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The passive voice is formed with the

verb to be + the past participle of the verb

Example :

Active : The giraffe ate the ice-cream.

Passive: The ice-cream was eaten.

The ice cream was eaten by the giraffe.
Now, Make Popcorn!
Popcorn is something you often eat when you watch a movie at a cinema. It
is very easy to make perfect popcorn if you follow the correct process. I will
outline it below.
The first step is that three tablespoons of oil ______________ in a large pot.
Next, the pot ______________ on the stove and the oil ______________ on a
high flame. Next, one kernel of popcorn ______________.

After this kernel pops, a quarter cup of popcorn ______________ into the pot.
The pot ______________ with a lid. In the next stage, the flame ______________
and the pot ______________ gently ______________ until the corn pops. Then
the pot ______________ from the stove, which ______________ off. Finally, the
popcorn ______________ into a large bowl, where melted butter and salt
In summary, making popcorn is very easy if you follow the steps above. Enjoy
your movie and your popcorn!

Want Coffee?
Coffee is a very popular drink around the world. People drink it at all times of
the day. There are

several kinds of coffee, but I am now going to describe how instant coffee is
First, the coffee beans ______________ from the trees and ______________ in
the sun. Then, the beans ______________ and then ______________ rapidly
before being ground. The beans ______________ then ______________ with hot
water and the mixture ______________ before it is frozen. Finally, the frozen
mixture ______________ and then dried in a vacuum before it ______________
into jars. The coffee is now ready to ______________ in shops.
Instant coffee is not quite as good as real coffee, but it is very popular and
saves a lot of time. The manufacturers have done most of the steps for us!
Making Paper
First, the tree ______________. Then, the branches ______________.
After that, the trunk ______________ to the sawmill. Here, the bark
______________ from the trunk and the trunks ______________ into
logs. The logs ______________ to the paper mill and ______________
in the shredder. Here they ______________ into small strips and
mixed with water. After that, they ______________ and crushed.
A- Complete these sentences with a passive form.

1. The policeman stopped Peter.

Peter … _______________________________________________________

2. Millions of people watched the rock concert.

The rock concert… _______________________________________________

3. The workers will repair our bathrooms at the end of this week.

Our bathrooms… ________________________________________________

4. They’ve elected a new Prime Minister.

A new Prime Minister… ____________________________________________

5. The government is rebuilding the old hospital.

The old hospital… _____________________________________________

6. The engineers have closed the motorway.

The motorway… _______________________________________________

7. Our students write interesting articles for the school newspaper.

Interesting articles… ____________________________________________

8. Someone stole my laptop.

My laptop … ____________________________________________________
9. The Portuguese team won the cup.

The cup… _____________________________________________________

10. The waiter in a red coat served dinner.

Dinner… _______________________________________________________
Group / Pair Task 1

You will be given a diagram on chocolate making.

Work with a partner and write the steps in the passive


Group / Pair Task 2

Come up with your own diagram or flow chart for any

process of a product.

Use a PadLet / PicCollage / MindMap / any other apps.

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