Case Study Odisha Works Department Manoranjan Mishra PDF

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3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 1

 Overview of the Present Sysytem
 Proposed System
 Invoice Generation

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 2

RFI-Why Exists?

1. During construction of works in a Project, the Contractor

needs to constantly inform the Engineer about his work plan.

2. This Information is passed in the form of ‘Request for

Inspection’ (RFI).

3. The Contractor raises several RFIs everyday & the Engineer

attends to them and closes them.

4. Thus presence of a RFI note streamlines the project activities.

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 3

RFI & Work Bill

1. The approved RFIs contain bits of completed works

(BOQ Item wise) and are just stacks of money, to be
paid for the work done.

2. Thus, RFI, is a must in the existing scenario.

3. For every IPC, RFIs are compiled and summed up, in

order to ascertain the value of work done, and then

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 4

4. The PM of the Contractor engages his entire office to compile
these papers.- RFIs, Test reports, Measurement sheets, Level

5. The Engineer then engages his entire office to check these


6. The Employer, too, engages his office for the bull work of
documenting such gigantic mess; because as Govt. entity , they
are liable for Audits.

7. When handing thousands of loose sheets, likelihood of loosing

some papers is not very unusual. But the consequence is

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 5

Flow of RFI:
(Assuming all stages are non-IT intervened)

1. PM raises RFI (3 Operations)

Asst. to PM PM

Take out Papers, puts PM Signs the document PM sends RFI

carbon & writes

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 6

2. Engineers take action (15 Operations)

Records in his log book RE assign to KP

On Receives RFI and hands over to RE

KP assigns to his Jrs. Jrs take inspection in field Quality team helps

Survey Team helps Field work is over RFI is back to office

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 7

On calls, back the QS compiles copy for
RE approves/ rejects contractor billing

Contractor takes back Compiles in his file Heavy Back log

3. Billing

Chaotic Scene

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 8

System Efficiency Reduces

0.9 ^18 = 0.15 = 15%

In order to increase efficiency in the existing system ,

1. The power term, i.e. number of work points need to

be reduced.
2. Efficiency of Activities must be increased.

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 9


 Over view of the Present System

 Proposed System
 Invoice Generation

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 10

Proposed System
It has been proposed to computerize the RFI management
system, which is an web based information system. It

 Creating of the RFI,

 Floating of RFI at different levels for operation,
 Tracking and archiving RFI,
 Generating invoices for payment,
 Linking with other systems for decision making, work monitoring,
generating reports etc.

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 11

OPWD Contractor RE Subject Expert AE

1. Subject expert views

1. RE Views the RFI, the RFI as well as all
1. Contractor creates RFI 2. RE writes his remark test documents,
3. RE forward RFI to 1. AE views the RFI and
2. Contractor send the RFI 2. Fill his remarks
the concerned subject all attached test
to the RE for verification (Instructions to AE)
expert for review and documents,
3. Forward to the
verification 2. AE views all remarks
concerned AE for
(RE, Subject Expert)
verification of RFI and
test documents from the

3. Go to the work site and

verify the work as on RFI,
verify all the test

1. RE reviews the
1. Contractor views the reports sent by subject
approved as well as expert,
rejected RFIs, 2. RE views the
2. Initiate bill against comments (both
approved RFIs, forward and returned)
3. Takes action
(approved or reject)
4. Write his remarks
(against approval and 1. Subject expert 4. Returned back to office,
1. OPWD views the rejection, reviews the reports of fill the remarks against RFI
status of RFI 5. Forward to the AE and other test reports
2. Used approved FRI contractor as well as to 2. Fill his comments 5. Forward to the subject
as ref in releasing the client at the same 3. Forward to the RE expert for review
payments time,
3. Tracks the work
against rejected FRIs (NB: Only returned
remarks will be
forwarded to the

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 12

• Create RFI • View RFI
• Send RFI to Consultant • Manages Orders,
for approval Notices
• Views RFI • Generate Reports
• Generate Invoices
System Admin.

• Manage Master Data

• Manage User Role &
Internet/ Intranet Cloud Password
• Manage Database

• View RFI
• Does Work Inspection
• Verifies Test Reports
• Approve/Disapprove RFI
Central Server at OWD

3/6/2014 Network Diagram

Requestfor FRI Web Application
for Inspection 13
RFI Repository:
While interchanging information (RFI and Test Reports) in between
Contractor and Consultants, in both the sides, two RFI repositories are
created to accommodate the digital signed documents for future reference,
Contractor Consultant
RFI Converted into .pdf
format and digitally
signed by the
Inspected RFI Converted
into .pdf format and
digitally signed by the

Repository Repository

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 14

Part-B (RA Bill generation)

 Over view of the Present System
 Proposed System
 Invoice Generation

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 15

System Overview

Contractor can generate the following reports ref to submission

of RA Bills to OWD,

― Generate Item wise Measurement Books (MB),

― Generate Abstract MB

― Generate Escalation Prices

― Generation of Royalty Statements, Taxes and other Deductions

― Generate RA Bills

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 16

Advantages of the Proposed System
1. Time and Money Saving
A tremendous hidden cost is associated with manipulation of paper files. Using
a web based communication management system for RFI, the search for a
RFI lasts only for seconds. Also, the costs associated with hardcopy
documents, such as paper, printing, archiving and storage space, and
expensive squarefeet of floor area also reduce.
2. Security
It will protect RFI and folders from being accessed or modified by
potential intruders. Plus, accessing rights for both users and groups can
be assigned at a folder level.
3. Document recovery
By periodic backup of entire documents (RFI & Test Reports) database and
restoring it in the case of accidental document loss.

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 17

4. Easy Access
RFI can be accessed remotely and several persons can simultaneously
access the same document.

5. Process Consistency
This system will help in communication management best practices. The
RFI data will remain consistent, even when used by new or
inexperienced employees.

6. Decentralization of physical space,

Documents (RFIs and Test Reports) and processes are always available,
regardless of where and how the user accesses the application, access to
these documents is done through a simple Web browser

3/6/2014 Request for Inspection 18

7. Other Benefits

• Activities like waiting, motion, transportation and processes can be


• Raising RFI is easy – PM’s assistant selects from dropdown menu

and selects “Send” button.

• RFI is ready in Engineers System/Tab/Smartphone -Taking action is

easy now
• Recording/storing : one no more needed. Systematic data storage for
future reference and retrieval

• Best point is billing , Select date and compile. Bill amount known to
all the 3 entities on click of a button.

• RFI now closed in due time, no backlog.

• Clear mandates, full transparency & reduced bull-work load, thus

project team gets more time for productive work.

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