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98. Under which of the following circumstances an employee of your organization ean be placed under suspension by the competent authority” 11) Ir the disciplinary proceeding 1s comem!: 1 activities prejul (2) [employee ix engaged (3) Hla case against criminal offence under invest Allthese 9. For the purpose af ransfers of employees of your organization, the Assistant Commissioner of the ¥ jon will dctermine number of persons in surplus and vacancies for each Vidyalaya uf the region by ; (1) 15 September 2) 15 Detwber (3) 15 November (4 15 December, eee (0) Two years 2) Thee years) Fouryeus (3) Five years x all male teachenvofficery and non-teud stall of the Vidyalaya in the rank of 101. One tenure posting oF superintendent and above is mandatory before they complete yeurs of a : (ys (2) @) 35 aan 4 ee 102, Under the provisions of the RT] Act 20005, any citizen may request information froma “public authority* E which is required to reply expeditiously or within days, ay is 0 as Gio 10.) The Right to Information Act (RT1) 2005 applies to all States end Union Territories ef India execpt for a (1) Arunachal Pradesh (2) Sikkim (3) Meghalaya (4) Jammu & Kashmir ee” 104. Information concerning cortuplion and Human Rights violations by security agencies under RTL Act 2003. is 1 be provided wilhin hours if fife or liberty of any person is involved, ii ay 24 @) 72 (a) 96 i’ 195.) Transport allowance payadle t© an employee of your organization will not be admissible to employees uring absence from duty exceeding days in a ealendar month. a (20 15 30 4) 1D ae i 106. What is the maximum financial timit at the school level for expenditure out of Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi for engagement Of part-time teachers un Cuntact basis ital yew? ¥ (dy & One Lakh (2) © Two Lakh Q) BThee Lakh (4) © Four Lakh et Code-36/E 27 TOR 109. 1, 13. 4, Ls, Principal of a Vidy to maximum of, aya can sunetion expenditure out of Vidyalaya Vikis Nidhi on one cecasion subject (1) % 20 thousand, (21% 25 thousand, (By 730 thousand, (4) 35 theusand, eal ue Fach Vidyalaya is to prepare a statement of receipt and expenditur and submit to the regional oftice respect of Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi (1) tl yearty (2) once in four months. (3) wy No extension is to be granted t9 an employee of your organization beyond the age of neely (4) annually (1),62 years, (2), 63 years, (3) 64 years (4) 65 years No employee of your organization can be granted leave of any kind for a continions pecied exceedin (1) v0 years. (2) three years ) four years (4) five years, The services of a teacher of your organization superannuating on or after Mf November can he retained ‘on re-employment ters up io ‘oF the follow ing year on academic grounds. (1) 31 Jonuary (2) 81 March (3) 30 April (4) 31 May - yw Under which of the following geoundis) your organization may transfer an employee of the Vidyalaya from one pesto anuther? (1) Inefficiency oF mishetiaviour: 48) On his writen ts (3) tn public meres. (2) All these ee The admissible transit time to an employee of your ergunization posted to Port Blair i the actual time taken by the steamer from Kolkata/Chennai/Vishatkhapatnam subject toa maximum ef days. ye (4) ten noo items concurrence of Chai For purchase of proprie! aan Vidyalaya Management Commitee is to be pa ir ete Male ries a an th %15,000 (2) 220,000, Oy % 25.000 (4) F 30.000 we ily F 10000 12) 215,000 (4) % 25,000 uw Code-36/E a 29 a pote * Xow e300 Q) 116. As per the revised fee structure of Vidyalayas, is to be charged per month per student who ept for Computer Science as an elective subject at 10-2 stage, ay B20 (2) @30 @) B40 (ay 50 ee 117. Which of the following ivare the duties of «Principal of « Vidyalaya concerning accounts? (1) Keep money in safe custody, (2) Ensure double lock, (3) Ensure cash books are n tained properly. 