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A Statistical Analysis of Brazed Joint

Fatigue Behavior
Fatigue life was analyzed and a correlation was made between ultrasonic
inspection data and fatigue life distribution


ABSTRACT. This paper describes the sta- fect. Since the actual product joints are [Refs. 3–9]) in fatigue data can be signif-
tistical distribution of brazed Cu joints fa- not machined after brazing, the tested icant even when considering carefully
tigue lives. It describes an approach for specimens were also not machined after machined laboratory fatigue specimens
setting requirements for braze coverage brazing. This left any small geometrical that do not contain joints. The situation is
and the determination of the resulting discontinuities (no large ones were even more complex when joints are pre-
statistical distribution of the fatigue lives. noted) as part of the specimen variation sent. The defects produced in joints and
Such an approach should greatly im- that led to the variation in the fatigue life. statistical distribution of these defects fur-
prove the reliability of brazed structures. Here, the focus was on the degree of cov- ther increase the scatter in the fatigue life
In this study, each joint was inspected erage and how this influenced the fatigue over that observed in specimens that do
ultrasonically and the results of these in- life. This data was then used to set a cov- not contain a joint. Thus, there generally
spections correlated with the fatigue be - erage specification. is a very large distribution in the expected
havior. Several transducers were used for All too often, a structure is designed fatigue lives of joints, which must be ac-
this ultrasonic measurement. Both the av- without properly accounting for the de- counted for when predicting the fatigue
erage of all transducer measurements grading influence of any brazed joints on behavior. This study describes one way to
and the single largest measurement were the design life of that structure. If account do this.
used to set joint quality standards. Limits is taken of the presence of the brazed Neither the braze process develop-
of 10% were set on the average reflection joint, it is often insufficient to guarantee ment nor the ultrasonic inspection sys-
of all transducers (corresponding to an a high degree of reliability. This paper tem was a specific subject of this study.
average incomplete brazing of the joint), shows a statistical approach for deter- Rather, the quality of the joints, as de-
and 13% for the maximum reflection of mining the fatigue life as a function of fined by an ultrasonic inspection, and
any transducer. Even with these stringent braze coverage. It describes the results of how this quality impacted the statistical
standards, the average projected fatigue a study performed to answer two simple, distribution of the fatigue lives were of
life had to be about 109 cycles to exceed but critical, questions: What is the statis- importance. Some aspects of the statisti -
a 104 cycle design life with a high degree tical variation of the fatigue life, and what cal evaluation of fatigue data are in-
of reliability. This observation points up is the acceptable ultrasonic reflection cluded as an appendix to this paper.
the high degree of scatter in the fatigue level required to statistically meet a re-
behavior of brazed joints and the need to quired design life? The answer to the first Experimental Procedures
overdesign them so that the fatigue life of question required a statistical analysis of
the poorest joint will meet the design life. fatigue behavior, which is described The joints tested in this study were
here. The answer to the second question made under the same conditions as ac-
Introduction required a correlation of ultrasonic in- tual product joints, by the same individ-
spection data with the distribution of fa- uals, using the same equipment. Propri-
It is well known that brazed joints tigue lives. This is also described. etary considerations prevent a more
generally have a lower fatigue life than The scatter (statistical distribution complete discussion of the joint process
the metals being joined (Refs. 1, 2). This development, but this is not an impedi-
degradation, relative to the properties of ment as we are concerned solely with the
the base and braze metals, stems from statistics of joint quality and the resulting
defects that develop in the braze. There fatigue life.
are three general types of defects: 1) a Two types of joints were made, tested
lack of coverage due to the largely un- KEY WORDS and analyzed. Some specimens, denoted
avoidable small voids that develop dur- as being large specimens, had a nominal
ing brazing, 2) more gross defects due to Brazing cross section of 1.8 in. wide (45.72 mm)
larger lack of coverage regions and 3) Brazed Joint by 0.375 in. thick (9.525 mm). A smaller,
geometrical discontinuities such as mis- Fatigue Life medium-sized specimen was also tested.
alignment, undercuts and crowns. Both Joint Clearance This specimen had a cross section 1.2 in.
of the first two types of defects were pre- Statistical Distribution wide (30.48 mm) by 0.275 in. (6.985
sent in this study. This study did not Ultrasonic Reflection mm) thick. In both cases, the joints were
specifically deal with the third type of de- Lap Joint made by induction butt joint brazing two
Cu bars together. The joint area was cal-
H. D. SOLOMON is with General Electric culated from the nominal area of the
R&D Center, Schenectady, N.Y. joint. All of the joints were ultrasonic

