. ‘Adds @ comment about tre selection Shares the workbook and protects it with @ password atthe same time. Prevents unwanted changes to the data in a sheet by specifying what information can be changed. Prevents unwanted changes to the structure of the workbook, such as moving, deleting, or adding shee ‘Opens the Research Task Pane to search through reference materials, such as letionaries, encyclopedias, and translation services. Checks the spelling of text Allows specific people to edit ranges of cells in a protected workbook or sheet. Selects the previous comment in the sheet. Prevents unwanted changes to the structure of the workbook, such as moving, deleting, or adding shes. Tiles all open program windows side-by-side on the screen, Displays two worksheets side-by-side so that you can compare their contents, Saves a set of display and prints settings as a custom view. Zooms the worksheet so that the currently sele range of cals fils the entire window. Hides the current window so thatit cannot be seen Displays a preview of where pages will break when this document is arnted Zooms the dacumentto 100% of the normal size Saves the currentlayout of all windows as a workspace so that it can be restored later. Displays the decurnent in Normal view Records a macro. Each of the commands you perform will be saved into the macro so that you can play them back again. baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! wes 257082015 Al W,M, U ALW.MV Alt, W,N AW P alyw,@ AILW,R AW AW, U AIWF Alt, WV, G At, WV H AIL W,V, 5 Al, WW ALAA AlteShife+Arrowe Right AltsshitwarcowrLeft LAY. 3 ALE HS Al FP. AIL E.PLX. Alt E.PLW ALLELE? AIL EB ALF EC AMF, O,R AILEY Alt Hy Alt, Hy ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Uses relative references so that macros are recorded with actions relative tothe intial selected cel Displays the Macro dialog box to create run elt, or delete a macro. ‘Opens a new window containing a view of the current docurnent. Displays the document as it wil appear on the printed page. Displays the Zoom dialog box to specify the 200m level ofthe document Displays the rulers, used to measure and line up objects inthe document, Reset the window postion of the dacuments being compared side-by-side so that they share the ser n equally Unhides any windows hidden by the Hide Window feature, Displays the forrrula bar, in which you can enter text and formulas into cells. Displays the lines between rows and columns in the sheet to make editing and reading easier. Displays row and column headings. Synchronizes the scrolling of two documents so that they scroll together. Switches to a diferent currently open window. Creates or edit relationships between tables to show related data from different tables on the same report. Group Ties a range of cells together so that they can be collapsed or expanded, Ungroups a range of calls that were previously grouped. Reapplies the flter and sort in the current range. Share (Invite People) - File» Share > Invite People Print Preview (Next Page) Print (Show Margins) Print oom to Page) Export (Create POFIKPS Document) Export (Browser View Options) Export (Change File Type) ‘Open (Recent Workbooks) Account Dialog Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, withthe Find tab selected Searches for text you would lke to change, and replaces itwith something else baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 1823 257082015 AL H,E,D,G AH E, 0,5: ANLH,E,D,U Al H,£,0, M All H,£,0,¢ alt 4... Al HF, QU Al H,F,Q,D AILHLE QM alt HH. AHL AHL AHL AH, LS AHL AHL HL, AHH Alt HLH AN ALHLT AILHLS: AIH, L 5, Mi Alt HU AIH LLM Al LN ALHLGS AHL GE ALHLGT ALHLGP AI HLLR ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Displays the Go To dialog box Go To Special Find & Select Formulas Find Comments Find & Select Conditional Formatting Find & Select Data Validation Rotate Text Up Rotate Text Down Shows the Alignment tab ofthe Format Cells dialog box. More Colors Displays the Insert dialog box to insert blank cll Insert Sheet Rows Insert columns Inserts a new worksheet. Highlight cell ules: greater than (Conditional formatting) Highlight cll ules ess than (Conditional formatting) Highlights cell ules: between (Consitional forrnatting) Highlight cll ules: equal to (Conditional formatting) Highlight cll eles: text that contains (Conditional formatting) Applies a color gradient to a range of cells. The color indicates where each cellvalue falls within that range. Applies a color gradient to a range of cells. The color indicates where each cell value falls within that range Chooses a set of icons to represent the values in the selected cells, Icon Sets More Rules New rule (Conditional formatting) Clears rules from selected cll Clears rules from entre sheet Clears rules from this table Clears rues rom this PivetTable Creates, edits, deletes, and views all conditional formatting rules in the workbook by using the Conditional matting Rules Manager. baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 1623 257082015 AIL HAT, A, PV, crlsshintEnd ctrsénd Delete Backspace Ctrl+shittrAccow-Left Al BP, Al PH al PVH cirtealet Al FNS AILEY 1B AILEY LE AILEY, 1. AILEY IR Ctslsshitt Alt, HO, H Aly HO,A Alt H.W. Alt H,0,1 Alt, H,0,D ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Now Table Style Displays the lines between rows and columns in the sheet to make editing and reading easier. Extends the selection of cells to the last used cell on the worksheet (lower-right corner). Ifthe cursor's in the formula bar, CTRL*SHIFTSEND selects all text in the formula bar from the cursor position to the endthis does not affect the height of the formula bar Moves to the last cellon a worksheet, to the lowest used row of the rightmost used column. I the cursor isin the formula bar, CTRL+END moves the cursor to the end of the text Turns End mode on. In End mode, you can then press an arrow key to move next nonblank cellin the same column or row as the active cel. f the cells are blank, pressing END followed by an arrow key moves to the lastcelin