4y-All these ee ee N18. For the purpose of operating the Vidyalaya Bank Account, the Principal of the Vie allowed to sign the cheques for withdrawals not exceeding calendar month, 5.004) 3) & 7500 () F10000 aya may be uw Re 119, "Principal of your organization is to physically verify the actual cash balanee in hand as per the cash book of the Vidyalaya (1) once a week, (2) once a fortnight, (3) once a mom 4) both once a week and end of each month. 8 120. ‘The cash book pertaining to a Vidyalaya is to be ept in the custody of the after the work for the day i ove. (1) Chairman (2) Principal (3) Vice Principal (4) Cashier we 1217 For the purpose of payment of claims in a Vidyalaya, all receipts for sums exceeding —__ must be stamped in accordance with Lne ‘Stamps Act. iy 2250 (a F400 (3), % 500 (4) ©750 L 122. Which of the following are essential requirements while ex: made to the school before making the payment? ining 2 bill for claim against supplies (1) Goods received are as per supply onder (2) Items received in good condition, 3) Correctness of taxes chargec (4)-All thes: (3) Correctness of taxes charged, A these So 123. All pans orders and pay orders pertaining 1 bills submitted toa Vidyalaya are to be signed in full by the ink hefore payment is affected. (1) Chairman Vidyalaya Mgmt Committee) Principat (3) Vice Principal (4) Cashier 24. Principal of a Vidyalaya is to personally undertake a physical verification of important items of the stock register costing more than. and attest them. (ly 7250 2) Bs00 QO) F750 (4) 1000 we Code-36/E 31 15, 126, 177, 128 124, 10. 134, ‘The payment to the Vidyalaya cmployees can be made in cash provided there is no nationalized bank ‘vithina radius of —— kms fom the Vidyalaya 1) two (2) three: (Q) four (4) five uw ~ a Which of the following detil(s) In respect of a Vidyalaya employee is/are to be entered in his/her service book and itesed by te attesting officer? (1) Every period of leave, (2) Suspension from employment. £2) titerrupion inservice (4)-Aliuse 2 ee Service book of @ Vidyalaya employee is to be shown to himvher once in ____ and signature obtained, 7 (1) sin months (2) every year (3) two years (4) three years o Ifa Vidalya employee nants cenified copy of his sevice book, the same maybe supplied on payment ofacorying wear ay* 20 @ Z100 (3) @75 (4) &50 tes a Full pension is admissible to a Vidyalaya employee with a qualifying service of not less than ___ years. (130 2) 32 ‘aye 4) 35 — Family pens respect of u Vidyalaya employee ts admissible ata rate of of pay last drawn (1) 20% (2) 5& (3) 35% (4) 30% }) Advertisement in the newspaper is to be resorted to while making purchases it amount 0 or above ata time, (1) Zone lakh (2) Riso lakh QRihwee latin (4) ® four lakh & eo Purchases in respect of a Vidyalaya are to be carried cut by the Purchase Advisory Committee of the Vidyalaya forall purchases exceeding each. (1) 1,000 2,000 8) 3,000 (4) © 5.000 we = For the puspese of condemnation of store of all kinds in a Vidya: Vidyalaya Managervent Committee has full powers up to in ih 225.000 (2) %35,000 the executive committee of (4) 275,000 For meeting petty cash payments relating to the utilisation of Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi fond, a permanent ‘cash imprest not exceeding __may be kept by the Principal of the Vidyalaya, «hy 2a.c00. F500 tay T7500 (4) % 10,000 ee" Code-36/E 33 135, Be. 17. 