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tested (UT), and the reflections deter- as-brazed joints without
mined at various positions along the joint modifications to improve
were ascribed to a lack of brazing (LOB). the joint quality by remov-
These measurements were made inde- ing any braze material that
pendently of the fatigue testing program, overflowed the joint, or re-
and, in many cases, the results were not moving any of the Cu to
available until the fatigue testing was eliminate any undercut of
completed. the braze. Thus, the tested
The material brazed was C11300 braze was exactly the same
copper (silverbearing, tough pitch Cu, as the actual product joint,
i.e., 99.9 Cu, 0.04 O and the 8 oz/ton which was also not altered
Ag; purchased as EMPIS #B11B4, also after the brazing operation.
ASTM B48), brazed with BCuP-5 (Cu Figure 1 shows one of the
with 15 wt-% Ag and 5 wt-% P; pur- larger specimens prior to
chased as EMPIS B20A6), brazed at testing.
1200–1300°F (650–700°C). The braze All testing was done at
thickness ranged from about 50 to 150 room temperature in a
microns (2 to 6 mils). servo-hydraulic testing ma- Fig. 1 — Test sample (larger size).
All of the fatigue testing was done on chine. The test bars were cut
the as-brazed specimens. No machining to 6-in. lengths (3 in. on ei-
or surface conditioning was performed ther side of the brazed joint)
after brazing. This enabled the testing of and held in hydraulic grips,


Fig. 2 — Fracture surface for a typical joint. A — Low magnification of the fracture surface; B — higher magnification showing the voids in the braze
that were produced during brazing; C — higher magnification showing the voids produced during brazing and those smaller ones (on the ridges
between the large voids) produced by the ductile failure of the braze; D — ductile failure in the Cu.


brazed joint. A simple at a higher magnification in Fig. 2B.
A load-controlled, ramp These voids contribute to the reflection of
load/unload cycle the ultrasonic waves. The more the joint
was used with 20-Hz area covered by voids, the greater the re-
cycling frequency. All flection and the poorer the joint. Very
of the tests described small voids located on the ridges of the
here were performed larger voids are also visible. It is believed
with fully reversed cy- these very small voids, shown in Fig. 2C,
cling, i.e., with zero result from ductile fatigue failure of the
mean stress or R = –1 braze.
(where R = min. Much of the fracture surface of Fig. 2
load/max load, which is copper-colored, as opposed to the sil -
for fully reversed cy- ver-colored braze. A typical area where
cling equals –1 be- the failure was within the Cu is shown in
cause the minimum Fig. 2D. The failure also exhibits a typical
load is equal to minus ductile appearance. The presence of Cu
the maximum load). on the fracture surface means the fracture
was not entirely within the braze, but
Results and went partly through the Cu. This is also
Discussion shown in Fig. 3, which shows a cross sec-
B tion of a failed joint.
Prior to testing, all Large voids in the braze are also
brazed samples were clearly shown in this figure. Some of
subjected to an ultra- these voids extend almost completely
sonic examination. A through the braze. Figure 3 also shows
multiple tra n s d u c e r that some of the failure was through the
a r ray was used to Cu. In some tests the failure was com-
generate and receive pletely within the Cu, away from the
an array of ultrasonic braze. These results were not treated spe-
signals. This allowed cially in the analysis. This was deemed to
a measurement of be a conservative approach because it
joint quality at sev- would have required a greater number of
eral points along the cycles to cause a failure in the braze. It is
joint. Both the magni- believed the Cu failures result from the
tudes of the individ- fact that load-controlled tests were em-
ual transducer mea- ployed. If the strength of the braze is
surements as well as greater than that of the Cu, then, the in-
the ave rage of all fluence of the defects in the braze not
C t ransducer readings withstanding, the Cu would be the pre-
were used to assess ferred site for failure. That most of the fail-
joint quality. The in- ures were in the braze is testament the
d ividual tra n s d u c e r defects in the braze generally reduced
measurements reflect fatigue life.
the behavior at indi- Much of the failures in the Cu were
vidual points along traced to the preparation of the surfaces
the joint, whereas the to be brazed. There was some proprietary
ave rage values give optimization to improve surfaces to be
an overall picture of joined, and all of the joints discussed
the joint. Both mea- here were made using this optimized
surements were used joint preparation.
to assess the quality Figure 4 shows the fracture surface of
of the joints. Unfortu- a specimen that contained large brazed
nately, the ultrasonic regions (the black-colored regions).
inspection technique There was no braze in these regions, and
is proprietary, so the machining marks from the base metal
Fig. 3 — Cross section of a typical joint. A — Optical micrograph; B more details cannot prebraze preparation are clearly visible.
— SEM of the joint cross section. The light regions are Ag-rich; lighter be given here. Rather, This is indicative of the region having
indicates, the more Ag; C — higher magnification of B. we will focus on how never been wet with the braze. These re-
to employ such mea- gions also show evidence of char due to
surements. the decomposition of some organic ma-
Ultrasonic reflec- terial that prevented wetting by the braze.
tions occurred be- Together, these large unbrazed areas
which were locked in place, allowing ten- cause the joints were not perfect. Voids and the smaller voids give rise to the UT
sile and compressive loads to be applied. developed in all of the brazed joints, an reflections that are being ascribed to a
The gripping was on the flat, 1.8-in. example of which is shown in the fracture lack of braze, LOB. In addition to the
(45.72-mm) or 1.2-in. (30.48-mm) faces, surface of Fig. 2. Typical voids, which de- voids and unbrazed areas, ultrasonic re-
with the tensile stress perpendicular to the velop in the brazing process, are shown flections can also arise from the two-

