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CMR Institute of Technology

Aug. - Nov. 2017 | Basic Electrical Engg. (15ELE15) | Sem 1 – I & L | Prof. Kashif Ahmed
Assignment # 01: Prerequisites
Date of issue: 12 Aug. 2017 | Submission Due: 21 Aug. 2017

General Instructions:
• ANSWER NEATLY AND LEGIBLY in A4 sheets only and not in sheets torn from a book.
• Sketch diagrams wherever relevant. Explain your notations explicitly and clearly.
• An incomplete assignment is NOT acceptable for submission.
• Once you submit your assignment, you will be expected to answer all the questions there
INDEPENDENTLY. You may be asked to answer any question of the assignment in the class.
• To answer the assignments, follow Assignment Solutions Template posted in the Google Classroom.
• Leave clear left and top margins on every page.
• On the top of your fist page, write the Assignment no., Your Name, Section-Roll No., Due Date for
submission and Date of Submission.
• Page number your answer pages sequentially as in the Assignment Solutions Template.
• Staple (do not pin or clip) your sheets cleanly on the left hand top corner.
• From time to time, your subsequent assignments will be posted in the Google Classroom.
• For your benefit, you are strongly advised to answer these assignments earnestly and seriously.
Conventions & refresher

(A) In Electrical Engineering, i is preferred for current. To denote √(−1), we use j instead of i.
Thus, we have j = √(−1), i.e., j2 = −1. Also, the symbol ∠is used to denote ‘angle’.
(B) z = x + jy (in rectangular form) = | z |θ = r∠ θ (in polar form, read as “r at an angle θ ”).
Clearly, x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, r = | z | = √(x2 + y2) and θ = tan−1 (y/x).
We write x = Re(z) [read as “Real part of z”] and y = Im(z) [read as “Imaginary part of z”].
(C) Read α = 35º as angle in degree. If the º symbol is absent, read β = 2π/7 as angle in radian.
(D) In using θ = tan−1 (y/x), take the angle in the appropriate quadrant using the following table.

Sign of x Sign of y In Quadrant

+ + 1
− + 2
− − 3
+ − 4

(E) The complex conjugate of Z = x + j y = | Z |∠ θ is Z * = x − j y = | Z |∠(−θ).

➢ Data for Q1 and Q2: A= 9 + j 7; B = − j 6; C = 6.5 – j 11.1; D = − 85.4 – j 75.8,
K = − 56.9 + j 88.8; E= 11∠45º; F = 15∠120º; G = − 46∠140º; and H =− 71∠ (−4π/9).

Q1. Express the following complex numbers in the polar form and sketch each of them on
the complex plane: (A+C), (B+C), 1 / [(1/A) + (1/C)], (C–A) and (D–K) / (A+B)

Q2. Express the following complex numbers in the rectangular form and sketch each of them
on the complex plane: (AE – FC), – ABE / (C+D), (K – AH) and [(C/D) – AFB + (G/K)].

Note: DO NOT solve Q3 to Q9 below treating the quantities as only real or only imaginary
numbers. Solutions are complex numbers, in general.
Q3a. Solve for Z: (6.5 – j 7.3) Z + 45(−4π/3) = 125 + j 105.
Q3b. Verify your answer, Z, by substituting in the given equation in Q3a.
Q3c. Find R = Re(Z), X = Im(Z) and L = X / (120 π).
➢ Data for Q4, Q5 and Q6: I = 48∠50º, Z1 = (3 – j8), Z2 = (5 + j4) and Z3 = (6 + j4).

Q4a. Find Z4 = 1/ [ (1/Z2 )+ )1/Z3) ] , Z5 = Z1 + Z4 , I2 =I Z3 /(Z3+Z2) and I3 =I Z2 /(Z3+Z2).

Also find Vs = Z5 I. Verify: Vs = Z1 I + Z2 I2.
Q4b. Sketch I2, I3 and I in the complex plane clearly showing I2 + I3 = I.

Q5a. Solve for I4 and I5 from the following:

(Z1) I4 + (− Z2) I5 = 205 + j 122; and
(− Z2) I4 + (Z3) I5 = 195∠(−π/6).
Q5b. Also, verify by substituting I4 and I5 obtained in BOTH the given equations in Q5a.

Q6. Find S1 = | I |2 Z1, S2 = | I2 |2 Z2, S3 = | I3 |2 Z3 and S = Vs I *. Verify S = S1 + S2 + S3.

➢ Data for Q7, Q8 and Q9: Vs = 220∠0º, R = 0.1, L = 0.02, C = 1/1250 and w = 250.
Q7. Find the following: XL = wL, XC = 1/(wC), X = XL − XC, Z = R + j X, I = Vs / Z, VR = R I,
VL = j XL I, VC = − j XC I, S = Vs I *, P = | I |2 R and Q = | I |2 X.
Q8. Verify the following: S = P + j Q and Vs = VR + VL + VC = VR.
Q9. Sketch Vs, VR, VL and VC in a single diagram showing Vs = VR + VL + VC .
Q10. Given a(t) = Am sin ωt, evaluate the following intergrals:
Q11. Show that

You are expected to take the assignments very seriously.
Concepts in this assignment are extensively used in this course.
Submission Due: 21 Aug. 2017
Good luck!

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