138, La 12. A Central Gowernment servant may be granted casual leave of not more than year. «10 Qs. Qi 4 days in a calendar we Central Government Servants ray accumulate cumed leave subject w umaximumof_____ days, (1) 240, (2) 270 (3) 300 (4) 360, i Half pay leave may be granted to a Central Government servant up (0a maximum of _____days in the cite rege 1) 240 180 (3) 120 (4) 150 v ‘Central Government servants are permitted to avail study leave for the purpose of higher or special studies for a maximum period of months (ye eis (2 30 @ 36 ha ‘Commuted leave up to a maximum of ___ days may be granted to a Central Government servant ‘without medical certificate in continuation of maternity leave. 30 @y 4s ao 4) 90 Ww A femule Central Government servant with less than two surviving children nay be granted Child Adoption Leave for a perivd of days. (60 2) 90 3) 120 (4) 180 NA Which one of the flowing groups oF Conal Govemace employees s exempted om ‘ushing [nts an popes! ole Tome eculomoe Gcoplipenee (1) Group.A (2) Group B (3) Group D (4) Group C Ax Se Na permission is necessary for a Central Government servart under CCS (Conduct) Rules for which of the Following sesivities? (1) Editing of newspaper. (2) Management of a newspaper: (3) Editing of a periodical publication, a & 3 Participating in Al nui Radio Programs, Code-a6/e 35 wi 142. Which of the following constitute(s) a “Gift) whieh is prohibited Under CCS (Conduct) Rules for 2 Central Government servant? (1) Five wansport (2) Boarding and lod: @) Lavish hospitality we All these Ne 144, |NoCentmal Government servant shall employ to work any child helow he age of a8 Qt 0) 16 ie WA 145,. Pretident af Tia isthe appotnting sathorty i espe OF which of the Following Groupt®) of poss of a lor COSCCA Retox 1065? Conteal Government servant (1) Group 4 and 8 Pr Grou a (3) Group A, Bund C (4) Group A,B, Cand D Ho.) Coutral Government servant who is under custody for more than ews for eriminal or other chavge is deemed tobe uner suspension (ya (2) 36 ay 48 (ay 72 ee RS IB ISS 6 Canpanmeens | (3) Reduetion to lower pest (4) Withholding of prometion. i 148. Which of the following is am orcker against which no appesit lies in respect oF a Central Government servant under CCS CCA Rules? (1) Order of Suspension. {\ Onder enhancing any penalty (2) Withholding pension. (4) Any order passed by an 10 in the course of Inquiry. XL 110, Which of the following actions may be taken by an Appellate Authority in respect of appeal aga penalty imposed o1 a Central Goverment servant? {IVS IU Ss es mn (3) Reduce penaliy. (DAI these : e 150. The Chairman of your organization / Board of Governors hay powers equal to those exercised by a of the Government of India, (Uy Seeretay (2) Aion Seowtry pie (4) Deputy Seerétary Wa Code-36/E 37 ENS en Please ue net ope this Questior Booklet until you are told Fill up the nevessary information in the squce prvi! ow the cover of the Question Booblt and tae Answer Shoei blir commencement of the tes. The union oF the text ie 2 hours 30 minutes. Tho 150 questions Please check Fer the completeness of the Question Buckle! inmedicely after opening. ach qustion bas four answer options marked (1). (2). nl (3 Ansoscrs ans to be mirksd mn the Ansiver Shei which i owed cpartely. Chowne the atest appropriate onion and uarken the oval ‘competely. coresponding 1 (1) (2k (3) or Gl against tbe evant question number Use only Blue Ballpoint Pen to darken the oval fo Plows a question, as scanner will read such marking as wrong fu disken snore than one val against any Once sm aval is darkened as answer te the question, i ‘cannt changed. All quoains There muking ry equal aks is no nogative Rough works Hany. 1s 4 be owe on tke Question Buvhler ‘oly. No separate sheet ill be provided/used for rough work. 13, Caleulator, Mobile, ot are not porns inside the examination hal 14, Candilats secking, roosiving and/or aiving astistince Code uring he test wal esque Apprapriae etil/eriminal procecuings. will be fastluved figdins he eardidate Laking oF auemoping (0 ake A {Queson Boh oF pL OF cuts the examiation hal LUusng ee west, esdes cane OF hiner candace “The sigh, ws eschule any questions) (oor final evaluation rests with the testing authority aller the Candidate may tke the Question Rooklet ceompiotion of tae tet Do not seek any claification on questions From the es silligils. Use yous best judge 40 36/E 0. Qa) ee as ary Se wee feemt ir iv saa Bea re eS on Te Fer ea are ET HL “Een A of 2 wud a0 fee 21 gait iso oot #1 Feegfere are # gan a ea Tee gh 4 ia a Fes # fg 1, 8) a A) ais fi cram & feo oat oor ae oe at saben ayaa Sa eR ean RE WoT FAT (1), 2DiARh7T 14) SESH aTosTaRA aT gE ES TL 24 a feu area wt aa aR ates Ba a i age fet ser Seer ee ¢ afew amergis oa °F, ifs cher am Frey si ee ze vy ee Ge ee SU aoage A aK oaR es aaa ad weil i aor sig #) aid seman star =A A) afte sar rod dav dee re eT St ea sre Fre id aan Auge ol ee en Tem! SARE TAT, A a eS RTE TA can der meres ea arses ar efi Bi aria ea Fea UT peer fren a eed Pret ea when een ate am Son waar rae ac ae STRAT SB afta fafa ardent at ana ste set ein at neti fe reared a ter ype A arte bor saben #1 ae &) dese een waa A Te Re-afereT Sm SF wer farm d fief fore re aia ortee @ orn a aati sre fists ay mate ath Directions (Questions 1-3 ext An edi af these questions, cheoae the ption that best captures the essence of the |. My auntand { had held many grave deliberations on the calling to which T should be devoted. But I had no particular liking that | could discover for anything. in the absence of any miraculous provision, » desire was to apply myself io some pursuit that would not lie too heavily upon her purse: and to do my duty init, whatever it might be (1) ‘The writer was not sure what he wanted to be in life and this kick of ambition Jed him to apply umself to fulfil his duty writers lack of umbition led him co apply himself in an endeavour that was no} (00 costly for his AF sunt and simultaneously Fulfilled his duty (A. The writer way sure of what he wanted to be in life and this led him to apply his spicity to an cendeasour (hat Fulilled his duty (4) The writer way not sure of what he wanted to be in fife and this tack of ambition led him to apply himself t0 sailing as it was a profitable profession, ‘Agnes sang with great sweetness and expression, and se did Mrs, Strong. There was blank berween her and Mr, Wickfield which separated them wholly from each other; secondly. that Mr, Wiekfield seemed todislike the intimacy between her and Agnes, and to watch it with uneasiness (1) ‘There was an emotional disconnect between Annie and Wickfield. and Wickf bonding between Anne and the writer ld disliked the \_K@vAnere was an emotional disconnect between Amie and WektIela, and Wield dtibed whe bonding between Anne and Agnes, (2) There was no emotional disconnect between Annie and Wickfield. and Wiekfield disliked the bonding between Anne and Agnes. (4) There was an emotional disconnect between Annié and Wickfleld, bur WickFicld liked the bonding between Anne and Agnes. 3. When the chamber-maid informed me that my shaving water was outside, T blushed in my bed. The suspicion that she laughed too, preyed upon my mind alll the time | was dressing: and gave me a Sneaking air when I passed her on the staircase, until [ was admonished! by the waiter that a gentleman was waiting tor me, (1) The mind of the writer is net occupied with the chambe: someone is waiting for him, Is flining with him and he forgets that (2) The mind of the writer is occupied with the chambermaid’s flirting: with him, (3) ‘The mind of the writer is oecupied with the chambermaid’s flirting with him to such an extent that fet ve (Are foigets that someone is waiting fer him, (4) The writer wants to flit with the chambermaid, wa Cade-36/8 2 Directions (Questions 4.5) paragraph, Choose the order of the sentences marked A. B.C. Dane E10 form « fogieel 4A They brought gifts to the babe in the anger. B» Being wise. their