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Fig. 5 — S-N curve, R = –1.

Fig. 4 — Fracture surface of a poorly brazed joint.

Fig. 6 — Fatigue life vs. the average reflection (LOB) for specimens Fig. 7 — Fatigue life vs. the average reflection (LOB) for specimens cy-
cycled ±8500 lb/in.2 (±59 MPa). cled ±9750 lb/in.2 (±67 MPa).

phased nature of the braze, and at the fine an acceptable braze. This assess- braze. The service stress was assumed to
braze/base metal interface (due to elastic ment was made based on the correlation be ±5500 lb/in. 2 (±38 MPa). (The actual
property differences). It was beyond the of fatigue life distribution with this re- stresses being applied were more com-
scope of this study to define the source of flection data. plicated, involving a range of stresses and
the reflections in each specimen. Rather, One of this study’s goals was to pre- mean stresses, but this value is appropri-
reflection information was used as a met- dict the component life as a function of ate for the analysis being illustrated.) Un-
ric that a fabricator could employ to de- the ultrasonically measured lack of fortunately, this small a stress level re-


Fig. 8 — Fatigue life vs. the average reflection (LOB) for specimens cy- Fig. 9 — Cumulative probability for specimens tested at ±8500 lb/in. 2
cled ±11,000 lb/in.2 (±75.5MPa). (±59MPa).