the row or column. END also selects the last command on the menu when @ menu or submenu is visible Clears the content of selectes cells I editing text del lone character to the righ Edits the active cell and then clears it, or deletes the preceding character in the active cell as you edit cell conte Extends the selection of cells to the last nonblank cel in the same columa or row as the active cell or ifthe next cellis blank, extends the selection to the next nonblank cel. Prints the lines between rows and columns inthe sheet ta make reading easer. Prints row and column headings. Displays column headings and row numbers. Reapplies the fter and sort in the current range. Search online templates office Background Removes your account Add 2 service Update Options Displays the Insert dialog box to insert blank cll. Row height ‘AutoFit Row Height CColurnn With ‘AutoFit Column Widtn Default Width baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! ies 257082015 Alt, H, 0, U,R Alt,H,0,U,¢ AlLH,0,U,S AltLH,0,U,0 AIL H.0,U,L AIL H,0,ULH AILW.S Cctrleshiftt CctoleShit alte: AR HLEGM Certeaers Altes Alt EX Alt FIL AIL ELA AIL ELC Alt Fl? Alt FL PF alte= AILHULA AILHLU,C A HUM AWHAU, | AIH U,F ANE HLE Al F,0, K All, F,0,.€ ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Hides the selected rows. Hides the selected columns. Hide Sheet Unhides any hidden rows within the selection Unhides any hidden columns within the selection Unhide Sheet Splist the window into muiple resizable panes containing views of your worksheet, Select al cells directly or indirectly referenced by formulas in the selection. Select cells that contain formulas that directly or indirectly reference the active cell. Select the visible cells in the current selection More Font Colors Refresh all - Updates al the information that is coming from a data source. Refresh - Gets the latest data from the source connected to the active cel loses Excel Inspect Document - check the workbook for hidden properties or personal information. - Check for Issues > Inspect Document check Accessibilty - Check the workbook for content that people with disabilities might find dificult to read. - Check for Issues > Check Accessibilty check Campatibiliy - check for features not supported by earlier versions of Excel Check for Issues > Check Compatibility Encrypt with Password - Require a password to open this workbook. - Protect Workbook > Encrypt with Password Mark as Final - Let readers know the workbook is final and make it read-only. - Protect Workbook > Mark as Final Insert an AutoSurn function. Inserts an Average function Inserts @ Count function. Inserts @ Maximum function. Inserts a Minimum function Shows the Insert function dialog. Send using email (as attachment) Open (SkyDrive) ‘Open (Computer) baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 123 ane2015 ALE, OA Al EN Al P,P Al EP, N AIL, ad AIL EPA Al PH AIL Ld AIL FPLC AEP, ALE AF, BM AFLP, ALE, PG Al HD, 0. Alt, HF, D,P Al H, 61D Alt, Fol AIH EU ARH ELL AIL HELA ARLHS Alt HF, AIL HL, Al H, =,0 Alt, H,£,Q, ANH. Q.V Alt HL HAA, ‘Excel 2019 Shortcuts. KeyRocket Sheet Database ‘Open (Add a place) Blank workbook Print Print Copies) Print (Which Printer) nly prints the active sheets. Print From Pages Printto Page Collation / Uncolation Print Orientation) Print Page Size) Print (Margins) Prints sheets a their acual size Checks 01 he ful set of page formatting options. Selects objects including ink, shapes, and text areas. this is especially useful when working with objects that are behind the text Displays the Selection Pane ta help select individual objects and to change their order and visibility Copies the value from the cell above the active cellinto the cell or the Formula Bar. Uses the Fill Right command to copy the contents and format ofthe leftmost cell of a selected range into the cells tothe right FillUp. FillLeft Fill Across Worksheets Fill Series Filljustify ‘Automatically fil n values. Enter a couple of examples you want as output and keep the active cellin the column you want filled in ‘Angle Counterclockwise Angle Clockwise Vertical Text Highlight cell rules: a date occurring (Conditional formatting) baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 1923 257082015 Al HLH. Alt, HLH, M AIHA TT ANH ANH T.B ANHLLT.0 Al HLTA Al HLT. alt, HLT, M Alt H,L,D At HLM ANHLTP AHLU,S All HM, Alt HMA Alt, HM, at Aly HM,U Al H.S,5 AILH.S.0 AIL H.S,U AILHLS.E Alt HS. ALHSY Alt, HV, P Alt, HV, F YY ‘Excel 2013 Shortcuts - KeyRocket Shortt Database Highlight cell rules: duplicate values (Conditional formatting) Highlight cell rules: more rules (Conditional formatting) Top-bottor rules: Top 10 items (Conditional formatting) Top-bottom rules: Top 10% (Condional formatting) Top-bottom rules: Bottom 10 items (Conditional formatting) Top-bottom rules: Bottom 10% (Conditional formatting) Top-bottom rules: Above Average (Conditional formatting) Top-bottom rules: Below Average (Conditional formatting) Top-bottor rules: More Rules (Conditional formatting) ‘Adds a colored data bar to represent the value in a cell, The higher the value, the longer the bar. Data Bars More New PivotTable Style Displays the sum of the selectes cells directly after the selected cells. Combine and center the contents of the selected cells in a new larger cell Merges each row of the selected cells into a larger cell. Merge the selected cells into one cel Splits the current cell into multiple cell Sorts the selection so that the lowest values are at the top of the calumn. Sorts the selection so that the highest values are atthe top of the column, Sort- Shows the Sort dialog box to sort data based on several criteria at once, Applies a data filer, Clears the fiter and sorts state for the current range of data Reapplies the fier and sort in the current range. Paste - Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point and replaces ary selection, Pastes formulas. Products Shop Com) baipstwarw.veotn comeyrockevexcel-2012 shortcuts! 202s

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