gifts were, no doubt, wise ones. The Magi were wise men, D_ They invented the art of giving Christmas presents, E They were wonderfully wise men, (1) ABCDE. (2) CDEAB (3) DEABC (4) CRADB / VP oe 5. A He was great heavy fellow from the Middle West, B He was oma flying visit t New York to fetch his wife. © Mrs Ramsay was a very preity litte thing. Ramsay was in the American Consular service E He was on his way back to resume his post {pase (2) DABCE () BCEAD (4) ABCED, Directions (Questions 6-8): fy each of these questions, choove the option which can be substituted for the given words, 6. A political leader who tries to stir up people. (1) Demagogue (2) Dictator (4) Martinet vw 7. Arname adopted by an author in his writings. (1) Title (2) Nomenclaure (Sy Atetoane () Pseudonym 8. Decision made upon a polit al question by the votes of all qualified persons. () Veio (2) Suffrage (3) Plebiscite (4) Franchise x Code-36/€ 3 5 9-11): Study the information helow to answer these questions. D, EF and G work at different places in India, ie. Kolkata, Dethi, Bengaluru Vadoura, Chennai, Hyderabad and Mumbai, not necessarily in that order, They work ot different branches of thiee organizations, ie., Anivali, Vinchyachal, and Gangoti. Noi more than three-and not less than two of them work in any organization. The one whe works at Bengaluru, does not work with Vindhyachat E* york at Vadodka and Gangotri has a branch at Bengaluru, © Works at Mums By works with Vindhysichal and is placed at Hyderabad, Dethisand °G" does not work at Vindhyachal. and is in the same organization as that of °C" { 2D! does nor work ® A" works at Chennai andl is in the same organization ay that of (E Aravali has a branch at Vadodra and Vindhy achat has three branches, ] 9. Which thive fiiendkicolleaguos work in the same organization? tpraED 2) FBG (3) EBD 1) GBD. “ 10, Who are working with the organization Gangouri? Wy ALE eG mer BE “ 11, “Fi works at whieh place? (1) Bengalune (2) Kotha Ls) iter Bengalory oF Kotata 2” Delhi 2 the wort PORTER 1) NOMNBZ ep Now (3) NBQMNZ ih NOBMNZ ee welled from a point X str Sir meties, then again tured right and walked 70 metres, Finally, he turned How fir is he From the starting port? i 12) 20 metws (2) 30 metres (4) TO metes ~ ie while 85% of the children ane literate. Ifthe ratio of the adults to on is literate? in he coded ats MBNZON, how can REPORT be written? WY aa distance of 80 mets, He turned right and walked ght and waked 50) meus, In acity. 20% of the adults are ili that of the children iy 23. thon what pecent of the popula | (20% [2 28% 1) 50% Code-36/t 5 (15), Inthe series 7, 14, 28, 0.4, what will be the 10! term? (1) 1793 (2) 2456 (By-3584_ (4) 4095 Vw Ge) In the question given below. the first two words (given in itales) have a definite relationship. Choose ‘one word out of the given four allernatives which will fill in the blank space and show the sime ‘elationship with the third word 2s between the first 10. Zine is 10 Galvanisetion as Nickel is to 11) Avera 12) Comorion (BBlesmplxing (4 Filament ~ 17. Thirty six identical enairy must be arranged in rows with the Same number of chairs in cael row, Each row must contain at feast three chur and there Must be atleast three (ows. A parallet te the Font of the room. How many different arrangements are possible? 