sulted in a fatigue life that was too long where Nf is the average fatigue life for the late this many cycles. Extrapolation was
to allow testing in a reasonable amount applied stress amplitude, σ. This equa- thus the only way to estimate the fatigue
of time. It was, therefore, necessary to test tion was used to extrapolate the data life at this stress amplitude. It should be
at higher stress levels and then to extrap- down to ±5500 lb/in.2 (±36 MPa). The kept in mind, however, the value of 3 x
olate this data to the lower stresses of in- analysis was also performed without the 109 cycles is the average fatigue life, but
terest. (This extrapolation involves cer- two highest stress points, where only sin- from a reliability standpoint, what is crit-
tain inherent assumptions that will be gle tests were run (i.e., the results at ical is the time for the first failures. Thus,
discussed shortly.) Figure 5 shows fatigue ±14,000 lb/in.2 and ±17,000 lb/in.2) with what is critical is the statistics of the fail-
life as a function of stress amplitude for no significant change in the life at ±5500 ures. This statistical correlation will be
fully reversed R = –1 cycling. A series of lb/in.2. considered after the correlation of the re-
tests was run at different stress ampli- There is, however, generally some flection data and the fatigue life is dis-
tudes, with numerous specimens being curvature in an S-N curve (Ref. 10), but cussed.
run at three of these amplitudes. The data none was observed here. Furthermore, it Figures 6-8 show the average trans-
of this figure was obtained with speci- was assumed there was no curvature be- ducer reflection for the joints as a func-
mens that were deemed to be of highest tween the lowest stress employed in test- tion of the fatigue life. As can be seen, the
quality, i.e., the average reflection was ing and ±5500 lb/in. 2. The extrapolation greater the average reflection (denoting
≤10% and no single transducer channel down to ±5500 lb/in.2, therefore, pro- more defects in the joint), the lower the
had a reflection (LOB) that was >15%. duces a conservative approximation, as fatigue life. The net section stress model
This data was used to develop a stress- any curvature in the S-N curve would re- that correlates this data utilizes Equation
fatigue life plot that was used to extrapo- sult in a longer fatigue life than what is 1 and the assumption that the average re-
late to the lower stress levels. predicted when neglecting this effect. flection correlates with the load bearing
The curve fit was developed from the The 99% confidence band for the corre- cross section, which equals the nominal
individual data points obtained at lation with Equation 1 is shown on the cross-sectional area times (1 - average re-
±14000 lb/in.2 (±97 MPa) and ±17000 figure. The figure also lists the value of the flection). For instance, in a sample with a
lb/in.2 (±112 MPa), and the averages of fatigue lives obtained at different stress 0.25 average reflection, it is assumed the
numerous tests run at lower stress ampli- amplitudes. As can be seen, cycling at cross-sectional area that can support a
tudes. The least squares fit gave the fol- ±5500 lb/in. 2 (±36 MPa) would yield an load is only (1–0.25) = 0.75 of the nom-
lowing: average fatigue life of 3 x 109 cycles. At inal cross-sectional area, so the stress is
20 Hz it would take more than 41,000 (1/0.75) times the nominal stress. This
Nf = 10^(61.88-14.01Logσ) (1) hours (more than 4.5 years) to accumu- very simple model appears to do a rea-

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Medium Specimens

Fig. 10 — Cumulative probability for specimens tested at ±9750 lb/in.2 Fig. 11 — Cumulative probability for specimens tested at ±9750 lb/in.2
(±67 MPa). (±67MPa).

sonably good job of explaining most, but ations of 1–2 orders of magnitude in fa- reflection of 18% and maximum reflec-
not all, of the variation in the fatigue life. tigue life with respect to the model’s tion of 26% is utilized, the fatigue life is
All but three of the data points in Figs. trend line. Thus, even with knowledge of predicted to be about 2000 cycles. This
6–8 were within about two orders of the LOB for each joint, there can still be means that at 2000 cycles, it would be
magnitude of their expected value. There a considerable uncertainty as to the fa- expected that 0.001% of the specimens
was only one data point in all those tigue life of an individual joint. It is thus or parts experiencing ±9750 lb/in.2
shown in Figs. 6–8 that was off the model necessary to consider the statistical vari- (±67MPa) would have failed. If a criteria
line by as much as about three orders of ation of the fatigue lives in order to de- of an average reflection of 10% and max-
magnitude. This was the point in Fig. 8 termine the predicted fatigue behavior. imum reflection of 12% are utilized, then
with an average reflection of 8%, but a This is done in the cumulative probabil- it would be expected it would require
life of only 200 cycles. The fracture sur- ity plots of Figs. 9–12. more than 300,000 cycles for 0.001% of
face of this specimen is shown in Fig. 3. Figures 9–12 show the cumulative the samples or parts to fail. A similar
While the average of all transducers was probability curves (discussed in the ap- analysis can be made for each of the
only 8%, there was a large local un- pendix) are altered by considering data stress ranges utilized, for the different cri-
brazed region (with an individual chan- sets that use only the results obtained teria utilized and for the different cumu -
nel reflection of 19%) that caused the fa- from specimens exhibiting a restricted lative probabilities for failure.
tigue life to be much less than what was range of reflections (limited LOB al- The data of Figs. 9–12 are not all log
expected. It is thus necessary to consider lowed). The effect of restricting the al- normal, i.e., there are considerable devi-
the reflections of each transducer (which lowable reflections is to decrease the ations from linear behavior in many of
defines the LOB at a specific area) as well standard deviation of the data set. This the figures. This difficulty can be over-
as the average of all of the transducers. causes the curves to be steeper. The av- come, in part at least, by considering a
Hence, quality limits were placed on the erage fatigue life is not necessarily in- Weibull distribution function. This will
maximum allowable reflection of an in- creased by an appreciable amount, so be done shortly, but first we shall con-
dividual transducer, as well as on the av- the probability plots can cross. The be- sider the behavior at the design stress of
erage of all of the transducers. This re- havior when an extrapolation is made to ±5500 lb/in.2 (±38 MPa). To do this, it is
flects the fact that lack of brazing a low probability of failure is critical, and necessary to translate all the data to
distribution is important, as well as the here, the more restricted the data set, the ±5500 lb/in. 2, which is done in Fig. 13.
average LOB. longer the fatigue life. For instance, let us This translation was accomplished by
Figures 6–8 show that while the consider the data of Fig. 10. If a cumula- using the data of Fig. 5, which was used
model explains much of the systematic tive probability of failure of only 0.001% to develop Equation 1. The fatigue life of
variation of fatigue life, there can be vari- is desired, then, if a criteria of an average each data point was corrected using