2 a4 as Os (18) Geeta was asked © multiply a Gvo-digit rumber P by a three-digit number Q. But she mistakenly mulliplied P by the number Formed by writing the digits of Q in the reverse order, thereby getting nswer which is 22770 miore than the cortee! answer. What isthe minimum pessible sum of the digits of ” AC ays U7 ie, (GrCanmot beedetermined \a th. eer we 6L+ [bE +642 SE 7 19.) Three men, four women and six < children can complete a work ia seven days. A woman does double the work a man does and a child does half the work a man does. How many women alone can complete the work in 7 days? wy 8 mR (5) None ofthese raul = BAN (20) The contents in beckers A and B are 90 Fives of milk and 60 fires of water wexpectively. Now 30 fires of milk is taken from A and put into beaker B, After thoroughly mixing, 12 lites of the mixture is taken from B and pat into beaker A. What is the percentige of water in beaker A? htt 60 Cy 1s (2) 15.5% a) 175% ge ‘The average age of ull the students ofa class is 18 years. The average age of boys of the class is 20 yews and thal of the girls is 15 years. IF the number of girls in the class 8 20, then what is the number of boys | inthe class? ons oe ge on + / on go Xe = é code 3i/e 1 #e 3 ip er : ae le 22.) A boat travels upstieam from B 10 A and downstream fiom 0 Bin 3 hours. Ifthe speed oF the boat in still water is 9 knvhour and the speed of the current is 3 kri/hour. what isthe distance hetween A and B? Uy eke (thm oy Bkm éiy i : (1) 200m ©) 200 13) 290m (600 . vv 24.1 A cylindrical tub having radius of 12 dropped into the tub ind thus the leve -m contains water up (9 a depth of 20 em. A spherical iron ball is of water is mised by 6.75 em, The radius of the ball is (1) 6en. (2) 4.5 em, (3) 725m Br 9em, Le 25, The USA has named one of the mountains of Antaretica as “Mt Sina’ in the honour of which of the following Indian scientists? - CAE ANI K Sint 20 Akhouri Sinha (3) Ratan Xumar Sinta (4) None of these 26.) MrN Srinivasan became the _of International Cricket Couneil (ICC) in June 2014? “Cy Chairman 2) CEO (3) Director General (4) Secretary General — 27) Which nationalized bunk celebrated its 107" Foundation day in July 2014 AW Bank of Baroda (2) Bank of India 62) Indian Overseas Bank (4) Syndicate Bank 28.) Which frontline warship built at GRSE, Kolksta has been handed over to the Indian Navy in July 2014) Pe n of the former 29, The UIN Assembly declared as “Nelson Mandela International Day in recogni South African President's contribution to the culture of peace und freedom: AYA Auzus 2) tosune (3) O2Seprember 18 Jy uw * 30.) Which one of the following counties blocks WTO deal in July 2014 on food security insue as they teem Frame for fined rales on fooggiain procurement and welfare sehemes by Dezember 20147 iia (1) Australia (1) USA (2) China a vv Code-36/E 9 31.) While on a trip to 2 hill-station, one of your students misbehaves with a lady, you would U0) wet accept his fault ay you all are flow a vey reputed seioal (2) argue with lady and ask her 1o call the potice (Sy make your student apologies and say sorry to the lady. “(take all the students away from the seene immediately 30. Ma toucher sees children fighting on the roud, he/she should: (1) ignore the situation and go away (2) fell some people on the oad ro resolve the issue, «OY pacity them by giving them advice (4) ask the children to run away from the seene, 33) If whyn called, some parert/guardians ofthe student do not come to see the teacher, te teacher should wep chemiepecunteinnen uf) go and meet them. (3) nisi the student, (4) start ignoring the student. 34) A teacher fan become favourite among his students by (1) completing their syllabus on time, (2) he 1g them finish their home work. (3) telling them stories and humorous tales. (behaving with them ina sympathetic manner. Y | 35. Most effective way to change behaviour of students is (1) severe punishments. ©) evietion From home. (2) regutar awards. A714) good advice. wy 26.) Knowledge of psychology is considered essential for (1) understanding human behaviour. (2) resolving vi ious problems of life, Q) making life pleasant, these Code-36/E n (7. 40. al 42 \Which of the following fies is not covered by educational psychology’? (1) Process of adjustment. (2) Group dyna BY Evaluation of teachers and researchers in education (4) Philosophical basis of education L Educational psychology helps in (1) studying behaviour (2) developing new methods of teaching, (3) developing new theories of leamming by conducting experiments on animal and human PY All these Government of India hax recognized the strategic role of ICT in education, however, a technology remains low due to (1) Fimited access Yo computers. 2) high cost of imteenet, (3) erratic power supply in rural areas. Sr albthese: ~ National Program on Technology Enhanced Leaming |NPTEL) of the Ministry of HRD and supported: by the IITs and the Indian Institue af Sciences (IISc) was launched inthe year _—_ (2001 2) 2002 2) 2008 «2004 ~ £ The revived ICT in Schools Scheme lnunched by Goverament of India in the year 2010 aims to set up smart schiools atte district level in the country (1) 50, Q75 (3) 100 (4) 150° ea Under the Scheme “National Award for Teachers using ICT, for Innovation in Educetion™ awards have been instituted by Government of India for different states'UTs under Ministry of HRD. (ay $160) Pe (3) 71-80 (4) more than 90 Ww What are the main focus areas of the National Knowledge Commission, a high-level advisory boty 10 n stavidards? the Prime Minister of India for improving educ (1) Access to knowledge. (2) Knowledge creation, (3) Knowledge application and development. YAM these PA x Code 36/E B 4 4 ao, 48, 50. ‘Which year was the National School of Leadership (NSL1, the First leadership school of global standards focusing solely on leadership sciences in education set up in India? 1) 2006 12) 208 13) 2010 i 2012 ve Navonal mute of Techies Teachers Training ard Research 10 improve qualiy of Techs (1) Nag ur. (2) Bengaluru (3) Chundivarh 44) Hyderabad ae we ez The Annual Confidential Report (ACR) in respect of teacti ‘organization is to he completed by RO and sent to headquarters by and non-teaching stalin your (1) 31 March, (2) SL April 2 31 May, 4) 30 June. M7 All adverse entries in the Annual Confidential Reportsare (0 be communicated by the Reviewing Officer within ‘month(s! to the concerned employee. 4) wo (21 one (3) three 14) four or “ee eS The Executive Committee of your organisation fas powers to cover which of the following areats? (1) Audit objections (2) Discipline (3) Analysis of Results (AIAN those ce “The Executive Commiuce uf your erganisation is to mest as offen as necessary but in any ese nee in months. (1) two (2) three () four (A) six wy we ly your orzanisation, the scheme “Innovations and Experiments in Falucation™ gives awards to teachers from Seconduiry/Senior Secondly and Primary level evety year () five (2) seven gen (4) fifteen A person receiving “Innovations and Experiments in Education” award in & particular year will not be ible for cash prize in the neat subsequent years) (1) one (Awe (3) three, (4) four ous Govemment of India has recently approved opening of new Widyalayas of your organisation benefiting $4 thousand students during 12th Plan Period. aya yt O44 4 St we code-36/E a5 3 ee sf 55 ca MK (6. K 57. om 59, (60. ol Code-36/F 52 th classin the Vidyalaya of your organisation will For the purpose af fresh admissions, each section of have a maximum strenith of ‘Stuclents, «yao aw ods 14) 50 v 11 of your organisation is the minimum, ‘The upper aye limit for the purpose of admission in the Vidya tage limit for particular class + 2 years except for (1) Clays (2) Class (3) Class X (4) Clase XT a ie fess than ___ percent macky in aggregate in aelmission fest would not be eligible ‘our organisation, Candidates securins for admission im the Vidyalaya of y 44) 30 Bs 8) 40 (yas ‘The Principals of your organisition may admit children in Class XT over und above the class strength who have secured percent or more marks in class X exams imespective of their category/Boar. (1 68 0 Om (4) 80 w In the final