Fig. 12 — Cumulative probability for specimens tested at ±11,000 Fig. 13 — Cumulative probability for extrapolated to ±5500 lb/in.2 (±38
lb/in.2 (±76 MPa). MPa).

Equation 1. This was accomplished by 99% confidence bands are also shown. a maximum reflection of any channel of
multiplying the fatigue life of each point The data of Fig. 13 does not appear to be 13% is used, then the mean life at W =
by the ratio of the fatigue life at 5500 very log normal, i.e., the data deviates –12.72 is greater than 1.5 x 105 cycles.
lb/in.2 as predicted by Equation 1, by the considerably from a straight line. This de- (This W value corresponds to a probabil-
value Equation 1 predicts for the stress of viation does not correlate with the indi- ity of failure of 3 x 10–6 and is used to de-
that test. For instance, the fatigue life of vidual data sets. This is to say, the data for fine “six sigma” reliability.) At this W
each test run at ±8500 lb/in. 2 (±59 MPa) each set are interspersed and do not layer value, there is a 99% probability of hav-
is corrected by 3 x 109/6.74 x 106 = 445. as individual groups. The lack of normal ing a fatigue life of greater than 6.5 x 104
The tests run at the higher stresses are behavior has prompted the use of the cycles (based on the lower limit of the
corrected by larger amounts. Inherent in Weibull parameter to correlate this data. 99% probability curve instead of the
this approach is the assumption the dis- This is done in Figs. 14 and 15. mean curve). This compares to a design
tribution is independent of the stress The data of Fig. 14 are fit reasonably life of 104 cycles. It is clear, therefore, that
range (i.e., the standard deviation, or well by a straight line when the Weibull even if this very high degree of reliability
Weibull shape parameter, is independent parameter function is plotted vs. the log is desired, the inspection criteria can be
of the stress level used in the test group). of the fatigue life. The Weibull slopes of set to allow reflections of somewhat
While not a bad assumption for this data, 0.70 and 1.24 illustrate this data does not greater than an average of 10% and max-
this is not always true (Ref. 9), as the stan- conform to a log normal distribution (the imum of 13%, but an inspection should
dard deviation tends to increase as the distribution is very close to being normal not allow a maximum average reflection
stress level decreases. When this is the when the shape factor is 3.57). Note, as of 26%, or maximum reflection of 39%.
case, a maximum likelihood approach is shown in the appendix, the Weibull Graphs of the sort shown in Fig. 14 can
should be used (Ref. 9). slope is determined from a natural Ln be used to trade-off the reliability vs. the
Figure 13 shows the data correlated plot, while the data has been shown on a acceptance criteria.
for a maximum average reflection of 25% common log plot so that the fatigue lives While the use of the Weibull, parame-
and maximum reflection of 39%, and for can be read directly. The resulting curve ter, W (discussed in the appendix), allows
a maximum average reflection of 10% fit slope must be corrected by 2.3, or the standard graphing packages to be used, it
and a maximum reflection of 13%. These curve fitting should be done on a Ln plot. is not the most accurate approach. A bet-
criteria encompass all the criteria used Figure 14 shows when a criteria of a ter approach is to use a program that can
for the data that makes up this figure. The maximum average reflection of 10% and calculate a Weibull distribution function