result card the weightage for unit tests for Class VE onwards in the Vidyalaya of your rganisation wil be arrived al for marks. eon a) 30 (2) 20 a 40 woe Z The question papers for the Pre-Board Examinations for class X andl XIl ae prepared by the (2) headquarters of your organization, (1) concerned Vidyaiava of your org 3) Regional Office of your organisation. el SY Besional Ottiee of eanisat a) CBSE Ce ‘The Assistant Commissioner of your organisation is competent to condone the attendance of a student up wo to take the session-ending examination, ay 30 Me Gy S08 (4) 60% a v In the final assessment of a student in the Vidyalaya of your organisation based on total OF 10 marks. the session-ending examination weightage is for rhs. ay 20 (2130 (ay as (a) 40 oH Which among the following is not a scholastic subject for Classes VI 10 VIIT an the Vidyalaya oF your organisation’? (1) Sanskrit (2) General Science & Technology (3) Social Sciences EP Rit tedvestion Y xared by the NCERT are followed by the Vidyalayas ‘The exainination and courses of study syllabus pre of your organixation up to class ay. ov ea (4) X, gb FPP 2 Wyte AF ii and English medium are to be provided In the Vidy:tktya of your omganisation G2. Scparate classes for Hi from chises a) 10, (2) to VIL. (3) 1t0X, Elo xn o se 64. The Principal of your organisation can appoint professionals in career guidance and couselin: on part v time basis ata monthly payment of (5000. 2) 4000. (3) ©3000, (4) Toono. 65. The Regional Executive Committee of your organisations Sports Control Bourd iy t@ meet at east ina year (1) once tice (3) four times 4) oxice ie 66.) The entire expenditure on hiring a coach for preparing and coaching @ team for Vidyalaya of your ‘organisation is to be met from the (Q) Grants by Government of hd (2) Donations by interested persons (3) Midyalaya Vikas Nidhi (4) Contribution by students we 67 Alu yu nnn wn olin Na -Rocoseain—f Of India championship are awarded cash prize of «1 @ 4000, 2 50M (3) © 7000. (4) % 6000. 5 Re i i 68, Exch Vidyalaya of your organisation is to publish « Vidyalaya Patrika by the month of every P year. (1) Api (2) July (3) Sepiember (4) December ww i 69. What is the macimum number of books that ean be issued to a student of your Vidyalaya from the vidyalaya library at atime? a (2) Four (3) Three THO i 70. How many awards have been allocated to National Awards for Teachers of the Ministry of HRD? to your Vidyaliyas under the sel ay 10 ais GLb (4) 18 we 71, To implement the RTE Act 2009, the central government has agreed to share the funding for implementing the law in the ratio of _between the centre and the states. (O04 42) 501050. (Ey 81038 (4) 751025 72, The Minisity of HRD hay set up a high-level Min ‘National Advisory Council (NAC) for implementation of the RTE Act 2009. 16 a) 10 18 a Code-36/E 19 ——_-——rs — 73.) A teachers considered successful. if he/she (1) imparts subject Knowledge to students. 12) presents the subject matter in a well organized manner. (2) prepares students to pass the examinations. Lo help students secome beter citizens 74. Dynamic approach to teaching means AA heurning through activities (2) forceful and effective teaching, {@) teacher myst be energetic and dy (4) topics should be dynamic and not state, 75, Effectiveness of teaching depends on Z <7 teacher's personality. (AF subject understanding ofthe teacher. (2) qualifications of the teacher (4) handwriting of the teacher 76.) What shouldbe the muin objective of teuching? (1) Prepare studs (0 puss the examination. (2) To dictate good notes. {2) Provide equired information related to the subject. (4) Fe'develop thinking power of students i 57) Which of the following is not characteristic of a good question paper for an examination? (1) Relisbie

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