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directly, as is shown in Fig. 15. This figure pended upon the
uses the same criteria of a maximum av- strictness of the re-
erage reflection of 10% and a maximum flection criteria
reflection, in any channel, of 13%, as was that was used.)
used in Fig. 14. With this inspection cri- It is important to
teria, the mean curve reaches a 3 x 10–4 note that to
probability of failure at about 3 x 105 cy- achieve a desired
cles and the lower limit of the 99% con- fatigue life of 104
fidence band at about 2 x 104 cycles. This cycles with the de-
is similar to, but not exactly the same as sired reliability
the result shown in Fig. 14. The Weibull (99% probability
slope is greater (1.347 vs. 1.240), but the of less than three
99% confidence band is somewhat wider. failures per million
(These differences are due to the differ- joints), the mean
ences in how the Weibull statistics are fatigue life had to
employed. The approach of Fig. 15 is pre- be on the order of
ferred.) The design criterion is met, even 109 cycles. This
at the lower limit of the 99% confidence points up the need
band, so the calculation could be re-done to over-design
using joints with greater average and brazed joints so
maximum reflections. This can be done the mean fatigue
until the design limit is just met, thus al- life is many, many
lowing the greatest number of acceptable orders of magni-
joints, consistent with the design criterion tude greater than
of a 10,000 cycle fatigue life. the design life.

Conclusions Acknowledgments

An ultrasonic inspection was used to The author

characterize the braze coverage percent- would like to ac- Fig. 14 — Data translated to ±5500 lb/in.2 (±38 MPa) as correlated by
age of induction-brazed Cu joints. A sim- knowledge the as- the Weibull parameter, W.
ple model relating the average reflection sistance of Mike
of several transducers to this coverage,
was used to describe the quality of the
joints. It was found the average percent of
reflection could be related to the fatigue
life through a simple, net-section stress
model. The average percent of reflection
was equated to the LOB percentage. As
the LOB increases, the load-bearing area
decreases, increasing the stress and de-
creasing the fatigue life. An S-N curve was
used to relate the stress to the fatigue life.
This simple model explained the general
trend of the decrease in fatigue life with
LOB, but there was still a large distribu-
tion in the measured fatigue lives. The UT
measurements were, therefore, used with
a statistical analysis of the data in order to
set inspection criteria and to guarantee
the desired design life could be met.
The fatigue lives were treated statisti-
cally, using cumulative log normal and
Weibull distributions. The data was fil-
tered using the results of the ultrasonic in-
spection. Quality criteria, based on the
maximum allowable average ultrasonic
reflection and maximum reflection for
any individual transducer, were devel-
oped. Ultrasonic inspection of every joint
allowed the elimination of joints whose
average reflection was greater than 10%
or a reflection measured by any single
transducer was greater than 13%. This re-
duced the scatter in the fatigue lives (i.e., Fig. 15 — Weibull probability plots of data translated to ±5500 lb/in.2 (±38 MPa), utilizing a 10%
the Weibull shape parameter was in- max. average reflection and 13% max. reflection criteria. (See the Appendix for a discussion of
creased). (The degree of increase de- F(x), b and θ.)


Gilhooly, who performed all of the fa- where i is the order number and n the tion (in addition to the cumulative log
tigue tests discussed here; Tony Barbuto, total number of measurements being or - normal distribution) that is a good model
who performed the optical metallogra- dered. (This is not the only order equa- for fatigue data is the one developed by
phy; and Craig Robertson, who did the tion that has been proposed, but it is the Weibull (Refs. 3–8), i.e., as
SEM work. The author would also like to simplest one and the one used here.) For
acknowledge very fruitful discussions instance, if nine measurements were F(x) = 1–exp[–(x/θ)b] for x>0 (A4)
with Marcus Harrington, Jim Hopeck, made (i.e., n = 9) then P(1) would equal
Steve Hayashi and Jeff Stein. 0.1. This means that this point is in the where b is the Weibull modulus or shape
first decile of the sample. P(2) = 0.2 and factor and θ is the characteristic value.
References so on. If P(i) is plotted on normal proba- When x = θ, then Equation A4 reduces to
bility paper vs. the fatigue life (creating a 1–1/e, which is equal to 0.632. In other
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Mech. V18, pp. 293–297. estimate of a very small percentage and the characteristic value θ is the fa-
7. ASTM Subcommittee VI of ASTM Com- failed, 1% or less, when less than 100 tigue life corresponding to the 63.2nd
mittee E-9. 1962. The Weibull distribution specimens were tested. This would re- percentile. Equation A4 can also be re-
function for fatigue life. Materials Research quire extrapolating the cumulative distri- written as
and Standards, pp. 405–411.
bution plot to 1% or below, with the at-
8. Trantina, G. G. 1991. Statistical fatigue
failure analysis. J. of Testing and Evaluation, tendant uncertainties that this entails. 1/(1–F(x)) = exp(x/θ)b (A5)
pp. 44–49. Mathematically (Ref. 4), the cumula-
9. Meaker, W., and Escobar, L. 1998. Sta- tive distribution function of a variable X, or 1n[1/(1–F(x))] = (x/θ)b (A6)
tistical Methods for Reliability Data. New F(x), is given by
York, N.Y.:John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. x or W=1n(1n[1/(1–F(x))])=b[1n(x)–Ln(θ)] (A7)
593–597. F (x ) = ∫ f (x )dx
10. Bannantine, J. A., Comer, J. J., and Han- −∞ (A2) When evaluating Equation A7, the plot-
drock, J. L. 1990. The Fundamentals of Metal where f(x) is the probability density func- ting position P(i) is used for F(x) and x is
Fatigue Analysis. Upper Saddle River, N.J.:
tion. An estimate of the cumulative distri- the fatigue life corresponding to the rank
Prentice Hall.
bution function may be defined as the ordered number point i. This enables one
number of all individuals having an X ≤ x to use regular, semilog graph paper (or a
Appendix divided by the total number of individu- graphing program).
als (Ref. 4). The probability density func- There is a also a three-parameter
Statistical Evaluation of Fatigue Data tion for a normal distribution is defined as Weibull distribution function where the
fatigue life is considered relative to a
The reader is directed to Refs. 2–9 for f(x) = (1/(σ√(2π))*exp[–1/2*((x–µ)/σ)2] (A3) minimum value x0. The formulation of
a fuller description of the statistical the distribution law is unchanged except
analysis of fatigue data. The following is where σ is the standard deviation of the (x–x0) is considered rather than x. The
presented to aid readers of this paper, and distribution and µ is the mean of the dis- simpler two parameter Weibull distribu-
is in no way a complete discussion of this tribution. For a normal distribution, f(x) tion function, described by Equation A7,
large topic. vs. x gives the typical bell-shaped curve was use, in the study presented here.
If a large number of fatigue tests are centered on µ with a width defined by σ. While W can be calculated and used to
run under the same conditions, there will Unfortunately, the integration of Equation determine the Weibull statistics, it is bet-
be a range of measured fatigue lives. Gen- 3 does not have a closed form. However, ter to base any predictions on a fit to
erally, the variation in these measured val- standard statistical tables list common Equation A4, rather than fitting the W val-
ues is greater than that of other mechani- values of the cumulative normal distribu- ues. This can be accomplished with sev-
cal properties, such as the yield or tensile tion, and normal probability paper is eral commercial statistical programs. A fit
strength. The measured values of the fa- scaled such that rank ordered, normally to the W parameter minimizes the error
tigue life (or any other measured parame- distributed data will plot as a straight line. in W, which has been determined using
ter) can be ordered and, for complete or For fatigue data, the distribution is often a double Ln function. When F(x) is used
singly censored data, each value given an log normal, that is to say normal when the via the appropriate statistical program,
order or rank number according to log of the fatigue life is used. the fit minimizes the error in F(x), which
Another cumulative distribution func- is the correct approach.
P(i) = i/(n+1) (A1)

156-s | JUNE 2001

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